Abortion: Legalized or Illegalized: A Research Paper Presented To Ma'Am Lolilyn M. Laping Subject Teacher

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A research paper

Presented to


Subject Teacher

In partial fulfillment of the requirements

in English 10

Presented by:

Denmark C. Allonar

Race R. Lua

Twinkle G. Ocharon

March, 2017

The researchers would like to thank the following persons in making the study


To our School Principal, MA'AM MERILYN M. GAMAYA, for providing all the

necessary facilities such as Computer Laboratory and School Library.

To our Subject Teacher/ Adviser, MA'AM LOLILYN M. LAPING, for guiding us in

researching. We also thank her for giving us time to comply our research paper.

To our School Librarian, MA'AM LOUELA S. SUBLA, for letting us enter the library

and for letting us borrow some books.

To our ICT In- Charge, SIR LUDWIG VON C. BRAGA, for his expert, sincere and

valuable guidance and encouragement extended to us.

We place on record, our sincere gratitude to our parents for their unceasing

encouragement and full support.

We take this oppurtunity to record our heartfelt thanks to our friends, classmates

and schoolmates for lending their helping hand in processing this research paper.

And above all, our Almighty Father, for establishing us to complete this research


The Researchers


This research paper is dedicated to our School Principal, to our Subject Teachers,

to our Class Adviser, to our School Librarian, to our ICT In- Charge, to our friends,

classmates, schoolmates, to our parents and to our Almighty Father. This research paper

is a gift of the researchers to the mentioned persons as an exchange of their unwinding

support and full encouragement.

This is also dedicated to the readers who encountered abortion cases in their

community. This research paper also is inspired by the teenagers who suffered early

pregnancy that pushed the researchers' will to write the possible reasons behind those


The Researchers

Table of Contents

Chapter I: Introduction


Purpose of the Study………………………………………………….2

Significance of the Study……………………………………………..2

Definition of Terms…….………………………………...……………2

Chapter II: Review of Related Literature

The Reality of Abortion in the Philippines……………………...…..3

Abortion as a Serious Case………………………………………….4

Abortion’s Advantages……………………………………………….5

Abortion's Disadvantages……………………………………….......5

Chapter III: Conclusion


Chapter IV: Recommendations


Chapter V: Bibliography


Curriculum Vitae

Covering Letter




The removal of an embryo or fetus from the uterus in order to end a pregnancy is

called abortion (Merriam- Webster Dictionary). Abortion has existed since ancient times,

with natural abortifacients being found among a wide variety of tribal people. When it does

appear, it is entailed in concerns about male property rights, preservation of social order,

and the duty to produce fit citizens for the state or community. The harshest penalties

were generally reserved for a woman who procured an abortion against her husband's

wishes and for slaves who produced abortion in a woman (Morgentaler, 2015).

Abortion has been a controversial subject in many societies through history on

religious, moral, ethical, practical, and political grounds. In Canada, abortion is available

to women without any legal restrictions, while in Republic of Ireland abortions are illegal

except when a woman's life is at imminent risk (United Nations, 2011).

Abortion in the Philippines is mostly illegal, or banned by law. Women who undergo

abortion, as well as for any person who assists in the procedure will be imprisoned. There

is no law in the Philippines that expressesly authorizes abortions in order to save woman's

life; and the general provisions which do penalize abortion make no qualifications if the

woman's life is endangered. It may be argued that an abortion to save the mother's life

could be classified as a justifying circumstance that would bar criminal prosecution under

Revisal Penal Code (Crimmins, 2007).

Purpose of the Study

This study wants to inform the readers about the cases of abortion in the

Philippines, whether this subject would be legalized or illegalized. As an instrument, this

study wants the society to realize the advantages and disadvantages over abortion.

Moreover, this would be a big help in the society in the sense that they will be

aware of the things they needed in preventing and controlling abortion inside the country.

