BaTiO3 Sol

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Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 351 (2005) 976–980

Barium titanate sols prepared by a diol-based sol–gel route

a,* b
Supin Tangwiwat , Steven J. Milne
Metallurgy and Materials Science Research Institute, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok 10330, Thailand
Department of Materials, University of Leeds, Leeds, LS2 9JT, UK

Available online 2 March 2005


A diol-based sol–gel route for preparing barium titanate precursor sols has been developed. The sols were prepared using 1,3
propanediol, barium acetate, and titanium isopropoxide, modified by acetylacetonate. The decomposition behavior of samples of
gel, dried at 120 °C, was studied by GC–MS, TGA and DSC; phase formation was investigated by XRD and FTIR techniques.
From the XRD results for calcined gel powders, crystalline barium titanate began to form at 600 °C. FTIR spectra showed
two absorption bands at 538 cm1 and 400 cm1 in samples calcined at 600 °C; these peaks are assigned to barium titanate, in
accord with the XRD results. There was also FTIR evidence of a carbonate phase, which persisted until a calcination temperature
of 1000 °C. The sols have been kept in a closed container for 6 months without any evidence of precipitation or gel formation.
Ó 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction butoxide is usually sensitive to moisture in the air.

Therefore it has to be handled under inert atmospheres.
Barium titanate (BT) and related compositions find To make it more stable to air, the titanium alkoxide can
extensive use in electronic components such as capaci- be modified by reaction with acetylacetone [14]. One of
tors; there is now growing interest in using thin film ana- the modified titanium alkoxides, titanium diisopropox-
logues in micro-electronics applications [1]. Sol–gel is ide bisacetylacetonate (TIAA), has been used to prepare
one method of fabricating the films. Barium titanate sols lead titanate and lead zirconate titanate sols for thin film
may be prepared from several different types and combi- deposition [15,16].
nations of starting reagents. Generally a short chain tita- In the present research, a diol-based sol–gel route has
nium alkoxide is employed, together with various types been developed for preparing a barium titanate precur-
of barium reagent. Routes include: Barium metal in eth- sor sol. The sols were prepared using 1,3 propanediol,
anol, with acetylacetone and diethylamine as stabilizers barium acetate, and titanium isopropoxide, modified
[2]; barium ethoxide in dehydrated methanol, and 2- by acetylacetonate. Previously this chemical approach
methoxyethanol as solvents [3–7]; barium acetate dis- has proved to be successful in preparing lead zirconate
solved in acetic acid [8–10]; barium hydroxide and titanate (PZT) precursor sols [16,17].
isopropanol or 2-methoxyethanol [11,12]; barium chlo-
ride dissolved in deionized water [13]; barium nitrate dis-
solved in nitric acid [13]. The short chain titanium
alkoxide such as titanium isopropoxide or titanium 2. Experimental

Barium acetate (Aldrich, purity >99%) was dissolved

Corresponding author. Tel.: +662 218 4243; fax: +662 611 7586. in acetic acid (J.T Baker, purity >99.9%) and heated
E-mail address: (S. Tangwiwat). under reflux conditions for 90 min. In another flask,

0022-3093/$ - see front matter Ó 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
S. Tangwiwat, S.J. Milne / Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 351 (2005) 976–980 977

titanium diisopropoxide bisacetylacetonate, abbreviated ever present in the starting TIAA solution. The building
TIAA, (75 wt% in isopropanol, Aldrich) was mixed with block of the BT gel structure is probably analogous to
1,3 propanediol (Aldrich, purity >98%), in a 1:1 molar that of Ti sols made from TIAA and 1,3 propanediol
ratio of titanium to diol, then maintained under reflux (i.e. the system [Ti(acac)2(OiPr)2]/propane-1,3 diol [20]).
conditions for 60 min. Afterwards, distillation was car-
ried out, at a temperature of 80 °C. Finally, the bar-
ium acetate solution was added to the TIAA solution,
to give a 1:1 molar ratio of Ba and Ti. This mixture
was maintained under reflux for 60 min.
The freshly synthesized sol was converted to a dried
gel by heating the sol at 70 °C, and then heating at
120 °C for 12 h in an oven. The dried gel powders were
analyzed by gas chromatography–mass spectrometry
(GC–MS). The dried gel was first heated up to 800 °C
and soaked for 9 s using a Fischer Curie Point Pyrolyzer
0316M, the vapor products were then introduced into
the MS ion chamber after chromatographic separation.
A Fison GC 8000 series chromatograph with MD 800 Fig. 1. Chromatograms of vapor products from dried gel pyrolyzed at
800 °C for 9 s.
was employed, using: A fused silica capillary column
(L = 30 m) with polymethyl siloxane, DB-1, as station-
ary phase; initial column temperature, 35 °C; final col-
umn temperature, 240 °C; heating rate, 10 °C/min;
injection temperature 250 °C; carrier gas, helium
10 ml/min. The compounds separated by GC were iden-
tified by recording their mass spectra and compared
with spectra in the NIST library [18].
The thermal decomposition characteristics of the
dried barium titanate gel were also determined by ther-
mogravimetric analysis (TGA) using a Netzsch STA
409C instrument; the heating rate was 5 °C/min to a
maximum temperature of 900 °C, with a gas flow rate
of 50 ml/min of an air/nitrogen (50/50) mixture.
Phase analysis of calcined gels were performed using
a Philips PW3710 diffractometer (CuK(radiation) and
FTIR-Perkin Elmer 1760x.

