SPP Part2 Profquiz

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o B.

 1.
Architects are People who are Four (4) year
Registered and _______ qualified to
practice architecture o C.

o A. Five (5) year

Technically o D.

o B. Six (6) year

 4.
o C. The Architect is selected for the PRoject
by ______ method
o A.
o D.
o B.
 2.
Referral by another Architect
State-owned Architecture Schools are
exempted from being _______ by the o C.
Government so it can offer the
Architecture Degree:
Design Competition
o A.
o D.
All Listed
o B.
 5.
The ______ regulates the practice of the
profession of Architecture in the
o C. Philippines.

Owned o A.

o D. RA 8266

Non-Listed o B.

 3. RA 8256

The BS Architecture Program is a o C.

_______ course

RA 9246
o A.
o D.
Three (3) year
RA 9266 o B.

A NEwspaper Advertisement
 6.
The Architect is selected for a project by o C.
_______ method.
o A.
o D.
o B.

Advertisement  9.
Architect's License maybe suspended
o C. due to

Design Competition o A.

o D. No Projects done

Proposal o B.

Non-payment of dues
 7.
The client can select an Architect for a o C.
project through ___________.
o A.
o D.
Fraudulent acts
o B.

Advertisement  10.
Participants in an architectural design
o C. competition should be ______.

Referral by an Architect o A.

o D. Artists

Proposal o B.

Civil engineer
 8.
Architect may acquire a project through o C.
o A.
o D.
An Invitation
Registered Architects
o C.
 11.
Post-Construction Services
SPP Document no. 201 is __________
o D.
o A.
Pre-design Services

o B.  14.
SPP Document no. 205 is ___________.
Regular Design Services
o A.
o C.
Pre-Design Services
Construction Services
o B.
o D.
Regular Design Services
Post Construction Services
o C.
 12.
Construction Services
SPP Document no. 202 is
____________. o D.

o A. Post- Construction Services

Pre- Design Services

 15.
o B. SPP Document replaced the _________.

Regular Design Services o A.

o C. 1975 UAP Documents

Construction Services o B.

o D. 1979 PIA Documents

Post Construction Services o C.

 13. 1979 UAP Documents

SPP Document no. 204 is ________. o D.

o A. IAPOA Documents

Pre-Design SErvices
 16.
o B. The _____ are studies involving the
studies of secondary information as in-
Regular Design Services puts in Architectural Design
o A. Project Viability Studies

Programming o D.

o B. Viability Analysis

Matrix Analysis
 19.
o C. The _____ entails the conduct of primary
and secondary search for facts as basis
Architectural Research for future conclusion to be use in
decision making in the Architectural
o D.
o A.
Pre-Feasibility Studies
Architectural Studies
 17.
o B.
The ____ is the formulation of site
criteria to determine the most appropriate
site for a proposed project. Architectural data collection

o A. o C.

Site Planning Technical Research

o B. o D.

Site Selection Architectural Research

o C.  20.

Site Comparison The _____ will incorporate a space

program in offering a design solution

o D.
o A.

Site Analysis
Feasibility Studies

 18. o B.
The detailed analysis that will determine
the viability of a proposed development. Space Programming

o A. o C.

Feasibility Studies Architectural Research

o B. o D.

Design Analysis Architectural Programming

o C.  21.
It involves studies for the appropriate o C.
utilization of land.
o A.
o D.
Site Studies
o B.

Site Planning  24.

Architect should register with the ______
o C. in order to qualify to practice Architecture

Site Utilization o A.

o D. PRC

Non-Listed o B.

 22.
Government Agency which recognizes o C.
Architecture school.
o A.
o D.
All listed
o B.

TESDA  25.
Architects are remunerated for their
o C. services by using the _____ method of
o A.
o D.
Fixed Salary
o B.

 23. Wages
Government Agency which regulates the
practice of Architecture. o C.

o A. % of Construction Cost

UAP o D.

o B. Non-listed

 26.
For Creative projects, the architect is o C.
compensated on the basis of
o A.
o D.
% of Construction Cost
Fixed Fee
o B.

