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Managerial Accounting

Chapter 8 : Budgeting for

Planning and Control
Kelompok 1
Aisyah Shalsabillah N. M 18/423454/EK/21778

Bambang Abdullah Rahanyamtel 14/369583/EK/20150

Monika Dyah Kusuma Wardhani 18/423474/EK/21798

Nurhaliza 18/429435/EK/22044
Learning Materials
Budgeting & its role in PCD

Operating Budget: major components & its own interrelationship

Financial Budget: major components & its own interrelationship

Behavioral Dimension of Budgeting

Budgeting and planning and control
Budget : Guidline yang penting dalam mengarahkan dan mengontrol jalannya

Planning is looking ahead

Contol is looking backward

Advantages of Budgeting
1. It forces managers to plan
2. It provides information that can be used to improve decision making
3. It provides a standard for performance evaluation
4. It improves communication and coordination
Preparing The Master Budget
The master budget is the comprehensive financial plan for the organization as
a whole.
Direct and Coordinating

- Budget Committee

- Budget Director
Major Component of the Master Budget

● Operating Budget

● Financial Budget
Preparing The Operating Budget
Consist of a budgeted income statement accompanied by the following
supporting schedule:

1. Sales Budget
2. Production Budget
3. Direct Materials Purchases Budget
4. Direct Labor Budget
5. Overhead Budget
6. Selling & Administrative Expense Budget
7. Ending Finished Goods Inventory Budget
8. Cost of Goods Sold Budget
Sales Budget
● Sales Budget is approved by the budget comittee and describes expected
sales in units and dollars
● As accurate as possible
● First step in creating a sales budget is to develop the sales forecast
● The sales forecast is just the initial estimate and it is often adjusted by the
budget comittee
Budgeted units to be sold for each quarter of the coming year: 1,000, 1,200,
1,500, and, 2,000. Selling price is $10 per t-shirt.
Production Budget
● Production Budget tells how many units must be produced to meet sales
needs and to satisfy ending inventory requirements.
● If there were no beginning or ending inventories, the product to be
produced would exactly equal the units to be sold (JIT Firm)
● To compute the units to be produced:
Assume that company policy requires 20% of the next quarter’s sales in ending inventory and that
beginning inventory of T-shirt for the first quarter of the year was 180. Sales for the first quarter of the
year after the budget year are estimated at 1,000 units.

Ending inventory, Quarter 1 = 0.20 x 1,200 units = 240

Ending inventory, Quarter 2 = 0.20 x 1,500 units = 300

Ending inventory, Quarter 3 = 0.20 x 2,000 units = 400

Ending inventory, Quarter 4 = 0.20 x 1,000 units = 200

Ending inventory for the year = Ending inventory for Quarter 4 = 200 units
Two important points that should be emphasized:

● First, the beginning inventory for one quarter is always equal to the ending inventory of the
previous quarter
● The column for the year is not simply the addition of the amounts for the four quarters
Direct Materials Purchases Budget
● The direct materials purchases budget tells the amount and cost of raw
materials to be produced in each time period
● The formula used for calculating purchases is as follows:
Budgeted units to be produced for each quarter: 1,060, 1,260, 1,600,, and 1,800. Plain T-shirts cost $3
each, and ink (for the screen printing) costs $0.20 per ounce. On a per-unit basis, the factory needs one
plain T-shirt and the five ounces of ink for each logoed T-shirt that it produces. Texas Rex’s policy is to
have 10% of the following quarter’s production needs in ending inventory. The factory has 58 plain
T-shirts and 390 ounces of ink on hand on January 1. On December 31, the desired ending inventory is
106 plain T-shirts and 530 ounces of ink.

