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Maria Montessori School of Quezon City

116 Visayas Avenue, Quezon City

A Qualitative Research on How Separated Families Affect the Academic

Performance of Senior High School Students in
Maria Montessori School of Quezon City,
Academic Year 2018-2019

Villanueva, Ernesto Payawal

Badong, Christianne Ysobel Silo
Funcion, Jerricho Guerra

Deocaris, Rommel H.

March 2019
Approval i
Acknowledgement ii
Dedication iii
Proposal iv
Abstract 1
The Problem and Its Background
Context and Rationale 1
Review of Related Literature 2
Research Questions
General Problems 3
Specific Problems 3
Scope and Limitation
Scope 4
Limitation 4
Research Methodology
Methodology 4
Participants 5
Data Collection 5
Data Analysis 7
Triangulation 7
Bracketing 8
Ethical Concerns 9
Results and Discussion
Narrative on the Results 9
Codes, Categories, and Themes 9
Summary, Conclusion and Action Plan 10
References 11
Interview Transcriptions 12
Consent Forms 25
Curriculum Vitae 28

Approved by the Research Adviser on Oral Examination with the grade of __________.

Rommel Haber Deocaris, MIT, MACoEd.

Research Adviser

Accepted and approved in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the subject: Practical
Research One (1): Qualitative Research.

Date: _______________________

Daryll A. Mortel, MAEd

High School Coordinator

Rosario L. Tenorio, MAEd



The researchers would like to express their acknowledgement and deepest gratitude to the
significant people who continuously supported them throughout the duration of this research.

Firstly, they would like to express their gratitude to their research advisor, Mr. Rommel H.
Deocaris for his unwavering guidance and insight throughout the research project, he efficiently
guided the researchers to curate a thorough and well-written research.

They also wish to express their sincere gratitude to their parents, for their constant
understanding of the researchers hardwork, sleepless nights, and irrational behavior. The researchers
would not be able to accomplish the research without the comfort of their friends and classmates
who went through the same experience as the researchers.

Lastly, to God without whom nothing is possible.


This research paper is dedicated to ourselves.

We did great.


Name of Proponents: Badong, Chrisitianne Ysobel Silo

Funcion, Jerricho Guerra
Villanueva, Ernesto II Payawal

Grade 11 – Caballero March 22, 2019

1.0 Proposed Research Title

A Qualitative Research on “How Separated Families Affect the Academic Performance of
Students in Maria Montessori School of Quezon City.”

2.0 Background of the Study

The proposed action research is entitled "How Separated Families Affect the Academic
Performance of Senior High School Students in Maria Montessori School of Quezon City”. The
research presents the complexity and dispute of having a separated family whilst managing academic
responsibilities. It presents the difficulty of a student in school such as not mingling with fellow
students and not being able to cope with academic requirements given by the professor. The
research also focuses on students being reluctant to participate in class activities due to their low
self-esteem and the lack of guidance and support from their families.

3.0 Reasons of Choice

Majority of the researchers have experienced being separated with their family members due to
family related complications that may affect a student’s academic performance in school. In addition
to this, it has come to the researcher’s attention that a significant number of students of Maria
Montessori School of Quezon City have experienced or/are currently experiencing the separation
from family, thus the researchers wanted to help the affected students with coping and managing
studies while facing problems with their families.

4.0 Area of Investigation

The overview of this work talks about how having separated families affect the academic
performance of the students in Maria Montessori School of Quezon City. Having separated families

is not an uncommon event nowadays. More often than not, students suffer from family problems
on a daily basis. The study focuses on what their experiences was while living with the burden of not
having a complete family to guide and support them throughout their academic year. The ways they
coped with problems at home while in school, and how they managed their education while facing
these problems.

5.0 Target Beneficiaries

Students who have experienced being separated from family would be able to empathize
with those who are facing the same circumstances. In addition to this, this research paper would act
as a guide to have better understanding and be aware that they are not the only one’s facing such
problem. Lastly, it would assist the affected students to learn more ways with coping and separating
their academic responsibilities and obligation at home.

How Separated Families Affect the Academic Performance of Senior
High School Students in Maria Montessori School of Quezon City

Christianne Ysobel Badong

Jerricho Funcion
Ernesto Villanueva II
Maria Montessori School of Quezon City, Philippines


The overview of this work talks about how having separated families affect the academic performance of the
students in Maria Montessori School of Quezon City. Having separated families is not an uncommon
condition nowadays. More often than not, students suffer from family problems on a daily basis. The study
focuses on what their experiences was while living with the burden of not having a complete family to guide
and support them throughout their academic year. The ways they coped with problems at home while in school,
and how they managed their education while facing these problems.

Keywords: Separated Family, Family Problems, Coped with Problems, Managing their education, Academic


Context and Rationale

The proposed action research is entitled "How Separated Families Affect the Academic
Performance of Senior High School Students in Maria Montessori School of Quezon City”. The
research presents the complexity and dispute of having a separated family whilst managing academic
responsibilities. It presents the difficulty of a student in school such as not mingling with fellow
students and not being able to cope with academic requirements given by the professor. The
research also focuses on students being reluctant to participate in class activities due to their low
self-esteem and the lack of guidance and support from their families.

Review of Related Literature

The main goal of this study to learn about the effects of having a separated family and how it
can affect a student’s academic performance. The effects on the students were analyzed based on
their physical, mental, emotional, and social experiences throughout the duration of their time in
school while facing family problems.

The Effects of Broken Homes on Students' Academic Performance in Senior Secondary School in
Gwagwalada Area Council Fct Abuja

The study presented above is closely related as both research papers study the effects of
having separated families on the academic performance of students. The respondents deliver their
experiences on having a separated family and the ways it affected their academic performance in

Family Stress Theory

Family Stress Theory is a developmental theory borrowed from family science which
explores why some family systems adapt and even grow and thrive when faced with situational
stressors or transitional events, while other family units deteriorate and disintegrate under similar
circumstances (McCubbin, 1993, p. 46). The Family Stress Theory is often used as a reference point
for similar types of research as it elaborates the ways parents along with their children remain
resilient in the midst of family stress, adjustment, and adaptation.

