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The first step in the postharvest life of the product is the moment of
harvest. For most fresh produce, harvest is manual, so the picker is
responsible for deciding whether the produce has reached the correct
maturity for harvest. The maturity of harvested perishable commodi-
uce ties has an important bearing on their storage life and quality and
f. may affect the way they are handled, transported, and marketed. An
understanding of the meaning and measurement of maturity is there-
:du fore central to postharvest technology. The meaning of the term
mature, the importance of maturity determination, and some exam-
Maturation and , ples of approaches to determining and applying a satisfactory index of
maturity, are discussed in this chapter.
ux To most people mature and ripe mean the same thing when describing
Michael S. Reid fruit. For example, mature is defined in Webster's dictionary as: "mature
(fr. L maturus ripe):l: Based on slow, careful consideration; 2a (1):
having completed natural growth and development: RIPE (2): having
undergone maturation, b: having attained a final or desired state; 3a: of
or relating to a condition of full development." In postharvest physiol-
ogy we consider mature and ripe to be distinct terms for different
g- stages of fruit development (fig. 6.1). Mature is best defined by 2a (1)
above as "having completed natural growth and development"; for
fruits, it is defined in the U.S. Grade standards as "that stage which
d: will ensure proper completion of the ripening process." This latter def-
3 inition lacks precision in that it fails to define "proper completion of
the ripening process." Most postharvest technologists consider that the
definition should be "that stage at which a commodity has reached a
sufficient stage of development that after harvesting and postharvest
handling (including ripening, where required), its quality will be at
least the minimum acceptable to the ultimate consumer."
Horticultural maturity is the stage of development at which a plant
or plant part possesses the prerequisites for use by consumers for a
particular purpose. A given commodity may be horticulturally mature
at any stage of development (see fig. 6.1). For example, sprouts or
seedlings are horticulturally mature in the early stage of development,
whereas most vegetative tissues, flowers, fruits, and underground stor-
age organs become horticulturally mature in the midstage, and seeds
and nuts in the late stage, of development. For some commodities,
horticultural maturity is reached at mor,e than one stage of develop-
ment, depending on the desired use of the product. In zucchini
squash, for example, the mature product can be the fully open flower,
the young fruit, or the fully developed fruit.
A qualitative difference in the relationship between maturity and
edibility distinguishes many fruits from vegetables. In many fruits,
such as mature (but green) bananas, the eating quality at maturity
will be far less than optimal. The fruit becomes edible only after prop-
er ripening has taken place. In contrast, in most vegetables, optimal
maturity coincides with optimal eating quality.


The definition of maturity as the stage of development giving mini-

mum acceptable quality to the ultimate consumer implies a measur-
able point in the commodity's development, and it also implies the

