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Myanmar Last Updated: December 2018


Strategy Documents

e_Governance Master Plan (2016-2020) Draft

Ministry of Communications and Information Technology

Highlights 13 objectives, including:

1. Building organizations and institutions for the implementation of e-Government in Myanmar;

2. Understanding the current status of e-Government implementation and impact;
3. Collecting information about the feasibility of implementing e-Government initiatives;
4. Building capacity and improving skill development procedures; and
5. Ensuring accessibility of systems.

Source Source 2


National Centre or Responsible Agency

Department of Information Tecehnology and Cyber Security (သတင်းအချက်အလက်နည်းပညာနှင့် ဆိုက်ဘာလုံခြုံရေးဦးစီးဌာန)

Ministry of Communications and Information Technology
Includes a "National Cyber Security Center"
1 April 2015

Key Positions

Director-General, Department of Information Technology and Cyber Security


Dedicated Agencies and Departments

Cybercrime Division, Criminal Investigation Department

Myanmar Police Force
Source Source 2

Myanmar Computer Science Development Council

Highest ICT policymaking and implementing body
20 September 1996

National CERT or CSIRT

Myanmar Last Updated: December 2018

Myanmar Computer Emergency Response Team (mmCERT)

Ministry of Communications and Information Technology

Mission is to create national IT image by cooperating with international CERT for cyber security and cyber crime, disseminate security information and
advisories, provide technical assistance, and cooperate with law enforcement organizations to tackle cyber crime.

23 July 2004 (formed); 15 December 2010 (government launched)



The Telecommunications Law (The Pyidaungsu Hluttaw Law No. 31, 2013)
Objectives of this Law include: (a) to enable to support the modernization and development of the nation with telecommunications technology; (b) to
enable to bring out Telecommunications Services that will be able to provide high quality and worthy services to the users by allowing fair and transparent
competitions from domestic and abroad in the telecommunications sector which is developing;
8 October 2013

The Electronic Transaction Law (The State Peace and Development Council Law No. 5/2004)
Aims of the Law include: (a) to support with electronic transactions technology in building a modern, developed nation; (c) to recognize the authenticity
and integrity of electronic record and electronic data message and give legal protection thereof in matters of internal and external transactions, making
use of computer network;
30 April 2004

The Computer Science Development Law (The State Law and Order Restoration Council Law No. 10/96)
Objectives of the Law include: (a) to contribute towards the emergence of a modern developed State through computer science; (b) to lay down and
implement measures necessary for the development and dissemination of computer science and technology (f) to supervise the import and export of
computer software or information.
20 September 1996


Bilateral and Multilateral Cooperation

Workshop on International Cyber Security Policy and Diplomacy for CLMV countries (Second)
Representatives of cybersecurity agencies from four countries, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia and Myanmar shared information on the development of cyber
security legislation and challenges
12 October 2017

Select Activities

Myanmar Cyber Security Challenge (MSCS)

Myanmar Last Updated: December 2018



Association of Southeast Asian Nations


International Telecommunications
Union (ITU)

United Nations (UN)

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