Parent-Child Separation: Psychological Effects on the Children

The study highlights the importance of family in the development of a child’s character. A
selection of myths, misconceptions, and false knowledge of parents regarding the ways to raise a
child to be well-adjusted adults showed that there are no significant effects stemmed from this.
However, the absence of a parental figure in a child’s life plays a role in how they start to gain
delinquent character development and misbehavior.

Separation and Children: How It Affects Your Kids

The article posted tackles on the short-term and long-term of separation of children from
their parents. Not only does it talk about the academic impact of separation on the child but on the
child’s development into adulthood which can result to substance abuse, trust issues, and

Parental Divorce and Student Academic Achievement

The journal written focuses on the inter-relationship of a child who went through the
separation of parents and their relationship with their parents affect their everyday lives and not just
their academic performance. The study focuses on the process and statistical data of college students
who have been through the process of parental separation and are compared to those of the
opposite circumstances. This is a common topic of interest considering the commonality of

Impact of Family Breakdown on Children’s Well-Being

The research tackles on the significant differences of separated families that stay in touch
with their families and elaborates the positive and negative long-term outcomes. It also explains the
possible coping mechanisms of children who have faced separation of their families. The research
also features possible solutions on reducing the negative impact of separation on a child.

Research Questions

General Problem.
1. Identify the effects of having a separated family to a student's academic performance in
Maria Montessori School of Quezon City.
Specific Problems.
1. What are the needs and necessities of a student in school?
2. What are the lived experiences of students that have faced or are facing a family

Scope and Limitation


The focus of this research is to know the effects of having a separated family to a Maria
Montessori School of Quezon City student’s academic performance in school. It states the problems
confronted by students handling given tasks by their teachers after experiencing separation from
family. The study centers in their both personal and school life


The study is limited to students who face problems with having separated families and how
it affects their academic performance in school and does not include other problems that may
distress the student.

The study covers the students in the senior high school department.

The study also does not cover the profile and personality of the student and/or the student's

Research Methodology

According to Atlas.Ti (n.d), Narrative Research is the approach that typically focuses on the
lives of individuals as told through their own stories. The emphasis on such approach is on the
story, typically both what and how it is narrated. Narrative research is the most ideal research
methodology for this research because it allows the researchers to acquire the most ideal, accurate,
and genuine answers the respondents can give. This research method can be applied throughout the
research as the research focuses on the experiences of the respondents and how their experiences
with having a separated family affect their academic performance.

The participants consisted of Senior High Students specifically from 11-Caballero at Maria
Montessori School of Quezon City. All the data gathered such as personal information, audio
recordings, and interview transcriptions will be highly confidential and will be used only for research.

The researchers have chosen three (3) participants by adopting the purposive criterion
sampling, which is the preferred sampling technique for the descriptive phenomenology. The data
gathered are particularly defined and concise as the participants met the following criteria; a) must be
currently studying at Maria Montessori School of Quezon City in 11-Caballero, Senior High School
Department; b) any gender; c) agreed to be interviewed for the research; d) must experience any
kind of family issue; e) the participants must be part of a separated family; f) influences from the
family are clearly evident to the participants.

Data Collection
The data collection method that the researchers utilized is the interview method. Interviews
are the preferred medium to explore the views, opinions, and experiences of an individual on a
subject matter in order to get the direct narration of the experience and was also chosen by the
researchers as it was the most effective considering the number of participants. The researchers
conducted an open structured interview to allow the participants to answer the questions
comfortably and allowed the researchers to makeup questions as the interview progressed.

The researchers followed these steps to effectively collect the data:

1. The researchers prepared all the necessary tools required to conduct an interview.

2. The researchers conducted an initial study regarding the subject matter.

3. Approval from the Research Adviser was acquired prior to interviewing the participants.

4. The researchers sought for participants that fit the criteria needed for the research.

5. The researchers provided a schedule for the interview with each consenting participant.

6. Optimizing the interview, the researchers set the pace of the interview in order to gather
great content from the participants.

7. Gathered data from the participants interview was individually and meticulously
transcribed, and reviewed the responses.

Figure 1.1 Data Collection Flowchart

Data Analysis

Methodological triangulation was employed by the researcher for the study, wherein
qualitative methods were utilized. Obtaining a concurrent conclusion from each of the method
would validate the study.

The respondents were categorized based on backgrounds and experiences of 11 Caballero

students of Maria Montessori School of Quezon City who belong to separated families. These
respondents have actual involvements on domestic situations within their family that influenced and
is continually influencing their performances in school related activities.

The researcher used Methodological triangulation. This type involves the use of multiple
qualitative and or quantitative methods to study the program. If the conclusion from each of the
methods are the same, then the validity is established.
The respondents were themed based on their backgrounds and current lived experiences of
namely: 11-Caballero students of Maria Montessori School of Quezon City who have separated

Table 1.0 Methodological Triangulation

CATEGORIES Respondent 1 Respondent 2 Respondent 3
Coping The respondent stated The respondent stated The respondent stated
that playing computer that a way for them to that they do not
games and hanging out cope with troubles in necessarily do anything.
with friends was a way their family is to go out Responded followed up
of coping with family with friends and to by mentioning that
problems. watch Korean television going out with friends is
dramas. enough.
Communication The respondent stated The respondent stated The respondent stated
that they still talk and that they occasionally that they regularly talk to
hang-out with their talk to their other the parent they are
other parent despite parent. The respondent currently living with.

their living then stated that they are Also mentioning that
circumstances. They closer to their step- they still communicate
then elaborated that they parent. with the other parent
occasionally go out with through Messenger.
their other parent.
Effects on their The respondent stated The respondent simply The respondent stated
academic that the problem within stated that the problems that it did not affect
performance the family did not affect of the family do not their studies and that it
their performance in affect their performance is one’s responsibilities
school and that it is their in school. to the requirements
own fault that they are needed in school.
having a hard time at
some subjects.

Bracketing & Preconceived Knowledge

• The participants should also spend time with their separated family members once in a while
to help confront their anxiety towards their family.
• The participants should balance their priority to avoid further problems in the future.
• The participants should have an optimistic view in life to help boost their morale in doing
school works.
• The participant should have a strong support system to help ease the pain of being separated
to family members.

Knowing the difficulties faced by a student, it is also important to prevent possible students
to experience such misfortune in the future. The researcher’s preconceived ideas toward the topic
were based from the lived experiences of the participants.

