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Forest fire is a large and uncontrolled fire that burn and quickly spread through wild
wildfires may ocurre in diferent types of landscapes, forests, brush (land covered by small trees
or bushes) , and peatland which is an area in which and organic material (of similar
appearance to the earth ) used to get fuel and Organic fertilizers occurs naturally.

they are a fact of life in any place on earth where climates are most enough to allow the
growth of trees and shrubs and where there are also extended dry, hot periods that make plant
material susceptible to catching ablaze. they are a fact of life in any place on earth where
climates are most enough to allow the growth of trees and shrubs and where there are also
extended dry, hot periods that make plant material susceptible to catching ablaze.
Although forest fires ocurr wolrdwild the most noted areas on Earth for wildfire include the
vegetated areas of Australia, Western Cape of South Africa and throughout the dry forests
and grasslands of North America and Europe.
Wildfires requare three components know as the fire triangle a heat source, fuel and oxygen.
Heats sources such as the sun, a hot bolt of lightning or a smoldering match. That spark then
turn into flames when fuel or any flammable material is present. As the fuel burns, the
resulting flames feed and thrive off of oxygen, it may also hep transport the flames.
On the one hand many wilffires are the result of natural causes. A warmer climate and
weather patterns like El Niño can create the hot, dry conditions necessary for fires to erupt,
almost always a lightning strike, even hot volcanic lava or earthquakes while rocks rub
against each other during a quake the abrasive friction can cause sufficient heat to start a fire
However about 90 % of wildfires are caused by human activity. Train wheels on the track,
power lines and even shooting a target with a gun can create a spark.
Fires in general affect climate in differents ways; one of the most known way is that they
release greenhouse gasses including carbon dioxide and also methane. Fires also creates
smoke and smoke particles play a complex role in climate, it produces an effect at the surface
by reducing sunlight absorption at the ground and those particles that absorb sunlight end up
heating the atmosphere and ultimately that extra warmth in the atmosphere can ultimately
create a warming effect on climate.
But in the other hand there are good thing about these fires. Some species love and need the
fire, beetles hone in on the blaze and the females lay their eggs in the charred wood. Even the
plants themselvs can benefit from fire. In fact some species depend on it
But to conclude de effects, we have to be clear that are more bad effects than benefits for
natural life,
If we don´t take resposability over forets, brushes and peatland, fires will gradually become a
"medicine" for ecosystems to become a nightmare.
One of the biggest blazes to strike the world was the grat black dragon fire which burned
more than 80 million acres across China and Russia on may 6 of 1987, the burning lasted
almost a month. About 266 people were wounded and 211 died in the fire leaving 50,000
After all we can´t always let the nature takes its course. if we dont take over this issue, nature
fighting fires wont be enaugh.
Fitign fires means eliminating one piece of the fire triangle, and the easiest piece for us to
control is the fuel.
Grazing in the forest is one of the methods for reducing the risk of forest fires, since it
reduces the brush biomass, which serves as fuel for fires, and consequently assists in
preventing fires from starting and from spreading.


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