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Chapter Seven:

The Protocols of
the Camarilla

If you give your players fleshed out, working models of political systems and let them manipu-
late those systems, they will worship you always. OK, maybe not worship, but they will greatly
appreciate the effort you put into the game. You can give them the experience of learning to
play the manipulators game: exulting when their plans work out and paying the price when
their plots fail... So the question is, how do you provide a consistent, workable framework for
your players? It must be clear enough so your players can find a way in, but not so transparent
that there are no surprises. It must be flexible enough to allow real manipulation, but not so
flimsy that the players gain complete control over it and always get their own way. The secret
is in agreements: small deals and large compacts. Deal making is the heart and soul of politi-
cal systems and Vampire is no exception.1

What follows is an out of character explanation of in character rules. These Proto-
cols are the unspoken rules of the Camarilla; what follows is a guide to them. Unlike
game mechanics, these are not meant to be quoted at people; none of these rules is hard
and fast. Rather, they are representative of the ancient protocols of the society of the
undead formed the best part of 500 years ago. In this, they reflect that world and what
it stands for to this night.
Imagine the society of the living dead, beings of immense power and age; drinking
blood, they have survived the centuries living in secret, hidden behind the veil that is
the Masquerade. They are strong, fast, beautiful, immortal and deadly. Above all, you

1 Vampire the Masquerade: Storyteller’s Handbook (First Edition), page 62

OKC by Night
are one of them. You are Kindred. You drift through the neon lit streets like a shark,
silent and terrifying. You are the top of the food chain. Nothing can get to you.
Except your fellow Kindred of course, for there is always someone older, meaner and
more deadly than you. Even if you stand as some ancient Elder, imperial in power and
authority, there is something else more deadly that surrounds you: the society of the
Undead, the very Camarilla itself.
Let us look at the Camarilla shall we? A society of Undead immortals, that has
existed for several hundreds of years; it has witnessed the Reformation, the Age of Em-
pires, and the overwhelming and rapid changes of the last 200 years, and it still remains.
It is all persuasive and all-powerful. It is also cruel, harsh and ruthless.
This would be a society that has hundreds of years to develop; as Kindred don’t age,
don’t “pass away”, they have years to continue and perpetuate the standards of behavior
that they held in their youth; existing in the dustless2 Elysium, they have a shield against
the changing world; they have protection from a society that twists and turns at a speed
even the young have difficulty comprehending; your average neonate can understand
how television spread around the world and changed the world in over a decade; but
even they are shocked how the Internet has changed the world in half that time. Society
twists and turns; yesterday’s common word becomes tomorrow’s inflammatory racist
comment; last night’s scandal is acceptable conversation on tomorrow’s children’s televi-
sion show.
So they maintain in place their own codes, their own standards and their own rules.
A society that is a gross reflection of themselves; a hybrid mixture of feudal tradition,
age of enlightenment “reform” and 18th Century conservatism with a few smatterings
of 16th Century court politics. Reform is stifled, change is fought against and new
Kindred soon find that a single rule applies—follow the system or be killed.
That system—complex, intricate and confusing, full of pitfalls and silent traps—is
there to bring down all Kindred. Even the Elders cannot escape it; no one can. No one
is free. All are trapped, like insects in amber.

Welcome to the Camarilla, Lick!

Play hard, play smart and don’t forget... so much as wipe yourself with the wrong
hand and these Cammies will have the Justicar down on you faster than a Brujah on

2 Kindred don’t shed skin. As a side effect many secret Elysia tend not to get dusty.

An Important Clarification
For the sake of story and campaign, it is assumed that these ‘rules’ have
always existed, for as long as the Camarilla has. If these systems are new to your
Chronicle, then it assumed that the political climate has changed to have them
reintroduced by the Elders and conservative elements of Kindred society.
This re-introduction of “traditional values” is being called the “Restoration”
of the Camarilla by some, “Renewal” by others and the “Backlash” by some of
the younger Kindred.

The Protocols
Levels of Intrigue
The politics of the Camarilla, the ancient society of the Kindred, is one layered in
growing circles. At the basic level is the interaction between individual Kindred within
the context of members of a Clan living locally. At the highest level is the Jyhad of the
ancients. Each level brings its own mysteries, danger and intrigue. These levels also
reflect a natural dividing line observed across the world in terms of roleplay.
Almost all in character interaction will take place in the first three levels. You may
never need to move any higher than this. Good. Nevertheless, higher levels do exist:
the deadly games of politics Princes play between themselves, the intricate games of the
Elders and the deadly politics of the Jyhad. At each level, more complexity is added and
things become more deadly.
Read carefully; work out where your character stands now, where you would like to
be, and try the system on for size.
Levels of Intrigue: Clan, Court, Prince, Faction, and Jyhad

Clan Level Intrigue

This is the lowest level of intrigue and interaction. Most characters will be happy
here. At this level is the never-ending struggle between Primogen and Clan members; it
is the relationship between each single member of a Clan in a local area and his Primo-
gen and Whip. In some places, you may find that only one or two members of a given
Clan exist, in others there will be scores. In some places, a given Clan might be tightly
knit, discussing and agreeing upon everything. In another, they may only recognize
each other by face. Whatever the case, this is the basic level of Kindred Protocol.
Before the Camarilla, Kindred were defined by their Clan and paid it more service;
Clans were the only way to unite Kindred, to give them identity. As time has passed,
Clans have found their role subjugated in the face of the growth of the Sect. Certain
elements of the past do remain; however, and one of these is the role of the Primogen.

The Primogen is a creation of the late 16th Century. As the rapid urbanization of
Europe began to take effect, more and more Kindred found themselves living in close
proximity. Princes ruled the cities, but often they faced situations where more powerful
Elders sought residence. For Elders who arrived in these good feeding grounds, a Prince
ruling over them was not acceptable. Many began to force Princes to concede power in
return for support. Thus were born the first Primogen.
The Primogen is the local head of a Camarilla Clan. While many Primogen are no
more than pawns for local Elders, and some hold just token power within their Clan,
Primogen are formally seen as the final power. Primogen have the ability to topple
Princes, a fact that is not lost on the Princes themselves.
Primogen is a post that flies in the face of the Second Tradition, because Primogen
can and have successfully questioned the Praxis of many a Prince. Indeed, the Primo-
gen have toppled many a Prince. For many Elders, the post of Primogen acts as a legal
and legitimate way to keep Princes in check.

OKC by Night
As time has passed, the post has become widely accepted and now no one really bats
an eye at the existence of a Primogen. Some Primogen do indeed keep their Princes in
check, while others are only there because everyone else has them. Some are pawns to
rubber stamp whatever the Prince decides.
Around the 1750s, a new precedent was created in terms of social interaction and
responsibilities for Primogen. Princes sought to keep the Primogen busy by maintain-
ing a series of rules for the Primogen Council. The most important rule is simple but
deadly. It is assumed that a Primogen of a Clan speaks and acts for the entire Clan in a
Primogen are the living representatives of a Clan’s power and meaning in the eyes
of the Camarilla. Therefore, if the Nosferatu Primogen of a Domain is caught trying to
overthrow the Prince, then the entire Clan in that Domain is assumed to be trying to
overthrow the Prince—even if they knew nothing about it. If the Brujah Primogen of a
Domain calls the Malkavians a “bunch of traitors to the Camarilla” then it is assumed
that all Brujah in that Domain think the same thing.
This can lead to those under the jurisdiction of the Primogen getting it in the neck
for the actions of their Primogen. This is intentional. It keeps the Clans on their toes
watching their Primogen and keeps the Primogen worried about how their Clan will
react. In cases where a Primogen upsets a Prince—not necessarily breaking a law, just
angering or defying him—it is standard for the Clan to be punished. If the Primogen
broke the law or the Traditions as well as upsetting the Prince, the Clan can also be
punished. A Clan should know what their Primogen is thinking and doing at all times.
If not, they may find themselves reduced in Status, their havens burned to the ground,
and facing charges of treason, all because their Primogen said the wrong thing at the
wrong time.

