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IB LA 12

What is the measure of a man?

Nonfiction Essays - Schedule of Assignments
August 15-September 11/12

Summer Reading Assessment – Hamlet & Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead – August 21, 22

Thursday, August 15: Introductions, “Warning, Literature Happening,” Excerpts from The Shallows;
Mindful walk & the story – Value of Nerd Herd vs. Camel Herd
HW: Join the nerd herd—tell the story—think!

Friday, August 16: Small herds—the story; Odd Man Out handout; Summer Reading Assessment
Questions to Consider – again Nerd Herd vs. Camel Herd
HW: Read & annotate “Odd Man Out” noting similarities & differences among passages.
Read Heart of Darkness for Wednesday/Thursday, September 11/12.

Monday, August 19: School procedures regarding drills: Fire, Lock-out, Lock-down.
Marc Antony; Overview of Syllabus and Schedule Information; Begin Small Group work with
Odd Man Out
HW: Read Syllabus on website, and read and return signed Student Course
Agreement and Course Specific Academic Integrity Policy on Friday, August 23

Tuesday, August 20: Marc Antony; Conclude Odd Man Out; Silent Discussion over Hamlet and
Rosencrantz & Guildenstern are Dead + Post-its of significant/poignant statements or questions

Block, August 21/22: Marc Antony

Assessment on Hamlet and Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead

Friday, August 23: Signed Student Course Agreement and Course Specific Academic Integrity Policy
Due! Marc Antony; Receive journals; Timeline in Journal (Example)
HW: Pick 2 events from your timeline & complete a 15” quick-write for each in your
journal. Include the incident and an explanation of how it relates some important
aspect(s) about who you are. Due Monday
REMINDER: Continue reading HOD

Monday, August 26: Marc Antony; Journal Share: In small groups (3-4) share your 15”quick-
writes; NO DISCLAIMERS! Group members respond to the following: 1) Where is my piece
strong? 2) Where do you need/want to know more? 3) Where is my piece confusing? 4) Where
do you think I am going with this? 5) What qualities are revealed about me?
Quick-write (5”): Who are you?
Narrow to one word (example)
HW: Choose one of your quick-writes to develop into a one to two page personal essay.
Your essay should relate some important aspect about who you are.
Due Friday, 8/30.
Tuesday, August 27 – Block, August 28/29: Marc Antony; Naipaul Background, Read Naipaul’s
excerpt from “In the Middle of the Journey”; Small group work with Setting, Culture, and Tone and the
Naipaul selection; Small group presentations on Friday

Friday, August 30: Personal Essay due!

Marc Antony; Naipaul small group presentations ~ What qualities does his essay reveal about him?
HW: Come to class on Tuesday with 3 college essay prompts
Continue reading HOD

Monday, September 2: Labor Day; No School

Tuesday, September 3: Marc Antony; Advice on College Essays ~ Which of your qualities would you
like a college admissions officer to recognize?; Discuss College Essay topics
HW: Journal College Essay ideas on 2 of the topics for sharing on Block, September

Block, September 4/5, Friday, September 6, & Monday, September 9

Marc Antony; Discussion of student essay ideas in small groups using the 5 questions; Read Anne
Lamott’s “ . . . First Drafts”; Orwell background; Read Orwell’s “Shooting an Elephant”; Handout on
Imagery; Discuss Orwell’s essay focusing on structure, imagery, symbolism, and cultural background. ~
What qualities does his essay reveal about him?;
HW: Choose one of the two essays (Naipaul or Orwell) and write a pastiche of one to two
paragraphs utilizing an episode from your life, paying special attention to structure, tone, and
setting in your writing – due Tuesday, 9/10.
Choose one of your quick-writes to develop into a 300 – 600 word college application essay –
due Friday, 9/13.
Continue reading HOD

Tuesday, September 10: Marc Antony; Share pastiche

HW: Reminder – College Essay due Friday, September 13.
Complete your reading of HOD

Block, September 11/12: Sign up in pairs for Heart of Darkness Presentations (due Monday, September
23rd); Heart of Darkness, Book I Quiz
HW: Reminder - College Essay due Friday!

*Planning to write a supplemental college essay?

[NB: The counselors now recommend including the common app. optional second essay in which you
elaborate on a different aspect of yourself, provided the college allows a second essay.]
Conferences available by appointment

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