Editorial: The 2019 Update of The European Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Guidelines

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The 2019 update of the European abdominal aortic

aneurysm guidelines
Ronald L. Dalman, MD, Stanford, Calif

The updated 2019 European Society for Vascular care; unlike their North American colleagues, the ESVS
Surgery (ESVS) guidelines add welcome context and GWC defined a maximal acceptable waiting time for
perspective to management of the patient with abdom- elective AAA repair following the decision to treat, a
inal aortic aneurysm (AAA) disease. 1 This document, recommendation necessitated in part by the population
replacing the original 2011 European compilation, health funding priorities of many European health care
refreshes recommendations in existing topic categories systems. Similarly, all European centers offering AAA sur-
and includes new guidance on quality standards, institu- gical care are now expected to provide 24/7 access to
tional resource requirements, and minimal surgical both open and endovascular repair options.
volumes believed to be necessary to provide adequate Current SVS guidelines not reflected in the 2019 ESVS
AAA care as well as specific disease subtypes (juxtarenal, update include recommendations incorporating patient-
mycotic, inflammatory, syndromic, saccular) not previ- specific risk calculators in the process of informed
ously considered separately. Therapeutic approaches consent for surgery as well as time- dependent
not available or included in the 2011 edition (fenestrated management algorithms for care of the patient with a
endovascular grafting, parallel grafts, aneurysm sealing, ruptured AAA. In declining to endorse personalized
and endostapling) are also incorporated. surgical risk calculators, the ESVS GWC thought that
Not surprisingly, the scope and conclusions of the the level of supporting evidence did not justify a
current European guidelines, encompassing 125 specific standard of care expectation (personal commu-
recommendations derived from nearly 800 references, nication). Implementation of “door-to-balloon time”
weighted using the European Society of Cardiology equivalents for ruptured AAA management was consid-
grading system,2 are substantially similar to the updated ered unrealistic, especially considering that many Euro-
Society for Vascular Surgery (SVS) AAA guidelines (111 pean hospitals still provide endovascular aneurysm
guidelines, 774 references) published January 2018. 3 repair only during business hours regardless of anatomic
This concordance reflects in part the similar systematic suitability.
literature review processes used to inform both writing The ESVS guidelines derive some additional value from
groups and their respective recommendations. 4 Differ- their immediacy; literature review was extended through
ences with the 2018 SVS document, when they do exist, January 2018 in the current document vs September
mostly reflect the cultural and medical system heteroge- 2016 in the 2018 SVS guidelines. As a result, the ESVS
neity of the multinational European Union as well as the document can emphasize the value of AAA screening
16 months of more recent evidence (through January in reducing both disease-specific and all-cause mortality,
2018) included in the ESVS version. take a more nuanced approach to recommended
In several important aspects, ESVS guidance is less follow-up intervals after endovascular or open surgical
granular than that provided by the SVS; when recom- repair, and raise caution regarding the integration of
mending medical therapy (eg, anticoagulation or antibi- new technology (specifically endovascular aneurysm
otics), the ESVS guidelines writing committee (GWC) did sealing) into unrestricted clinical practice (among other
not specify agents or dosing regimens. Heightened recommendations). Surprisingly, however, contempora-
specificity is provided, however, regarding systems of neous observations regarding deleterious impact of
large-diameter aortic and iliac landing zones on stan-
dard endovascular aneurysm repair durability, even
From the Division of Vascular Surgery, Department of Surgery, Stanford when devices are deployed within their respective
Medicine. instructions for use, were not recognized or incorporated
Author conflict of interest: none.
in the 2019 ESVS guidelines. 5,6 Before completing their
Correspondence: Ronald L. Dalman, MD, Alway M121N, Mail Code 5639, 300
Pasteur Dr, Stanford, CA 94305 (e-mail: rld@stanford.edu).
review, the ESVS GWC reviewed the 2018 SVS guidelines
The editors and reviewers of this article have no relevant financial relationships to to ensure that discrepancies between the documents,
disclose per the JVS policy that requires reviewers to decline review of any when identified, were justified by most recent evidence
manuscript for which they may have a conflict of interest. (personal communication).
J Vasc Surg 2019;69:633-4
Lesser differences exist in both style and content. The
Copyright © 2018 Published by Elsevier Inc. on behalf of the Society for Vascular
SVS document, written more in the style of a book chap-
Surgery. ter, abstracts and summarizes all of its updated recom-
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jvs.2018.12.008 mendations in the first section, whereas the ESVS

634 Dalman Journal of Vascular Surgery
March 2019

approach leaves each embedded in its supporting text REFERENCES

with references attached. The ESVS document includes 1. Wanhainen A, Verzini F, Van Herzeele I, Allaire E, Bown M,
for the first time unique patient-specific content devel- Cohnert T, et al. European Society for Vascular Surgery (ESVS)
2019 Clinical Practice Guidelines on the Management of
oped with input from a panel of AAA patient volunteers. Abdominal Aorto-iliac Artery Aneurysms [published online
Neither document addresses chronic gaps in implemen- ahead of print December 5, 2018]. Eur J Vasc Endovasc Surg
tation science that have limited the full impact of prior doi: 10.1016/j.ejvs.2018.09.020.
iterations, although the SVS Patient Safety Organization 2. Committee for Practice Guidelines (CPG) of the European
is incorporating relevant (and measurable) SVS Society of Cardiology. Recommendations for Guidelines Pro-
duction: a document for Task Force Members responsible for
guideline-derived process and outcome metrics into the Production and Updating of ESC Guidelines. Available at:
updated data fields for the Vascular Quality Initiative on- https://escardio.org/static_file/Escardio/Guidelines/About/
line AAA data registry for participating centers in 2019. Recommendations-Guidelines-Production.pdf. Accessed
Moving forward, the advisability of region-specific AAA December 20, 2018.
guidelines vs a consensus framework modeled after the 3. Chaikof EL, Dalman RL, Eskandari MK, Jackson BM, Lee WA,
Mansour MA, et al. The Society for Vascular Surgery practice
pending “global” chronic limb-threatening ischemia guidelines on the care of patients with an abdominal aortic
document deserves further consideration. The common- aneurysm. J Vasc Surg 2018;67:1-75.
alities between the ESVS and SVS AAA guidelines far 4. Kredo T, Bernhardsson S, Machingaidze S, Young T, Louw Q,
outweigh the minor style, context, and implementation Ochodo E, et al. Guide to clinical practice guidelines: the
differences noted. Discussions should begin now be- current state of play. Int J Qual Health Care 2016;28:122-8.
5. Oliveira NF, Bastos Goncalves FM, Van Rijn MJ, de Ruiter Q,
tween respective national and regional professional soci- Hoeks S, de Vries JP, et al. Standard endovascular aneurysm
eties and other stakeholders regarding the suitability of a repair in patients with wide infrarenal aneurysm necks is
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6. Gray D, Shahverdyan R, Reifferscheid V, Gawenda M,
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Brunkwall JS. EVAR with flared limbs has a high risk of late
patients, regardless of where they live, deserve quality type 1b endoleak. Eur J Vasc Endovasc Surg 2017;54:170-6.
AAA care, and evidence-based consensus guidelines
are the most effective tool available to advance that goal. Submitted Dec 19, 2018; accepted Dec 19, 2018.

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