Significance of the Study

The study is significant in many ways:

First, the community will improve not only in the knowledge of unintended

pregnancy, but also the reproductive health in general. Second, the society will develop

and evaluate a variety of local programs to reduce unintended pregnancy. Third, people

will know their limits when it comes to sexual life. Lastly, the next generation will be

benefited through their awareness of what abortion is.

Definition of Terms

Abortion- is a medical procedure used to end a pregnancy and cause the death of

the fetus.

Abortifacients- an agent (as adrug) that induces abortion.

Fetus- an unborn or unhatched vertebrate; specifically a developing human from

usually two months after conception to birth.



The Reality of Abortion in Philippines

Abortion is a reality for Filipino women. The illegality of abortion has not deterred

Filipino women from inducing unsafe abortion. It has only made it dangerous for them

where estimates 2012 show that 610,000 women restored to abortion, over 100,00

women were hospitalized and 3 women die every day due to unsafe abortion

complications (Padilla, 2015).

At the height of the debates surrounding the Responsible Parenthood and

Reproductive Health Law (RH Law), many pro- life groups vowed that passing the law

could signal the country's transition to legalized abortion. The Catholic Bishop's

Conference of the Philippines (CBCP), for instance, warned the public that a

“contraceptive mentality” preceded “abortion mentality (Avanceña, 2013).

Legal abortion may help parents limit their families to the number of children they

want and can afford, both financially and emotionally. Many unwanted babies are abused,

neglected, or even killed by uncaring or immature parents. There is a lack of babies up

for adoption because abortion is legal. Perhaps if abortion was illegal, women could go

ahead with the pregnancy and then give the baby up for adoption (Smith, 2000).

Abortion as a Serious Case

The meaning of life is identified before the kid comes out. Taking man's life is

illegal, like a murder. Euthanasia in some countries is forbidden, even taking one's life

under his or her permission. Abortion is illegal or not is primarily determined by the

government. First for the pregnant, she has the right to deal with the baby because for

the most time the kid stayed with her (breeding, sleeping, urinating). Second, woman who

chooses abortion may think the unshaped babies are like the other organs that she can

remove as long as she wants because it is in her body (Liu, 2014).

A lot of people don't want to see abortion banned (after all, their daughter might

need one), but are fine with stricter limitations, often because they believe most women

who end pregnancies are selfish, careless and promiscuous and that abortion is a matter

of mere “convenience” (Pollitt, 2014).

An unborn child that cannot survive outside the mother's body, however, is not a

baby; it is a fetus. Killing fetus in many places is legal. It may be killed as a form of

retroactive birth control, a medical procedure to reduce the risk to other fetuses or to save

the life of the mother. A determination that the child was fathered by a rapist and sex

selection are some of the causes why abortion is present (Lambert, 2016).

Abortion’s Advantages

Abortion gives a chance to young women especially those below the age of 21

years to pursue their education. It is an advantage to women with health issues.Women

with diseases such as heart disease, hypertension and sickle cell anemia have been able

to avoid serious medical complications that arise from childbirth through abortions.

Parents used abortion as a way to reduce the number of children.Rape victims

have found solace in the fact that they could easily remove such children that would arise

from such action. Rape victims would not want to keep the baby because of psychological

trauma that they would associate this child to. Removal of the child would remain the best

option to end this (Anderson, 2016).

Abortion's Disadvantages

Abortion indicates brutality to the unborn child. This is because abortion is killing.

It does not give the new fetus a chance to survive.Abortion encourages infidelity by

women. Women would engage in sexual acts outside the marriage context with the view

that they would remove such fetuses if they happened to implant themselves in their


Abortion has the potential of lessens chances of a woman getting a child later in

life. It interferes with the uterine wall that may lead to total damage of the uterus. Abortion

promotes irresponsible behavior. This is because it gives women and men alike the

freedom to commit careless sexual activities (Baumgardner, 2014).



