Review of Related Literature and Studies

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Chapter 2


This chapter includes the review of related literature and

studies which the researchers have per used to shed light on the

topic under study.

Related Literature

Foreign Literature

According to Nancy Pope Wingo, Nataliya V. Ivankova,

Jacqueline A. Moss that academic leaders can be better implement

institutional strategic plans to promote online programs if they

understand faculty perceptions about teaching online. An extended

version of a model for technology acceptance, or TAM2 (Venkatesh

& Davis,2002), provided a framework for surveying and organizing

the research literature about factors that have influenced

faculty’s adoption of online delivery methods for courses and their

willingness to continue to teach online. This paper presents the

results of a synthesis of 67 empirical studies about faculty

teaching online published between 1995 and 2015, using TAM2

constructs as an organizing framework. This validated model

provided a lens for understanding research about faculty

perceptions of the user-friendliness and ease of use technology

for online course delivery, as well as the overall experience of

teaching online. Studies in this review revealed concerns among

faculty regarding their perceive barriers to student success in

online classes, uncertainty about their image as online

instructor, technical support needs, and their desire for

reasonable workload and manageable class enrollments in onlinre


Local Literature

According to Allan B De Guzman, Federico B Fabian (2009) in

their article “Educational Research for Policy and Practice”

discussed that considering that today’s student feel extremely

more comfortable with computers than did earlier generations of

students as a social category, they have become one of the most

interesting topics in research paper and journals in field of

behavioral and social sciences since the 1950s (Batan 2010), their

individual and collective experiences of information and

communications technology (ICT) could be expected to create a

portrait of accounts that might inform educational policy makers

as to how their ICT needs and concerns could be better addressed

through a more responsive and a well-defined IT-driven educational


This study is closely related to the current literature since

it made a comparison between the earlier generation and the

generation of today (computer literacy) with regards to

information and technology that will create a responsible and well

defined IT driven educational platform.

Related Studies

Local Studies

Academic performance and attitude toward computer aided

instruction in chemistry, based on Ronaldo C. Reyes on 2013

Recommendation- it is recommended that CAI should be used in

teaching for the improvement of skills in the different topics in

chemistry and other subjects The Extent of Digital Distraction

Among College Students of University of Batangas in the Philippines

by Augusto C. Africa and others on 2013.

This study aimed to determine the extent of digital distraction

among the college students of the university

The researches recommended the proper and positive use of

digital devices, a strict monitoring system inside the classroom

to deter students from using digital devices for non-classroom

activities and integration of technology based lessons in the

curriculum to increase student’s engagement in the classroom

Foreign Studies

Does internet and computer “addiction” exist? Some case study

evidence by mark Griffiths on 2011

This study aimed to determine the excessive usage in the

majority of cases was purely symptomatic and was subjects used the

internet/computer to counteract other deficiencies.

The researches recommended that the addiction components

criteria were used in the assessme Does instant messaging affect

college student’s performanceon a concurrent reading comprehension

task? By Annie Beth Fox, Jonathan Rosen, Mary Crawford on 2009

This study aimed to determine the additional analyses

revealed that the more time participants reported spending on IM,

the lower their self-reported GPA. Implications and future

directions are discussed

The researches recommended that the previous research

suggests that IM users often multitask while conversing online

Empowering women senior leaders in higher education by Mila

P Csenlenszky on 2012

This study aimed to determine the number of women in senior

administrative and leadership roles in higher education is minimal

compared to the number of women in higher education jobs in general

The researches recommended that while trying to advance their

careers, mentoring and other support strategies women in higher

education employed to help


1. How old are you?

2. How many hours are you consume in using technology?

3. What are advantage of using technology?

4. Does technology help you finish your work easier way? Why

or why not?

5. What are the advantage of technology?

6. Does technology help you to maintain your grades?

7. Does technology help you make your grades higher lower?

8. Does technology help you to learn faster?

9. Do you become active during class discussion or not? How

do you say no?

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