3. Results and discussion

After the barium titanate gel was pyrolyzed at 800 °C

and analyzed by GC, there were four dominant peaks in
the chromatogram, Fig. 1, at retention times of 2.76,
5.42, 12.49, and 15.11 min. The peaks at 2.76 and
5.42 min gave mass spectra, Fig. 2(a) and (b), matching
carbon dioxide and acetic acid, respectively, whereas the
mass spectra of the peaks at 12.49 and 15.11 min, Fig.
2(c) and Fig. 2(d), were similar to isopropyl acetate
((CH3)2CHOCOCH3) and trimethylene acetate (CH3
COO(CH2)3COOCH3), respectively, [18].
The acetic acid formed during pyrolysis is thought to
include products of barium acetate decomposition and
unreacted acetic acid in starting sol. The isopropyl ace-
tate vapor signifies esterification of acetic acid and iso-
propanol, the latter would be formed by exchange Fig. 2. Mass spectra for vapor products from dried gel pyrolyzed at
reactions of propanediol (OHCH2CH2CH2OH) with 800 °C for 9 s at several retention times: (a) 2.76 min, (b) 5.42 min, (c)
the isopropoxy groups on TIAA; isopropanol was how- 12.49 min, and (d) 15.11 min.
978 S. Tangwiwat, S.J. Milne / Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 351 (2005) 976–980

O The combined DSC and TGA plots are shown in Fig.

n(acac)2Ti (CH2)3 [-O-Ti(acac)2-O-(CH2)3-]n 3(b). The first DSC endotherm (100 °C) is considered
O to be due to the expulsion of residual water and acetic
acid volatilization (the boiling point of the acid is
Proposed molecular structure of gel precursors in the 117 °C). This is followed by a series of exotherms and
TIAA–propanediol system [20]. losses at intermediate temperatures, associated with
The trimethylene acetate found here is possibly a pyrolysis of the major organic components. The small
byproduct of thermal decomposition of the acetyl acet- weight loss, and DSC endotherm at 1060 °C is consis-
onate groups on the [–O–Ti(acac)2–O–(CH2)3–]n chain, tent with the decomposition of a residual carbonate
where, acac = CH3COCHCOCH3, [20]. There are litera- phase. The DSC anomaly at 820 °C is close to the re-
ture reports of the evolution of barium containing gel ported transition temperature of gamma to beta barium
made from barium acetate in acetic acid; the gel was carbonate, 811 °C [21].
composed of an interconnecting 3D network of Fig. 4 shows XRD diffraction patterns for a dried gel,
Ba4(CH3COO)8 units [19]. It is plausible that in the and after calcination at 300–1000 °C, for 2 h in air. The
present BT gels, prior to pyrolysis, similar Ba units co- first crystalline phases to appear, at 300 °C, were barium
exist with the more linear [–O–Ti(acac)2–O–(CH2)3–]n acetate and barium carbonate, which could be derived
species. However detailed analysis of molecular struc- from partial decomposition of the barium acetate start-
ture in the new BT diol gels has not yet been carried out. ing reagent. After treatments at 400 °C or 500 °C, only
From TGA and DTG data, Fig. 3(a), the largest BaCO3 was detected; BaTiO3, first appeared in the
weight loss occurred in the second of three principal 600 °C sample, co-existing with BaCO3. The oxycarbon-
decomposition steps, with a corresponding DTG peak ate phase, Ba2Ti2O5CO3, has been reported for other
at 323 °C. The total weight loss from dried gel was metallo-organic systems [22]; here there was some evi-
42 wt%, with all but 2% occurring below 740 °C dence of the latter in the 600 °C sample. For the
(TGA); the final slight weight loss occurred at 800 °C sample, pervoskite BaTiO3 and a small amount
1060 °C. It is speculated that the 740 °C and 1060 °C of BaCO3 were detected in XRD plots. A small amount
losses may represent decomposition of different forms of Ba2TiO4 appeared in the 900 °C sample, but heating
of carbonate phase. at 1000 °C produced a pattern of single phase BaTiO3.
FTIR spectra of the dried gel, Fig. 5, showed charac-
teristic peaks due to acetate groups, at 1567 cm1 (ace-
tate asymmetric stretching) and 1421 cm1 (acetate
symmetric stretching), which may correspond to unre-
acted barium acetate and acetic acid starting reagent.
The 1028 cm1 peak is assigned to be due to C–H bend-
ing. The broad bands at 3500 cm1 are attributed to
O–H stretching, which decreased in intensity as calcina-
tion temperature increased, but persisted to 900 °C.
The 657 cm1 and 550 cm1 peaks may be due to Ti–O