Figure 6.1 This encourages growers and shippers to

Horticultural maturity in relation to developmentalstagesof the plant.
expedite or delay harvesting their crop to
(Watadaet al. 1984) take advantage of premium prices, The mini-
<:: mum maturity statements in the grade stan-
'j;; .s: dards exist to prevent the sale of immature
";: '"
'E OJ or overmature product and the consequent
Development loss of consumer confidence. Objective
I maturity indices enable growers to know
whether their commodity can be harvested
Maturation when the market is buoyant.
Efficient use of labor resources. vVith
many crops the need for labor and equip-
---maturity ---
ment for harvesting and handling is seasonal.
n~ipening --- In order to plan operations efficiently, grow-
ers need to predict the likely s~arting and fin-
ishing dates for the harvest of each commod-
Horticultural maturity ity. Objective maturity indices me vital for
accurate prediction of harvest dates.
Sprouts n__- Stemsand leaves nn-
asparagus,celery,lettuce, cabbage
artichoke, broccoli, cauliflower
Maturity measures made by producers, han-
Partially developedfruit dlers, and quality control personnel must be
cucumber,-greenbean, okra, sweet corn
simple, readily performed in the field or
Fully developed fruit orchard, and require relativelyjinexpensive
apple,-pear,citrus, tomato equipment. The index should preferably be
Rootsand tubers Seeds
objective (a measurement) ratl;J.erthan sub-
carrot, onion, potato dribean jective (an evaluation), The inClex must con-
sistently relate to the quality and postharvest
Cut and potted Potted life of the commodity for all growers, dis-
foliage flowering Cut
Seeds tricts, and years. If possible, the index
?~~_dlings nurserystock plants flowers
should be nondestructive.
Ornamental crops
The search for an objective determination
need for techniques to measure maturity. of maturity has occupied the attention of
The maturity index for a commodity is a many horticulturists working ':'lith a wide
measurement or measurements that can be range of commodities for many years. The
used to determine whether a particular number of satisfactory indices that have been
example of the commodity is mature. These suggested is nevertheless rather small, and
indices are important to the trade in fresh for most commodities the search for a satis-
fruits and vegetables for several reasons. factory maturity index continues,
Trade regulations. Regulations published Two rather different problems will be
by grower groups, marketing orders, or legal- addressed here, The first probh~m is how to
ly appointed authorities (such as the state measure maturity at harvest or at a subse-
departments of agriculture and the USDA) quent inspection point. The second and
frequently include a statement of the mini- more complex problem is how to predict the
mum (and sometimes maximum) maturity time at which a commodity will mature. For
acceptable for a given commodity. Objective both problems, similar techniq:ues may be
maturity standards are available for relatively appropriate, but the ways in which they are
few commodities, and most regulations rely applied differ.
on subjective judgments related to the broad
definitions quoted above. DEVelOPING A MATURITY, INDEX
Marketing strategy. In most markets the Many features of fruits and vegetables have
laws of supply and demand create price been used in attempting to provide adequate
incentives for the earliest (or sometimes the estimates of maturity. Examples of those that
latest) shipments of particular commodities. have been proposed, or that are presently in

~ ~---

use, are shown in table 6.1. The wide range of

methods that have been devised to measure
. When the relationship between changes in
the maturity index quantity and the quality
these features are summarized in table 6,2. and storage life of the commodity has been
The strategy for developing a maturity determined, an index value can be assigned
index is for the minimal acceptable maturity.
. To determine changes in the commodity
throughout its development.
. To test the index over several years and in
several growing locations to ensure that it
. To look for a feature (size, color, solidity,
etc.) whose changes correlate well with the
consistently reflects the quality of the har-
vested product.
stages of the commodity's development.
. To use storage trials and organoleptic
assays (taste panels) to determine the
Chronological features
value (or level) of the maturity index that For certain crops (fast-rotation vegetables,
defines minimum acceptable maturity. such as radish, and perennial tree crops
growing in short summer environments),
maturity can be defined chronologically, for
Table 6.1. Maturity indices for selected fruits and vegetables
example, as days from planting or as days
Index ,- --- --' '
Examples "' ----------..- from flowering. Chronological indices are sel-
Elapseddaysfrom full bloom to harvest .~--_._----------
Apples,pears dom perfect, but they do permit a degree of
Mean heat units during -development Peas,apples, sweet corn planning, and they are widely used. For some
- -- -- .---
crops, the chronological method is refined by
Developmentof abscissionlayer Somemelons,apples,feijoas
" " "'--- ~-_.-
calculating heat units accumulated during
Surfacemorphologyand structure Cuticleformation on grapes, the growing period, which modulates the
chronological index according to the weather
Nettingof somemelons
pattern during the growing season.
Glossof somefruits (develop-
ment of wax)
Physical features
Size All fruits and manyvegetables A wide range of physical features are used to
Specificgravity Cherries,watermelons,potatoes assess the maturity of various commodities.
Shape Angularityof bananafingers Size, shape, and surface characteristics.
Fullcheeksof mangoes Changes in the size, shape, or surface charac-
Compactness of broccoliand teristics of fruits and vegetables are common-
cauliflower ly used as maturity indices. For example, veg-
~ .---..

