Third World Aid Essay

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Aid and Third World Countries

Hugh Evans, the writer of the article “Education- A better way for the US to give foreign

aid” argues about how the US government should consider investing more for the

education in foreign countries. Evans reports that there are a lot of benefits of education

like, reducing the risk of wars, reducing poverty also education’s impact on women rights.

Also Hugh mentioned that the US attribution is much less than the other countries that

invested a huge amount of money for such an important cause. Finally the writer seeks the

government to consider the education’s results on the world. Although some people think

that foreign aid would be a waste of time, nations should consider the demand of basic life

needs that third world countries seek, and also consider developing their future.

Nations should direct their attention toward basic life needs which are what some third

world countries are striving for. There are lots of ways to give aid to those countries like:

providing food, electricity, and also help fighting life-threatening diseases. Food is

important, as a basic life need. Giving food can reduce the death rates because of hunger in

third world countries. Electricity is another important source to provide, some countries

still struggle with living without electricity, and electricity is important for many uses like

making machines work and even in hospitals. Lastly help fighting life-threatening diseases,

which can be reduced by purifying the environment around the people and also providing


Another aspect that nations should consider is helping third world countries improve

their future, and that can be accomplished by supporting them in agriculture, education

and trying to solve political problems. Agriculture is one area that could be enhanced. Some

third world countries can benefit from agriculture, to support themselves financially and
also to provide themselves with food to live. Another area to improve is education. With

education, there will be a new ambitious generation whom interested in growing their

countries to make their lives better. Finally is working on solving political problems, it’s

important to solve the inside issues that concerns the people in third world countries in

order to provide help, some of these countries suppress the freedom of speech; therefore,

those countries refuse foreign aid and that can cause poverty, hunger and a lot more.

Some people feel that foreign aid would be a waste of resources; it’s either useless

or doesn’t go to the right places or it lacks quantity. They believe when nations give aid to

countries who are in need, their aid sometimes would end up being ruined because of some

factors such as the weather; as a result, people won’t get the benefits of them. Also another

issue they point out is that help doesn’t reach to the people whom are really in need; and

sometimes ended up stolen by some burglars. Lastly, they reference the lack of quantity, when

the help gets to the right places it’s not enough to cover the basic demands such as food and

clothes. So, they believe, as a result, help is not useful because some people will get help and

others won’t.

Nevertheless, although some people feel that help is wasting of some of the resources

those nations send, help can be improved to meet a certain demands. Nations can improve the

quality of their resources to avoid wasting them. Medicines for example should be sealed and in

a heat and water resistance containers in order to reach safely. Another point is that help can

reach to the right people through organizations that put the right effort to deliver help to the right

places. Lastly the quantity can be improved by increasing the contribution for foreign aid in

order to try to give every single person whom in need.

In conclusion, providing help to people whom in need is a humanitarian work even if

there was a purpose behind it. Helping those whom in need of basic life needs and also improve

their future can upgrade the quality of life in third world countries, despite the fact that some

people say that giving help would be a waste of resources, help can be improved to meet certain

demands. Helping third world countries should not stop, yet it should be improved to help as

many people as possible.

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