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Notes from Kleiner: Mesopotamia – Greek for “the land between the

Tigris and Euphrates rivers” – often called the “Fertile Crescent”. Present
day Iraq, Syria, Iran, Turkey, Lebanon, Israel, Palestine, Jordan and
Cyprus (3500-330 BCE). Ziggurat’s, such as the White Temple at Uruk,
were the main temple to the state’s chief god and was built on a temple
complex in the center of the city. Priests and scribes worked on business
and religious functions.
Ziggurat – a pyramid-like building made of several stories that indent as
the building gets taller; thus, they have terraces at each level.

Contextual Notes on the Near East:

A way to remember order of Mesopotamian cultures: Santa Anna Never Baked a Nutty
Pancake (Sumerians, Akkadians, Neo-Sumerians, Babylonians, Assyrians, Neo-Babylonians,
“The Origin of many features of civilization such as writing, urbanism, science, and
metalworking to name a few lies in the lands of the ancient Near East.” Excerpt from Marsha’s

Essential Knowledge 2-2b. Architectural representations include towering ziggurats that

provide monumental settings for the worship of many deities, and heavily fortified palaces
proclaiming the power and authority of rulers.


Identification: White Temple and its
ziggurat. Uruk (modern Warka, Iraq).
Sumerian. c. 3500-3000 BCE. Mud brick
Period/Style: Ancient Mediterranean – early
Form: bent axis approach; 40 ft. platform above eye level
Content: temple of mudbrick, stepped ramp built high on the plain; contains outdoor
terraces and indoor temple both for ritual purposes
Context: located in the center of the city of Uruk. A grand setting for worship of their main
deity, Anu (sky god); only high priests and elite community members were allowed access.
Contained a cella (central hall) for gods. Sumerians called their temples “waiting rooms” –
waiting for the deity.
Function: a temple for ritual purposes; the center of the city and meeting place for the gods
and select priests and administrators of Uruk
Theme: knowledge and belief; sacred spaces; religion-ritual/ceremony
Description/Notes: this was the center of the city. It was a grand setting for the worship of
their main deity. The temple stands atop a 40-foot platform above street level. One stairway
led to the top, but not to any doorway. They used a bent-axis plan, forcing the viewer to
change angles 2-3 times. 4 corners of the temple are set to the 4 cardinal points of the
compass. Not sure of a roof. Do we not see this with Moses ascending Mount Sinai to receive
the 10 Commandments? Or the Greeks placing the home of their gods on Mount Olympus?
Innovation/Convention: ziggurat; bent-axis plan
Connections-religious centers on hilltops: Yaxchilan structure; Templo Mayer, Tenochtitlan,

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