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Discussions are in paragraph from starting from

macro to micro development (deductive method)
that gives an overview of the research.
2. It should show that the researcher is familiar with
the literature by developing the background more
3. In may include concepts and ideas from other
resources acknowledgement of sources is done in
4. It should have a maximum of two (2) pages.
The Background includes:
1. The discussion of the problem situation as observed and
experienced by the researcher; on why researcher was
interested on the study.
2. Concepts and ideas related to the problem; practical and
theoretical importance of the study.
3. How the present study was evolved by highlighting the gap
in the existing knowledge and how the present study will
attempt to bridge the gap.
4. It should have a maximum of two (2) pages

1. It presents the review of the theories (minimum of three) in the

researcher discipline that he will utilize to anchor his work.
2. Discussion of the main idea and guiding principles of theory is
first given followed by the discussion of its relation to the study.
3. It has a maximum of three (3) pages.
1. The framework is the researcher's own conceptualization of the
study using a research scheme or research paradigm, based or
related to the theories previously presented.
2. The conceptual model is a figurative representation of the
research framework drawn in a separate whole page in the middle
of its discussion.
3. In the discussion, the researcher extensively explains the model,
the meaning of the figures, the content; the Process involved,
relationship among variables Are also included.
4. All the variables involved should be written in the model. The general statement of the problem and the specific sub-
problems or questions should be formulated first before
conducting the research.
2. Specific problems are stated in the interrogative form. Hence,
sub-problems are called specific questions.
3. Each specific question is researchable and can be answered
independent of other questions.
4. Answers to each specific question must contribute to the
development of the whole study.
1. Ask a question.
2. Do background research.
3. Contract a hypothesis.
4. Test your hypothesis by doing an experiment.
5. Analyze your data and draw a conclusion.
6. Communicate your results.

1. Prefer to the statement of the problem

Your problem statement can guide you in identifying the specific
contribution of your study. You can do this by observing a one to
one correspondence between the statement of the problem and
the significance of the study.

Write the significance of the study by looking into the general

contribution of your study, such as its importance to society as a
whole, then proceed downwards-towards its contribution to
individuals and that may include yourself as a researcher.
1. The scope of the investigation defines where and when the
study was conducted and who the subject were
2. The scope sets the delimitations and establishes the boundaries
of the study
3. A limitation is a phase or aspect of the investigation which may
affect the result adversely but over which the researcher has no
control; must be declared by the researcher honestly

This glossary is intended to assist you in understanding commonly

used terms and concepts when reading, interpreting, and
evaluating scholarly research in the social sciences. Also included
are general words and phrases defined within the context of how
they apply to research in the social and behavioral sciences.
Santa Cruz integrated National High School

Brgy. Oogong, Sta. Cruz, Laguna

Research Title:

"Effects of Lack of Self Confidence to G-12 Graduating Students in Work Immersion

S.Y. 2019-2020"

Submitted to:

Mr. Jayson Ugat

Submitted From:

Janel N. Villaluna

Christian Paul P. Comia

Laica M. Gambaloza

Cyrene Medina

2nd Semester S.Y. 2019-2020

"Effects of Lack of Self Confidence of G-12 Graduating Students in Work
Immersion S.Y. 2019-2020"

The Problem and its Setting

The Chapter Consist of Introduction/ Background of the Study, Theoretical Framework,

Conceptual Framework, Statement of the Problem, Hypothesis, Significance of the

Study, Scope and limitation of the Study, Definition of terms.


The word “Immersion” is done outside the school campus where in students are

obliged undergo. The K-12 work immersion program as a means to develop

competencies and work ethics in preparation for the real world and it’s challenges as a

part of Department of Education (DepEd) Order No. 40 series of 2015 the Senior High

School (SHS) curriculum existing of 80 hours of hands on experience. The grade 12

students will undergo the said immersion to expose them to the actual work place

setting and to enrich the competencies provided by the school head and Designated

Partner Institution.In the Philippines, youth unemployment hampers meaningful

economic development. The sector’s lack of knowledge, skills, and work experience

puts them at a disadvantage. One way to address this is through the Department of

Education’s Senior High School (SHS) program, ushered by the K-12 education reform.

