Sept, 19, Aryam's Interest

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Learning priority: Increasing Independence,

Aryam, It was wonderful to see you showing interest in varieties of activities. The other day
when you decided to do the alphabet puzzle I was observing you. I wanted to see if you will be
able to complete it. You just tipped it over and started to put the pieces back in. You picked any
pieces randomly and tried to fit it in any empty space. Definitely you couldn’t fit it in as those
were not the right space for any particular piece. So feeling frustrated you left the puzzle
undone on the table and wandered off around looking for something else.
I asked you to come back to finished the puzzle, you just said, “No” I had to persuade you to
came back to the puzzle , I said, “Let’s put the puzzle back, do you want me to help you?” You
nodded your head and reluctantly came with me. However I could see you enjoyed doing that
puzzle . You only needed a little help with direction. You were so pleased when at last you
finished fixing all the pieces back in.
Puzzles reinforce action positively and encourage children to try again if at first they do not
succeed. It’s the process of learning that is important not just the product.
Ariam, It is amazing to see you showing curiosity to learn and to co-operate with a teacher,

Puzzles are an important educational

learning tool for young children and are
great fun. Children enjoy fixing puzzles
and at the same time they learn the
concepts of matching, checking,
guessing, comparing, recognising
colours, shapes and sizes and design etc.

Aryam, In sha Allah we will provide

stimulating learning environment where
you could develop your interest of
learning further. We will encourage you
learn to ask for help if needed to. I
Written by – Teacher Rosy would like to see if you could do this
September, 2019 puzzle all by your self next time.

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