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Monthly Report


Completed Module 3 of the subject Business Communication and started Module 4

Co Curricular

News Paper Presentation

News paper presentation session was handled in T1 MBA B batch in every Monday 4th Hour and so far
26 students have presented the news in 6 Groups.

Extra Curricular

Rotary Club Installation Program

Rotary Club Installation program of Rotary Club Of Kottayam East was Conduted on 6th July 2019 and
Dean prof John T varughese, Dr.Sibu c Chitran ,ms Tinta Baby ,Miss Fathima Shirin Shaji and 4 Students
from T3 MBA participated the event and the Rotary Club President handed over the Mini model of the
waste bins which will be placed in the college campus .

Cultural Activities

As the Faculty in charge for Extra Curricular activities of A batch Cordinated cultrural activities and first
Activity was conduted on 2nd August 2019 at N102 From 3.00 to 4.00 PM and 1 Individul event and 3
Group activities were presented by the Students of A batch.Mr.Bose Tom and Miss Jeenu Mathew was
the Judges for the event and Prizes for the winners were distributed by the Dean Prof John T Varughese.

Report Submitted BY

Tinta Baby(Associate Professor

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