Often in the earliest days of the Primogen position, Princes tried to tie Elders down
by decreeing that Primogen had to maintain their Clan. At other times, Primogen vied
with others for positions of power within their Clan and had to enforce their will on

Other T ypes of Primogen Councils

The views presented here would seem to indicate that this is the only type of
Primogen Council. That is not correct. It is entirely possible that the Primogen
Council is entirely made up of powerful Elders and Ancilla, regardless of Clan.
Especially with those types of Councils, new members will only gain a seat if
they can earn the respect, or fear, of the existing Primogen.
It is also not unheard of for other Clans to have a seat on the Council. This
usually depends on how many of their members are in each Domain. Occasion-
ally, a seat on the Council is created to represent all other Camarilla members
in a Domain.
Counsel of Primogen includes an in depth look at the Primogen Council and
the other types of Primogen that can exist.

The Protocols
those members of their Clan whose support was unreliable. Thus, the Camarilla saw
the creation of the Whips.
Whips have the same powers as the Primogen to grant or remove a permanent Status
Trait at a cost of one temporary Status Trait each. A Whip does not suffer from the con-
straints placed upon the Primogen in terms of speaking. They do not gain an additional
Status Trait, and the Primogen of their clan may revoke their powers at any time.
Whips occupy a strange position within the Camarilla: They are recognized as a Ca-
marilla post, yet they carry no Status. In many ways, they are a Clan position, but their
power is limited to a Camarilla setting. Usually they are very loyal to the Primogen,
but it has been known for Whips to use their power to undermine and topple Primo-
gen. The Whip is sometimes seen as the first step on the ladder up the slippery slope
to power. The Whip is usually the Primogen’s designated successor, and a Whip only
exists if the Primogen of a given Domain decrees that they will have one.

Primogen Removal: The Call of the Seasons

Princes cannot appoint or remove individual Primogen. Primogen represent their
Clans, and only members of a Clan can decide who is or is not their Primogen. The
Prince has to live with whom they choose. It may be his nemesis whom he hates, but
he simply has to accept it. This was also a reason behind the “Primogen speak for their
Clan” ruling. It is not uncommon for Princes to use what a Primogen does to punish a
Clan so much that they will change their Primogen.
Primogen are chosen any way the Clan decides. For example, it is a common prac-
tice among Tremere for the Regent to decide that one of their apprentices is Primogen.
Thus, the Primogen seems to be the main Tremere locally while the real power is hid-
den. The Brujah, on the other hand, have been known to fight it out with the victor
tacking the seat. Each way is valid and accepted. The Camarilla does not care how a
Primogen is chosen, only that the Clan chooses it. The Prince must accept the choice of
Primogen come what may.
This being said, the Prince can call for a new Primogen Council. This is a bit like
calling for a general election in the middle of a powerful political controversy. Once the
Prince calls for a new Council to be chosen, no Primogen business can be dealt with,
as all six (or more) Primogen positions must be contested. While this process is being
done, the Primogen cannot decide anything until the whole thing is sorted. This is seen
as a good delaying tactic for certain Princes and sometimes the only way a Prince can
have a political rival removed from office.
The Prince cannot single out one Clan to choose a new Primogen; this is an all or
nothing proposition. This can lead to those Primogen who support the Prince to rebel
against him: In an attempt to undermine one rival, the Prince is now holding up all the
Primogen to re-election. It is a double-edged sword.
A Prince can only issue this call for a new Primogen once every three months. This
process was once called the “Change of the Seasons.” It originated in northern Italy
around the 1620s. Certain Princes, in an attempt to keep their Primogen unsettled,
would call for a new Primogen council on the first evening of each new season. While
that practice has stopped in the intervening years, it is still referred to by this name.

OKC by Night
The ultimate power of the Prince over the Council is to dissolve the Primogen Coun-
cil. They then rule without a Primogen Council. This is completely legal. There is no
need for a Primogen Council. Princes can, at least in theory, rule as they see fit.
Once a Prince accepts the existence of a Primogen Council, he is also giving up some
of his power. With this in mind, many Princes decide not to have any Primogen. This
is a dangerous strategy; however, because a Prince without Primogen will often find
themselves isolated and faced with increased dissent. Indeed, Princes who dissolve their
Primogen usually find that they do not remain in power very long unless they are very
powerful on their own.

Court Level Intrigue

Court intrigue is the realm of most games. The interaction between Kindred of a
given court, be it their home Domain or a Domain elsewhere, is the mainstay of most
Chronicles. Primogen against Primogen, Clan against Clan, with the Harpies sitting
and watching it all. The line between the first two levels of intrigue is very thin and
crossed often without thought.

The Sheriff has been called many things by many Princes. Common variations of
the title Sheriff include Bailiff, Constable, Judge, Justice, Justice of the Peace, Marshal
and Magistrate. Less well-known titles include Lord Protector, Enforcer, and Juryman.
Whatever the title, the job remains the same. The Sheriff is the enforcer of the Prince’s
The differences in this role from Domain to Domain depend on the differences in
the Prince’s laws. Many modern Princes have no more than the Traditions as their laws.
The laws of the ancient city of York, however, are several pages long and include regula-
tions on meeting times, feeding grounds and dress codes. Each Prince is free to make
his own Laws as he sees fit. The Sheriff simply enforces them, usually ruthlessly.
Sheriffs often fall into two camps with two differing mind sets. The first are the
Idealist Sheriffs. These men and women uphold the law and seek justice for all. They
are in the minority. The majority of Sheriffs have been chosen by a Prince to enforce
their laws, come what may. In Domains where Anarchs are bloodhunted, for example,
Sheriffs usually lead the fight.
For many reasons, Sheriffs are usually perceived as the most loyal of the Princes
followers—indeed, many are bound to their Prince. Others retain the position as several
Princes come and go. Arguably, the greatest of all Sheriffs, and indeed the first Kindred
to hold such a title, was Kett, a Brujah of the 7th generation. He was “Sheriff of the
Lands of London” for 600 years, seeing many Princes come and go.
A Sheriff takes orders solely from the Prince, although the Prince’s Seneschal may
also give him orders. A Sheriff will follow “suggestions” offered by the the Primogen
within a given Domain. If a Sheriff openly defies a Primogen, he may find the Pri-
mogen having a quiet word with the Harpies. Not even the Sheriff is immune to the
Harpies’ powers.
As will be described in “Kindred Law” on page 75, the Sheriff is also expected to
punish those who break the Prince’s laws. It is expected that all loyal Kindred will aid

The Protocols
a Sheriff, so if the Sheriff tries to arrest a suspect and the suspect attacks the Sheriff, it
is expected that all Kindred shall rush to the Sheriff’s aid. That they don’t always do so
is a given. As is the fact that if the Sheriff survives, they may ask those Kindred in for
questioning later. Some Harpies feel that to help a Sheriff suggests they can’t do their
job, though there is no set rule for this.
The Sheriff is immune to the powers of the Keeper of Elysium—those conferred by
the position, that is—as long as he is performing in an official capacity. However, the
Sheriff must still honor the Traditions.
The Sheriff may sponsor deputies by giving another Kindred a Status Trait of their
own. These deputies have the same powers as the Sheriff, but the Sheriff may revoke
their authority at any time.