Based from the information given by the participants; the researchers have been able to find
issues that can hinder the student’s development, personally and academically. To help students
separated with their family members, the researcher has able to find out significance of support

system and having an optimistic towards life will help boost their morale in performing well in and
out of school.

Ethical Concerns:

The participant's information about the personal relationship is guaranteed to be confidential

and will only be used for research purposes, as it stated in the consent form signed by the

The researchers respect the concerns of the interviewee such as exposed information and
blackmail thus the consent form will give them assurance of sharing personal information to the
interviewers without any skepticism.

Results and Discussion

Narrative on the Results:

The researchers gathered data from three (3) respondents studying in Maria Montessori
School of Quezon City. The questions asked were categorized and themed based on their personal
life experiences in the family, socializing with friends, coping with academics, and relationship with
teachers and mentors. The researchers have selected these categories which has been considered to
hit the target of the study on showcasing the effects of having a broken family on high school
student's academic performances in Maria Montessori School of Quezon City.

Codes, Categories, and Themes

The researchers used Coping, Communication, and Effects on their Academic Performance
in cohesion to the theme of the research paper. Students who have faced or are currently facing such
predicament have stated that their process of coping heavily involves other people. Despite facing
such circumstances in their families, the researchers found a common ground among the
respondents as they stated that their academic performance is not affected by problems within their

families. The researchers believed and understood the factors and effects on the respondents
academic performance and their ways of coping which will yield the researchers to find a conclusion
and allow them to find possible solutions to those who are facing the same circumstances in
coherence with their abilities and social well-being.

Summary, Conclusion, and Action Plan

The acquired information from the recorded interviews with the respondents were able to
support the preconceived knowledge of the researchers about the effects of separated family to the
academic performance of students in Maria Montessori School of Quezon City. The triangulations
were able to reject the preconceived knowledge of the researchers that students that experienced
separation within the family affect the studies of a student and their ability socialize with friends.
However, it has been confirmed that separated family do have an impact toward the students
through experiencing depression than can affect the emotional and physical of a person thus the
researchers wanted to help future students to avoid suffering from the said disorder. In addition, to
cope the feeling of loneliness, due to partition with their families, they acknowledge the presence of
their friends that act as a support in every obstacle they experience in life.

The results of the study can help future researchers in providing information and act as a
reference for the enhancement of their study in the event that their study is related to the
researcher’s topic.

Deocaris, R. H. ()

Echem, N. H. (2018 July 12). The Effects of Broken Homes on Students' Academic Performance.
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Family and Schools Together. (n.d). Family Stress Theory. Retrieved from: https://www.familiesand

Separation and children: How it affects your kids. (2017). Retrieved from

Shaffran, M. (n.d.). The Psychological Effects of Divorce on Children . Retrieved from sanluist

Long, J. G. (2017). Parental Divorce and Student Academic Achievement. Retrieved from https:/

Ann Mooney, C. O. (2009, June). Impact of Family Breakdown on Children’s Well-Being.

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Divorce or separation of parents – the impact on children and adolescents: information for
parents, carers and anyone who works with young people. (2017). Retrieved from

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Tubeza, P. (2011, March 28). Filipino marriage annulments increase by 40 percent: report.
Retrieved March 2017, from The China Post:

Why Married Parents Are Important for Children. (2017). Retrieved from http://www.foryour


Respondent 1’s Interview Transcription

Ms. Badong Good afternoon, my name is Christianne Ysobel Badong and I *momentarily
(researcher): pauses* I am currently an 11th grade student in Maria Montessori School of
Quezon City taking up the Humanities and Social Science Strand. I am currently
in the TLE room in Maria Montessori; the time is currently 1:07pm. And as part
of the data gathering requirement for my research on “How Separated Families
Affect the Academic Performance of Students”, I am here with my proponent,
please state your name….
Respondent 1: *Respondent 1’s name*
Ms. Badong *construction noises from outside* for the record…. As protocol, we have given
you a consent form in which you have signed?
Respondent 1: Yes, I have.
Ms. Badong And I would also like you to be aware that this interview is being recorded.
Respondent 1: Mhmm… *nods in agreement*
Ms. Badong Sir, do you consent to this interview?
Respondent 1: Yes.
Ms. Badong Okay. So are you comfortable na in English or Filipino?
Respondent 1: Filipino
Ms. Badong Okay… so gaano ka na katagal sa MMSQC?
Respondent 1: Uhhh…. *electric fan noises* uhhh ever since Casa pa
Ms. Badong Casa, so anong year yun?
Respondent 1: *long pause* *proponent mouths “Di ko alam” to researcher
Ms. Badong Okay, so have you ever been to any other school or ditto ka lang talaga sa Maria
Montessori ever since?
Respondent 1: Ever since bata pa ako, eto yung unang school na pinasukan ko *puts hand on
Ms. Badong Hmmm, wala ka ng ibang school na pinasukan?
Respondent 1: Wala, diretso ako dito.
Ms. Badong Okay *clasps hands* Mmm, may experiences ka ba na pwede mong mashare

samin about Maria Montessori?
Respondent 1: Uhhh, maganda yung school kasi uh tinuturuan nila ng discipline ang students
pati courtesy na surprising(ly) hindi.. hindi natuturo din sa ibang school na parang
kasing strict dito *researcher: Mmm* So yun yung maganda
Ms. Badong Eh in terms of yung parang academic na pagturo, parang is there anything that
makes Maria Montessori different from other schools?
Respondent 1: Mas nagbibigay sila ng konsiderasyon sa mga studyante na hirap sa mga *pauses*
acads nila.
Ms. Badong Mmm, ah regarding your academic performance mmm nahihirapan ka ba?
Respondent 1: Mmm, may iilan lang akong subject na hirap
Ms. Badong Mmm, pero ano sa tingin mo ano yung mga reason kung *stutters* kung bakit ka
nahihirapan sa mga subject na yun?
Respondent 1: Hmm, para sa’kin sarili ko yung rason.
Ms. Badong Mmm, sa tingin mo may iba pa bang factor bukod sa sarili mo na nakaka-affect sa
performance mo sa school?
Respondent 1: *long pause* Uhh, siguro yung family kasi may kasi may siyempre pagkatapos ng
school diretsong uwi so parang, yun na yung daily routine na kailangan ng family
sa buhay
Ms. Badong Mmm, so diba sinabi mo nga na nakaka-affect yung family, parang may I know ba
if paano nakaka-affect yun sa’yo?
Respondent 1: Uhhh, siyempre sa school iba’t-ibang ‘studyante, iba’t-ibang tao, iba’t-ibang
experiences sa buhay. *researcher: Mhmm* So yung mga bagay na meron yung
walang ibang ‘studyante, yung iba naman meron yung iba. *researcher: Mmm* So
yung iba dun, uhh kulang yung pamilya, *researcher: Ahh* So mmm parang nakaka-
affect siya kasi siyempre parang maiingit yung iba *researcher: Mhm* Kung bakit
ganun, naii *stutters* may kumpleto yung pamilya nila so parang gusto nila
malaman kung masaya ba kung kumpleto ang isang buong pamilya
Ms. Badong Ikaw ba, since namention mo na yung hindi complete ang family. Ikaw ba, may
experience ka sa ganun?
Respondent 1: Mmm, mmm *hums in agreement* uhh as of now uhh yung tatay ko uhmm hindi
siya tumitira sa bahay namin.