lettuce, cabbage, etables in particular are harvested when they

Solidity - - Brusselssprouts
- -- - n
have reached a marketable size and before
they become too large. Maturity in bananas is
Firmness Apples,pears,stonefruits
~ .------- determined by measuring the diameter of the
Tenderness Peas fingers; changes in the surface gloss or feel
Externalcolor All fruits and mostvegetables (waxiness) are used as a practical tool in har-
--- ---...----------......-----------
vesting of some melons such as honeydew
Internalcolorand structure Formationof jellylikematerial
in tomato fruits (see chapter 33, table 33.4).
Abscission. In many fruits, during the
Flesh color of some fruits
--------------....-------- later stages of maturation and the start of
Compositionalfactors:.-- . __n-- ripening, a special band of cells, the abscis-
Starchcontent Apples,pears
--- - -
sion zone, develops on the stalk (pedicel)
Sugarcontent Apples, pears, stone fruits, grapes
that attaches the fruit to the plant. The
- ~--
abscission zone permits the fruit to separate
Acidcontent,sugar/acidratio Pomegranates, citrus, papaya,
from the plant. Measuring the development
melons, kiwifruit
-----.- -- of this zone (degree of separation) is possibly
Juice content Citrus fruits
--.- , the oldest of all maturity indices. Abscission
Oil content Avocados force (the force required to pull the fruit
Astringency(tannincontent) Persimmons,
dates from the tree) is not generally used as a for-
- -- - ~--
mal maturity index, but the development of
Internal ethyleneconcentration
the abscission zone, or "slip," in the netted

muskmelons (see chapter 33, fig. 33.9) is Accurate devices employin~ state-of-the-art
used to determine their maturity. electronics and optics nowipermit objective
Color. The color change that accompanies color measurements. As th~ price of such
maturation in many fruits is widely used as a devices has fallen, they ha~e replaced com-
maturity index. Objective measurement of parison techniques in mant cases. For exam-
color requires expensive equipment (fig 6.2), ple, digital color examinatitn is now used in
and although the human eye is unable to the sorting of mechanically! harvested pro-
give a good evaluation of a single color, it is cessing tomatoes.
extremely sensitive to differences between Texture. Maturation of ftuits is often
colors. Color comparison techniques are accompanied by softening; evermature veg-
therefore commonly used to assess fruit etables frequently become ffbrous or tough.
maturity (fig 6.3). Color swatches may be These textural properties car be used to
used to determine external or internal color. determine maturity. They a~e measured with

Table6.2. Methodsof maturitydetermination I

[ -.r --, ' r---+ - I N~~~--~


full bloom
d;;~r;;;; .W:~:~:~""m;",,;o"...
!. S"bi"';.'

