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Nama :Ferdinand

Kelas :XI IPA 3

No. Absen :32

One day when I’m finished my home work in my room I looked at the clock,
time show at 8.p.m and i I feel hungry. So i went to the kitchen to maked some food.

When I in the kitchen I prepare the ingridients to make a fried rice, so I start
maked the fried rice and make a cup of coffe because I feel tired in that time so after
I spent a few time to make that food my fried rice is ready. So I went back to my
room with my food.

When I reach my room i saw my little brother in my room and he looked at me,
He saw me bring some food and he want to try my fried rice. But when my brother
taste my food he laugh at me loudly I’m feel annoyed with him and I wonder what
happened with my food so I taste my fried rice but when I ate that food I realize that
there is something different with my food I ate, the taste of my food is so sweet
maybe I forget picked the salt and I picked the sugar. So that is why my brother laugh
at my food, it’s because my food is so sweet.

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