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Sessional Papers

Roll No. : …………………………………….


1, Knowledge Park-II, Greater Noida, U.P.

Sessional Examination I : Odd Semester 2017-18

Course/Branch : B.Tech./CE Semester: VII

Subject Name :Open Channel Flow Max. Marks: 40
Subject Code : NCE043 Time: 2 hours

CO 1 : To develop in depth knowledge of conservation principles, specific energy and

critical flow in open channel flow
CO 2 : To understand the concept of uniform flow, most efficient channel and gradually
varied flow.

Section – A (CO :1)

Attempt any four questions. Question no. 1 is compulsory.


Q.1 Define free surface flow and write comparisons of open channel flow vs. pipe flow.

Q.2 Define hydraulic gradient line. Brief up its significance for pipe flow and open channel flow.
Also explain energy grad line for open channel and pipe flow and show by neat sketch.

Q.3 A 2.4m wide rectangular channel has a specific energy of 1.5m when carrying discharge of
6.58m3/s. Estimate depth and corresponding Froude number.

Q.4 Develop an expression for specific force for a rectangular channel.

Q.5 Define following;

(i) Steady and unsteady flow (ii) Uniform and non-uniform flow (iii) Prismatic and non-

Section – B (CO :2)

Attempt any four questions. Question no. 6 is compulsory.


Q.6 State five important assumptions made in gradually varied flow (GVF) discussion.

Q.7 Develop governing expression of GVF in terms of normal depth and critical depth.

Q.8 Infer, how y=081D and y=095D in the case of hydraulically most efficient circular channel.

Q.9 Explain characteristics of S1 and M2 profile with example.

Q.10 A 10-m wide, rectangular, concrete-lined channel (n = 0.013) has a bottom slope of 0.01
and a constant-level reservoir at the upstream end. The reservoir water level is 6.0 m above
the channel bottom at entrance. Assuming the entrance losses and the approach velocity in
the reservoir to be negligible, determine the channel discharge and qualitatively sketch the
water surface profile.
Roll No. : …………………………………….


1, Knowledge Park-II, Greater Noida, U.P.

Sessional Examination I : Odd Semester 2017-18

Course/Branch : B.Tech./CE Semester: VII

Subject Name :Open Channel Flow Max. Marks: 40
Subject Code : NCE043 Time: 2 hours

CO 3: Numerical Analysis of GVF and flow measurement

CO 4: To develop the concept of rapidly varied flow unsteady rapidly varied flow.

Section – A (CO :3)

Attempt any four questions. Question no. 1 is compulsory.


Q.1 Differentiate sharp crested weir and broad crested weir.

Q.2 Derive the calculus based expression for the GVF.

Q.3 Explain in detail any critical depth flume.

Q.4 A trapezoidal channel having a bottom slope of 0.001 is carrying a flow of 30 m3/s. The
bottom width is 10.0 m and the side slopes are 2H to 1V.At the downstream end, a control
structure raises the water depth to 5.0 m. Determine the water-surface levels at 2, and 4 km
upstream of control structure. The Manning n for the flow surfaces is 0.013, α = 1.0, and the
elevation of the channel bottom at the downstream end is 0.0.
Q.5 Define following;

(i) Steady and unsteady flow (ii) Uniform and non-uniform flow (iii) Prismatic and non-
Section – B (CO :4)

Attempt any four questions. Question no. 6 is compulsory.


Q.6 State five important assumptions made in gradually varied flow (GVF) discussion.

Q.7 Develop governing expression of GVF in terms of normal depth and critical depth.

Q.8 Infer, how y=081D and y=095D in the case of hydraulically most efficient circular channel.

Q.9 Explain characteristics of S1 and M2 profile with example.

Q.10 A 10-m wide, rectangular, concrete-lined channel (n = 0.013) has a bottom slope of 0.01
and a constant-level reservoir at the upstream end. The reservoir water level is 6.0 m above
the channel bottom at entrance. Assuming the entrance losses and the approach velocity in
the reservoir to be negligible, determine the channel discharge and qualitatively sketch the
water surface profile.
Roll No. : …………………………………….


1, Knowledge Park-II, Greater Noida, U.P.
Pre University Test : Odd Semester 2017-18

Course/Branch : B Tech - CE Semester :

VII Subject Name : Open Channel Flow
Max. Marks : 100
Subject Code : NCE-043 Time :3

NOTE: This question paper is from all six Course Outcomes (COs). Mapping of questions with
COs is provided in the table (provided in the last of question paper).