Ms. Badong Baki— *stutters* Sa tingin mo bakit?
Respondent 1: Uhmm, nung bata kasi ako uhh yung tatay ko uhmm uhh di siya yung ma-
*pauses* maayos o yung *sniffs* … Hindi yung ibang tatay na kayang makitungo
sa pamilya
Ms. Badong Panong kaya makitungo?
Respondent 1: Mmm *pauses* yung pag may problema siya kailangan niya umalis o takas an
yung problemang yun
Ms. Badong Mmm, so gaano na ba katagal yan nangyayari?
Respondent 1: Uhhh *chatter in background* 7 years
Ms. Badong So matagal na rin, so m-s-k *stuuters* pwede natin masabi na may ample
experience ka na sa pagkakaroon ng separated na family?
Respondent 1: Mhmm, atsaka may rason din kung bakit—para sakin uhmm okay lang na hindi
kumpleto yung pamilya ko
Ms. Badong Mmm, so rega-- *stutters* regarding sa pagkakaroon ay sa aca *stutters* academic
performance diba nasabi mo yung family issues parang nagiging isa siyang aspect
na nakakaaffect sa academic performance. Pano yung pano yung family issues
naging aspect na nakaka-affect sa academic performance mo?
Respondent 1: Kasi tulad nung parang sinabi ko kanina na may mga bagay na walan—meron ang
ibang tao yung iba naman wala. So yung mga wala feeling nila may kulang sakanila
or sa buhay nila. So dahil dun uhh kunwari mababa grades ko *researcher: Mmm* so
pag hindi alam yung rason o hindi malaman kung pano ma *moves cellphone
closer to respondent* mahanapan ng paraan. Parang maiisip nung bata kung dahil
ba sa pamilya yung yung rason, dahil sa pamilya ba yung rason na parang may
kulang sa buhay nila or talagang ganun lang sila.
Ms. Badong Mmm, since sinabi mo kanina na may mga subjects kang nahihirapan may mga
specific ba na subject na affected? May specific ban a subjects na kung saan
nahihirapan ka?
Respondent 1: Uhhh, sa ngayong- sa ngayon school year na to English.
Ms. Badong Same. So sa tingin mo bakit ka nahihirapan ngayon sa English?
Respondent 1: Hmm, siguro kulang sa time dahil sa family. *researcher: Mmm* Dahil ako lang yung
lalake sa bahay at sa bahay namin mommy ko at ate ko lang. So parang napunta

sakin yung yung dapat na posisyon ng tatay ko. So mahirap rin.
Ms. Badong Since diba sabi mo seven years ng ano sever years na ever since naexperience mo
yung ganito. Paano ka—ano yung mga paraan mo para maka *stutters* macope
yung sarili mo or ano yung mga ginagawa mo para hindi mo masyado or para di
maaffect yung studies mo sa issues mo?
Respondent 1: Uhhh, misan naglalaro ako ng mga games para kahit minsan makalimot ako sa
mga problema sa buhay. Then uhh gumala kasama mga kaibigan para masaya rin
naman so yun din. Kahit may problema nakakalimutan.
Ms. Badong Pero yung in the long term, sa tingin mo ba nakakatulong yun or mas lalong
naaffect yung academic performance mo?
Respondent 1: *Clicks tongue* ehh kung hindi na—kung hindi naayos yung kung pano g
*stutters* gamitin or uh yung schedule ng paglalaro at pag gala eh makakaaffect
talaga sa pag-aaral
Ms. Badong Mmm, so may mga way ka p-- *stutters* iba ka pa bang paraan para yung pag
handle ng yung pag struggle mo sa acads? Ano pa ba yung ibang way mo bukod
sa paglaro, pag gala with friends an *stutters* may iba ka pa bang way na
Respondent 1: *typing in the background* Uhh, *typing continues* mm minsan mas gusto ko
mapagisa. Dahil mas nakakapag isip ako sa mga problema na hinahanarap ko para
masolusyunan to. Pati na rin sa problemang alam kong magiging problema ko sa
hinaharap, para mahanapan ko na din ng solusyon.
Ms. Badong Mmm, so regarding problems. Diba may family issues ka nga, bukod sa academic
performance moa no ung sa tingin mong ibang naapektuhan sa buhay mo?
Respondent 1: Uhh, kung gaano—kung gaano ako lumaki nung bata. Kung ano yung mga dapat
na naranasan ko sa mga—tsaka sa mga hindi.
Ms. Badong Mmm, so diba yun nga may sinabi ka regarding sa mga di mo naranasan. Sa tingin
moa no ba yung mga dapat sanang naranasan mo habang lumalaki ka?
Respondent 1: Uhhh, siyempre pag sa palimya.Ang—pag lalake anak pero puro babae yung asa
paligid niya uhh parang mas nahihirapan yung lalaki na mas maintindihan or mas
maexplore yung mga bagay na ginagawa ng lalaki. So siguro kung, uhh andun lang
yung tatay ko uhh siguro mas natulungan niya ako sa paglaki as na lalaki.

