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AI crime prevention and detection - 5 current applications

Companies and cities around the world are leveraging artificial intelligence
services to reduce and prevent crime and respond more quickly to crimes in
progress. The idea behind these projects is that crimes are relatively affordable;
this requires that law enforcement be able to sort through massive data to find
useful models. Analyzing this type of data was technically impossible a few
decades ago, but recent developments in machine learning are obligatory.

There is a good reason for both companies and the government to try to use AI
solutions in this manner. As of 2010, the United States has spent more than $ 80
billion annually on state, local and federal spending. The total cost of law
enforcement in the United States is estimated at over $ 100 billion a year. Law
enforcement and prisons make up a significant percentage of local government

Source: enterprise irregulars

Direct government spending is only a small part of how crime affects cities and
individuals. Victims of crime face medical bills. Also, high crime reduces
property value and forces companies to spend more on security. And criminal
records can significantly reduce a person's long-term employment prospects.
University of Pennsylvania professor Aaron Chalfin reviews current research on
the economic impact of crime, and most of the analyzes account for about 2% of
the gross domestic product in the United States.

This article examines the applications of AI and machine learning in crime

prevention. In the rest of the article below, we answer the following questions:

1. What AI crime prevention technologies are there today?

2. How are cities currently using this technology?

3. What outcomes (if any) have AI crime prevention technologies had so far?

This article is divided into two general categories: companies trying to use AI to
solve crimes in different ways: (A) AI WAYS TO DETECT CRIME, and (B) AI


Crime Detection

The city infrastructure is smarter and more connected. It provides real-time

information sources for cities ranging from traditional security cameras to smart
lights, which can be used to detect when crimes have occurred. With the help of
AI, the collected data can be used to detect firearms and where the gunfire came
from. Below, we cover a range of current applications:
Gunfire Identification - ShotSpotter

The ShotSpotter Company uses smart city infrastructure to triangulate the

location of a gunshot.

According to ShotSpotter, only 20 percent of gunfire incidents involve people

calling 911, and even when people report the incident, they often provide only
vague or inaccurate information. They claim that their system can alert
authorities effectively at high hours with information about the type of gunfire
and the exact location of up to 10 feet. Multiple sensors select the sound of a
gunshot and their sensor learning algorithm triangles where the shot is made by
comparing data such as the sound level and the resonance of the building when
each sensor is listening.

AI security cameras - HikVision

While ShotSpotter is listening for crime, many other companies are using
cameras for it. Last year, Hikvision, a leading security camera maker, announced
it was using chips from China Movidius (Intel Company) to create deep neural
networks that could be deployed on-board.

People announce the new camera can entirely scan for license plates on cars,
execute facial recognition to search for potential offenders or missing persons,
and automatically detect suspicious anomalies such as unattended bags in
crowded venues. HikVision says they can now achieve 99% accuracy with their
advanced visual analytics applications.

Hyquision is the number one supplier of video surveillance products and

solutions in 2016, according to IHS, with 21.4% of the market share for CCTV
and video surveillance equipment worldwide.

Movidius explained the benefits of building this capability directly on new

cameras. Their systems have been used for many years, such as facial recognition,
license plate reading, and unattended bag detection, but that video processing
has traditionally taken place in a centralized center or the cloud. By processing
the cameras themselves, they act Bandwidth is the only information that needs
to be transmitted..After the introduction of their cameras, crime at Sea Point,
South Africa, was reduced by 65%.


The goal of any society is not just to catch criminals, but to prevent crime from
happening, and in the examples below, we will explore how this can be achieved
with artificial intelligence.

Ting of future crime spots - Predpol

PredPol is a company that uses big data and machine learning to predict when
and where crimes occur. They state that when and where new crimes occur, they
can analyze existing data on past crimes. Currently, their system is present in
many American cities, including Los Angeles, and is the earliest recipient.

Their algorithm revolves around the observation that certain crime types are
clustered in time and space. They claim that they can predict where future crimes
will take place by using historical data and examining where recent crimes have
taken place. For example, burglary rashes in one area may be associated with
more burglaries in surrounding areas shortly. They call this method real-time
epidemic-type aftershock sequence crime forecasting. Their system highlights
possible hotspots on the map, and police should consider patrolling more.