Keeper of Elysium
While not as old as many of the others, this position is indeed vitally important. Its
origins lie in the explosion of populations during the last few hundred years. Kindred
population has grown, and Elysium is no longer venerated as much as it once was. This
is a problem.
Elysium is the only place where Kindred are guaranteed to be able to meet together
on civilized terms. Violence is banned. With the threat of violence removed, Kindred
can freely gather and commune. If Elysium falls, so does the very principal that upholds
Kindred society.
In recent years, this concept is often overlooked. Several Princes and Elders have
insisted that Elysium is no more than a social convention. In saying this, they are not
lying. It is a social convention, but that does not dismiss it. The entire Camarilla is a
social convention. Elysium’s power lies in its veneration. Many, including several Justi-
cars, believe that Elysia must be enforced as absolutes. That is, if a member of the Sab-
bat walks into the room and someone attacks him, the attacker is the criminal. Once
someone breaks the Elysium, though, everyone else can then do whatever is required to
end the violence. This is usually accomplished by killing or incapacitating the offender.
This, then, is the role of Keeper of Elysium. If a Prince does not believe that Elysia
are all, then they do not have a Keeper of Elysium. It is a simple as that. The moment a
Prince creates this post, he is clearly saying that he will uphold Elysium come what may
and tolerate no violence by any, not even himself. It is this fact that leads to many visit-
ing Kindred to ask, upon arrival at a given Domain, to meet with the Keeper of Elysium.
If there is no Keeper, it means that the Elysium is not safe; many will then leave as
quickly as they arrived.
The Keeper also holds other duties. While some just maintain the Elysium, some
are more hosts than enforcers, working very closely with the Harpies and making Ely-
sium a more splendid place for Kindred to meet. This has led to certain Keepers being
called “Harpies with swords.”
The scale and scope of Elysium depends on the Prince and the Keeper. Certain
Elysia ban all weapons—the very idea of bringing a weapon to them denotes a willing-
ness to break the Elysium, which brings the offender under the Keeper’s power. Others
allow weapons but ban their use. Some Princes view offensive discipline use as a break
of the Elysium. A few Princes have made the use of Dominate to be an offensive act and
punishable by the Keeper.

OKC by Night
How any given Elysium is enforced depends upon the Elder, Keeper or Prince in
charge. Indeed, in any single city there may be several grades of Elysium. If this is so,
it falls upon the Keeper to make sure Kindred know the rules. If a Kindred is killed
because she went to the wrong Elysium gathering and acted in a way that is not accept-
able there but is elsewhere, it is the Keeper who is held responsible, usually forfeiting
his own life. This failure to keep Kindred up to date is one of the most negative things
about this job, and indeed has led to many Keepers only taking the post provided the
Prince dictates that all Elysia are to be held to the same standard. If there are grades
of Elysium, it means more for the Keeper to learn and thus leaves more chances for
the Keeper to make a mistake. One grade of Elysium, one standard applied across the
Domain is something all Keepers fervently wish for.
There is also an older tradition that dates back to the earliest nights of the post of
Keeper of Elysium. The Keeper reports to the Justicars. This is not a duty in any formal
sense, but if they cannot enforce Elysium because a Kindred is too powerful, then in
the name of keeping the Elysium they sometimes send letters to the Archons reporting
Kindred for their crimes.
It is expected that Kindred will aid a Keeper of Elysium if he is enforcing Elysium.
The Sheriff is also expected to aid the Keeper in his duties if need be.

The most distasteful of all Court posts, the Scourge is one that was out of vogue for
many years. Recently they have appeared more and more, and now it is estimated that
as many as half of all Princes have appointed one. Not all cities have reinstated the of-
fice of Scourge, and even those that have do not consider it a noble aspiration but rather
a necessary evil born of the Final Nights.
The duties of a Scourge are simple. The Scourge can harass, detain or destroy with-
out penalty any Kindred that have been created without permission from the Prince, or
who have not been presented formally to the Prince. They are the population control of
the Prince, and they have license to kill. This punishment also applies to the Sire of any
Kindred so created.

Harpies are the real power of the Camarilla. It is the Harpies who have helped cre-
ate the Protocols of the Camarilla, and it is the Harpies who are the ultimate judges of
the Sect. Make no mistake, even a Justicar listens to and watches the actions of a well-
organized group of Harpies. Their power is that great. Harpies, many of them quite
weak and young, are able to topple Princes, have people bloodhunted and bring down
entire domains. The Harpies are the true social power, equal in their own way to the
Princes’ political power and the Justicars’ legal power. None can defeat them; none can
counteract them. They are devastating and terrifying. Yet they are limited.
Being a Harpy is a position of paradox. On the one hand, they judge all, but on an-
other, they are judged more harshly. Taking the position of Harpy means being reactive,
not proactive; Heaven help the Harpy who is discovered to be plotting to overthrow a
Prince or a Primogen. For fear of being tarred with the same brush, their fellow Harpies
will fall upon them with a savagery few ever see.

The Protocols
The leader of the Harpies in a given Domain—often called the Chief Harpy—is in the
same position as Primogen; he speaks for all Harpies. However, if a Chief Harpy says
something controversial, and if the other Harpies back him, it matters not what is said.
If the Harpies are united against a Kindred for the way she acts, then she is damned.
A Harpy is often the easiest post for young Kindred to attain—indeed, it is the one
way young Kindred can judge their elders and betters. The Harpies are by nature
conservative, because any new change in Kindred society means two things. First, that
there become more rules to learn and protocols to follow. And second, change leads
to a potential undermining of their authority. Remember these rules of protocol give
power to the Harpies—perhaps the only power any will receive. Anything that can un-
dermine this power is dangerous to the Harpies. It was once said that in some Domains
that everyone was a Harpy who was not Primogen. This is indeed a prudent move.
One of the main purposes of these Protocols is to give Harpies a framework in which
to utilize this power. These rules give a frame of reference by which you can judge
everyone. Usually it is Harpy players who learn these rules by heart and who then can
judge everyone they see.

Prince Level Intrigue

One up, and very close, is the level of Princely intrigue. This is where you get to
play power games with the Prince; perhaps you are behind the scenes aid for the Prince,
doing secret missions; or maybe you are secretly trying to bring them down. But when
you play with a Prince, you must remember... they have the power to just kill you out of
hand. And perhaps the Prince isn’t the real danger. Who’s to say that the little Tore-
ador you’ve been insulting for months isn’t the secret power behind the Prince? Getting
to this level is dangerous to say the least.

The Seneschal, or Deputy Prince, is second only to the ruler of a Domain within
that Domain. Some Princes have this post, some do not. There are many reasons for
both cases. For many Princes, a Seneschal is often their Childer, or designated succes-
sor. They create the post in the event of them being killed. This way someone with the
same attitude can hold the Throne after they have died. This being said, Seneschals
have the great capacity to rebel against their Prince- many a Prince has learned to their
cost the mistake of trusting one so closely.
An interesting use of Seneschals has been when the Domain in question is too
large or the Prince does not want to be involved in the night-to-night running of said
Domain. This is usually popular with Elder Princes. If this is the case, the Seneschal
becomes much like a first minister—indeed, legitimate other titles for Seneschal include
First Minister, Chamberlain, Chancellor and Crown Prince. Though this last one fell
out of fashion some centuries ago.
The Seneschal can act in the Prince’s stead when the Prince is out of the city. He is
therefore entitled to all of the powers of the Prince, although the Prince may reverse or
revoke them at any time.
There is an unwritten agreement among all Kindred that if any Seneschal attempts
to seize Praxis, it is a natural succession. They will not aid their Prince in such an event.

