Research Proposal Discrimination Evangeline Adalid S. Bais City National High School

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Discrimination Pg.

Chapter 1

Research Proposal


Evangeline Adalid S.

Bais City National High School

Discrimination Pg.2


In its most literal sense, discrimination is the act of making a distinction between one thing and

other. In the legal sense, discrimination means something different. Discrimination is the

unequal or unfair treatment of a person based upon some personal characteristic.

Statement of the problem:

This study aim to know how discrimination affect the people who have encounter this and

aims to answer the following question.

1. What are the causes of discrimination?

2. What are the effects of discrimination?

3. What are the negative effects of discrimination?

Research Objectives:

The study aims to answer how discrimination affect the people who have encounter this


Significance of the study:

This study aims to explain the negative effects of discrimination. It aims to point particularly

cause and effect to the person who encounter discrimination.

Discrimination Pg.3

Scope and Delimination:

The study is focused based on the negative effects and the cause and effects of discrimination.

Definition of Terms:

Work Place

In the workplace include when an employer, supervisor, or co-worker treats another employee

unfairly based on religion, age, ethnicity, gender, disability, skin color, or race

Sexual harassment

Are unwelcome advances or attention of a sexual nature


Due to a worsening disability, you will soon need to rely on a wheelchair. You tell your

landlord that you will need a ramp in order to access your apartment. Your landlord tells you

that he does not have the money to install a ramp and that you should just move.


You are Muslim and you wear traditional clothing. You call about an apartment and it is

available. When you show up to look at it, the landlord says it is rented, but the “For Rent” ad

continues to run in the newspaper.

Discrimination Pg.4


Is repeated unreasonable behavior that places the affected person’s health or wellbeing at risk.

Bullying and harassment are considered discriminatory behavior if they are motivated by a

protected attribute of the victim, like a disability.

Discrimination Pg.5

Chapter 2
Review of Related Literature


Why brother writing a book that condemns employer act of discrimination against working

women? Women’s problems in the workplace have been largely resolved have they not? Haven’t

women already achieved workplace equality? These are typical of the reactions I have

encountered while writing this book, and they appear to reflect the current opinion of women and

men alike.

Title VII of the Civil Rights Acts of 1964 and various state anti-discrimination laws prohibit

discrimination in employment based on sex, as well as on race, national origin, and religion. 1

coincident with the advent of Title VII, sweeping economic and social trends introduced if not

compelled, women’s entry into the national workforce has continued to increase to this day.

Women have gained access to positions formally barred to them, and the past four decades have

witnessed the unheard of. During this time, discrimination against women in the workplace has


Many Americans believe that sex discrimination no longer presents a significant problem for

working women. Increasingly common are newspaper and other media accounts of women who

receive high-level appointments in academia and in the other professions, and who advance to

upper level corporate positions. The appointment in July 1999 of women as president and chief
Discrimination Pg.6

executive officer of Hewlett- Packard, the world’s second- largest computer company, was

greeted with the pronounced that “the glass ceiling finally has been shattered” and that the

appointment reflected the absence of barriers that blocked women from the middle and senior

management positions.

Economic and other outcomes differ vastly among individuals, groups, and nations. Many

explanations have been offered for the difference. Some believe that those with less fortunate are

victims of discrimination and disparities the idea that different economic outcomes can be

explained by any one factor, be it discrimination, exploitation or genetics

It is readable enough for people with no prior knowledge of economics. Yet the empirical

evidence with which it backs up its analysis spans the globe and challenges beliefs across the

ideological spectrum

The point of Discrimination and Disparities is not to recommend some particular policy “fix” at

the end, but to clarify why so many policy fixes have turned out to be counterproductive and to

expose some seemingly invincible fallacies- behind many counterproductive policies.

The National Academies of Science Engineering and Medicine last week published a lengthy

report on the sexual harassment of women in their three respective disciplines’. The New York

Times headline about the report read; “How Universities Deal with Sexual Harassment Needs

Sweeping Change, Panel Says”. The panel that authored the report consisted of 15 women and
Discrimination Pg.7

five men, and was co- chaired by Wellesley President Paula Johnson and MIT professor Sheila


One would expect the panel’s harsh indictment of current practices to be supported by

documented evidence of pervasive harassment. In fact, it only refers to a collection of outdated

studies dating back 20 years. The report’s key piece of quantitative evidence is that in 2017 there

were more than 97 education covered in the media, and there are likely many more allegations

that are working their way through confidential formal reporting process.

