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The increasing amount of spending in today’s society has created a new lifestyle that has been

integrated and accepted among consumers. Owning items has become an expression of self
identity for a lot of consumers which has helped to increase shopping as a lifestyle (Dittamar,
Beattie &Friese, 1996). Impulse buying occurs when a consumer experiences a sudden, often
powerful and persistent urge to buy something immediately.(Rook 1987, Jales 2008). It is a
spontaneous and instantaneous purchase, where the consumer is not actively involved in
search of a product and has no proper pre-mindset to purchase. Impulse buying is more
emotional than rational. With advertisements, discounts and peer pressure, consumer’s buying
opportunities have expanded and increased the possibility of impulse buying.

Consumer behavior has always been an area of major interest for social science researchers,
witnessing an explosion over the past 50 years (MacInnis & Folkes, 2010). Although some
research lack specific information with the technology and diversity affecting society's buying
behavior, especially among teenagers. This paper presents different factors that are common
reasons among senior high school students to impulsively buy things that are not in their need
list just like clothes, food, collectibles, cosmetics and other products that are in trend

The rising emergence of peer pressure, advertisements, and sales,discounts and vouchers may
influence a consumer's behavior because the diversity and extensive changes in society,
economics, and technology affect the way they behave.

According to Beatty & Ferrell, impulse purchasing or impulse buying is an unplanned decision
to buy a product or service, made just before a purchase. It is a spontaneous, immediate
purchase without pre-shopping intentions either to buy a specific product category or to fulfill a
specific buying task. Impulsive buying has also been defined as the spontaneous or sudden
desire to buy something, and when compared to more contemplative approaches to
decision-making, is considered emotional, reactive, and prone to occur with diminished regard
for the consequences (Rook, 1987).This consumer buying behavior has become such a part of
every person’s lifestyle that they do not realize or they are not even aware that they are doing it
at times. Meanwhile, a planned purchase is characterized by deliberate, thoughtful search and
evaluation that normally results in rational, accurate and better decisions.

At present time in the retail industry, competition between markets is high and applies any type
of strategies and promotions to retain their customers. With these means, advertisements,
discount or sales and peer pressure may increase the effect on a person’s impulsive buying
behavior. Advertisements are a promotional tool that is available for marketers to create
awareness about the brand and mould their customers’ behavior towards that brand for taking
final purchase decision. It can influence the attitude of individual behavior, lifestyle in the long
run as well as the culture of the country (Latif & Abideen, 2011). According to Mahmud
and Hadijah (2013) shopping discount is a discounted price or prices below the competitors. It
makes more satisfied with their own purchase. Such an experience of satisfaction makes them
show less resistance against notices of discounts in other stores.
On the other hand, peer pressure is the direct or indirect influence that is exerted on a peer
group, observers or individual that encourages others to change their attitudes, values, or
behaviors to conform to groups as a socially acceptable behavior under it. Some kids give in to
peer pressure because they want to “fit in” and be accepted. It clouds their better judgement
and common sense on whether they should buy or not (Shruti Gulati, 2015).

The study aims to determine the factors affecting th impulsive buying behavior among senior
high school students and which factor affects them the most

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