OKC by Night
Certainly, no Prince has ever punished a Kindred for not aiding him against his Sen-
eschal. It goes with the territory—if one has a Seneschal, one must accept the risk.

The Prince is he who holds power, he who has Praxis. Under the Second Tradition,
he rules without question. “None may question thee in thy own Domain.” And this is
his Domain. He may rule as he sees fit.
However, Princes have to make sure they never break any law or Protocol. Why?
They are the big fish, and as such, they get treated a lot more brutally than the little fish.
If two Kindred commit the same crime, one is staked and tortured and then released,
and the other is slowly and savagely killed. Why? Because the second Kindred is a
Prince and should know better. Princes are judged by two groups, the Justicars and
their peers.

Faction Level Intrigue

Get to the Faction level and you are doing really well. This level represents the large
political factions of the Camarilla—Elders, political coteries, etc. These are the powers
behind the Camarilla, and if you want to play their games, then be ready for a big fall.
This is an extremely complicated level of intrigue—the games played here can get some-
one killed very easily. This is where one can meet the Justicar at times. This is where
things start to get really scary.

It is at this level that Elders really find they can sink their teeth into the politics of
the Camarilla. Many Elders have vast influence over Princes. Certain Elders will band
together to have their Princes form a certain faction; it is not unknown for factions
to be no more than creations of a small cabal of like-minded Elders, allowing them to
exercise control without being such an obvious target.
It is known that many factions seek Elder backing informally, giving them more
weight. Elders will be able to use their influence within a Clan to influence a Prince in
a different faction but of the same Clan. It is here that the Elders make their presence,
in terms of Camarilla politics, most felt. By concentrating on the Princes, Elders who
do not hold Praxis become more important. It allows them to influence the decision
making process of the Camarilla all the easier—this is intentional.

Imperial Prince
This is perhaps one of the more interesting aspects of Faction level Jyhad. In the
process of forming a political faction, several Princes may agree—or may be forced—to
unite their Domains under a single ruler. This super-domain is hereafter known as an
Imperial Domain, and its rulers are Imperial Princes. A popular alternative to Imperial
Prince is Imperator.
Imagine three Princes whose Domains are close to each other. For whatever reason,
they decide to unite the Domains under a single Prince. That Prince gains no extra
Status, but can now call himself an Imperial Prince—this sends out a very big message.
An Imperial Prince is one who has increased his Domain at the expense of others—it
either means he is very charismatic or very powerful. Just the title Imperial Prince car-

The Protocols
ries with it weight and gravity. In this regard, the most powerful Imperial Prince in the
world must be Villon, Prince of All France—all Kindred within that nation come under
his Praxis.
When Domains combine, several new positions are created. The first and most
important is the position of Duke or Duchess. This title is often given to the former
Prince of a part of the larger Domain or a trusted underling of the Imperial Prince.
The Dukes can have the same powers as a Seneschal and exercise those powers in the
name of the Prince; or they can be nothing more than a title. Either way, Dukes and the
Duchies they control are extensions of the Imperial Domain and thus come under some
specific rules:
• The Duke can create a Sheriff post and a Keeper post for that Duchy. They
retain the same powers as any other.
• The Duke may allow a group of Kindred act as advisors. They are Primogen for
the Duchy, but not for the entire Domain.
• The Duke may hold gatherings or meetings in Elysium, but it is clear they rule
in the Prince’s name.
• The biggest problem with Imperial Domains is that they become the focus of
much resentment. Not all Imperators can maintain a grip on power as well as
• In all other respects, a Duke has the same power and Status as a Seneschal.

Jyhad Level Intrigue

This is the level of politics where things get really deadly. If you make it to this level
you are either very old, very powerful, very important or very stupid. There are no real
rules to given this level of politics—this is the highest level. At this level, you interact
with the true Elders—the factions and coteries of Elders, who in turn dictate all the way
down to the lowest levels how things are run. There are no set rules here, except one:
Show any stupidity and you shall be killed.
The players here play a subtle game—one that takes years to play. New players are
looked on in a mix of amusement and contempt. If they don’t follow the unwritten
rules—that are never explained—then they can expect to die very quickly.

The Boon system has created a race of beings who owe loyalty to leaders they do not respect
and would often gladly tear down. Unlike human political factions, which are often designed
to promote inspirational leadership based upon trust, Cainite political systems promote
treacherous leadership based on fear. Betrayals are common in the Camarilla, as are reprisals
for betrayal.3
Boons are the currency of the Kindred. If no one owes you a Boon, then you are
broke. Remember that. Boons are how the society works. If we take a look at the
Chronicle around us, we notice a situation where younger and weaker Kindred outnum-
3 Vampire the Masquerade: Storyteller’s Handbook (First Edition), page 66

OKC by Night
ber older more powerful ones three to one if not more. So how do the older Kindred
keep everyone under control? Boons.
Boons are all. They are the single most important way the Camarilla is run. They
are the only way younger Kindred can rise in power. There is no such thing as a favor
among the Kindred, there are only Boons.
Boons allow you to do things. You can ask an Elder something; but they can refuse;
if they owe you a Boon, you can force them to do it. There are other options. You
could always do it yourself. No doubt this means you have a hugely powerful character
who has a sheet that is twice the size of a Justicar’s and could take on Caine in a straight
fight. Good for you. Now, please leave. The Camarilla is designed so that everyone
needs to make deals. Boons are the currency of the Kindred.
Unless you tell someone about your Boon, it doesn’t exist. Boons have to be regis-
tered, and the natural people to keep track of Boons are the Harpies. Harpies need to
keep records of everyone’s Boons. It is said the Chief Harpy of Dublin carries a large
book into which is added each Boon between every resident of that city.
In certain cases, clever Kindred do not register their Boons with their own Harpy,
but rather with Harpies outside their Domain. This way, no one knows who has a
record of who owes whom. Another way to register Boons is to have it publicly an-
nounced; if it is publicly announced to and by the Harpy, the Boon is registered. Only
in the case of secret deals does writing it down become important. A few enterprising
Kindred merely write down the Boon and get the Boon giver to sign it along with a
witness. The importance of making sure a record of the Boon exists cannot be under-
estimated. If there is no record of the Boon, there is nothing to make other Kindred
uphold it.
This leads into the nastiest part of all this—not keeping a promise. Failing to
respond to a Boon is a really bad thing. If someone is discovered to have defaulted, they
get it in the neck. They are undermining the currency of the Camarilla. If this became
a common occurrence, Boons would become worthless.
Those who do so face a harsh penalty. Immediately they are considered to have lost
all their Status. They should be ostracized. Exile from their home Domain is to be con-
sidered a good thing. Their assets and goods are free to be seized by any Kindred. Their
Ghouls, their Influences, their money—all of it is open to be taken. Some old-fashioned
Princes may even use this as an excuse to have them Bloodhunted. It’s that nasty and
that simple. If you owe, you had better pay, or else you lose everything.
Primogen who refuse their debts are automatically assumed to be representing their
entire Clans locally. If a Prince defaults and is publicly announced to have defaulted,
it usually gets the attention of a Justicar and his Archons. On the other hand, if the
Prince has been lied about and it is proven that they where lied about, then the one who
brought the allegation—another Prince—suffers the same fate.
There is a weakness here. Someone could say someone else has defaulted when they
haven’t. That is called false witness. Bring false witness against someone and you are
killed. No appeal. No bloodhunt. Everyone knows you brought false witness, and they
know you have to die. In order to prevent false witness from ever happening, it has led
to both parties making damn sure that either the Boons are announced or that both are
there when it is recorded.

