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Choose the best answer to the following Taken from Hello Bali, 2000
1. The topic of the text above is_____
Questions 1 – 5 are based on the following a. Balinese life.
text. b. scenery in Bali.
c. tourism in Bali.
AROUND BALI d. Bali for recreation.
Bali, the fabled "Island of the Gods", has e. spiritualism in Bali.
been enchanting visitors for centuries with 2. The main idea of paragraph 2 is_____
its rich cultural traditions and spectacular a. population of Bali.
panoramas. From lofty, misty enshrouded b. Bali′s inhabitants.
volcanoes and cool mountain lakes down c. The Balinese religion.
through terraced rice fields to a golden strand d. daily lives of Balinese.
lapped by azure waters, every square inch of e. The Balinese primary faith.
Bali offers a fresh and unforgettable image. 3. The synonym of the word azure in
paragraph 1 is_____
No less enchanting are its people, some 2.7 a. bright blue. d. dark blue.
million souls whose artistry and piety are b. bright green. e. cyan.
recognized throughout the world. Balinese c. dark green.
Hinduism, a complex fusion of Indian 4. The word they in paragraph 3 refers
cosmology, Tantric Buddhism and to_____
homegrown mythology, is the primary faith a. craftsmen. d. gifted artists
of Bali's inhabitants, and so deeply woven b. fine works. e. handicrafts.
into the fabric of their daily lives that the line c. the Balinese.
between the spiritual and the material is 5. Below is recreational activities you can
blurry at best. find in Bali, except_____
a. Horseback riding. d. skiing
The shoppers among you will find Bali a
b. nature walks. e. diving.
treasure house of handicrafts and fine works
c. surfing.
of art. The Balinese are incredibly gifted
artists and craftsmen, and their material Questions 6 – 10 are based on the following
creations are imbued with the same sense of text.
wonderment with which they regard their
universe. Stone and wood carvings, Most firms ignore waste treatment
traditional and modern paintings and Only 26 percent of a total of 2,173 medium
intricately designed jewelry in gold and and large-scale enterprises in the city
silver are readily available in shops and regularly submit samples of their liquid
galleries throughout the island. waste for assessment, the Jakarta
As for recreation, there is no shortage of Environmental Management Agency has
options. Nature walks, horseback riding, said.
diving, surfing, bungee jumping and white The remaining 1,602 enterprises failed to
water rafting await the adventurous here. deliver reports of the liquid waste they
Page 1 2016

produced as set out in gubernatorial decree are given six months to improve their
No. 299/1996.The decree requires all treatment facilities. If they fail to meet the
enterprises producing liquid waste to treat deadline, the agency has the power to close
the waste before disposing of it into rivers. It the waste treatment facility, the area of
also requires them to send samples of the production causing the waste, or the entire
treated waste to the agency every three production process.
Taken from The Jakarta Post, July 5, 2004
The companies on the list include hotels,
apartments, office buildings, restaurants, 6. The topic of the text above is_____
hospitals, and industrial plants. a. the small numbers of enterprise that
concern about waste.
The above figures do not include registered b. the ignorance of waste treatment.
small-scale enterprises such as community c. high level of pollution.
markets, small workshops and small offices d. uncontrolled waste.
which amount up to at least, 15,845 e. the failure of the regulations on waste
concerns. treatment.
7. The companies that are required to send
Worse still, out of 571 companies which samples of the treated waste to the
have sent their samples to us, only 35 agency are mentioned below,
percent, or 199 companies, comply with the except_____
decree and send us the samples every three a. hotels.
months. The rest submit the samples every b. restaurant.
four months, six months, or even only once a c. apartments.
year. No wonder the quality of our river d. community markets.
water is getting worse. e. hospitals.
High levels of pollution in the city's 13 rivers 8. The statements below are true based on
are suspected of being behind the red tide the text, except_____
phenomenon, which killed thousands of fish a. 76 percent of the companies on the
in Jakarta Bay in May. list did not submit the liquid waste
for assessment.
The real issue here is whether the agency has b. Gubernatorial decree No. 299/1996
the political will because the administration doesn't have any legal sanction.
has ignored the existing Law No. 23/1997 on c. Community markets should submit
the environment. The law authorizes all the sample of the waste as well.
environment management agencies to control d. The quality of river water gets worse
the liquid waste treatment of any enterprises. because the waste control is still
The law gave the administration the power to weak.
censure transgressing companies and the city e. Damage to Jakarta’s river water has
could close companies down if they continue extended to its marine ecosystem.
to ignore existing regulations. 9. How often should companies send the
samples to the agency?
The law says companies found to be
a. Every two months.
polluting the environment with liquid waste
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b. Every three months. c. because the dog wanted some foods.

