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QUADRATIC WORD PROBLEMS Determining Maximum and Minimum Vaiues Example 1 a - A model rocket is launched irom the roof ofa building. Its fight path s modeled by h=—51? + 301410 where h i the height ofthe rocket above the ground in metres and is the time after the lannch in seconds, XO What is the rocket’s maximum height? Example 2 _ Bea ae ‘A rectangular field will be fenced on all four sides. There will also be a line of fence across the field, parallel to the shorter side. 1£.900 m of fencing are available, what dimensions of the field will produce the maximum area?’ What is the maximum area? QUADRATIC WORD PROBLEMS, Solving Quadratic Equations Example 1 ‘A water balloon is catapulted into the air so that is height hy in metres, after ¢ seconds is k= 4.9 4271-424 a) How high is the balloon after 1 second? “48 For how long is the balloon more than 30 m high? Bo<- 44 + ~4.9 15. The height in feet of a bottle rocket is given by Hi(¢)= 1601-160 where fis the time in seconds. How long wil i take for the rocket to return to the groune? What is the height after 2 seconds? eaeaen WEE + WOt =O Woe (4 -10)=0 (esto ce | 16, A foul ball leaves the end of a baseball bat and travels according to the formule h(t) = 641-161 where fis the height of the ballin feet and tis the time in seconds. How tong wilt take forthe ball to reach a height of 64 feet inthe ait? lok Otte Eee 2 sec | Gu = ~ (ut 17. A model rocket is projected straight upward from the ground level according to the height equation h = —161° + 192t, ¢> 0, where iris the height in feot and fis the time in seconds, ‘At what lime is the height of the rocket maximum and what is thal height? (42. 2 \w) 48, Emma hits @ golf ball of the tee. The height ofthe balls given by y= =16x" +4013x +3250 where y is the height in yards above the ground and xis the horizontal distance from the tee in yards. How far does Emma hit the ball? What is the ‘maximum height of the ball? 2 HO ney NOX? 4 Holayd 3250 << } 2(- ti) ~4ors t JEMORE YC wy “X= LOI yds) 28, Wile on an Audubon fed tip Jennifer sees a Rec-Tall Hawk drop its prey. The height hin {eet of the prey is elven by fi = —16r° +481 +50. How long will it take the prey to strike the ‘ground? What is the maximum height of the prey? ~2.CBt2= 24 -19)<0 Te Example 2: ‘The height, hi in feet of an object above the ground is given by fi = —160" +641 +190, 120 where # is the time in seconds. Find the time ft takes the object to strike the ground and find the ‘maximum height of the object WH? FONE $1907 0 “We (42-4 = 1.4 o we GETAGL Ee) Bese My 4 ie NOE 2464 5. 9g4 ‘The length of a rectangle is three more than twice the width, Determine the dimensions that will ive @ total area of 27 m*. What is the minimum area that this rectangle can have? | \y X(2X49}2 29 Ke Oy d4 A “OHS IX? F3K- RTO ae Ke ¥4+4a\~O0 os Faas Side lenatn hea So ne 4-4 Mii Owed x= 4, 20

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