Multiple Direct Personnel  29.

Expenses Planning Services are remunerated by
o C.
o A.
% of Construction Cost
o D.
o B.
Fixed Fee
Multiple of Direct Personnel
 27.
The MBF for Interior Design projects is: o C.

o A. Per Hectare

12% - 15% o D.

o B. Salary

10% - 15%
 30.
o C. MBF for Landscape Architecture is:

12% - 20% o A.

o D. 12% - 15%

12% - 25% o B.

10% - 15%
 28.
For non-creative projects, the architect is o C.
compensated on the basis of
12% - 20%
o A.
o D.
% of Construction Cost
12% - 25%
o B.

Multiple of Direct Personnel  31.

The _____ can order changes in the o C.
construction based on technicalities only:
PB 223
o A.
o D.
PD 223
o B.

Architect  34.
Building Administrators are compensated
o C. based on:

Consultant o A.

o D. % of construction cost

Contractor o B.

% of gross monthly rentals

 32.
Under the Civil Code, how long is the o C.
liability of the Architect for the regular
design of structures. Lump sum

o A. o D.

10 yrs % of income

o B.
 35.
1 yr The architect has a duty to Himself,
Country & ______.
o C.
o A.
3 yrs
o D.
o B.
15 yrs

 33.
o C.
The ______ institutionalized the
Professional Regulatory Commission. God

o A. o D.

PD 1185 Non-listed

o B.
 36.
PD 233
The _______ Payment for services o C.
o A.
o D.
o B.

Remuneration  39.
The ______ is the penalty for every day
o C. of delay in the contract time.

Wages o A.

o D. Penalty

Check o B.

Liquidated Damages
 37.
The Architect releases the ________ o C.
three months after the acceptance of the
project Interest Payment

o A. o D.

Retention Fee Surcharges

o B.
 40.
Guarantee Bond The _______ are printed documents
stipulating the procedural aspects of the
o C. contract.

Liability o A.

o D. Specifications

Contract o B.

Memo. of Agreement
 38.
Substantial completion shall mean the o C.
value of the work completed not less
than General Conditions

o A. o D.

100% The Contract

o B.
 41.
The National Building Code is o C.
administered by
o A.
o D.
6.0 sqm
o B.

Building Official  44.

Under PD 1096, the depth of excavation
o C. is a minimum of


o D. 1.0 mts

Non-listed o B.

0.80 mts
 42.
The National Building code is o C.
institutionalized by
0.65 mts
o A.
o D.
PD 1185
0.60 mts
o B.

PD 1086  45.
The record of construction activities
o C.
o A.
PD 1026
Activity Ledger
o D.
o B.
PD 1096
Construction Record

 43.
o C.
Under PD 1096, habitable rooms have a
minimum area of Logbook of Construction

o A. o D.

2.0 sqm Non listed

o B.
 46.
3.10 sqm What is referred to as construction in an
existing building involving changes in
materials used, partitioning, location / o B.
sizes of openings, etc, but does not
increase the overall area. 2.70 mts

o A. o C.

Renovation 2.40 mts

o B. o D.

Conversion 2.10 mts

o C.
 49.
Repair The National Building Code is enforced
o D.
o A.

 47.
o B.
In a typical owner- general contractor
agreement, who is responsible for the Building Official
payment of insurance for personal injury
and to property.
o C.
o A.
o D.
o B.
 50.
o C.
Under PD 1096, habitable rooms have a
minimum dimension of
Project manager
o A.
o D.
2.0 mts
o B.
 48.
2.10 mts
Under PD 1096, habitable rooms
provided with artificial ventilation of more
than one storey shall have a minimum o C.
ceiling height of the first storey at
3.20 mts
o A.
o D.
2.55 mts
6.10 mts
 51.
o B.
Under RA 9514, automatic sprinkler
system shall be provided in building with 6
height over

o C.
o A.

15.0 mts

o D.
o B.