c. Every four months. d. because the dog wanted to tell that
d. Every six months. something dangerous
e. After each production process. almost happened in their home.
10. Does gubernatorial decree No.299/1996 e. because a snake wanted to catch it.
carry legal sanctions? 13. ……finally killed by the husband.
a. Yes, it is. d. No, it doesn’t. a. the baby d. the dog
b. No, it isn't. e. No, it carries. b. the snake e. the couple
c. Yes, it does. c. the wife
14. The snake was killed by…………………
Questions 11 – 17 are based on the following a. the dog d. the child
text. b. the husband e. the baby
Once there was a husband and his wife c. the wife
who had a baby. They had a dog named 15. Was the baby hurt by the dog?
Bony. It was a very smart dog and faithful to a. yes, it is d. no it was not
them. The dog used to take care of the baby b. yes, it was e. no, it doesn’t
while were working in the rice field. c. no, it did
One afternoon, while working in the field, 16. “Suddenly, he took his sickle
they heard Bony barking. It was running …..”(paragraph 2, sentence 5). The word
toward them. It’s mouth smeared with blood. suddenly has the same meaning with the
The husband shocked and thought that it had word………………
killed their baby. Suddenly he took his sickle a. usually d. angrily
and threw it to the dog. It hit the dog’s had b. quietly e. Hungrily
and the dog head and the dog fell down and c. quickly
died. 17. Why was the husband shocked?
Hurriedly they got home and saw the baby Because………………
sleeping. When the husband looked around a. He thought that the dog hurt killed his
in the baby’s room, he found a big snake baby
lying on the floor. It was dead and blood b. he was sick
spilled everywhere. It seemed the dog had c. he saw a snake
killed the snake and the killed his faithful d. he saw a dog died
dog. e. his wife fell down
18. A : “What kind of the narrative is it?”
11. Who was Bony? Bonny was………. B : “It is……….”
a. the husband’s name a. Romance
b. the wife’s name b. Adventure
c. the bay’s name c. science fiction
d. the dog’s name d. mystery
e. the snake’s name e. Folktale
12. Why was the dog running toward the 19. I ………… the mall last week
couple? a. went d. goes
a. because it afraid of snake b. go e. have gone
b. because it was hurt
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c. Gone a. Sad
20. Lisa : Do you mind turning on the fan for b. Sorry
me ? c. Happy
Mita : ………………….. d. Happily
a. no, thank you e. Worried
b. yes, I do 24. _________
c. l’d love to a. Can
d. not at all b. Will
e. yes, please c. Should
21. Dicky : may I come to your house at 7 d. Must
tonight ? e. May
Anne : ….. I will be going somewhere 25. _________
with my friend at that time. a. Met
a. yes, that’s all right b. Meet
b. yes, indeed c. Meets
c. l’m afraid not d. Meeting
d. not at all e. To meet
e. why not 26. A : Have you heard that uncle Joe will
come next week?
Questions 22 – 25 are based on the following B : Oh. really? When did he tell you?
text. A : Last week.
Tuesday evening The underlined sentence is used to
express ……..
March 8, 2008 a. happiness
b. surprise
Dear Olga,
c. pleasure
It is a (22) ….. to read your letter and to d. enjoyment
know about the music program at your e. condolence
university. I’ll be (23) ….. to go with you. 27. I ………………… a fantastic film at the
My bus (24) ….. be at your school at 4 cinema last week.
o’clock on Saturday. If you don’t mind, I’d a. Saw
like you (25) ….. me at the bus station. See b. Seeing
you on Saturday. c. Seed
d. See
Maritha e. Seen
28. “Watch the TV tonight. My daughter is
22. _________
on TV channel 5 at eight. She always
a. Happy
makes me happy.” “Sure, I will.”
b. Regret
From the underlined words we know that
c. Nice
the first speaker feels …….. her daughter.
d. Pleasure
a. angry with
e. Pleased
b. proud of
23. _________
Page 4 2016

