Implementation of A Survey: Author: Johanna Elizabeth Márquez Porras

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Implementation of a survey

Johanna Elizabeth Márquez Porras

Dinia Lisbeth palacios Bernal

Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje (SENA)

Tecnología en Gestión de Mercados (1749835)
November de 2018
Launch of product polls baby chocs

We realize the present survey, for the evaluation of the launch of a new product yogurt with cereal.
Accused based on fruits. We are grateful for him to drink a minute of his valuable time and to answer
the following questions. Mark with one x the question of his preference

1. That I summarize do you belong?

one ( )

two ( )

theree ( )

four ( )

2. What brands of products based on yogurt and does cereal prefer?

bon yurt ( )

alqueria ( )

alpina ( )

is indifferent to ( )

3. To the moment to buy the product that it bears in mind?

Mark ( )

Presentation ( )

Taste ( )

Price ( )

4. What flavor of fruit do his children prefer on having consumed the product?

Soft fruit ( )

Arrears ( )

Raspberries ( )

Peach ( )

5. Of what material him likes that was the packing of the new product?

Plastic ( )

Tetra pak ( )

Glass ( )

Other ( )

6. What characteristic does it want that it contains the product?

Down in fats, calories and sweeten ( )

Rich in vitamin, carbohydrate and calcium ( )

High place in probioticos ( )

High place in calories ( )

7. With what frequency do his children consume the product?

Journal ( )

Weekly ( )

8. Would how much be ready to pay for the product?

Between $1.800 and $2.000 ( )

Between $2.200 and $2.500 ( )

9. What quality would she like to find in the new product?

Under price and quality ( )

Variety in flavors and presentation ( )

10. In what places it occurs does he buy the product?

Local shops ( )

Supermarket ( )

On-line purchases ( )

Pop up sale ( )

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