I. ,.. I I l

~~~~;~~~r~~~~~;-~: ~~~-t l! ---~ -Ii- ---~---!---~~- -1

I: .
l 1

! :~~,ce"",ct",'.
-- i~,:;:;";;;,"ri;gd~;I~ W~lght! -'-_oj=-,
I?ensitygradientsolutions, i

i x
- t 1

- - - --I~~~~e~:~o~~~~;i~~~-~~~~~~~
r ~---1 r : j
~ +---!-
t- I
-- x
~ I

ISolidity I Feel,bulk density,gammarays, ! x I xi: x I


! Textural properties:
~--- ~-

~- !
!Firmness IFirmnesstesters,d~formation i --r ~ I ~-+---i I
p,-,d.m,,;:-"":: JTeod"".m",,= == - i := T-::::
t- ,-\-r=:~
I !
chemicalmethodsfor deter-. I
I x I
I i
i I mination of polysaccharides) _L---~ I l--~ I
IColor,external Lightreflectance ' I x II I x I

ICoI~~.i~t~;~;I '-~j~~;lt~~;~~~;:~~:~aY~d :-- ._-~ -- --~---~--

I -\--l---~--I
. ..
IIght emission I
l !

I--~- ! Visualexamination i x +-+~ I

f-- I
--I .
~ ,1 .
1. ~-d I

Starch content
IKItest,other chemicaltests
! ~
I x



f .

~:,~~~~:~;;;---I~:~'m":"""'_--1- -- -I-:=~- :-tj -.=-1

U~l:~]~~~:~:~~~~l... ~J ~_: .f-= ~+r=



"'00""°' '"0 ""omi 'N",W

Figure 6.4
instruments that measure the force required --' -- -- -----

to push a probe of known diameter through Usingthe UCfirmnesstester to measureth

the flesh of the fruit or vegetable (fig 6.4). nessof apples.
The solidity of lettuce, cabbage, and Brussels
sprouts is an important quality and maturity
characteristic. In the case of lettuce, gamma-
ray equipment has been devised to measure
head firmness, but the technique has not
been adopted commercially.
Chemical changes. The maturation of
fruits and vegetables is often accompanied
by profound changes in their chemical com-
position. Many of these changes have been
used in studies of maturation, but relatively
few have provided satisfactory maturity
indices because they usually require destruc-
tive sampling and complex chemical analy-
sis. Chemical changes that are used for
Figure 6.2
usedto measuresurfacecolorof apples.

Figure 6.6
~ ---
Figure 6.3
---~---,---'-- '--' '--'----
Treatingcutappleswith an iodinesolutionrevealsthe
Color matching usedfor maturity grading.
disappearanceof starch(whichstainsdark)a~apples


maturity estimation include the change in used to identify those that W~ll be suited to
total soluble solids, measured using a refrac- long-term controlled atmosp~ere .

tometer (fig. 6.5); changes in the distribu-

tion of starch in the flesh of the commodity, PREDICTING MAT
measured using a starch-iodine reaction (fig.
6.6); acidity, determined by titration; and Predicting when a commodi will mature is
the sugar to acid ratio, which is used as the more complex than assessin its maturity at
legal maturity index for citrus. or after harvest. The basic re uirement for
The unsatisfactory nature of chemical prediction is a measurement hose change
tests for maturity is exemplified by the old during the commodity's deve opment can be
oil content measurement for avocados, modeled mathematically to r veal a pattern
which has been replaced by the determina- or patterns of change. Once he pattern of
tion of percent dry weight because of the change is established for the easurement,
time-consuming and complex nature of oil measurements made early in the season can
determination. be compared with the patter in order to
French scientists have developed an inter- predict the date at which the commodity
esting approach to objective maturity (and should reach minimum acce table maturity.
quality) determination of harvested melons; The way in which this strate y has been
they remove a slender cylinder of flesh from applied can best be illustrate by the follow-
each melon and rapidly determine its sugar ing examples.
content by measuring the refractive index of
the juice. The outer portion of the cylinder is APPLES
replaced, and the melon is accepted or reject- Although the literature on th prediction of
ed based on the sugar reading. maturity in apples is volumi ous, no truly
New opportunities in chemical analysis satisfactory method has yet b en proposed,
are exemplified by the development of near- The use of climatic data to p edict the date
infrared technologies for examining the com- of harvest by a modification f the "days
position of fruits and vegetables, and rapid from full bloom" index note in table 6.1,
sensor technology for determining volatile even when adapted by using 'days from the
profiles in harvested products. The former is T stage" has provided only eneral predic-
able to measure sugars in fruits nondestruc- tions of the harvest date.
tively, and the latter is sufficiently rapid to In an attempt to provide a ore satisfactory
enable determination of melon maturity in prediction of the maturation ate, researchers
the field. Researchers have found, for exam- have examined a number of hanges that
ple, that the sugar content of peaches can be occur during fruit developme t. Measure-
accurately determined using near-infrared ment of respiration, ethylene roduction,