c. worried about a. she likes sewing

d. thought about b. she is a dress maker
e. disappointed at c. she cannot sew at all
29. The batik dress mother gave me is old, its d. she doesn’t have a good dressmaker
colour has faded. Its refers to … e. she can’t offord to pay dress-maker
a. mother 36. This area is not suitable for farming
b. old because the soil is not……
c. batik a. fertile c. fertility e. fertilization
d. faded b. fertilize d. fertilizer
e. Colour 37. ‘May I go shopping with my friends,
30. “I am sorry I don’t know the answer, but I mom ?’
really wish I …” ‘No, you…….stay in bed until you
a. know recover.
b. have known a. can c. might e. must
c. knew b. may d. could
d. knowing 38. ‘When do you want to have the
e. will know parcels………to you hosue ?’
31. ….you met your friend last Sunday? ‘It’s better tomorrow morning’
a. Did d. Are a. deliver c. delivered e. be
b. Do e. Were delivered
c. Does b. to deliver d. delivering
32. I listen to everything . . . he saids
a. Which Questions 39 – 40 are based on the following
b. who text.
c. whom One evening last week my and I were sitting
d. whose quietly at home. Suddenly we heard a loud
e. why bang. I supposed that the old lady in the flat
33. this semester I had to buy fifteen books, above ours was moving the furniture about.
most of . . . . english
My wife was afraid that the noise would
a. which is
wake the baby. She turned down the TV and
b. which are
moment latter we heard someone calling for
c. whom were
d. whom is
e. whom are I run upstairs. The old lady’s door was shut
34. the company hired ten new employees, but I could see smoke coming through the
some of.... men letter box and under the door and smell
a. which is something burning.” Ring the fire brigade .”
b. which are I should down to my wife.
c. whom were
d. whom is I banged on the door but the old lady took a
e. whom are long time answer. I was turning over in my
35. My sister, Siska has all her dresses made mind the idea of breaking the door down
because… when she finally appeared. “I was having a
Page 5 2016

bath,” she said,” when the water heater in the baby slept through the noise ?’
kitchen blew up. And I was getting dressed She took the teacups into the kitchen and I
when you knocked. heard her scream and the cups crash to the
floor. When I got there, water dripping from
I took her down stairs to our flat. Smoke was the ceiling and forming a pool on the floor.
pouring out of the kitchen and the heater was The baby woke up at least and began to cry.
in flames. Just then I heard a fire engine
arriving outside and the heavy footsteps of 39. What is the story about ?
the firemen on the stairs.” It’s in here,” I a. A disastrous accident
shouted,” You turned up promptly, I must b. A confused old lady
say.” c. A fire brigade in action
When I got back to our flat, my wife was d. A surprising evening
making the old lady a cup of tea, Soon e. A small accident in the kitchen
afterwards, the fire chief came in to ask a 40. The writer suspected that something was
few questions. It turned out that the fire was wrong when…
not very serious and the firemen were a. there was a loud noise
already putting it out. When they left, my b. there was a cry for help
wife went up with the old lady to help her c. his wife was afraid of the noise
clean up the mess. d. furniture was being moved about
e. he saw smoke coming through his
When she returned, my wife remarked : “It’s letter-box
all right now. Nothing was damaged except
the water heater. But wasn’t it lucky that
Page 6 2016