Ms. Badong Sa tingin mo if naranasan mo yung mga yun, parang magiging better ba yung
performance mo hindi lang sa school pero sa throughout your life, sa tingin mo if
narasana mo yung mga yun mas magiging better ka ba?
Respondent 1: Sa tingin ko oo. Kasi may mga bagay na mga tips na alam ng lalaki at minsan hindi
alam ng babae. So siguro kung nandun lang yung tatay ko uhh—may mga mas
kaalaman na mas nalaman ako.
Ms. Badong Mmm *moves cellphone* so balik tayo sa school! Diba sabi mo kanina na may
mga subjects na nahihirapan ka and isa yung English dun. Parang ano yung way
na sa tingin mo pwede mong gawin para maianggat yung ano or para madalian ka
sa subject na yun?
Respondent 1: Hmmm, hanap—hanap lang ng oras tsaka pag manage nun
Ms. Badong Hmmm, so sa tingin ko enough na naman yung information na meron ako
ngayon and *moves cellphone* and tapos na yung—I feel like na enough na yung
nagather naming na information so thank you, Respondent 1.
Respondent 1: Yes, thank you. You’re welcome.
Ms. Badong *laughs* And thank you for being a part of this research. Gusto ko lang ulit
ipaalala na you have agreed to be interviewed and you have agreed na irecord tong
interview natin.
Respondent 1: Yes, may consent ako.
Ms. Badong Thank you
Respondent 1: Yes, thank you din.

Respondent 2 Interview Transcription
Mr. Funcion Good Afternoon, I am Mr. Funcion Funcion and I’m a student of Maria
(researcher): Montessori School of Quezon City, taking the HUMSS strand. As part of my
requirements in Practical Research I is the research on how separated family
affects the academic performance of a student. I am with my group’s
Respondent 2: *Respondent 2’s name*
Mr. Funcion: Who will likely to give us information for our research. As a protocol, I would
like you to be aware that this interview is recorded here in MMSQ- MMSQC,
inside the library room at 4:16 in the afternoon.
Respondent 2: Respondent 2: Yes.
Mr. Funcion: Mr. Funcion: The…So Respondent 2:, kamusta ang experiences mo sa school?
Respondent 2: Uhhm. As of now, okay naman ako. Medyo yun. Yun nga, bilang transferee
student ako, medyo nahirapan akong mag-adjust pero ngayon, medyo nasasanay
na ako.
Mr. Funcion: Yung mga friends mo uhh, nagbibigay ba sila ng support sayo and na tumutulong
ba sila sayo?
Respondent 2: At first hindi, kase nafeel ko naman yun na parang nagalit sila sa akin kase iiwan
ko sila or something na ganun (Mr. Funcion – mhmm.). Pero nung huli, nung
nalaman nilang parang nagging okay yung situation ko dito, naging okay naman
sila and nag support sila sa akin.
Mr. Funcion: Mhmm. How about your academic performance, is it ano uhh good?
Respondent 2: Ahmm. When it comes to my academic performance kasi parang di naman kase
ako yung student na ahmm very eager na makakuha ng mataas na grades. As long
na, ahmm nagagawa ko yung responsibilities ko as a student. Okay na ako dun
and then kung mameet ko man ung expectations ng ibang tao para sa akin I’m
happy for that.
Mr. Funcion: Mhmm. Pero nahirapan ka ba sa mga yung mga aca- academics dito sa school na
Respondent 2: Dito sa Maria Montessori ahmm, siguro kasi hindi ako sanay sa mga ahmm
parang, dito kasi parang iba yung protocol nila And then, nasanay ako sa mga

schools na hindi binibigla yung mga students sa pag pasa o ganyan o hindi sila
masyadong pinapahirapan. So nahirapan talaga ako.
Mr. Funcion: Mhmm. So sinabi mo nga na tinutulungan ka ng mga friends mo. How about
your family na sinusuportahan- sinusuportahan ka din ba nila?
Respondent 2: Ayun nga nung uhh yun nga dahil galling ako sa broken family ahm *researcher
coughs* Medyo may nagkaroon ng problems between yun nga yung both families.
Pero na na- naayos naman, pero nagkaroon ulit ng ahmm problema kasi nga
parang may hindi nanaman silang pagkakaintindihan.
Mr. Funcion: Ano mostly yung problem na bobrought up sa family ninyo?
Respondent 2: Uhhh siguro yung… yung pag support sa akin ng father ko ng real dad ko. Ahmm
kasi parang before kasi nagkaroon ng conflict between my mother and father nay
un nga yung father ko parang naging pariwara sa buhay na hindi- hindi niya ako
iniisip. Hindi naman sa hindi iniisip pero I think siguro nagkaroon siya ng trauma
sa nangyari sa amin, sa family namin. Kaya siguro pati ako nadamay.
Mr. Funcion: Mhmm. Se- so yung trauma mo na ito, naka-affect ba ito sa academic
performance mo dito sa school?
Respondent 2: Ahmm siguro at first, oo masasabi kong naka-affect siya sa akin. Sobrang laki ng
naging epekto niya kasi dumating sa point na parang hindi na talaga ako nag-aral
*researcher: mhmm* Parang sinasabi ko sa sarili ko na ano pang silbi ng pag-aaral
kung wala din naman akong perfect na family. So para sa akin nun, parang
mahalaga talaga sa akin yung family kasi feeling ko, yun talaga yung kokompleto
sa pagkatao ko.
Mr. Funcion: So- so sinabi mo nga kun- yung- kung- yung pagkakaroon ng complete family
makatulong sa ahm pagkakaroon ng complete self diba?
Respondent 2: Yes.
Mr. Funcion: Mhmm. *cough* Yung mga… yung mga problems- uhh sinabi mo kanina na
separated family mo diba? Yung mga problems mo ba dito nashashare mo ba sa
Respondent 2: Ahmm yung sa biological father ko hindi kasi nga yun nga wala na kaming… as of
now wala kaming communication and yung family ko din dun sa- sa mother side
ko, ahmm medyo nagkaroon din kami ng problem ngayon pero hindi ko pa alam