One of its components, the work immersion program, provides students “real

workplace” experience, giving students a set of technical-vocational and livelihood skills

that can help them make more informed career choices and improve their employment

This story tells how the Coalitions for Change (CfC) program collaboratively worked with

national and local governments and industries to address policy gaps in the SHS Work

Immersion program. So far, the intervention is working well with a high passing rate in

National Certification for tourism-related specializations and some graduates joining the

workforce right after graduation. The word “immersion” as it applies to the K to 12

curriculum is defined in the Department of Education (DepEd) Order No. 40, series of

2015: “Work Immersion refers to the part of the Senior High School (SHS) Curriculum

consisting of 80 hours of hands-on experience or work simulation which the Grades 11

and 12 students will undergo to expose them to the actual workplace setting and to

enrich the competencies provided by the school under the supervision of the School

Head and the designated personnel of the Partner.” Immersion is done outside the

school campus in a “Workplace Immersion Venue,” defined as “the place where work

immersion of students is done. Examples of work immersion venues include offices,

factories, shops and project sites.” What could lead to confusion is that the word

“immersion” actually has two meanings in K to 12. The first meaning refers to a required

SHS subject in the curriculum. The second meaning refers not to a subject but to a

preferred mode of delivery of Tech-Voc subjects. Let us take the first meaning –

immersion as a subject in the curriculum. In the Curriculum Guides posted on the

DepEd website, the word “immersion” occurs in the Specialized Subjects of the tracks

(Academic, Technical-Vocational-Livelihood or TVL, Sports, and Arts and Design).

Immersion is only one of four options under “Work Immersion / Research / Career

Advocacy / Culminating Activity.” (Let us call that subject WRCC for convenience.) In

the Academic Track, WRCC is the ninth required specialized subject in the
Accountancy, Business and Management (ABM), Humanities and Social Sciences

(HUMSS), and Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) strands.

WRCC is not listed in the General Academic Strand (GAS), but since two Electives may

be taken from the other strands, it may be required also by particular schools. WRCC is

a required specialized subject in the Sports Track. In this particular track, the phrase

“Apprenticeship (off-campus)” is added as an example of a WRCC. The use of this

phrase is unfortunate, because the word “apprenticeship” has a legal meaning in RA

1826 (National Apprenticeship Act of 1957). Legally, an apprentice is “a worker of at

least 16 years of age who is covered by a written apprenticeship agreement with an

employer, an association of employers, an organization of workers, or an apprenticeship

committee registered with the Apprenticeship Division, which contract provides for not

less than two thousand hours of reasonably continuous employment for such worker

and for his participation in an approved schedule of work experience through

employment and supplemented by related classroom instruction. No person shall work

or be engaged as apprentice unless he is at least sixteen years of age, has completed

the high school course or such course or courses as the Secretary of Labor may

prescribe.” There are two things that show that the word “apprentice” cannot be used

within the Sports track. First, the apprentice must already have finished high school, and

second, the apprentice must render at least 2,000 hours. Immersion as a subject covers

only 80 hours, or if the student spends all day Monday to Friday, only two weeks out of

the school year. WRCC is a required specialized subject in the Arts and Design Track.

In this track, there is another required specialized subject called “Apprenticeship and

Exploration of Different Arts Fields.” Here, the word “apprenticeship” does not fall under
RA 1826, because the word has an established meaning in the field of arts. In the US,

for example, a “Fine Arts Apprentice Program provides specialized experiences beyond

the regular art, music and drama curriculum for selected high school students (rising

10th, 11th, or 12th graders). Opportunities for students may include ensemble works,

master classes, attendance at professional rehearsals and performances, museum

courses, small group instruction, seminars, exhibit and performance opportunities.” In

the UK, there are apprenticeships for new media, such as “animation assistant, archive

assistant, broadcast assistant, junior designer, production runner, digital assistant.” The

use of the word “apprentice” in the Arts and Design track may lead to legal confusion,

but there is no choice. The word has a longer history in the arts than it does in our laws.

The House of Representatives has approved a bill amending both RA 1826 and the

Labor Code, but the equivalent Senate Bill has not yet been passed. In House Bill 5303,

the word “apprenticeship” refers to “a training within an enterprise involving a contract

between an apprentice and an enterprise on an approved apprenticeable occupation.”

This House Bill specifies that it is the Technical Education and Skills Development

Authority (TESDA) that will supervise apprentices, as it does today, not DepEd. As one

of the options for WRCC, immersion is limited to at most 80 hours, because it is merely

one subject. It may not even be chosen by the student or the school to comply with the

requirement. DepEd Order No. 40 covers the procedures for a school that has decided

to use immersion as their WRCC. The other meaning of the word “immersion” in K to 12

refers to a mode of delivery of Tech-Voc subjects. Here, immersion is not limited to 80

hours. In fact, the TVL curriculum posted on the DepEd website specifies that

immersion should take at least 640 hours. –Isagani Cruz (The Philippine Star). Work
immersion is a key feature in the Senior High School curriculum and refers to the part of

that consists of 80 hours of hands-on experience or work simulation which Grade 12

students will undergo to expose them to the actual work setting and to enrich the

competencies provided by the school.