The Protocols
To offer some perspective, 95% of Boons should be trivial, minor and major Boons.
Blood Boons should be rare. Life Boons should be like diamonds. When you have a
Life Boon, you own someone. It’s not nice. With a Life Boon, you can have a Kindred
do anything you want; they must do it unless they somehow save your life, which won’t
happen as you are now making them take all the risks.
The best thing about holding a Court position is that it automatically allows you to
collect Boons. If a Primogen has a Clan Member who wishes to petition a Prince, he
may charge them a Boon. All this stuff and nonsense about Clan Loyalty can only go
so far. Consider the argument that members of a Clan should not charge each other
Boons a bit like saying no American should pay another American any wages because
they are working in the same country. Boons are currency, and a Kindred must make a
Princes have the best position of all. Extending Hospitality to a Kindred is the
only duty they do for free; after that everything comes with a price. Someone wants to
Sire? That’s a Boon. Someone wants to establish a new haven in another part of town?
That’s a Boon. Someone wants to be Sheriff but not be bound to the Prince? That’s
a Boon. A non-Camarilla Kindred wants to live in your Domain? Yes, you guessed it,
that’s a Boon.
This way Princes collect many Boons. They either use them to prevent Praxis sei-
zures or they allow someone else to take over and quietly run things from the shadows.
If the Prince doesn’t charge Boons, guess what? He’s weak. A Prince without Boons is a
rich man without money. They look the part but have no power to back it up.
When a Prince asks you to do something, he can get out of it being a Boon by saying
it is to do with the security of the Domain. A Domain is a Prince’s concern, so it can
be said that asking for a Boon can be seen as undermining the Princes right to rule.
That is not a good thing. One can only charge a Boon to the Prince if you are doing a
personal favor.
The Justicars never offer or owe Boons. They are above Boons. They don’t do favors.
They do their duty. They don’t accept favors. If you help them, it is because if you
don’t, they get to hurt you. Lots. Justicars and Archons don’t need Boons. They have
might and the entire Camarilla backing them up.
Archons tend to have more leeway to bargain and deal on a personal level, but they
also can always take the same approach that a Prince has, they can get out of it by saying
that it has to do with the security of the Sect of the sanctity of a Tradition.

What Am I Letting Myself In For?

The hardest thing about Boons for many players is getting a sense of perspective
on them, what each Boon means to the person giving the Boon. Below are suggested
guidelines to understand what it means when you give a Boon.
By taking this Boon I understand that...
Trivial Boon
I shall do a one-time favor for the person to whom I owe this Boon. I shall aid
him by protecting him when I have no reason to do that, even if it places me into
conflict with people. I shall agree use a discipline for him if he requires it. I shall
support his political maneuver this night, even if it means I have to fly in the face of
my Clan or my Prince. It is a single favor that I owe. Once he has called it in, it is

OKC by Night
cancelled. I will not place myself in a position to break my word; however, nor will I
betray my Clan or My Prince or any Oaths of loyalty I have taken.

Minor Boon
I shall endeavor to fulfill the debt I owe. I have inconvenienced the person who
I owe this boon by asking him to do the favor for me in the first place. I understand
that I may be inconvenienced by the favors he asks back in return. If need be, I will
secure his safe passage into a hostile city. I shall reveal unto him secrets I know that
could endanger members of my Clan or my Domain. I shall destroy his enemies,
whoever they may be. I shall offer physical protection for many nights—this I accept
because I asked roughly the same of the one I owe.

Major Boon
I shall accept that I have earned a great debt to the one to whom I owe this Boon.
He has given much time, effort and compromised perhaps many things he believes
in to give me this favor; thus I do return it. I understand that if required I would
even teach him the immortal powers that the Embrace conferred upon me. I shall
aid him in whatever political goal he so desires, even if this means openly standing
against my Prince or my Clan. I would, if he so wished, locate for him or give him
property I own or which he would wish, even if gaining this property is taken at the
expense of another.

Blood Boon
I do accept that the person to whom I owe this Boon to is one to whom I owe
many things, perhaps more than can ever be repaid. I am in his debt now—my cur-
rent existence was dependent upon him. Thus, I owe him things that can never be
repaid. I will place myself in danger for him; if my Blood is shed, then I care not. If
this means I betray my Clan and Prince and bring him low, I care not. He has done
the same for me, so I accept that I shall do it for him.

Life Boon
I owe someone a life boon; my life is his; my will is his; my body is his. The debt I
owe can never be repaid, lest somehow I save his life. I am his to command; I am but
a tool for his will; he rules me and he gives me purpose. I shall do whatever is asked
of me, and if this means that I am to die then so be It- I live only because of him and
thus my life is his to command.
As you can see, once you get above minor Boons you start being in a position where
everything you hold dear can be destroyed. Many would respond by reading the above,
shaking their head and saying, “I am not ever going to owe anyone a Boon.” Many
Princes and Primogen fear such characters, and not owing a Boon can be seen as a
disadvantage. If you owe no one a Boon, you are a wildcard. A title such as Sheriff or
Harpy or Primogen should never be given unto you, for you have nothing to moderate
your bestial side.

The Protocols
Additional Boons
This is a silly situation, but one that happens often. Kindred A wants a favor of
Kindred B. Kindred B charges a minor Boon. Later, Kindred A wants another favor—
another minor one. Kindred B could charge another Boon, but what would be better
is if they agree that Kindred A now owes Kindred B a major Boon. Additional favors
may build it up to a Blood Boon. The final level is always either a Blood Boon or a Life
Boon. Once Kindred A has sworn to that level it is unimportant what is agreed to, as
Kindred A belongs to Kindred B.
However, there is no hard and fast system for converting between Boons like this.
Building up to a higher level of Boon requires the consent of both parties.

There is something not being said in the above passage. Something is being missed
that is without doubt one of the most important factors of Camarilla society and one
of the reasons why violence becomes so rare in area where the protocols are strictly
adhered to. That is compensation.
A Boon is an investment. You never know what you may need a Boon for, so you
take a Boon out with as many people as possible. But Boons don’t really work if the
person who owes you a Boon is killed; once they are gone the Boon you where owed is
lost. Right?
No. Think about it like this: That Boon was an investment that you had simply not
cashed in yet. Now someone has destroyed your investment, and they have to compen-
sate you—usually to the same degree of the Boon they just cost you. If you kill someone
who owed someone else a Boon, they have the right to ask you to now compensate them
by owning them a Boon—usually the same amount, but at times more. If you fail to
compensate them, you will be treated as someone who will not uphold Boons. Remem-
ber that the entire economy of the Kindred depends upon everyone placing Boons high
above all else. Failure to give them due reverence leads always to the hardest penalties.
The weakest case—that of a trivial Boon being ignored by a neonate for example—can be
dealt with as described in “Harpy” on page 67. Be careful whom you strike against,
for you may find you have slain your worst foe, only now to owe someone else a major
Boon because you did so.
The real secret to all this is that clever, ingenious or sneaky Kindred may actu-
ally seek out powerful, hated or influential Kindred and offer to be in their debt in
order to use their name as protection. That annoying Anarch in the corner may be
ripe for a good kicking—but if he suddenly announces that he owes a Minor Boon to
Samuel Ward, a major Boon to Prince Romanov of Atlanta, or a life Boon to Xavier
Luxembourg, you must realize that if you destroy him you will owe that person a Boon.
Indeed, powerful Kindred may well find many seeking to offer their service by way of a
Boon to them, in order to access this very protection. Thus some give Boons but rarely.
Some accept all petitions, and thus collect power and influence around them like a vor-
tex of some kind. Because they are Elders, people perceive that they have power; so they
give them Boons, so their power grows, so that more give them Boons. Thus the power
of the Camarilla is maintained.