10.0 mts

o C.  54.
Under PD 957, minimum dwelling unit for
20.0 mts household units in condominium is how
many square meters?
o D.
o A.
25.0 mts
36 sqm
 52.
o B.
Under BP 344, assembly places with a
seating capacity of 51 - 300 persons 40 sqm
shall have how many wheelchair seating
spaces provided for disabled persons.
o C.
o A.
50 sqm
o D.
o B.
60 sqm
 55.
o C.
Under BP 220, the required area for
community facilities in terms of gross
8 area of the subdivision for a density of
150 lots per hectare is:
o D.
o A.
1.0 %
 53.
o B.
Under BP 344, passenger trains shall
have at least how many designated 1.5%
seats for disabled persons

o C.
o A.

o D. o A.

2.5% Complete Services

o B.
 56.
The ____ are legal documents defining Full Architectural Services
the relationship of architect and the
owner. o C.

o A. Comprehensive Arch'l Services

The specifications o D.

o B. Non-listed

The Memo. of Agreement

 59.
o C. An opportunity where the Architect is
allowed to design and to build.
The general conditions
o A.
o D.
Own Structure
The contract
o B.
 57.
The _____ are set of rules and
regulations that are enforced whenever a o C.
contract is consummated between the
contractor and the owner
All listed
o A.
o D.
The specifications
o B.
 60.
The Memo. of Agreement
The ______ printed documents
stipulating the procedural and
o C. administrative aspects of the contract

The Gen. Conditions o A.

o D. The specifications

The Contract o B.

 58. The memo. of agreement

Architectural services package that o C.

includes services from SPP Doc. 201 -
The gen. conditions SPP 204a

o D. o B.

The contract SPP 204b

o C.
 61.
Equivalent of Petty cash fund in SPP 206
o D.
o A.
Non listed
Emergency Fund

o B.  64.
Specialized Allied Services
Revolving Fund
o A.
o C.
SPP Doc. 203
Project Fund
o B.
o D.
SPP Doc. 205
o C.
 62.
SPP Doc. 206
Post Construction Services.
o D.
o A.
SPP Doc. 207
SPP 204

o B.  65.
General conditions of Contract
SPP 205
o A.
o C.
UAP Doc 201
SPP 206
o B.
o D.
UAP Doc 302
SPP 207
o C.
 63.
UAP Doc 301
Construction Management Services
o D.
o A.
UAP doc 400
o C.
 66.
SPP Doc 206
Owner-Contractor Agreement
o D.
o A.
SPP Doc 207
UAP Doc 201

o B.  69.
Period of making good the defects
UAP Doc 302
o A.
o C.
30 days
UAP Doc 301
o B.
o D.
40 days
UAP Doc 400
o C.
 67.
50 days
The ____ can order changes base on
technicalities o D.

o A. 60 days

 70.
o B. Maximum period of government work
o A.
o C.
90 days
o B.
o D.
100 days
o C.
 68.
110 days
Comprehensive Architectural Services
o D.
o A.
120 days
SPP Doc 204

o B.  71.
Aside from the Owner, who else can
SPP Doc 205 suspend construction work
o A. o D.

Project Manager 3840 hrs

o B.
 74.
Architect Minimum number of years required for
Diversified Training Experience
o C.
o A.
1 year
o D.
o B.
2 years

 72. o C.
Process of correcting defects in
construction 3 years

o A. o D.

Revisions 4 years

o B.
 75.
Defect Correction The ______ is the penalty for every
delay in the contract time.
o C.
o A.
Making Good the Defects
o D.
o B.
Liquidated Damages

 73. o C.
Minimum number of hours required for
the Diversified Training Experience Penalty

o A. o D.