Attitude Problem

co-worker Safety of students

supervisor Relationship w/ Co-

Relationship w/



A. How many Students in Santa Cruz Integrated National High School who knows

the effects of Work immersion to their Studies?

B. How many Students in Santa Cruz Integrated National High School who knows

the importance of work immersion to their future?



The Results of this study would be great help to the Students, Parents, and Teachers.

Students – This Study would help them to know the effects of lack of Self Confidence to

avoid them in this kind of problems.

Parents – This Study would help them to know that they need to motivate their child to

be confidently doing of what they can do.

Teachers – This study would help them to know that they need to guide their students

and push them to do something that they can do to avoid them of having a lack of Self



The focal point of this research was to survey the perception of the selected senior high

school students about the Effects of Work Immersion to Graduating Students in Santa

Cruz Integrated national High School Its primary concentration is bounded only to the

selected senior high school students of Santa Cruz S.Y. 2019-2020. The survey

respondents are consisted of ___males and ___ females at HE Students with the total

of ___ H.E Students.



K-12 work Immersion program of Senior High school students. GRADE 12 Senior High

School Students have started their work immersion related to their selected academic
track or their selected vocational course. The immersion trains students and strengthen

their skill or expertise for their work in the future.


A person formally engaged in learning, especially one enrolled in a school or college;



In humans, a parent is the caretaker of a child (where "child" refers to offspring, not

necessarily age). A biological parent is a person whose gamete resulted in a child, a

male through the sperm, and a female through the ovum. ... The most common types of

parents are mothers, fathers, step-parents, and grandparents.


A teacher (also called a school teacher or, in some contexts, an educator) is a person

who helps others to acquire knowledge, competences or values. Informally the role of

teacher may be taken on by anyone (e.g. when showing a colleague how to perform a

specific task).

This chapter presents the review of related literature, which the researcher found to be

present study in the way of enhancing the content of the study There also provide the

research parade of this study.

Related Literature


This chapter discusses the used descriptive Method of research. The second section

describes used in development and evaluating the software Product. The third part

describes the populations of the respondents. Subsequent sections describes the

functionality of the study will evaluated based on its components and criteria in terms of

Accuracy, Reliability, Usability, Efficiency, User-Friendliness.

This research study was conducted based on the methodology. This Methodology plays

an important role in implementing this research study accordingly. The details of the

methodology are explained in detail in this chapter.

This Chapter Present the research design, population and sampling, research

procedure, research instrument and statistical treatment of data.


Hopkins, Will G (2000) stated that quantitative design is to determine the relationship

between one thing [an independent variable] and another [a dependent or outcome

variable] in a population. Quantitative research designs are either descriptive [subjects

usually measured once] or experimental [subjects measured before and after

Treatment] A descriptive study establishes only associations between variables; An

Experiment establishes causality.


Percentage formula was applied to get the total number of samples with 95 % accuracy.

Random sampling technique was used to get the sample respondents from SCINHS

___ students of Santa Cruz integrated National High School were chosen.


A set of Questionnaire was given to ___ students in Sta. Cruz Senior High School. The

researcher formulated questions that were applicable to Senior High School Students

and could be easily understood by them. The researcher made various researches

before finalizing the survey. Various researchers on internet were done to Provide

information regarding this respect. All answer to the questionnaires were Tabulated,

analyzed and evaluated to come up with valid conclusions.


It is used to gather and collect both and information. These instruments are useful way

to gathering data. Without them, data would be impossible to put in hand the

questionnaire method we used as the primary instrument in gathering data would

Support the Effects of Lack of Self Confidence to Graduating Students in Work



The following tools were employed to provide solution and analysis to the problem of

the researcher.
For Student’s who are hooked in online games, the data were treated using percentage


1. Percentage- P=∑x/n X 77

Where ∑x- Addition of all respondents

n- Total number of students


Presentation, Interpretation and analysis of data

This chapter presents the detailed analysis of data with the corresponding interpretation

of their results in the order of the statement of the problem was presented, it begins with

the presentation and findings of Effects of Lack of Self Confidence of Graduating

Students in Work Immersion, percentage of student’s saying that they knows the Effects

of Lack of Self Confidence.


Findings, Conclusion, Recommendation

The total numbers of G-12 enrolled in Sta. Cruz Integrated National High School are

___ but the researchers retrieved ___ respondents.




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