OKC by Night
The only people who are immune to paying compensation are Princes, Archons and
Justicars. If someone breaks a Prince’s laws and the Prince kills them, then the invest-
ment is lost; the same applies to Archons and Justicars.

Kindred Law
Kindred law is based upon one simple idea–within each Domain, the Prince has
final say. End of story. The end. That’s it. Simple isn’t it? You can’t win.
For the record Kindred justice within the Camarilla is not based upon trial by jury,
the use of Aura Perception, Bone of Lies, or anything like them. None of these is ac-
cepted. Status and Station wins. The Camarilla usually does not like investigations to
get to the bottom of things. Why investigate? Better to find a scapegoat, like a Caitiff,
and kill him for the crime. If the crime happens again, then the Caitiff was obviously in
league with someone. Mind you, if in doubt, blame any Anarch/Autark. They have no
Status and as such are guilty of everything.
It depends on the Prince, but most of the time, investigations are not carried out and
for very good reason. Many criminal acts can be carried out and ignored if you remem-
ber one thing: while murder and Diablerie are terrible crimes and while Princes and
Justicars want the criminals punished. The society must be maintained. The biggest
crime in the Camarilla is to disregard Status and station.

An example of why Camarilla law is so unfair

Picture the scene: The Tremere Primogen has been found in a room with the recently
killed corpse of the Ventrue Primogen. He claims he didn’t do it. The Prince summons
him and the entire court. This is a bad move, but we’ll come back to that in a bit.
Prince: My Lord Tremere, did you kill the Ventrue Primogen?
Tremere: My Lord, I cannot tell a lie. Nope. I had nothing to do with it.
Near-By Toreador: A-ha! Your majesty, my learned Tremere Primogen is a lying,
two faced murdering git.
Tremere: You have evidence?
Toreador: I don’t have to have any. I just read your aura and me and EVERYONE
could see that you were lying your bloody head off...
Tremere: YOUR MAJESTY! What on Earth is going on? You’ve allowed a Tore-
ador Anarch to present evidence.
Toreador: WHAT!?
Prince: (Who knows where this is going and what is going to happen) My God, I
think your right!
Toreador: What the hell?
Tremere: A viper in our midst. I wonder, are the entire Toreador so affected?
Toreador: What the Hell are you talking about?

The Protocols
Tremere: You, Sir. You and your disregard for the Traditions and laws of the Ca-
marilla. You and your attempt to subvert the Camarilla from within.
Toreador: I beg your pardon?
Tremere: I had given my word as a Primogen. You say you glanced at my aura and
contradict me! You glance at my aura... you doubt my word!
Toreador: Well, of course I bloody well do, you’re a sneaky git!
Tremere: That’s MR. Sneaky Git to you, Sunshine! Or, rather, Lord PRIMOGEN
Sneaky Git. You, Sir, have decided to disregard our sacred Traditions,
disregard the rules that have kept the Camarilla in place for the past
seven hundred years. You have taken the system of Status, which
unites us and binds us, and defines our place in our society, and you
have thrown it out the window. You doubt my word in public... by
doing so, you suggest that Status is redundant. You wish to destroy
it, eh?
Toreador: Er... no, that’s not...
Tremere: No doubt you wish to get rid of Boons and introduce democracy as well.
Probably hang about with the Anarchs, don’t you?
Toreador: No, now wait a minute!
Tremere: Your majesty, I insist that this criminal be staked immediately.
And like that, the bad guy gets away with it. Why? Because Kindred society is dead-
lier than any Kindred. It is not based upon fairness or justice. The Tremere Primogen
did kill the Ventrue, but the Toreador broke an even bigger rule. He disregarded sta-
tion. The Tremere committed murder. The Toreador committed treason and sedition.
And since his act of treason was to say he had read the Tremere’s aura, then the very
accusation is treason. Thus the case is dropped and the Toreador gets it. This could
lead to people like the Harpies judging and ruling cases, and that’s almost right!
Mind you, the Prince made a mistake. He should have gotten the Toreador to ask
the Tremere in private and then used the Aura Reading as evidence when coming
up later. The evidence would have been in beforehand, and the statement that the
Primogen was lying more acceptable because the Prince can say it. Committing a crime
becomes something anyone can get away with if they are smart. Bringing someone to
justice is as easy as just saying the right thing at the right time to the right person. Who
cares if they did it? Who cares what their Aura says? It’s about how you appear and
what power you have.
An Elder can make your life miserable for years. That’s the whole point of the game.
You must out nasty the nasty guy. Just think, if that Toreador in the above example
had been the Primogen, not only would have the Tremere Primogen got away with the
murder of the Ventrue Primogen, but the Prince would have been forced to punish the
entire Toreador Clan!
Also, remember; accusations of criminal activity against Kindred must be made
by those of high standing in a court. It’s not enough that you get evidence against the

OKC by Night
Tremere Primogen. The evidence and the accusation must be made by the Prince, the
Seneschal, the Chief Harpy, the Sheriff, the Keeper of Elysium or the other Primogen.
Someone has to stand up and make the accusation—and take the blame if the accusation
falls down.
Anonymous tip-offs and so forth are instantly discounted. The reason someone
important has to bring the accusation is that if it goes wrong, someone important has
to take the blame, at least until they pass the buck onto the little person who made the
accusation in the first place. If you make an accusation and it is thrown out, you are
guilty of bringing false witness. Even if what you told is the truth, you have brought
false witness. The very act of accusation is a dangerous thing. Heaven forbid you accuse
a Prince in good standing of a crime—the very act is sedition and should only be carried
out by another Prince!
Remember that the Prince of a Domain is the final judge of all things.

If you give Status to someone and they are found to be a criminal or get into trouble
or something, it could come back and haunt you. You must be careful when giving out
Status—call someone Loyal and they attack a Prince, you could be asked why you called
them Loyal. If you gave someone two Traits of Status it becomes more serious. If it
was three Traits of Status and that person commits a crime, you are placed on trial with
them at the same time—after all, you must support everything they say and do.
Status also follows on to the above mention of the Law. Two Kindred are accused
of a crime and both claim the other one did it. The person with the most Status wins.
Any Prince who does not take into account the Status of a person in cases such as these
will attract the attention of the Justicars. This is not to say that Kindred of high Status
can get away with murder, but a Prince has to be sure about it and get proof in secret so
that they cannot wiggle out of it by publicly saying they didn’t.
Be aware if you are a low Status Kindred and a high Status Kindred is accusing you
of something. The best bet is to find an even higher Status Kindred, offer them a Boon
and let them offer you an alibi.

So how does one become Prince without the Prince’s allies killing you? Dead easy,
really. A Prince stops being a Prince when he is killed, deposed4 or resigns. A Prince
may be deposed by a Justicar for breaking the law. The Primogen can depose them if
the Primogen en masse5 permanently give up some of their Patronage Status Traits6. If
the final number exceeds the Prince’s Status Trait total, including his traits for being
Prince, the Prince is out.
Then they simply choose a candidate whom they want. In the case where the Primo-
gen have deposed the Prince but cannot decide on a single candidate, they merely say
whom they support. The Storyteller works out who wins based on the simple system of

4 By another Camarilla Kindred. Being overthrown by the Anarchs or the Sabbat is seen
as a temporary set-back and the character still retains the title de jure Prince, with all the
benefits that go with it.
5 All of them without one voice of dissent.
6 Status given to them by other Kindred, not based on position or social class.

The Protocols
one vote per Status trait those with the most Status support win; an interesting way to
decide after the Primogen just blew a lot of Status to get into that position.
When a Seneschal attempts to take Praxis, it’s between a Prince and the voice of the
Prince; anything goes.