pero ngayon nagsasabi naman ako ng mga problema sa grandmother ko.
Mr. Funcion: Grandmother? How about si mother?
Respondent 2: Ahmm. Yun nga kasi nakatira ako sa grandmother ko ngayon. So parang hiwalay
ako sa moth- mom and dad ko. And then hinahandle ko muna yung situations ko
ma- yung mga problems ko mag-isa and yun.
Mr. Funcion: Mhmm. Ay *cough* maliban sa mga family problems na pinag usapan natin, ma-
mga specific subjects ka ba na nahihirapan dito sa school na ito?
Respondent 2: Ahmm kasi para sa akin hindi na- hindi na bago sa akin yung nahihirapan talaga
ako sa subject na Math. Kasi before palang elementary ako parang I’m not
interested into numbers *researcher: mhmm* and other math thing ganun.
Mr. Funcion: Pero… so math lang talaga yung nahirapan ka?
Respondent 2: Ahhm siguro oo, math ako nahihirapan.
Mr. Funcion: How about other subjects like… such as English uhm Filipino or Social Science
which is included in HUMSS strand. May nahirapan ka ba din dun or like *cough*
ano lang medyo slight lang?
Respondent 2: Ahmm siguro oo nahihirapan ako pero nakakayanan ko naman unlike sa Math na
parang gumigive up talaga ako kasi parang hindi ko talaga kaya. Unlike sa mga
other subjects na yun nga yung English, Filipino, mahirap siya pero alam kong
kaya ko.
Mr. Funcion: May ano ba sayo, may sumusuporta ba sayo from the family. Maliban sa mother
and father… ayy grandmother or grandmother mo talaga?
Respondent 2: Ahmm as of now yung grandmother ko yung kasama ko and yung nagsusupport
sa akin sa lahat ng mga needs ko and wants. *researcher sneezes* Ayun so siya- siya
muna yung nag poprovide para sa akin ngayon and yung both families ko sa- yung
sa mother ko and sa father ko. Ahmm parang hindi ko muna sila iniisip ngayon.
Hindi naman sa hindi iniisip kung baga ahmm mas iniisip ko muna yung situation
ko ngayon. *researcher: ahh* Ahm.
Mr. Funcion: So last question, kung mabigyan ka ng chance na naerr wish na kung saan
makatulong sayo sa academics- sa academic performance mo dito sa school ano
Respondent 2: Ahmm… siguro yung pagkakaroon pa ng maraming friends(?) *researcher: friends?*

Kasi parang for me parang yung mga kaibigan ko talaga before yung tumutulong
sa akin mentally, physically, emotionally yung parang andiyan sila always in my
side. Na parang hin- nandun ako sa comfort zone ko pag kasama ko sila kasi
alam kong hindi nila ako pababayaan aside from my family. At siguro kung may
wish man ako yun yung magkaro- magka- makahanap ulit ng true friends na
talagang hindi ako bibitwan unlike before sa naging bestfriend ko.
Mr. Funcion: Ay may follow up question…mhmm gusto mo bang maha- makipagbalikan sa
father mo and *cough* and gusto mo bang makipagbalikan sa father mo and
kasama na si mother?
Respondent 2: Ahmm kung ako kung ipag magdedecide ako kung magbabalikan sila siguro para
sa akin wag na. Kasi parang masyado nang nag fade yung parang kung siguro
kung nag balikan sila, parang siguro hindi na yun love eh. Kumbaga parang for
the sake of their children nalang yun. So para sa akin, hindi na importante sa akin
kung magbalikan sila o hindi basta ang importante sa akin happy sila, nakikita ko
silang masaya, nakakausap ko sila kahit sa true phone lang. Yun okay na ako.
*researcher: okay ka na?* Ayun.
Mr. Funcion: So thank you uhh Respondent 2 for giving us your uhmm information that could
gi- that could help us to our research. Ahmm mali- kahit na personal siya, mhmm
sala- thank you na na thank you na binigyan mo ako ng opportunity na malaman
yun kahit masakit man or something masaya dun. Thank You!
Respondent 2: Welcome!

Respondent 3’s Interview Transcription

Mr. Funcion Good afternoon, I am Jerricho Funcion and I’m a student of Maria Montessori
(researcher): School of Quezon City taking HUMSS strand. As part of my requirements in
Practical Research I is the research on how separated families affect the academic
performance of the student. Here with me is my proponent, can you state your
name for the record.
Respondent 3: Hi, my name is *Respondent 3’s name and information*
Mr. Funcion: Okay, as a protocol, I woul-, I would like you to be aware that this interview is
recorded here in MMSQC, inside the TLE room at 2:33 PM in the afternoon.
Do you consent this interview?
Respondent 3: Yes, I do.
Mr. Funcion: Okay, so can you tell me something about yourself, Respondent 3?
Respondent 3: Uhmmmm, I’m quiet and I’m shy sometimes but bu- it takes a lot of time to
know about myself but *researcher: mhmm* yes I’m just being me.
Mr. Funcion: Okay, so tell me about your family and friends
Respondent 3: Uhmm, my friends are ok, sometimes we meet and go drink outside, and my
family, we’re all ok, I just live with my father and my mother is in Bacolod City,
they are separated.
Mr. Funcion: Mhmmm, How’s your relation with your father.
Respondent 3: Hmmm, its ok we see each other every day and we talk and with my mother, I
just talk to him in messenger.
Mr. Funcion: Mhmm. Uhmm, so before we go further about your family uhm I want to talk
about your school. How’s your academic performance.
Respondent 3: My academic performance is quite terrible, there are, I failed at two subjects
*researcher: what are those?* its ahhh, English for academic purposes and Reading &
Mr. Funcion: Mhmm, so whe- which is ahhh, where is your first school?
Respondent 3: My first, My first school since elementary?
Mr. Funcion: Yes
Respondent 3: Ahh ano uhmm I starteds in-in Saint Theresita’s Academy in Bacolod City
Mr. Funcion: So how long did you stay there?

Respondent 3: I’ve stayed there for until ah until I was second ahh I mean grade 7
Mr. Funcion: Grade 7
Respondent 3: Yes
Mr. Funcion: High school?
Respondent 3: Yes
Mr. Funcion: Mhmm So why did you, why did you decided to stay here in Montessori?
Respondent 3: Because its uhmm. Because uhmm it’s just nearby our house and, and I know
Montessori for their ano high standard of discipline.
Mr. Funcion: Mhmm, are they, are there an, any others for reason you, why you stayed, stayed
here in Montessori?
Respondent 3: Nothing else
Mr. Funcion: Nothing else, ok. So a while ago you said, that you have a hard, a hard time about
ano English, why do you think so?
Respondent 3: Uhmmm especially in requirements *researcher: requirements* I haven’t, I haven’t
passed all of my requirements so that, the teacher failed me.
Mr. Funcion: “laugh” I see, so what is the other ah subject that you’re having a hard t-.

