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FS 4


Learning Episode

My FS Learning Episode Overview

The episode unfolds the meaning of curriculum from the students’ point of view,
from authoritative sources and from different people of various discipline.

My Desired Learning outcomes

 Give the meaning of curriculum from different points of view
 Analyze the different meanings of curriculum
 Prepare/accomplish matrix on the evolving meaning of curriculum

My Performance Criteria
I will be rated along the following:
 Quality of my observation and documentation
 Completeness and depth of analysis
 Depth and clarity of classroom observation-based reflection
 Completeness, organization, clarity of portfolio

My Learning Essentials
The word curriculum may be defined in various ways. The definitions may be limited
or broad in scope.
Limited definitions of the curriculum Broad definitions of the curriculum
 A set of courses constituting an area of  Sum total of all the learning experiences inside
specialization. and outside of the school.
 The set of learnings and experiences for
 Is an identification of proper goals. students/learners planned by the school to attain
 Can be considered as a system of aims of education.
dealing with people and the process.  Is the entire range of experiences, undirected
 Is a means of attaining the aims or and directed, concerned with the unfolding the
philosophy of education. abilities of the individual.
 Is a plan of action or written document which
 Planned learning experiences. includes strategies for achieving desired goals or
 Serves as the operational medium through
which the school displays and coordinated the
patterns of transmission, translation, and
transposition of the educative experiences for
which it assumes responsibility.

FIELD STUDY 4 - Exploring The Curriculum

My Map

To ensure that I will be able

to do this activity, I must
follow the steps in reaching
the CURRICULUM flag.

FIELD STUDY 4 - Exploring The Curriculum

My Learning Activities

Interview people from different schools in various disciplines and levels. Get
Activity 1 their opinions on the meaning of curriculum.

Name (s) Designation Meaning Signature

Lyceum of the  Curriculum is the set of

1. Mrs. Anna Editha Philippines school academic
University – Cavite program in specific
Campus (Professor) principle. It is a set of
blue print of intended

2. Raquel Lyceum of the  Curriculum is a set of

Dychengco Philippines subjects that students
University – Cavite need to achieve.
Campus (Student)

3. Prislie Lyceum of the  The courses that are

Sangangbayan Philippines taught by a
University – Cavite school/college.
Campus (Student)

Conclusions (After analyzing the results of the interview, what can you conclude?)

 I conclude that curriculum has the great impact on education

aspects. Also we have different definition of curriculum but it has
the same taught or idea.

FIELD STUDY 4 - Exploring The Curriculum

Visit the school library/surf the internet or consult the dictionary. Write two
Activity 2 (2) meanings of curriculum taken from the authoritative sources.

Meaning of Curriculum Reference(s)

 Curriculum is meant the subjects  Curriculum Planning for Better

taught in school. Schools by Gaudencio V
Aquino. P.13

 The courses offered by an

educational institution and  Meriam – Webster Dictionary
constituting an area of

My Analysis

Curriculum is a set of course and area of specialization which is

approved to serve as a guide in teaching and to have an effective and
efficient teaching learning process.

FIELD STUDY 4 - Exploring The Curriculum

Evolve your own definition of curriculum. Consider all the meaning your have
Activity 3 taken from the different sources and authoritative resources.

For me, Curriculum is the basic unit of subject or course where in

we use this as a guide in teaching. It is also a stepping stone to
comprehend our mind about the area in educational aspects.

How did I feel after the activities?

I feel comfortable and happy after I did the interview and answer
my FS book with the interesting questions regarding the curriculum.

FIELD STUDY 4 - Exploring The Curriculum

My Reflection/Insights

Why is curriculum is important?

Curriculum is important because through the

help of curriculum which serves as a guide, the
learners learn to their teacher but also teachers learn
from their student.

How can one enrich the curriculum in every school?

Some enrich the curriculum in every school by

using some strategies, of being updated on what is
new and comprehend the learners. Also the authority
can’t teach the lesson without curriculum basis.

FIELD STUDY 4 - Exploring The Curriculum

Integrating Theory and Practice

Directions: Read the items given below and encircle the correct answer.

1. In a curriculum development class, the teacher asked the students to give an enriched
definition of the curriculum. Which among the following encompasses the true
essence of the term?
A. Curriculum is a list of subjects to take to complete a course.
B. Curriculum is the sum total of all the learning experiences in the teaching-learning
C. Curriculum is a list of courses in order to graduate.
D. Curriculum is a never ending process in education.

2. Ordinary people consider curriculum as _________.

I. A list of subjects
II. Courses to complete
III. Subjects to undertake

A. I only C. III only

B. II only D. I, II, and III

3. Curriculum may be defined in many ways. What does this prove?

A. The concept of curriculum is based on those given by experts.
B. The concept is limited and narrow in scope.
C. The curriculum is characterized as fragmentary, Elusive and confusing.
D. The concept of curriculum may be defined from different perspective.

FIELD STUDY 4 - Exploring The Curriculum

Pieces of Evidence Documents
Records Portfolio Pictures

Signatures of my interviewee

Other Learning Proofs/Pieces of Evidence

FIELD STUDY 4 - Exploring The Curriculum

My Learning Rubric
Field Study 4, Episode 1 – The M eaning of Curriculum
Focused on: - giving the meaning of curriculum from different points of view,
- analyzing the different meanings of curriculum and
- preparing/accomplishing matrix on the evolving meaning of curriculum.

Name of FS StudentAlexa Jean Q. Colocado Date Submitted: August 8, 2016

Year & Section: Third Year/ SED301 Course:BSE-ENGL

Learning Episodes Exemplary S uperior S atisfactory Needs Improvement

4 3 2 1
All episodes were All or nearly all Nearly all episodes were Fewer than half of episodes were
done with outstanding episodes were done done with acceptable done; or most objectives were
Le arning Activities quality; work exceeds with high quality quality met but need improvement
3 2 1
All Analysis question Analysis questions were Analysis were not answered.
questions/episodes were answered not answered completely.
were answered completely. Grammar and spelling
completely; in depth Vaguely related to the unsatisfactory
Analysis of the answers; thoroughly Clear connections theories
Le arning Episode grounded on theories. with theories
Exemplary grammar Grammar and spelling
and spelling Grammar and acceptable
Spelling are superior
4 3 2 1
Reflection statements Reflection Reflection statements are Reflection statements and unclear
are profound and statements are clear; shallow; supported by and shallow and are not supported
clear; supported by but not clearly experiences from the by experiences form learning
experiences from the supported by learning episodes episodes
Re fle ction/Insights
learning episodes experiences from the
learning episodes
4 2 1
Portfolio is complete, Portfolio is Portfolio is incomplete; Analysis question were not
clear, well-organized complete, clear, supporting documentation answered
and all supporting; well-organized and are organized but are
documentations are most supporting; lacking Grammar and spelling
Le arning Portfolio located in sections documentations area unsatisfactory
clearly designated available and
logical and clearly
marked locations
4 3 2 1
Submission of Submitted before the Submitted on the Submitted a day after the Submitted two days or more after
Le arning Episodes deadline deadline deadline the deadline
4 3 2 1
CO MMENT/S Over-all Score Rating:
(Base on transmutation)


Score 20 19-18 17 16 15 14 13-12 11 10 9-8 .7-below
Grade 1.0 1.25 1.5 1.75 2.00 2.25 2.50 2.75 3.00 3.5 5.00
99 96 93 90 87 84 81 78 75 72 71-below

M R. IAN KARLO OLEGARIO _________________

Signature of FS Teacher Date

FIELD STUDY 4 - Exploring The Curriculum

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