2840 hrs Surcharges

o B.
 76.
3480 hrs Under PD 1096, what is the maximum
projection (in meters) of balconies and
o C. appendages for streets not more than 14
meters wide
4480 hrs
o A.
1.4 mts o D.

o B. Permit

1.80 mts
 79.
o C. Under PD 1096, ______ area in every
storey, basement, or cellar used for
1.20 mts habitation, recreation, dining study, or
work, wherein fire extinguishing systems
are required?
o D.
o A.
1.50 mts
100 sqm
 77.
o B.
Within what time a contractor, after
giving due notice to the owner / architect
suspend work or terminate a contract. 250 sqm

o A. o C.

10 days 200 sqm

o B. o D.

15 days 150 sqm

o C.  80.

21 days Dropped curbs must be provided

whenever there are changes in levels
with a minimum width of?
o D.
o A.
30 days
0.60 mts
 78.
o B.
The ____ is the minimum possible
deviation from standards which is
permitted to make a highly beneficial 0.80 mts
housing project feasible.
o C.
o A.
0.90 mts
o D.
o B.
1.00 mts
Min. basic. requirements
 81.
o C.
Dropped curbs must have a gradient of
Variance not more than _____?
o A. Zebra strips

1:10 o D.

o B. Dropped curbs

 84.
o C. Minimum height of handrails?

1:12 o A.

o D. 0.60 mts

1:13 o B.

0.70 mts
 82.
An inclined break in the sidewalk or o C.
traffic island is _______
0.80 mts
o A.
o D.
Dropped curb
0.90 mts
o B.

Sidewalk Curve  85.

Maximum height of handrails?
o C.
o A.
0.60 mts
o D.
o B.
Curbs Cut-outs
0.70 mts

 83.
o C.
A ______ must be provided in crossings
of more than 10m. wide to protect " 0.80 mts
Physically Challenged People"
o D.
o A.
0.90 mts
Traffic light

o B.  86.
Central refuge must have a width of
Central refuge _____

o C. o A.
1.0 mts o D.

o B. 1.80 mts

1.50 mts
 89.
o C. Space for "turning radius" of wheelchairs
must be a minimum of _____
1.80 mts
o A.
o D.
0.80 mts
2.0 mts
o B.

 87. 1.20 mts

Assembly areas with a seating capacity
of 500 people, seating space for the o C.
"physically challenged people" must be a
minimum of ___ seating space 1.50 mts

o A. o D.

8 1.80 mts

o B.
 90.
6 If the total WC in floor is 40, how many
WC shall be allotted for the "physically
o C. challenged people"

4 o A.

o D. 8

2 o B.

 88.
Minimum width of walkways is _____ o C.

o A. 4

0.80 mts o D.

o B. 2

1.20 mts
 91.
o C. Minimum lot area in a Socialized
Housing Development for single attached
1.50 mts units

o A.
28 sqm 1.00 x 1.00

o B.
 94.
30 sqm Minimum door width of elevators for the
"physically challenged people"
o C.
o A.
48 sqm
1.0 m
o D.
o B.
64 sqm
0.80 m

 92. o C.
Elevators must be located not more than
_____ mts from the entrance 0.90 m

o A. o D.

20 m 1.20 m

o B.
 95.
30 m Under BP 344, a clear space of
_________ dimension shall be provided
o C. before and after the door ways.

40 m o A.

o D. 1.50 x 1.50

50 m o B.

1.50 x 1.80
 93.
Minimum dimensions of elevator for the o C.
"physically challenged people"
1.20 x 1.50
o A.
o D.
1.10 x 1.00
1.20 x 1.20
o B.
 96.
1.10 x 1.40
Under BP 344, a 0.30 m. wide
o C. ___________ must be provided at the
top and bottom of stairs.

0.90 x 1.00
o A.
o D.
Wood strip
o B.
 99.
Metal plate
BP 344 symbol for women placed on
o C. comfort room doors?

Guard plate o A.

o D. Circle

Tactile strips o B.

 97.
Under BP 344, minimum width of door o C.
ways shall be _____
o A.
o D.
0.80 m
o B.
 100.
1.20 m
Under BP 344, what is the minimum size
o C. required for comfort rooms

1.00 m o A.

o D. 1.80m x 2.0m

0.90 m o B.