Bloodhunts are a tricky thing. When Princes call a Bloodhunt they are staking their
claim to Praxis upon the Hunted. Bloodhunts should never be taken lightly. If a Prince
calls a hunt and then retracts it, unwanted attention will be brought his Domain. This
is a serious affair; calling a Bloodhunt and then retracting it is nearly impossible—the
usual punishment is that the Justicars send an Archon to punish the Prince and make
sure the hunt is enforced. There are only a few ways a Bloodhunt may be lifted:
The Prince who called it is killed
This means that the person who calls the Hunt is no longer around to enforce it.
To address all those who reply, “That Prince just called a Bloodhunt on me, I think
I will kill him,” this option is not really open unless you are smart. If you get away
with this, it undermines the other Princes. Most, if they discover this, will automati-
cally Bloodhunt you as well.

It is illegal to Bloodhunt another Kindred with the title of Prince

To do that will bring Domains into a conflict that weakens the Camarilla. This
was why Tribunals were created. If you Bloodhunt a Kindred and then they gain
Praxis elsewhere, the Bloodhunt drops. This creates an interesting position; many
Princes may wish to give shelter to one of their Domain who they feel is unjustly
hunted—usually for a Boon. The problem is that Kindred and the Prince both know
that if they seize Praxis they are free from the Hunt and the Boon.

It is illegal to Bloodhunt an entire Camarilla Clan.

Saying you wish to Bloodhunt all Tremere within a Domain is against the
“alliance of the seven” and will lead to Archons being sent. This is never a pretty
Kindred who are under a Bloodhunt automatically lose half their Status traits.
Several Kindred manage to make a good account for themselves by using Obfuscate to
hide themselves and turning up in Elysiums and having fun on the run. So be it, but
people found to be associating with these people, for whatever reason, shall be subject
to the charge of aiding and abetting the Bloodhunted person. This charge is enough to
have them killed in the Domain the Bloodhunt was originally called. Even talking to a
Bloodhunted person may be enough to get you killed. Be careful—always try and meet
them in secret or in Domains where they are not Hunted.
Some Princes operate on the policy of Bad Blood: If a Kindred is bloodhunted, the
Prince invokes the Fourth Tradition to investigate all of that line.

OKC by Night
Justicars and Archons
Princes are expected to run a tight ship. They are expected to uphold the laws; they
are expected to uphold the Traditions. Archons and Justicars are not here to wet nurse
anyone. Archons and Justicars really don’t care how things are run as long as the Tradi-
tions and the Edicts of the Justicars are obeyed. That’s it. Archons and Justicars shall
ignore any accusation against someone of high standing unless it comes from someone
else of high standing. If they listened and allowed every accusation to be acted upon,
then they would undermine the very society they are there to protect. Justicars tend to
remember such things—sending an accusation to the Justicar about your Prince will lead
to the Justicar reporting you to your Prince for breach of the Second Tradition, but you
will die knowing that if the Prince ever does come under the Justicars’ attention they
will no doubt look into this... Maybe.
Some Justicars are very hands-on, but most are not. Most stand back and allow
Kindred society moderate itself. If the Justicars have to send an Archon somewhere it is
usually because the Prince has failed. This is important. If some criminal is terrorizing
a Domain and the Prince is too weak to deal with it, the Archons are sent for. In cases
like this, it is not uncommon for an Archon to pass sentence upon a Prince as well.
When a Justicar arrives, it is because an Archon has failed. Justicars are very likely
to be the most powerful Kindred your characters will ever meet. They are the wrath of
the Camarilla. They are not here to see what an interesting person your character is.
They are here to judge, to punish and to leave. When they turn up, there is no reason
to assume that they are going to stay on any given subject—they may use their arrival to
investigate everyone they see. It is rumored that the Nosferatu Justicar Markov, once
said, “There are two types of Princes in the world, those who are guilty of breaching the
Traditions and those who have yet to be caught.”
The best advice about the Justicars is to avoid them at all costs. The kid gloves have
been taken off. In the past people used to complain about the treatment of their char-
acters at the hands of the Justicars. This is the wake-up call: these NPCs are designed to
judge and to kill. They are not designed to provide detailed roleplay encounters for your
characters. They are not designed to give a damn about your character. Your character is
an annoyance to them.
Justicars do not represent their Clan. The Nosferatu have no claim on their Justicar.
It is the Nosferatu Justicar, not the Nosferatu’s Justicar; Justicars’ first and only allegiance
is the Camarilla. For their term of office, this is all they care about. Supplying them
with regular information, deferring to them as you would defer to any person who has
the power to have you killed with but a word, and generally not trying to annoy them is
a good way to get along with the Justicars.
If a Justicar enters your character’s story, be aware that from that moment until it
leaves, you may be killed at anytime for any reason. You are now roleplaying with the
world’s most deadly creature.

The Others
The protocols, it must be stressed, apply to those members of the Camarilla. But
what of those not members of the Sect? This then leads to some interesting situations.

The Protocols
The first advantage of not being a member of the Camarilla is that one does not have
to follow these rules at all. You are free to act outside of them. The main disadvan-
tage is that outside the Camarilla you are outside its protection and thus must face the

Independent Clans
The Followers of Set
The Followers have a great advantage and a great disadvantage—they, being outside
the protocols, are a lot freer to act; there is no ban on their behavior, on what they do
and how they act. Followers of Set make a good living out of existing on the periphery
of the Camarilla—they can do things the other Clans cannot do, for which they charge
high prices and earn much by way of Boons. Indeed, if a Primogen wishes to move
against a fellow Primogen they often use the Followers to do so. This allows the Follow-
ers to act, be owed a Boon by each Primogen and increase their power. The disadvan-
tage here is of course the natural dislike of many Princes to the snakes.
The standard response to Snakes by Princes is to charge them Boons to exist within
their Domain. Princes know damn well that the Followers will quickly try and infiltrate
a given Domain and make as many Kindred end up owing them. As long as the Prince
keeps tabs on the Followers, they can utilize them to great effect.
The Followers love the protocols and tend to follow them closely. They also tend to
break them the most and get away with it, because they offer something the others can-
not do. If caught, they know that by offering a Boon to the Prince to continue to work
in the area, they can quickly gain more Boons.
Those Followers of Set who are members of the Camarilla are expected to act slightly
more circumspectly, but they do fulfill many roles within the Sect. Followers who hold
the position of Harpy or Keeper of Elysium tend to be ideally suited to the job.
The Giovanni are forbidden from getting involved in internal Camarilla political
matters. They are immune to the powers of the protocols completely except where they
are discovered to be trying to influence political matters—in which case they are worm
Several Princes codify the relationship with the Giovanni very simply—as holders of
Praxis they can charge or tax the Giovanni a certain amount of their income to remain
in any given Domain. This tax is to be paid directly to the Prince. Many Giovanni
understand this completely. As merchants they have long understood the importance
of paying the local despot a fee to be allowed to exist within his city. The more money
the Giovanni makes, the more money the Prince makes, so many times the Giovanni
arrange for positions such as Chancellor—which holds no Status and is not a Camarilla
position, but allows the Giovanni to regulate all business deals. Giovanni use this as
an excuse to create Coffeehouses or Exchequers that encourage those Kindred with
business interests to come a trade freely in an atmosphere of relaxed gentility. These
environments usually increase revenue and act as a way of allowing Kindred utilize their
influences (not just finances) in a way that works out for them best. The Giovanni, as
neutrals, are the only Clan suited to making sure that all such transactions are done
fairly and well. For a small fee they will even be willing to underwrite certain actions.