Based on the study, the researchers got their realizations about the background of

the subject abortion. They drawn the conclusions based on considering a particular

situation to conclude whether it is legal or illegal.

Abortion is a social, medical and a religious issue. It is entrenched into the legal

laws of every country in the world in one way or another. It has a place in the lives of

individuals directly or indirectly. Ethical values arise out of such deeds as abortion that

determines the direction that one chooses. Other mechanisms that control abortion

include the legal and religious aspects of society.

Providing the necessary support in the form of financial aid and psychological

support to mothers contemplating abortion could serve as the best way to curb such

deaths resulting from abortion.

There are advantages and disadvantages of abortion of almost equal in measure.

Abortion presents a double- edged sword in its advantages and disadvantages to

individuals and society. It should be after careful consideration that abortion should be


It is not possible to prevent so- called “unsafe abortion” by promoting “safe

abortion”. Causing abortions in order to avoid abortions is a contradictory as combating

death by causing death or eliminating illness by killing those who are ill.

Let us never forget that the doctor who faced with a pregnant woman is in the

presence of two patients,- the baby and the mother.

The most effective strategy for preventing and avoiding abortion is moral and

ethical education, above all among adolescents and young people, and support for

women. Particularly, this instruction must be imparted in classes related to the value of

life, sexuality, love, marriage, and family. It is not sufficient to give biological,

physiological, and anatomical information regarding to the human body, if the instruction

is not also given in values, in such a way that new generations adopt a responsible,

orderly, and proper attitude to sexuality and procreative functions.

It is essential that the pregnant woman does not feel alone, but rather that she

feels supported with regards to the new life that lives within her. This support should come

from the father of the baby, her family, her social and work environments, religious

institutions and health professionals. Abortion is often a problem of isolation and, what is

worst, of harmful influences.



Based on the conclusions drawn by the researchers, the following

recommendations are possibly made.

The researchers recommends that the campaign to prevent unintended pregnancy

have to emphasize a five- core goals broadly applicable to women as well as men and to

older individuals as well as teenagers.

First goal is to improve the knowledge about contraception, unintended

pregmancy, and reproductive health in general. Second is increase the access to

contraception. Third, explicitly address the major roles that feelings, attitudes, and

motivation play in using contraception and avoiding unintended pregnancy. Fourth,

develop and evaluate a variety of local programs to reduce unintended pregnancy. And

lastly, stimulate research to (A) develop new contraceptive methods for both women and

men, (B) answer important questions about how best to organize contraceptive services,

and (C) understand more fully the determinants and antecedents of unintended


The researchers also recommends that all Filipino school systems develop

comprehensive, age- appropriate programs of family life and sex education that build on

the emerging body of data regarding to more effective content, timing, and teacher

training for these courses.

Chapter V

Anderson, D.(2016). Reasons for Abortions to Remain Legal. Quora. Retrieved from
Avanceña, A.(2013, July 02). A hard look at abortion in the PH. Rappler. Retrieved from
Baumgardner, J.(2014). Abortion & Life. Retrieved from
Crimmins, C.(2007, September 5). Abortion in the Philippines: a national secret. Reuters.
Retrieved from http://www.mobile.reuters.com/
Define Abortion.(2017). Abortion. Retrieved from http://www.dictionary.com/

Lambert, T.(2016). Why isn't baby- killing illegal?. Quora. Retrieved from
Liu, K.(2014). Why is abortion legal in most countries. Quora. Retrieved from
Merriam- Webster Dictionary. (2010). Abortifacient. United States of America: Merriam
Webster, Inc.
Morgentaler, H.(2015). History of Abortion. Retrieved from https://www.wikipedia.com/

Padilla, C.(2015, September 13). The reality of abortion in the Philippines. Rappler.
Retrieved from http://www.rappler.com/
Pollit, K.(2014). Pro: Reclaiming Abortion Rights. Times Union. Retrieved from
Smith, A.(2000). Abortion in the Family. Retrieved from http://www.123helpme.com
United Nations. (2011). National Laws. Retrieved from https://www.wikipedia.com/