The report never asks which of these allegations have been retracted or may yet be shown to be

false. From this thin evidence, it concludes the gender gap.

Is there a racist behind every tree in the American education forest? That’s the spin a lot

people have given to last week’s massive trove of federal data on school discipline and sundry

other topics. ‘Black students face more harsh discipline headline the New York Times”. Minority

students face harsher punishment”, quote the Associated Press.” An educational caste system

stormed the head of the country’s largest coalition of civil-rights groups. The federal data (from

2009-10) cover a multitude of issues but what caught most eyes was the finding that black and

Latino students are suspended to expelled from school in numbers greater than their shares of the

overall pupil population.

This arises from the doctrine of ”disparate impact” a sly phrase coined as a means of boosting

civil rights in the realm of employment law. It means, in effect, that discrimination may be a

foot- and enforcement policy gives rise to disparities (by race, gender) in whatever benefit or

harm that policy leads to. If they find that something good or bad isn’t getting best owned across
Discrimination Pg.8

the entire eligible population in proportion to the basic demographics of that population they

sense “disparate impact” at work, which is invariable, accompanied by at least a hint the

discrimination musty be the cause of it.

The number of female CEO’s leading fortune 500 companies has dropped from 32 in 2017 to

24 in 2018. That 25 percent decline has spurred deep concentration among feminist and liberals.

Writing about the New York Times New Rules Summit, a conference about women in leadership

journalist Rebecca Blumenstein and Jessica Bennett conclude; for women, the climb to the top

has sputtered.

Studies like the MGI’s have fluid the recent passage of a California law that requires publicaly

traded corporations headquarter within the state to include a minimum number of women on

their boards of pace substantial financial penalties. California Governor Jerry Brown signed the

law with a defiant message. He cited the 1886 Supreme Court Case, Santa Clara Country V.

Southern Pacific Railroad, which held that corporations should be treated as persons entitled to

protections against the deprivation of property without due process of law.

Put aside his failure to understand that the protections of corporate wealth from government

canfistication helped fuel enormous economic growth in the nineteenth century for men and

women alike. The usual all- purpose explanation for the male/ female pay gap is pervasive

gender discrimination by American Business, notwithstanding their explicit and unwavering

commitments to gender equity.

Discrimination Pg.9

In his recent trip to India, President Obama repeated a long- standing pattern of his

denigrating the united states of foreign audiences. He said that he had been discriminated against

because of his skin color in America, a country in which there is even row ‘terrible poverty”

Make no mistakes about it, there is no society of human beings in which there are no rotten

people. But for a president of the Unites States to be smearing America in a foreign country,

whose track record is for worse, is both irresponsible and immature. Years after the lynching of

black’s tool place in the Jim Crow South, India’s own government was still publishing annual

statistics on atrocities against the untouchables, including fatal atrocities

Nothing that happened to Barack Obama when he was attending a posh private school in Hawaii,

or elite academic institutions on the mainland was in the same league with the appealing

treatments of untouchable’s in India.

The new highly publicized movie “ on the basis of sex” offers a somewhat fictionalized

account of the early professionals life of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg argued or

participated in several of the early influential cases on sex discrimination and went on to found

the Women’s Rights Project at the American Civil Libraries Union.

She was very much a pioneer in the women’s rights movement, motivated by her own life

experiences. She had on numerous occasions been rejected from positions solely on grounds of

sex, notwithstanding her great academic distinction, and was well aware that similar obstacles

fell in the path of other women who sought to make a career in the law. Most legal writers

support Justice Ginsburg’s position that both the due process and the Equal Protection Clauses of

the Fourteenth Amendment prohibit government discrimination on the basis of sex.

Discrimination Pg.10

I think that she was right on the early cases that sought to get rid of senseless distinctions based

on gender, Failure to understand the economics of discriminations have led courts to impose new

version of the very discrimination that the law is intended to eliminate.

While I was heading to the APEE conference in Cancun, I taught that economist Barbara

Bergmann had died; I reviewed her book the economic emergence of women in fortune on

March 2, 1987. Here are some excerpts from my review: I had many battles to fight in this one

feminist agenda has been pushed hard in the US but the pushing has mainly been alone by

politicians and “movement” stalwarts.

Bergmann, professor of economics at the University of Maryland argues persuasively that

women are occupationally segregated and major victims of job discriminations. The Economic

Emergence of Women, Basic Books 19.95 Barbara R. Bergmann, presents the most sustained

economic cased known of for much of agenda. Instead they come away from the data saying that

our statistical tools are imperfects and that much wage variation reflects factors that simply do

not know how to measure of which discrimination may well be one.