5 5 5
5 5 5 5 5 o
1000 C
4 o
900 C
2 o
800 C
Relative intensity

700 C
600 C
2 2 2 2 22 500 C
1 1 1 400 C
300 C
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Degree two thetha

Fig. 4. XRD pattern for dried gel and products derived from BT gel
Fig. 3. (a) TGA and DTG curve for dried barium titanate gel. (b) calcined at 300–1000 °C for 2 h. Note: 1 = Ba(CH3COO)2, 2 = BaCO3,
TGA and DSC curve for dried barium titanate gel. 3 = Ba2Ti2O5CO3, 4 = Ba2TiO4, 5 = BaTiO3.
S. Tangwiwat, S.J. Milne / Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 351 (2005) 976–980 979

methylene acetate, identified as a late decomposition

1000 C
product by GC–MS, is 482 °C.
Absorbance (arbitary unit)

Due to the thermal stability of BaCO3, the formation

of CO2 during pyrolysis is a particular problem.
Although XRD suggested that barium carbonate had
decomposed at 800 °C, FTIR proved a more sensitive
500oC indicator, revealing carbonate in samples calcined at
900 °C, and possibly a faint trace even in the 1000 °C
1431 860
sample. There was a co-existence of OH stretching (at
gel 3500 cm1) with the carbonate absorptions (at
3429 1567 1421 657 550
1440 cm1), Fig. 5, suggesting that the carbonate
4000 3600 3200 2800 2400 2000 1600 1200 800 400 may be in the form of a hydroxy carbonate. However
Wavenumber (cm-1) further work is required to validate this point and to
Fig. 5. FTIR spectra for dried gel and products derived from BT gel investigate the possibility that reactions with air after
calcined at 300–1000 °C for 2 h. calcination (and before FTIR experiments) may contrib-
ute to carbonate (or hydroxycarbonate) phases in the gel
powders, especially in high surface area powders formed
bonds [18] in the [–O–Ti(acac)2–O–(CH2)3–]n gel- at low calcination temperatures.
forming chain. Noticeably the intensity of the bands The sols have been kept in a closed container for six
representing Ti–O decreased after the gel was calcined months without any evidence of precipitation: In future
at 300 °C or higher. The 690 cm1 peak which could work, the capability of the sol for fabricating barium
be TiO2 was found between 400 °C and 700 °C. When titanate thin films will be evaluated.
the gel was heated up to 400 °C the acetate peaks de-
creased in intensity, and evidence of carbonate groups
appeared, as signified by the peaks at 1431 cm1 (C@O 4. Conclusions
stretching of CO2 3 ) and 860 cm (out of plane defor-
mation of CO3 ); these decreased in intensity with A diol-based sol–gel route has been demonstrated for
increasing calcination temperature, but persisted until BaTiO3. On heating, the dried gel powders initially
900 °C. decomposed to give crystalline barium carbonate and
Considering the barium titanate formation reaction barium acetate at 300 °C. A temperature of at least
during gel decomposition, the results suggest that 500 °C was required to eliminate all organic residues
BaTiO3 principally forms by the reaction: BaCO3 + from the gel products. Acetic acid, isopropyl acetate,
TiO2 ! BaTiO3 + CO2 at temperatures between 600 °C and trimethylene acetate were among the main byprod-
and 800 °C. The BaCO3 phase was identified in XRD ucts. Perovskite BaTiO3 first appeared after calcination
patterns for heat treatments between 300 °C and at 600 °C, but because of the stability of the intermedi-
700 °C, indeed FTIR confirmed that small amounts of ate barium carbonate phase, calcination at 1000 °C
carbonate containing phase were present until at least was required to produce carbonate-free BaTiO3
900 °C. X-ray diffraction did not reveal any TiO2 phase, powders.
which indicates that any TiO2 formed by decomposition
of TIAA–propanediol species was amorphous, or pres-
ent as very small crystallites which were below the criti-
cal size for Bragg reflection. The presence of Ba2TiO4 Acknowledgements
after calcining at 900 °C could point to a minor reaction
involving unreacted BaCO3 and the main BaTiO3 phase The authors wish to thank ÔDevelopment Grants for
to give minor amounts of Ba2TiO4 (+CO2) which then New Faculty/ResearchersÕ from Chulalongkorn Univer-
goes on to react with residual TiO2 at higher tempera- sity, The Thailand Research Fund and the Thai Govern-
tures, to form BaTiO3. ment for financial support.
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ing heating rates), indicate that the reaction sequence
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