Name: Den Mark C. Allonar
Age: 17 years old
Birth Date: December 19, 1999
Birth Place: Andap, Laak, Compostela Valley Province
Gender: Male
Address: Andap, Laak, Compostela Valley Provinve
Height: 1.69
Weight: 58
Civil Status: Single
Religion: Roman Catholic
Father: Felife C. Allonar
Occupation: Farmer
Mother: Flora C. Allonar
Occupation: Housekeepper
Contact No.: 09750691602
Educational Background:
Elementary: Andap Elementary School
S.Y.: 2012-2013
Award: With Honor
Secondary: Melale National High School
S.Y.: 2016-2017
Award: Top 10
Skills: Automotive Skills
Character Reference: Mr. Mark Anthony C. Valencia and Mr. Esmael Daquil Jr.
March 15, 2017




Sir/ Madam:

I would like to express my interest in applying to the position of being a cashier

hire me and believe me, give me a chance to work in your company.

Then don't worry Sir/ Madam I'm recently graduated of Bachelors Degree of
Business Administration. Aside of that I'm reliable in all things and I can give all my best
to your company.

So as of now, my hope is in your decision. Herewith is my resume for more

information. I am willing to attend your interview if ever you will accept me in your

Respectfully yours,



Name: Rate R. Lua

Address: Melale, Laak, Compostela Valley

Age: 17 years old

Sex: Male

Birthday: March 20, 2000

Birth Place: Melale, Laak, Compostela Valley

Height: 1.55

Weight: 42

Religion: R.F.G

Father: Helarion M. Lua

Occupation: Farmer

Mother: Racquel R. Lua

Occupation: OFW

Educational Backgound:

Elementary: Melale Elementary School

S.Y.: 2012-2013

Secondary: Melale National High School

S.Y.: 2016-2017

Skills: Drawing Skills and Basketball Skills

Character Reference: Mr. Jemark Lee W. Otero and Mr. Brail T. Arellano
March 15, 2017





I would like to express my interest in applying in your company as a working


Please hire me and let me share my skills at your famous company. I graduated
at University of Mindanao with a Bachelors Degree of Computer and Arts Design. Aside
from that, I have my skills in drawing and animating that surely fit in the desired position
you have.

I am willing to attend your interview at your most convenient time. Herewith is my

resume for your more information.

Respectfully yours,



Name: Twinkle G. Ocharon

Address: Melale, Laak, Compostela Valley Province

Age: 16 years old

Sex: Female

Birthday: January 13, 2001

Birthplace: Melale, Laak, Compostela Valley Province

Height: 1.54

Weight: 37

Religion: Roman Catholic

Father: Loreto H. Ocharon

Occupation: Motorcycle Driver
Mother: Juanita S. Gentallan
Occupation: OFW
Educational Background:
Elementary: Melale Elementary School
S.Y.: 2012-2013
Award: Class Valedictorian
Secondary: Melale National High School
S.Y.: 2016-2017
Skills: Writing Literary Skills, Speaking Skills, Photography Skills
Achievements: 3rd Placer in Editorial Writing on Division Schools Press Conference ‘16
Character Reference: Ms. Judy Ann R. Camosa and Ms. Carmel M. Laping
March 15, 2017


Sir/ Madam:
I would like to express my willingness to apply as a contributor in your prestigious

company. I believe that my skills in writing literary suits in your company.

I am Twinkle G. Ocharon, 16 years old, lived in Melale, Laak, Compostela Valley

Province. I am recently graduated at University of Mindanao with the Degree of Bachelor

of Secondary Education Major in English.

Herewith is my resume for more information regarding for my qualification.

I am willing to attend your interview at your most convenient time.

Respectfully yours,



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