OKC by Night
By acting as arbiters of Influences and making sure that no one does anything
with them to damage the Prince’s Domain by reducing it in terms of wealth and social
environment, the Giovanni are able to charge a small levy to those Kindred so involved.
This increases their wealth, which in turn makes the Princes cut larger—thus Giovanni
are often the best at moderating Influences and Boons.
Giovanni in the Camarilla are accepted members of the Camarilla, but still may
hold no position.
The Assamites are considered by many to be foes of the Camarilla. Their relation-
ship is defined by the fact that they do a job—a nasty job but a job nonetheless. It is
generally accepted that Assamites only do their job because someone else has hired
them—an Assamite may be the weapon, but they are not the killers.
In recent nights, a small group of Assamites—calling themselves Banu Haqim—have
petitioned for membership in the Camarilla. The individuals in this group have been
granted membership in the Camarilla; however, negotiations to recognize them as a
separate Clan from the rest of the Assamites, as well as other benefits, are still ongoing.
Lasombra Antitribu
The Lasombra are recognized and given full rights within the Camarilla. There are
usually too few of them in any given Domain to effect any position such as Primogen.
One thing must be remembered about Caitiff and it is important. Caitiff are clan-
less. To many, they are bastards. Many are accepted as members of the Camarilla, but
many more are killed on sight. A Caitiff has no Primogen to back him up, no Clan to
help, no support at all. This has led to the often used term to describe Caitiff: Patsies.
One can easily blame a Caitiff for a crime. Who is going to speak up for them? No one.
And if someone does, many a Harpy will ask them why they are supporting a bastard.
Because of this, Caitiffs usually find someone of power to attach to and stick there
like glue. Many Caitiffs find themselves working for their Prince with a ferocious loyal-
ty. If they don’t, they face the Prince’s displeasure and the end of their lives. A common
practice for Princes when a Primogen breaks a law is that the Primogen gives the Prince
a large Boon and the Prince then to publicly blames the Caitiff for the crime.
Caitiff who hold Praxis are in a very dangerous position. If caught, they are usually

Anarchs claim to be not members of the Camarilla; and indeed as such hold no
Status or station in the Camarilla; they claim they are outside its remit. Many Princes
would disagree. The question becomes then what is their relationship to the protocols,
and the answer is grim.
Anarchs, by their existence, suggest that one does not need the Protocols of behavior
in order to live. They show that there exists another way for Kindred to live, and they
undermine the very society around them. This makes them dangerous. This makes
many Kindred want them dead. So be it.
The main trump card Anarchs can play is that they can help the Prince or the Pri-
mogen. They can do favors for them when a Primogen wants to destroy a political rival,

The Protocols
but cannot move for fear of their own Clan rejecting it. One can always ask an Anarch
to do it, as the Anarchs are more than happy usually to take down a Camarilla Kindred.
Many a Prince has also discovered, to their horror, that attacking and Bloodhunting An-
archs lead to his name being added to a list for retaliation. It may take months or even
years, but come it will. The Anarchs have shown that they operate far more successfully
on a global scale at times. A Prince in America may act and discover that a fellow mem-
ber of his Clan is executed in Europe and Australia because of what he did.
The relationship between the two groups is tense and deadly, but many Anarchs
often act very much within the protocols, behaving in a manner that would put many
of the local Camarilla Vampires to shame. They uphold Domain and Elysium with a
strictness that many Elders admire; this is especially true of Anarchs who own their own
territory. For those Anarchs who act in a manner in keeping with the protocols, many
a Prince and Harpy like to have them around. The insult, “You act worse than those
Anarchs,” is one which all Camarilla Kindred should take as a metaphor for, “Change
the way you act or I shall Bloodhunt you.”
Why do they act in a way that reinforces the protocols? The average Anarch knows
that many a Camarilla Kindred wishes to kill him, but the Anarchs also realize that
these Camarilla Cold Warriors are also mainly admired for their physical powers as op-
posed to their mental ones. Chances are that if the Anarchs survive the attack they can
and will use the protocols to force the local Prince to kill those who attacked and prob-
ably broke the Protocols. Thus it is in the Anarchs interest to act fully within the Pro-
tocols in public at all times. As long as they follow the rules, the Camarilla has to do so
as well or the Camarilla and the local Princes lose face. Therefore many Anarchs, when
in conflict with a local Prince, soon find themselves being courted by other Princes who
seek to bring down that Prince and know the Anarchs will be watching him closely.
Players and storytellers should find a copy of the first edition of the Storytellers
Guide by White Wolf and find within it a short piece of fiction on page 57. It is a great
example of how Anarchs can run rings around Princes and the Princes be forced to take
it. The way they do it is by playing within the rules.

The Autarkis have left all Sects. They stand alone. They reject all title, all badges
and all responsibilities. Good for them, but it isn’t a free lunch. If you are an Autark,
you have to understand your role in the society. You have no Status and no station.
Your voice counts for nothing; your opinions count for less. You have rejected the soci-
ety of the Kindred and thus the society rejects you. You can be Bloodhunted at anytime
for any reason. No Primogen will speak for you. Even some Anarchs refuse to aid you,
seeing you as “a gutless fence sitter.” Autarkis have only one set of allies—Caitiff. Why?
Because for a Caitiff, having an Autarkis in their domain means that there is someone
who has lower standing in the society than them.
It is very difficult to adopt this position and get away with it for long. This is why
the majority of Kindred who do are the ones you see once a year if you are lucky. They
withdraw from the society totally; it’s a lot safer that way.
The only really successful Autarkis are those who roleplay hard enough or who are
old and tough enough not to care. These Elder Autarkis are generally very mean, very
wise or very useful on a personal basis and thus many Princes tolerate and allow them

OKC by Night
to live. Those who cannot make themselves useful can expect no mercy and no favors.
The very act of going Autarkis is costly. To do so means you reject everything to do with
the Sect—station, Status and above all, legal rights. You are outside the society, and you
cannot expect to abuse its rules and remain. Autarkis cannot hold any Sect position at
all. Any who does is not Autarkis. Autarkis is not the “I live by my own rules” option
here. In Vampire, there is no “I live by my own rules” option. That option does not
exist nor has it ever existed. Autarkis is the “I reject the society and the society rejects
me” option. It is a lonely and dangerous path that the Autarkis take, and like all things,
it costs. Many soon find they cannot afford the price. This does not stop Autarkis exist-
ing quite openly; they just have to be careful.

And Finally...
The whole point of this system is to create in character rules of behavior. These are
not out of character rules. Characters can and are expected to break them. Characters
are expected to act how the Hell they like and have fun. The rules you see here are the
way the game is played, the game being the intrigue, fear and sneakiness that generally
pervades Kindred behavior across the world. This doesn’t mean you can’t get away with
running around and causing trouble, but you must know how to play the game before
you can buck the rules.
These rules are here to make sure balance remains in all things. By applying strict
codes of behavior, we now have the following situation: It don’t matter how strong or
weak your character sheet is; it don’t matter what your generation is; it don’t matter what
your clan is: If you decide to mess about you will be brought down.
Got a Prince who’s throwing his weight around and making your life hell? Make
sure he crosses the line and you can bring him down. Got a neonate whose disrupting
everything? Now you can get rid of him without looking like the bad guy. In all things,
remember the golden rule—the players who win the political game are those players who
think nastier than the others, roleplay harder than the others and generally don’t take
part in lame ideas and get caught. Play it straight and watch what happens.
Remember that the whole thing is about how one is presented in public. The system
we have is one where who you are decides what you can or cannot do; what you can
or cannot say. Little people hold no station have no political power, but they have a
lot more free reign than a Prince, who may like it on the top but soon finds that he is
limited in what he can do.

The Protocols

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