1. The topic of the text above is_____

Secara keseluruhan dapat diketahui bahwa topik utama dari teks tersebut adalah tentang
wisata di Bali. Oleh karenannya jawaban yang paling tepat adalah opsi C.
2. The main idea of paragraph 2 is_____
Secara umum paragraf ke 2 pada teks tersebut membahas tentang penduduk Bali.
Sehingga jawaban yang paling tepat adalah opsi B. Bali′s inhabitants.
3. The synonym of the word azure in paragraph 1 is_____
Sinonim dari kata Azure adalah opsi A. Bright blue
4. The word they in paragraph 3 refers to_____
Kata They berdasarkan konteks yang ada pada paragraf ke 3 merujuki pada opsi C. the
5. Below is recreational activities you can find in Bali, except_____
Berdasarkan informasi pada paragraf terakhir dapat kita ketahui bahwa hal yang tidak
dapat kita lakukan di bali adalah opsi d. skiing (Ski air)
Unstated Detailed Question. Temukan kata kunci di dalam teks.
6. The topic of the text above is_____
Berdasarkan teks tersebut dapat kita ketahui bahwa secara keseluruhan topik utama dari
teks di atas adalah tentang ketidak pedulian perusahaan-perusahaan untuk membuang
limbah yang telah diolah. Maka jawaban yang paling tepat adalah opsi B
7. The companies that are required to send samples of the treated waste to the agency are
mentioned below, except_____
Berdasarkan informasi yang ada pada paragraf 3 dan 4 dapat diketahui bahwa yang tidak
tergolong instansi yang harus mengirim sampel limbah olahan adalah D.
8. The statements below are true based on the text, except_____
Berdasarkan informasi berikut, “liquid waste they produced as set out in gubernatorial
decree No. 299/1996. The decree requires all enterprises producing liquid waste to treat
the waste before disposing of it into rivers.” Dapat diketahui bahwa dekrit / surat
keputusan tersebut memili sangsi legalnya. Maka opsi B tidak sesuai dengan teks.
9. How often should companies send the samples to the agency?
Berdasarkan informasi yang terdapat pada paragraf ke 2 dapat diketahui bahwa jawaban
yang paling tepat adalah B.
Temukan keyword pada paragraf. (Stated detailed question)

10. Does gubernatorial decree No.299/1996 carry legal sanctions?

Jawaban yang paling tepat secara gramatikal untuk menjawab pertanyaan tersebut adalah
“Yes, it does.”
7. Who was Bony? Bonny was……….
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“They had a dog named Bony.” Dari kalimat tersebut bahwa Bony adalah nama dari
seekor anjing. Jadi jawaban yang paling benar adalah D.

8. Why was the dog running toward the couple?

“Hurriedly they got home and saw the baby sleeping. When the husband looked around
in the baby’s room, he found a big snake lying on the floor. It was dead and blood spilled
everywhere. It seemed the dog had killed the snake and the killed his faithful dog.” Jadi
berdasarkan penggalan paragraph tersebut dapat diketahui bahwa si Bony menggonggong
dan menghampiri pasangan tersebut untuk memberi tahu bahwa bayi sedang dalam
ancaman ular. Jadi jawaban yang paling benar adalah D

9. ……finally killed by the husband.

“The husband shocked and thought that it had killed their baby. Suddenly he took his
sickle and threw it to the dog. It hit the dog’s had and the dog head and the dog fell down
and died.” Berdasarkan penggalan teks tersebut, dapat diketahui bahwa si anjing ahirnya
dibunuh oleh si suami. Maka jawaban yang paling tepat adalah D

10. The snake was killed by…………………

“When the husband looked around in the baby’s room, he found a big snake lying on the
floor. It was dead and blood spilled everywhere.” Jika kita membaca teks tersebut dari
awal, kita akan mengetahui dari penggalan paragraf tersebut bahwa si Bony lah yang
membunuh ular itu. Maka jawaban yang paling tepat adalah A.

11. Was the baby hurt by the dog?

Bayi tersebut tidak disakiti oleh si Bony, justru si Bony yang menyelamatkan bayi tersebut
dari ancaman seekor ular. Maka jawaban yang paling tepat adalah D

12. “Suddenly, he took his sickle …..”(paragraph 2, sentence 5). The word suddenly has the
same meaning with the word……………… Pada kelimat bercetak miring tersebut, kata
“Suddenly“ berdasarkan konteks berarti tiba – tiba / seketika, yang memiliki arti yang sangat
dekat dengan kata “quickly”.

Baca konteks kalimat untuk menemukan makna terdekat

17. Why was the husband shocked? Because………………

The husband shocked and thought that it had killed their baby. Maka jawaban yang paling
tepat adalah “He thought that the dog hurt killed his baby.” Answer:A

18. A : “What kind of the narrative is it?”

B : “It is……….”
Page 8 2016

Jika dilihat dari teks tersebut bisa kita golongkan teks tersebut dalam Narrative yang ber
genre mystery. Answer:D

19. I went to the mall last week.

Simple Past Tense ( S + V2/WAS/WERE + O/C). Untuk menyatakan suatu keadaan
atau kegiatan yang sudah dimulai dan selesai di masa lalu.