1.50m x 1.60m
 98.
BP 344 symbol for men placed on o C.
comfort room doors is a _______
1.20m x 1.50m
o A.
o D.
1.80m x 1.70m
o B.
 101.
Under BP 220, ______ percent is
o C. required for areas allocated as
community facilities, for project density of
150 and below.
o A.
o D.
o B. o D.

1.5% 12 has

o C.
 104.
2.0% Under RA 9514, what is the height of
buildings (business occupancy) where
o D. automatic sprinkler protection is

o A.

 102. 10 mts
For sanitation purposes, what is the
minimum distance of septic tank of o B.
drainfield area of effluent from any
source of water 12 mts

o A. o C.

10 mts 15 mts

o B. o D.

12mts 18 mts

o C.
 105.
15mts Under BP 344, what is the minimum
dimension of parking slot for disabled
o D. persons

25mts o A.

3.70 mts
 103.
Under PD 957, large areas of land may o B.
be developed and sold in several
phases. ____ is the minimum area 3.50 mts
required for each phase.
o C.
o A.
3.00 mts
5 has
o D.
o B.
1.00 mts
8 has

o C.  106.
Under BP 220, what is the difference
10 has between undeveloped area and
developed area in terms of circulation 2 doors
system requirements
o C.
o A.
3 doors
Hierarchy of roads
o D.
o B.
4 doors
Type of pavement

o C.  109.
Corporate practice in architecture can be
Location permitted provided there are a ______
architects in the board of trustees
o D.
o A.
Width of road

 107. o B.
Under PD 1096, what factor based on a
total customer area should be used to 90%
determine the number of parking slot for
office buildings. o C.

o A. 85%

125 sqm o D.

o B. 75%

150 sqm
 110.
o C. All corner-through lot mus have a
minimum _____ % open space
175 sqm
o A.
o D.
200 sqm
o B.

 108.
Under NBC, what is the minimum
number of doors in a house occupied by o C.
9 people?
o A.
o D.
1 door
o B.
 111. o C.

All Corner lots must have a

minimum _____ % open space 20%

o A. o D.

5% 50%

o B.  114.

10% "R-1" classification for Residential zone.

o C. o A.

20% Low Density

o D. o B.

50% Medium Density

o C.
 112.
All Interior Lot must have a High Density
minimum _____ % open space
o D.
o A.
 115.
o B.
"R-2" classification for Residential zone.
o A.
o C.
Low Density
o B.
o D.
Medium Density
o C.

 113. High Density

All Inside Lots must have a
minimum _____ % open space o D.

o A. Non-listed

 116.
o B. "R-3" classification for Residential zone.

10% o A.
Low Density Non-listed

o B.
 119.
Medium Density Designed for Fire Safety in buildings is
o C.
o A.
High Density
PD 1185
o D.
o B.
PD 9514

 117. o C.
Designed code for facilities for the
physically challenged people RA 1185

o A. o D.

PB 344 RA 9514

o B.
 120.
BP 244 General Design Code for buildings is
o C.
o A.
BP 344
PD 1185
o D.
o B.
PD 9514

 118. o C.
Easements and setbacks can be waived
by having a _______ RA 1185

o A. o D.

Sprinkler system PD 1096

o B.
 121.
Party Wall Copyright Law of the Philippines

o C. o A.

Firewall PD 49

o D. o B.
PD 8293 Parking requirements for Motels is one
(1) slot per _______-
o C.
o A.
RA 8293
1 room
o D.
o B.
PD 1096
2 rooms

 122. o C.
Parking slot for office spaces is one (1)
slot per _______ 3 rooms

o A. o D.

120 sqm 4 rooms

o B.
 125.
125 sqm The Bureau of Fire of the Philippines is
under the jurisdiction of the _____
o C.
o A.
130 sqm
Building Offiial
o D.
o B.

 123. o C.
Parking slot for office tertiary schools is
one (1) slot per Local Gov't Unit

o A. o D.