Respondent 3: Reading & writing, just the same reason, I have no require-, *researcher: ahh*
Mr. Funcion: Ahh I see, so this having, are this uhh I mean, is this uhmm subjects that you
have, that you are having a hard time ahh is uhm, does your family have an ano,
have a relation to it? *respondent: kung?* You know like uhm, may yung yung
problem niyo ba sa family niyo ano, nagiging rason kung bakit ka nag ffail sa mga
subject na ito?
Respondent 3: Not at all
Mr. Funcion: Okay, sooo
Respondent 3: It’s my fault
Mr. Funcion: So, it’s your fault?So, do you have any bad experiences? *respondent: uhhh in this
school?* in this school?
Respondent 3: So far, I’m just having fun and ano uhmm being with my classmates
everyday*researcher: mmm*

Mr. Funcion: Do you have any ways in coping? Uhh in uhh having family problem? Wwith
your family problem? You have ways?
Respondent 3: Uhhh nope. *researcher: ohh* Mmm, I think gala with friends will do *researcher
Mr. Funcion: I see. So uhm, in this school who do you consider mostly your uhh friends?
Respondent 3: Friends? Uhh, Enyo, Sean from Grade 8, and Jerricho, and Epoy, and everyone
from 11 Caballero.
Mr. Funcion: So do you have a good time with them?
Respondent 3: Yes, of course yes.
Mr. Funcion: That’s great. So back to you, to the family. Uhm, you said a while ago you have
uhh you having a good time, I mean good relation with your father. Right?
Respondent 3: Yes
Mr. Funcion: And your mother too?
Respondent 3: Yes.
Mr. Funcion: Do you have any siblings?
Respondent 3: Uhmm, I have one. He studies in Iloilo.
Mr. Funcion: Ahh, so you’re separated?
Respondent 3: Yes, we’re separated.
Mr. Funcion: So, how about his side? Does he have any hard time in coping with your family
Respondent 3: My brother is… uhh not at all.
Mr. Funcion: Not at all? So same situation kayo?
Respondent 3: Yes.
Mr. Funcion: Uhmm *coughs* so do you, are you ano in back to having relation or having
spending time with friends. Are you good in socializing?
Respondent 3: Uhmm, I’m not good in socializing.
Mr. Funcion: So how do you make friends?
Respondent 3: Hmmm, there’s a lot of ways that I could not explain but uhmm *researcher: okay*
Mr. Funcion: Uhm, in these friends of yours, do they help you in your academics?
Respondent 3: Some yes, some they don’t help me.
Mr. Funcion: But, it’s a it’s nice. So I think that’s all. Is that all you’ll—you’re going to say?

Respondent 3: Yes, that is all I’m going to say.
Mr. Funcion: So thank you for having this--- thank you for having this interview with our
group and sharing uhh and thank you for participating especially and uhhh
sharing your experiences with your family problems that will help us in our
research. So, thank you.
Respondent 3: Thank you.

Consent for Participation in Interview Research

I, volunteer to participate in a research project conducted by Christianne Ysobel Badong, Jerricho

Funcion, and Ernesto Villanueva II from Maria Montessori School of Quezion City. I understand that the
study is designed to gather information about academic work. I will be one of three (3) people being
interviewed for this research.

1. My participation in this project is voluntary. I understand that I will not be paid for my participation. I
may withdraw and discontinue participation at any time without penalty.

2. Participation involves being interviewed by a researcher from Maria Montessori School of Quezon
City. The interview will last approximately 8-10 minutes. Notes will be written during the interview. An
audio tape of the interview and subsequent dialogue will be made. If I don’t want to be taped, I will not
be able to participate in the study.

3. Any questions that I asked about the purpose and nature of the interview and assignment have been
answered to my satisfaction.

4. The purpose and nature of the interview has been explained to me, and I have read the assignment and
/or information sheet as provided by the proponent.

5. I understand that the student may wish to pursue publication at a later date and my name may be used.

6. I have given a copy of this consent form.

_____________________________________________ _______________________________

I have explained the project and the implications of being interviewed to the interviewee and I believe
that the consent is informed and that he/she understands the implications of participation.

_____________________________________________ _______________________________

Consent for Participation in Interview Research

I, volunteer to participate in a research project conducted by Christianne Ysobel Badong, Jerricho

Funcion, and Ernesto Villanueva II from Maria Montessori School of Quezion City. I understand that the
study is designed to gather information about academic work. I will be one of three (3) people being
interviewed for this research.

1. My participation in this project is voluntary. I understand that I will not be paid for my participation. I
may withdraw and discontinue participation at any time without penalty.

2. Participation involves being interviewed by a researcher from Maria Montessori School of Quezon
City. The interview will last approximately 8-10 minutes. Notes will be written during the interview. An
audio tape of the interview and subsequent dialogue will be made. If I don’t want to be taped, I will not
be able to participate in the study.

3. Any questions that I asked about the purpose and nature of the interview and assignment have been
answered to my satisfaction.

4. The purpose and nature of the interview has been explained to me, and I have read the assignment and
/or information sheet as provided by the proponent.

5. I understand that the student may wish to pursue publication at a later date and my name may be used.

6. I have given a copy of this consent form.

_____________________________________________ _______________________________

I have explained the project and the implications of being interviewed to the interviewee and I believe
that the consent is informed and that he/she understands the implications of participation.

_____________________________________________ _______________________________

Consent for Participation in Interview Research

I, volunteer to participate in a research project conducted by Christianne Ysobel Badong, Jerricho

Funcion, and Ernesto Villanueva II from Maria Montessori School of Quezion City. I understand that the
study is designed to gather information about academic work. I will be one of three (3) people being
interviewed for this research.

1. My participation in this project is voluntary. I understand that I will not be paid for my participation. I
may withdraw and discontinue participation at any time without penalty.