In his book “Discrimination and Disparities” economist Thomas Sowell notes that a

disproportionate percentage of first- born siblings become National Merit Scholars compared to

siblings born later, presumably because the first- born starts life with no sibling competition for

parental attention.
Discrimination Pg.11

Paul was a gifted athlete. Name the sport, he excelled he was starting pitcher for the baseball

team, the starting shooting guard for the basketball team and the staring quarter for the football

team. His parents were divorced making Paul one of the few kids in the neighborhood at the time

to come from what my parents called a “broken home”. Paul had a problem with angry. For

smallest, he could tell someone off, friend or foe, sometimes even his basketball coach. (The

(Left’s Battle against Inequality).

On Feb, 13 in St Paul the eighth circuit of appeals will hear arguments in Wagner V. Jones.

The Appeals is procedurally complex. But he legal question at the heart of public and private

legal education. To weather a candidate for a faculty position at a state law school could provide

sufficient evidence that, at a state law school could provide sufficient evidence that, in violation

of her constitutional rights, she had been denied employment because of her political beliefs. In a

trial concluded 15 months ago, Teresa Wagner accused the University of Lows College OF Law

of violating her First Amendment right of free expression and 14th amendment right of equal

protection under the law. When the school’s dean, Carolyn Jones, refused to hired initially in

August 2006 and was serving on part time positions for legal- writing instructions’ opened up

that fall. Her resume showed employment with the National Right of life Committee and the

Family Research Council, both socially conservation on organization in Washington, D.C.E (A

Case of Faculty Discrimination Based on Politics).

Competitions among states and local communities for business investment has been

particularly intense over the last several years of high unemployment and diminished tax
Discrimination Pg.12

revenues. States and communities have pursued a wide array of strategies for attracting new

business and encouraging expansion of existing business, the most common and most effective

of which been subsides, tax incentives and regulatory waivers. From the perspective of

government these incentives make sense if the direct expenditures, foregone revenues, and

unregulated business activities cost less than the tangible and in tangible benefits delivered by

new and expanded business. These benefits might include increased tax revenues contributed by

the new and expanded business and their new employees, additional taxes paid by other business

that provide goods and services to an expanded benefit cost, and the in tangible advantages of a

growing and prosperous community.

While it is possible to assess with some precision the net effect of a particular incentive on tax

revenues, the alleged intangibles make it impossible to prove beyond political dispute whether or

not these incentives are well advised.(When Government Discriminates, by Same Hoffman).

In 1992, I went to San Francisco’s Candlestick Park to see the Giants play the Cincinnati

Reds. To get into the baseball spirit, I wore my blue L.A Dogger’s helmet. (I root for both the

Giants and Dodgers, but i figured why buy a Giant’s helmet when I already had a Dogger’s one?)

I was sitting in the stands when a young man came by selling hotdogs. Because he was about 40

feet away rather than try to shout above the din, I put one finger for one hotdog. This story of

how the free market broke down discrimination may sound trivial. If I just had to do with my

hotdog, it would be. But the story illustrates a much wider and crucial point. Markets are

especially good at breaking down discrimination when what are exchanged are goods rather than

labor. Think about how little you know about the politics, race, gender, or even nationally of the
Discrimination Pg.13

person who makes the bread you buy. By trying to hide the books, which apparently some stores

did for a short time. They pass up precious sale. The market illustrates the opposite point. When

it comes to saving their economic lives, even otherwise prejudiced people are downright tolerant.

(How the Free Market Breaks Down Discrimination, By David Henderson).

At its 2018 National Lawyers Convention this past Friday, the Federalist Society sponsored one

of its characteristics excellent panels featuring diverse of view this one on the 2004 law suit

challenging Harvard’s sophisticated program. Of racial discrimination in undergraduate

admissions. The lawsuit was brought by Students for Fair Admission against Harvard alleging

that Harvard was violating Title VI of the Civil Rights Act by, among other things discriminating

against Asian Americans in the admissions process. Federalist society Civil Rights practice

group chairman Gail Heriot introduced the program. She is followed by the moderators, Fitch

Circuit Judge James Ho, Patrick Strawbridge ( a partner at the firm representing plaintiffs in the

Cassel), Althea Nagai ( Center for Equal Opportunity, Professor Andrew Koppel man

( Northwestern University School of Law) and Professor John Yoo (Berkeley Law).