20. Lisa : Do you mind turning on the fan for me ?

Mita : …………………..

X : Do you mind …….
Y : No at all, Of course not, etc

Answer: D

21. Dicky : may I come to your house at 7 tonight ?

Anne : ….. I will be going somewhere with my friend at that time.
Dari kalimat yang bercetak tebal dapat kita ketahui bahwa Anne menyatakan ekspresi
penolakan/ ketidakbisaan. Maka jawaban yang paling tepat adalah “l’m afraid not”

Answer: D

Tuesday evening

March 8, 2008

Dear Olga,

It is a (12) ….. to read your letter and to know about the music program at your
university. I’ll be (13) ….. to go with you. My bus (14) ….. be at your school at 4 o’clock on
Saturday. If you don’t mind, I’d like you (15) ….. me at the bus station. See you on Saturday.


22. Pleasure (kebahagian) Answer: D

23. Happy (senang) Answer:

24. Will (akan) Answer: B

25. Meet (menemui) V1 karena If clause type 1. Answer: B
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26. A : Have you heard that uncle Joe will come next week?
B : Oh. really? When did he tell you?
A : Last week.
The underlined sentence is used to express surprise.
Answer: B

27. I Saw a fantastic film at the cinema last week.

Simple Past Tense ( S + V2/WAS/WERE + O/C). Untuk menyatakan suatu keadaan
atau kegiatan yang sudah dimulai dan selesai di masa lalu.

Answer: A

28. “Watch the TV tonight. My daughter is on TV channel 5 at eight. “She always makes me
happy.” “Sure, I will.”
From the underlined words we know that the first speaker feels proud of her daughter.
b. Proud of (bangga).Answer: B

29. The batik dress mother gave me is old, its colour has faded. Its refers to …
c. batik
Answer: C

30. “I am sorry I don’t know the answer, but I really wish I knew”
Fact (simple present tense) Conditional (Past)
Answer: C

31. Did you met your friend last Sunday?

a. Did
Simple Past Tense ( S + V2/WAS/WERE + O/C). Untuk menyatakan suatu keadaan
atau kegiatan yang sudah dimulai dan selesai di masa lalu.

Answer: A

32. I listen to everything . . . he saids

a. Which
Relative pronoun untuk “Benda” maka “Which.”
Answer: A

33. this semester I had to buy fifteen books, most of which are english
b. which are
Relative pronoun untuk “Benda” maka “Which.”
Answer: B
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34. the company hired ten new employees, some of whom were men
Relative pronoun untuk “Orang dan sebagai Object” maka “Whom.” Dan karena kalimat
tersebut Past Tense maka to be yang dipakai adalah “were”.
Answer: C

35. My sister, Siska has all her dresses made because…

Causative Verb, maka artinya Siska menyuruh semua pakaiannya dibuatkan, karena dia
tidak bisa menjahit.
c. she cannot sew at all
Answer: C
36. This area is not suitable for farming because the soil is not…… a. fertile Daerah ini tidak
cocok untuk lahan pertanian karena tanahnya tdak subur. Dalam konteks ini kalimat harus
dilengkapi dengan kata sifat, maka opsi tersebutlah yang paling tepat.
37. ‘May I go shopping with my friends, mom ?’
‘No, you…….stay in bed until you recover.
e. must

“Bolehkah saya pergi belanja dengan teman – teman bu?”

“Tidak, kamu harus istirahat di tempat tidur sampai kamu pulih.”

38. ‘When do you want to have the parcels delivered to you hosue ?’
‘It’s better tomorrow morning’
Subject + Causative Verb have / get + Object Thing + V3
Answer: C

39. Berdasarkan keseluruhan isi wacana soal dapat ditarik kesimpulan bahwa gagasan utama
pada teks tersebut adalah tentang sebuah kejadian di dapur. (A small accident in the
kitchen) Answer: E

40. The writer suspected that something was wrong when…

“She turned down the TV and moment latter we heard someone calling for help.
I run upstairs…..”
Dari penggalan text tersebut dapat kita ketahui bahwa si penulis menyadari ada seseuatu
yang salah setelah ada teriakan meminta tolong. Maka jawaban yang paling tepat adalah
b. there was a cry for help. B
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