12 classrooms Phil Nat'l Police

o B.
 126.
10 classrooms How many elevators are required for four
(4) storey building
o C.
o A.
8 classrooms
0 elevator
o D.
o B.
6 classrooms
1 elevator

 124.
o C. What is the minimum area of habitable
2 elevator
o A.
o D.
10 sqm
3 elevator
o B.

 127. 8 sqm
The Fore Code of the Philippines is
enforced by o C.

o A. 6 sqm

Building Official o D.

o B. 4 sqm

 130.
o C. Revised rules of Economic and
Socialized Housing Projects
Fire Marshals
o A.
o D.
PD 957
Phil. Nat'l Police
o B.

 128. PD 220
Under PD 1096, what is the minimum
width of stairs o C.

o A. BP 320

1.0 mts o D.

o B. BP 220

0.75 mts
 131.
o C. Revised rules for Subdivision and
Condominium Buyer's Protective Decree
0.90 mts
o A.
o D.
PD 957
0.60 mts
o B.

 129. PD 220
o C. Earthquake Fault Traces for Subdivision
Projects are identified by the ________
BP 320
o A.
o D.
BP 220
o B.

 132. DENR
Minimum allocation for Community
Facilities in Socialized Housing for 150 & o C.
below is _______
o A.
o D.
o B.

1.5%  135.
Minimum allocation for Parks and
o C. Playground Facilities in Socialized
Housing for 150 &below is________
o A.
o D.
o B.

 133. 1.5%
Minimum allocation for Community
Facilities in Socialized Housing for 151 - o C.
225 is _______
o A.
o D.
o B.

1.5%  136.
Minimum allocation for Parks and
o C. Playground Facilities in Socialized
Housing for density above 225
2.0% is________

o D. o A.

2.5% 6.0%

o B.
 134.
 139.
o C.
For Socialized Housing Projects, major
8.0% inter-connecting roads should have a
minimum ROW of ________ mts.

o D.
o A.

6.5 mts

 137. o B.
Minimum increment of Parks &
Playground Facilities in socialized 8 mts
Housing for every 10 or a fraction thereof
above 225 density ____________ o C.

o A. 10 mts

1.0% o D.

o B. 12 mts

 140.
o C. For Socialized Housing Projects, minor
inter-connecting roads should have a
2.0% minimum ROW of ________ mts.

o D. o A.

2.5% 6.5 mts

o B.
 138.
Parks and Playgrounds for Socialized 8 mts
Housing should not be less than
________ o C.

o A. 10 mts

50 sqm o D.

o B. 12 mts

100 sqm
 141.
o C. The most narrow RROW in socialized
housing development is called
150 sqm _________

o D. o A.

200 sqm Minor road

o B. 1.2 mts

 144.
o C. Part of the RROW in between 2 private
property lines
o A.
o D.
o B.

 142. Carriageway
Minimum width of planting strips along
road ways in socialized housing o C.
development is ___________
Right of way
o A.
o D.
0.30 mts
o B.

0.40 mts  145.

Part of the RROW in between 2
o C. shoulders

0.50 mts o A.

o D. Crown

0.60 mts o B.

 143.
Minimum width of sidewalks along road o C.
ways in socialized housing development
is ___________ Right of way

o A. o D.

0.50 mts Shoulder

o B.
 146.
1.0 mts Part of the RROW that includes the
sidewalk and planting strips
o C.
o A.
1.5 mts
o D.
o B.
 149.
Part of the shoulder reserved area for
o C. planting trees

Right of way o A.

o D. Sidewalk

Shoulder o B.

Planting area
 147.
Part of the RROW that is the highest part o C.
of the pavement
o A.
o D.
Planting strip
o B.
 150.
Part of the RROW reserved for utilities
o C. and drainage

Right of way o A.

o D. Crown

Shoulder o B.

 148.
Minimum slope of the crown shall be o C.
Curbs and Gutter
o A.
o D.
1.0% to 9.0%
o B.

1.0 to 9.5%

o C.

1.5% to 9.0%

o D.

1.5% to 9.5%

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