2. Participation involves being interviewed by a researcher from Maria Montessori School of Quezon
City. The interview will last approximately 8-10 minutes. Notes will be written during the interview. An
audio tape of the interview and subsequent dialogue will be made. If I don’t want to be taped, I will not
be able to participate in the study.

3. Any questions that I asked about the purpose and nature of the interview and assignment have been
answered to my satisfaction.

4. The purpose and nature of the interview has been explained to me, and I have read the assignment and
/or information sheet as provided by the proponent.

5. I understand that the student may wish to pursue publication at a later date and my name may be used.

6. I have given a copy of this consent form.

_____________________________________________ _______________________________

I have explained the project and the implications of being interviewed to the interviewee and I believe
that the consent is informed and that he/she understands the implications of participation.

_____________________________________________ _______________________________

Christianne Ysobel Silo Badong
216 Azalea Magnolia Place Condominiums, Brgy. Talipapa, Quezon City 1116 | 0956-064-1212

Personal Information

Date of Birth: December 5, 2000 Place of Birth: Riyadh, KSA

Age: 18 Gender: Female Religion: Roman Catholic

Educational Background

• Maria Montessori School of Quezon City (2018-present)

116 Visayas Avenue, Quezon City
• Perpetual Help College of Manila (2017-2018)
1240 Concepcion St, Sampaloc, Manila, 1008 Metro Manila
• Philippine Educational Placement Test (2017)
DepEd Complex, Meralco Ave, Pasig, Metro Manila
• Angelicum College (2016-2017)
112 Sen. Mariano J. Cuenco, Santa Mesa Heights, Lungsod Quezon,
Kalakhang Maynila
• Al-Andalus International School (2013-2015)
Ar Rakah Al Janubiyah, Al Khobar 34226, Saudi Arabia
• Second Philippine International School (2005-2013)
Abdullah Ibn Sulaiman Al Hamadan, Al Olaya, Riyadh 12222, Saudi

• Young Entrepreneur of the Year Award (2015)

• Leadership Effectiveness and Dedicated Service Completion (2015)
• 2nd Runner Up – Science Quiz Bee (2015)


• PHCM Women’s Volleyball Varsity (2017-2018)

• AAIS Student Body Organization – Public Relations Officer (2014-2015)
• AAIS LEADS I – Leadership Effectiveness and Dedicated Service (2014-
• AAIS Shutterbugs Crew – Photography Club (2014-2015)
• AAIS Bluewrens – Glee Club (2014-2015)
• AAIS Roarers – Booster Club (2014-2015)

• Youth for Christ Eastern Region – Batch 82 (2014-2015)
• AAIS Young Entrepreneurs Club (2013-2015)
• AAIS Lions – Cheerdance Team (2013-2015)
• AAIS Lionettes – Women’s Volleyball Varsity (2013-2015)

Core Skills

o Knowledgeable in Adobe Photoshop

o Proficient in Microsoft Word, Powerpoint, and Excel
o Basic C# Program Development
o Graphic Design


Pearl Joyce Malagapo

- AAIS, OSA (Office of Student Affairs) Head

- AAIS, LEADS, YEC, Glee, Booster, and SBO Adviser
- Makati City, Philippines

Rodente Abutal

- PHCM, Professor in Literature and Reading and Writing

- Quezon City, Philippines
Rowelyn de Jesus

- Angelicum College Homeschool Moderator for YS10

- Quezon City, Philippines

Graciel Ann Estansilao, MAF

- MMSQC, Professor in Filipino

- Quezon City, Philippines

Jerricho Guerra Funcion
Blk 12 Lot 7A El Paseo Extension Camarin Caloocan City | 0928-327-0154

Personal Information

Date of Birth: March 28, 2002 Place of Birth: Quezon City, Philippines
Age: 17 Gender: Male Religion: Roman Catholic

Educational Background

• Maria Montessori School of Quezon City (2006-present)

116 Visayas Avenue, Quezon City

• Loyalty Award (2018)

• Best Photojournalist Award (2017)
• Consistent Top in Class (2014-2017)


• MMSQC Il Montessoriani Layout Editor (2015-2018)

• MMSQC Futsal Varsity (2014-2018)

Training and Seminars

• Flight Drill Training (2018 – Muntinlupa City, Metro Manila)

• Canon Photography Seminar (2017 – Magallanes, Pasay City)
• Chink-Positive Seminar (2016 – Quezon City, Metro Manila)
• Feast Seminars (2016 – Pasay City)
• Youth for Christ Workshop (2013 – Australia)
Core Skills

o Amateur Photographer
o Proficient in Adobe Photoshop and Premiere
o Knowledgeable of Microsoft Word, Excel and Powerpoint
o Basic C# Program Developer
o Basic Statistics and Probability
o Social Analyst


Daryl T. Mortell, MAEd

- MMSQC Professor in Political Science

- +Quezon City, Philippines
Chenny A. Taguinaldo, MAT-Math

- MMSQC Professor in Statistics and Probability

- Antipolo, Rizal
Graciel Ann Estansilao, MAF

- MMSQC, Professor in Filipino

- Quezon City, Philippines

Ernesto Payawal Villanueva II
22 Road 15 Corner Villa Socorro Street, Project 8. Quezon City | 0915-158-6402 | 583 – 02 -45

Personal Information

Date of Birth: August 23, 2000 Place of Birth: Quezon City, Philippines
Age: 18 Gender: Male Religion: Roman Catholic

Educational Background

• Maria Montessori School of Quezon City (2006-present)

116 Visayas Avenue, Quezon City
• St. John Child Care Center (2003-2006)
63 Malaya St., Sta. Mesa Heights, Quezon City

• 1st place Overall Intramurals Champion (2018)

• Loyalty Award (2018)
• With Honors (2011-2017)
• 2nd place overall Intramurals Champion (2017)
• 2nd place in Choral Reading Contest (2012)
Core Skills

Technical Skills:

o Basic C# Program Developer


Joshua Remo Ureña

- Civil Engineer
- MMSQC Instructor for General Mathematics
- Quezon City, Philippines
Graceil Ann Estanislao, MAF

- MMSQC Professor in Filipino

- Quezon City, Philippines

Chenny A. Taguinaldo, MAT-Math
o MMSQC Professor in Statistics and Probability
o Antipolo, Rizal


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