Ending inventory plain T-shirts, Quarter 1 = 0.10 x (1,260 units x 1 T-shirts) = 126

Ending inventory plain T-shirts, Quarter 2 = 0.10 x (1,600 units x 1 T-shirts) = 160

Ending inventory plain T-shirts, Quarter 3 = 0.10 x (1,800 units x 1 T-shirts) = 180

Ending inventory ink, Quarter 1 = 0.10 x (1,260 units x 5 T-shirts) = 630

Ending inventory ink, Quarter 2 = 0.10 x (1,600 units x 5 T-shirts) = 800

Ending inventory ink, Quarter 3 = 0.10 x (1,800 units x 5 T-shirts) = 900

Direct Labor Budget
● The direct labor budget shows the total direct labor hours and the direct
labor cost needed for the number of units in the production budget
● It takes 0.12 hour to produce one T-shirt. The average wage cost per hour
is $10
Overhead Budget
● The overhead budget shows the expected cost of all production costs
other than direct materials and direct labor.
● The variable overhead rate is $5 per direct labor hour. Fixed overhead is
budgeted at $1,645 per quarter (this amount includes $540 per quarter
for depreciation)
Selling and Administrative Expenses Budget
● The selling and administrative expenses budget outlines planned expenditures for non
manufactring activities
● Variable expenses are $0.10 per unit sold. Salaries average $1,420 per quarter, utilities, $50 per
quarter, and depreciation, $150 per quarter. Advertising for Quarters 1 through 4 is $100, $200,
$800, and $500 respectively
Anggaran Persediaan Akhir Barang Jadi
-ending finished goods inventory budget-
Memberikan informasi yang dibutuhkan oleh
neraca dan juga bertindak sebagai input penting
untuk persiapan anggaran HPP.
Anggaran HPP
-cost of good sold budget-
Mengungkapkan harga yang diharapkan
untuk barang yang akan dijual. Laporan
HPP adalah laporan terakhir yang
diperlukan sebelum anggaran laporan laba
rugi dapat disiapkan.
Laporan apa saja yang harus disiapkan Texas Rex,
Inc untuk menyiapkan laporan laba rugi?
Anggaran Keuangan Anggaran Kas
1. Anggaran Kas
2. Anggaran Neraca Dengan mengetahui waktu kemungkinan
terjadinya kekurangan dan kelebihan kas,
manajer dapat merencanakan kapan akan
meminjam uang tunai.
Arus kas adalah darah kehidupan bagi
suatu organisasi dan anggaran kas adalah
salah satu anggaran yang paling penting.
Pencairan Uang Tunai(cash disbursements) - Bagian pencairan uang tunai mencantumkan semua
pengeluaran kas yang direncanakan untuk periode tersebut.
Kelebihan atau Kekurangan Uang Tunai(cash excess or deficiency) - Kas dapat dikatakan kelebihan
atau kekurangan yaitu dari membandingkannya dengan saldo kas minimum yang disyaratkan oleh
kebijakan perusahaan. Saldo kas minimum hanyalah jumlah uang tunai terendah yang dapat
diterima oleh perusahaan.
Pinjaman dan Pelunasan(borrowings and repayments) - Jika perusahaan kelebihan kas (defisiensi),
perusahaan itu mungkin meminjam uang dan belum dilunasi. Jika ada kekurangan, maka
perusahaan perlu untuk meminjam. Ketika tersedia uang tunai berlebih, sebaiknya perusahaan
merencanakan pelunasan termasuk biaya bunga.
Mengakhiri Saldo Kas(ending cash balance) - Jumlah uang tunai yang direncanakan untuk tersedia
pada akhir periode setelah semua penerimaan dan pengeluaran, serta pinjaman dan pembayaran,
Anggaran Keuangan Anggaran Neraca
1. Anggaran Kas
2. Anggaran Neraca Neraca yang dianggarkan bergantung pada
informasi dalam neraca saat ini dan dalam
anggaran lainnya di anggaran induk.
Using Budgets for Performance Evaluation
Static Budgets versus Flexible Budgets

1. Static Budgets
2. Flexible Budgets
● Budgeting for the expected level of activity
● Budgeting for the actual level of activity
Dimensi Perilaku dari Penganggaran
1. Umpan Balik Sering tentang Kinerja
2. Insentif Moneter dan Nonmoneter
3. Penganggaran partisipatif
● Menetapkan standar yang terlalu tinggi atau terlalu rendah
● Membangun kelonggaran dalam anggaran
● Partisipasi semu
4. Standar Realistis
5. Pengendalian Biaya
6. Berbagai Ukuran Kinerja

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