absorption profiles. As melons mature, their sugar content, starch content and the chang-
production of aroma volatiles increases dra- ing firmness of fruit each fail d to meet some
matically. An instrument has been developed of the criteria for a satisfacto maturity
that enables this increased production to be index, and they proved to be 00 variable to
an indicator of harvest readiness. permit prediction of maturati n date. The
Physiological changes. The maturation of "starch pattern," an old meth d of determin-
commodities is associated with changes in ing apple maturity, refined by assigning
their physiology, as measured by changing scores to a range of patterns, as proved to
patterns of respiration and ethylene produc- be a good index. Changes in he mean starch
tion. The problem with using these charac- index score during the period prior to har-
teristics in assessing maturity is the variabili- vest are readily analyzed as a inear regres-
ty in absolute rates of ethylene production sion, and the date of minimal acceptable
and respiration among similar individuals of maturity and can be predicte several weeks
the same commodity. The techniques are also in advance (fig. 6.7).
complex and expensive to implement on a
commercial scale. Nevertheless, the rate of AVOCADOS
ethylene production of a sample of apples is The State of California for ma Y years pro-
used by some producers to establish the mulgated a minimum oil cont nt as the
maturity of the apples, and it is particularly 1
maturity standard for avocad s. This index

-- --~ -- .

has been unsatisfactory, since it is difficult to tions to determine quality, rese rchers have
apply and because some avocados that have shown that the patterns of dry eight accu-
more than the minimum oil requirement mulation, or the growth of avo ado fruit, can
may be lacking in flavor quality. However, be used not only to determine hen mini-
raising the minimum oil content might elim- mum acceptable maturity has b en achieved
s inate from the market particular avocado but also to predict the date whe it will
varieties whose flavor quality is adequate at be achieved (fig 6,8). Taste pan 1 scores
a low oil content. Using taste panel evalua- increased as oil content increas d, and oil

;: Figure 6.9

Relationshipbetween dryweightandoil contento~avocado,

et al. 1983)
Figure 6.7 --- .---. 25
Changein starchindex valuesfor maturing GrannySmith apples.

~ . °

° .. en
E 4 >-
~ .. -S
[ 3 COJ 15
.=. v
v Qj
2 Q y = 0.085x + 0.300 c.. Y = 10.67 + 1.01
(:t 0.009) (:t 0.003) r = 0,96

. I
20 5 21 7 23 8
Mar Apr May Jun
10 15 20
Harvest date Percent oil

Figure 6.8 Figure 6.10

--- ---

Changing acceptability and oil content of maturing avocados,(Leeand Changesin selectedchemicaland physicalparametelrsof kiwifruit
Young 1983) during growth and development.
10 Growth period
0 1- -11--111-
-IV-V- Fuliymature
9 J.
J. 75
0 J.
25 J. A E
8 J. Weight ~


. .
50 Qj
6 ~
'0 15 solids 25
5 -y. 'i


. rJ 10

10 0


5 J.J.J.J.J.
.. . .
. 0,8 ~
0.6 ~
.. Ash
! .0.4
0 /
0 0
0 0
15 15 15 15 15 10 20 30 40 50
Sep Oct Nov Dee Jan Timeafter anthesis (wks)

content was found to be closely correlated ing, and if possible predictin , the time of
with the percent dry weight (fig 6.9). minimal acceptable maturity for this crop. It
Consequently, the California minimum seemed possible that soluble solids content
maturity index was changed from oil content and fruit firmness might pro ide a suitable
to percent dry weight. maturity index, but in repea ing the experi-
ments over several seasons, hanges in the
KIWIFRUIT firmness of the fruit were fo nd to be highly
As a prelude to developing a maturity index variable and unrelated to fm t quality (fig.
for kiwifruit, researchers measured changes 6.11). In New Zealand, a mi imum maturity
in a wide range of chemical and physical index of 6.25% soluble solid has now been
characteristics during growth and develop- used for many years. The ch nge in soluble
ment (fig. 6.10). This information was com- solids in the 6 weeks prior t the normal
pared to storage life and taste panel results harvest date can be used, wi h regression
to decide on possible methods for determin- analysis, to predict the date f harvest for
different orchards, seasons, nd growing dis-
Figure 6.11 tricts (fig. 6.12).

Changesin fruit firmnessduring maturation of kiwifruit. REFERENCES

Kiwifruit maturation
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New York: Wiley 228 pp.
Eskin, N. A. M., ed. 1989. Quality nd preservation of
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Figure 6.12 Coggins Jr. 1983. Maturity st dies of avocado
,-~ '-~--~-~'---~" '~-'--~-' -~~--~~-,. "~~ -,~,--,~-,~~,-~--,, '-"~

fruit based on picking dates nd dry weight.].

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~-'-~- --'

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