A victory highlighted by Tacoma, a Washington firm, saw a 22 percent drop in

residential burglaries as soon as the system was adopted. Tacoma began using
Predpole in 2013, and in 2015 the burglaries fell.

Since crime is a complex issue for many reasons, it is very difficult to separate the
effectiveness of any one tool. However, according to a study by researchers at
Predpole, police patrolling based on real-time epidemic-type aftershock
sequence crime forecasting (what Predpole uses) reduces crime by 7.4%.

Chinese facial recognition company Cloudwalk Technology is trying to

determine if a person has committed a crime before. The facial recognition and
gait analysis technology helps us use advanced AI to track and track people.

The system will find out if there are any suspicious changes in their behavior or
unusual movements. For example, if a person seems to be running behind a
certain area, they may be pickpocketing or casing that area for a future offense.
It tracks the person over time.

Pretrial Release and Parole – Hart and COMPAS

After being convicted, most people will be released until they are prosecuted.
Determining who should be released as a pretrial or what a person’s bail is in the
past is now mainly done by judges using their best judgment. Within minutes,
the judges had to try to determine if there was a risk of flight, a serious threat to
society, or harm to the witness if released. It is an imperfect system open to bias.

The city of Durham in the United Kingdom is using AI to improve the existing
system of determining the release of the accused. The Harm Assessment Risk
Tool (HART) program provides five years' worth of criminal data. Hart uses that
data to predict whether a person is a low, medium or high risk.

The city has been testing the system since 2013 and compared its expectations
with real-world results. Hart's estimates that a person is at low risk are accurate
98 percent of the time, and the city's estimate of a person at high risk is 88 percent

The idea is to advise Heart officials that suspects may be involved in another
crime. The jurisdictions in the United States have been using more basic risk
assessment algorithms for over a decade to make decisions about pretrial release
and whether or not a person should receive parole. Correctional offender
management profiling is the most popular for alternative sanctions (COMPAS)
from Equivalent, which is used in all Wisconsin and many other places. The 2012
analysis of the New York Division of Criminal Justice Services found COMPAS
to be "effective in the recidivism scale and achieving satisfactory assessment

COMPAS fires were recently blamed after a ProPublica investigation. The

analysis of the media company suggested that the system may indirectly have a
strong racial bias. ProPublica's coverage of COMPAS is critical

This report raises the question of whether better AI can ultimately produce more
accurate predictions or reinforce existing problems. Any system is based on real-
world data, but if real-world data is produced by partisan police officers, it will
make AI biased.

Concluding Thoughts and Future Outlook

The ability of AI to allow governments to collect, track and analyze data for
policing purposes raises some serious questions about privacy, and machine
learning can create a feedback loop that reinforces organizational bias. This
article is not devoted to these important issues, but the AI Now Institute at New
York University is a research center dedicated to understanding the social
implications of artificial intelligence that can provide more detail on these issues.

Despite civil liberties concerns, they have so far not spread AI technology in
surveillance and crime assessment. According to IHS, 245 million professionally
installed video surveillance cameras were operating in 2014, and the number of
security cameras in North America more than doubled from 2012 to 2016. More
data is being provided to security and law enforcement agencies; it is only natural
that they will want to invest in more and more AI tools to keep up with this ever-
increasing data flow.

The use of AI and machine learning to detect crime through sound or cameras
currently exist, which has proven to be work and is expected to continue to
expand. The use of AI in predicting crime or the likelihood of a person
committing a crime is promising, but it is not yet known. Proving that it works
for politicians is the biggest challenge. When a system is designed to stop
something from happening, it is difficult to prove a disadvantage.Companies
directly involved in providing governments with AI tools to monitor the area or
to assess crime can benefit from a positive feedback loop. Improvements in crime
prevention technology will increase the overall cost of this technology.

Above all, the low crime rate has broad social benefits for a society and a real
political advantage for local elected officials who are responsible for the budget.
Liberal mayors such as Bill de Blasio in New York City and conservative mayors
such as Rudy Giuliani have heavily claimed that their re-election campaign will
reduce crime during their tenure.

Most of these technologies, developed primarily for government clients, have

spillover benefits for private companies. Private companies are also using the
same AI security cameras used by the government to protect their assets. The
technology that can be used to assess crime or to catch suspicious behavior
automatically can help companies decide where to avoid risk or new locations.

P.Venkat Vajradhar
Marketing Team,SEO Executive


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