Here we have the clash of ideas in a form that allows the interested viewer to make his own mind

on the questions of law and policy (although at 1:08:26 Professor Koppelman calls for Harvard

to end its ceiling on Asian-American admission “if” it has one.) (Racial Discrimination, Harvard

Style), Posted on November 19, 2018) (By, Scott Johnson in Higher Education, Racial

Discrimination Pg.14

Two weeks ago, 28 members of the world champion U.S Women’s national soccer team filed

a high- profile lawsuit alleging they were the victims of discrimination by the U.S Soccer

Federation, the common employer of both the women’s and men’s national teams. The lawsuit

does not pull it punches, it alleges that foe year’s female athletes have been subject to

(“institutionalized gender discrimination”) that has crimped their economic opportunity, hurt

their training regimen and compromised their medical attention. The central claim is that the

women are entitled to equal pay for equal work. The women athletes resent the perceived run

around from the federation, given they work every bits as hard as the men. There is an entire

legion of venture capitalist that uses the infusion of outside capital to raise public awareness.

The simplest explanation is that fan base of men’s soccer in the United States and abroad is far

greater for that of the women’s game. In their view, week marketing efforts have created a

vicious circle. (Discrimination and the U.S Women’s Soccer Team), (By Richard Epstein Special

to the Review- Journal), (March 16, 2019-9:00pm).

Many Americans believe that sex discrimination no longer presents a significant problem for

working women. Increasingly, common are newspaper and other media accounts of women who

receive high- level appointments in academia and in other profession, and who advance upper-

level corporate position. Certainly we should celebrate the appointment of women to a leadership

position in a company as large Hewlett-Packyard and in an industry historically dominated by

men as a significant step toward gender equality. Although the past five years have witnessed

much progress sex, Discrimination – blatant, subtle, and covert continues to plague working

women. As you review these case summarize, you will come to understand the basic concepts

that underline the anti-discrimination laws and learn to identify sex declamatory conduct.

(Discrimination against Women, by Raymond F, Gregory

Discrimination Pg.15

Chapter 3


Research Design:

This study will use case study approach to find out how discrimination affects the people who

have encountered this.

Research Locale:

This study will be conducted at Bais City National High School, Locates at Tavera St. Bais

City Negros Oriental.

Sample of the Respondents:

The respondents of this will be the grade- 12 students of Bais City National High School

because some of the students there are experiencing of this situation.

Research Instruments:

The research instrument that will use I this research is an identification type of survey

questionnaire that will be given to the grade-12 students.

Data Collection:

In conducting this research first week will be the preparation for the survey questionnaire second

week will be the floating of the said questionnaire, third will be the analyzing the data gathered

and week four will be the summarization of all the data.

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Data Analysis Procedure:

Collecting the survey questionnaire that given to the respondents which is the grade-12 students

of BCNHS. The researcher will interpret, tabulate and analyze the data.
Discrimination Pg.17


(Gregory, Raymond F., 1927- Women Workplace discrimination: Overcoming barriers to gender


(Discrimination and Disparities),(By Thomas Sowell),(Tuesday March 20,2018)

( Harassment Gone Haywire, by Richard A. Epstein),(Monday, June 18,2018)


(The disparities of disparate impact, by Chester E. FINN Jr.),(Monday, March 19 2012)


(False Claims for Gender Equality, by Richard A. Epstein),(Tuesday October 9, 2018)

(Obama versus America, by Dr. Thomas Sowell)

(On the Basis of Sex, by Richard A. Epstein),(Monday, January 7, 2019)

(My Review of Barbara Bergmann, by David Henderson)
Discrimination Pg.18

(The Left’s Battle Against “Inequality”), (Posted: May 23, 2019 12:01am)

(A Case OF Faculty Discrimination Based on Politics, by Peter Berkowitzvia, Wall Street

Journal), (Monday, February 10, 2014)

(When Government Discriminates, by Sames Hoffman),(Tuesday, October 14, 2012)

(How the Free Market Breaks Down Discrimination, by David Henderson)

(Racial Discrimination, Harvard Style),(Posted on November 19,2018),(By Scott Johnson in

Higher Education, Racial References),Style

(Discrimination and the U.S Women’s Soccer Team),(By Richard Epstein Special to the Review-

Journal),(March 16,2019-9:00pm)

(Discrimination against Women), (By Raymond F. Gregory)
Discrimination Pg.19
Discrimination Pg.20

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