Q.1: Attempt all the TEN questions. Each question is of TWO marks. (11@2
= 22)
a) Differentiate between uniform and non-uniform flow also writes difference between
laminar and turbulent flow. (CO1)
b) What is velocity dip? (CO1)
c) Explain section factor and conveyance factor.(CO2)
d) For most economical triangular section, what should be the apex angle? (CO2)
e) Differentiate between GVF and RVF (CO3)
f) What is control point? (CO3)
g) Explain hydraulic jump and sequent depths.(CO4)
h) Write assumptions made in RVF. (CO4)
i) Discuss types of bottom racks. (CO5)
j) What are uses of side weirs? (CO5)
k) Write any four factors affecting culvert flow. (CO6)
Q.2: Attempt any SIX questions (internal choice, one question per CO). Each question is of
FIVE marks. (6@5
= 30)
a) Show that for a rectangular channel carrying constant discharge, the specific energy is
minimum when the depth is critical. (CO1)
Define free surface flow and write comparisons of open channel flow vs. pipe flow.

b) Define control section. Show control sections in gradually varied flow profiles with
the help of sketches. (CO2)
Develop basic governing expression of GVF.

c) Differentiate sharp crested weir and broad crested weir. (CO3)

A trapezoidal channel having a bottom slope of 0.0015 is carrying a flow of 10 m 3/s.
The bottom width is 10.0 m and the side slopes are 2H to 1V.At the downstream end, a
control structure raises the water depth to 6.0 m. Determine the water-surface levels at
2, and 4 km upstream of control structure. The Manning n for the flow surfaces is
0.013, α = 1.0, and the elevation of the channel bottom at the downstream end is 0.0.

d) Also prove a relation rectangular channel for the positive surge moving down stream.

( V w−V 1 ) 1 y2 y2
g y1
= ( )
2 y1 y1

Analyze energy loss due to jump in non-rectangular channel.

e) Analyze in detail the Modified Hinds Method’ used for profile computation is SVF.

Classify the bottom racks in terms of flow with neat sketches.
f) A 5m wide rectangular canal carries a discharge of 10 m 3/s at a flow depth of 1.25m
and has a manning’s coefficient as 0.015. It has a bend with centerline radius of 30m
and included angle of 45 degree. Find the super elevation? (CO6)

Discuss in detail superelevation in the curved channel.

NOTE: For preparation of Question No. 3 to Question. No. 8, use any one or more format
from the following :
 Attempt any one question out of given two questions. (1@8
= 8)
 Attempt any two questions out of given three questions.

Q.3: Explain cases of channel transitions of subcritical and supercritical flow in detail. (CO1)
Discuss the pressure and velocity distribution in the open channel flow.
Q.4: For a trapezoidal channel of most economical section, prove that:
(i) Half of top width= length of one of the sloping side.
(ii) Hydraulic mean= (l/2) x Depth of flow. (CO2)
Using the basic differential equations of GVF show that dy/dx is positive for S1,M3 and S3

Q.5: A trapezoidal channel having bottom width of 6m, side slope of 2H:1V, Manning’s
roughness coefficient 0.025, and bottom slope 0.0016 carries a discharge of 10m 3/s.
Compute the back water profile created by a dam which backs up the water to a depth of
2.0m immediately behind the dam. Use direct step method for computation. (CO3)

Analyze the broad creased and sharp created weirs with their merits and demerits. Also
analyze the classifications of bread crested weirs.

Q.6: A spillway discharges a flood flow at a rate of 7.75m3/s/m width. At the downstream
horizontal apron the depth of flow was found to be 0.50m. What tail water depth is needed
to form a hydraulic jump? If a jump is formed, find its (a) type, (b) length, (c) head loss,
(d) energy loss as percentage of the initial energy.
Derive the governing expression for rapidly varied flow phenomena and sequent depth
ratio for the rectangular channel.

Q.7: Write the assumptions made for the derivation of side weir by De Marchi and derive the
governing expression for the same. (CO5)
A rectangular channel 1.5 m wide conveys a discharge of 1.7 m 3/s at a depth of 0.6 m. A
uniformly discharging side weir with crest at 0.42 m above the bed at the commencement
of the side weir is proposed to divert a flow of 0.30 m 3/s laterally. Design the length of the
side weir and other geometry of the channel at the weir.

Q.8: Discuss in detail about hydraulically long and short culverts. (CO6)
How will the flow takes place in channel of non–linear alignment and non-prismatic
sections? Discuss in detail.

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