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PLANNING = INTRODUCTION Planning means looking shead and chalking out future courses of ection: IE3S\a\systematie activity which is concerned with determining when, how and who js/g0ing ly Peligiaa sais job. Planning takes into consideration the existing human and physical resources of the organization for achieving effective co-ordination. Noted management expert Urwick has rightly remarked” Planning is a mental predisposition tg rather than guesses”. Planning is deciding best alternative al functionsin order to achieve predetermined goals. n to do things in orderly way, to think before acting and to act in the light of fac among others to perform different manager!2 = MEANING OF PLANNING ion of management. It focuses on the future course of action It ved in future and selects the alternative course of action te «. It also involves many activities ke analyzing and decision making ‘er elements essential to implement predetermined paper activitieswhich look ahead for drawing, the Planning is the primary funct specifies the objectives to be achi Teach defined objective about technical, personnel, fina course of action. Thus, planning is ment future course of action. ncial, and oth ral and MANAGERIAL py, In other words, pl which is concerned with deciding in lanning is intellectual prc srk. Generally, manager defines goals and ty} all do the what, when, why, how, and who shall do the Is can be achieved in efficient manner. Planning r an be ac Teh these goals ¢ necessary steps to ensure that {is the blue print of action and operation vision, foresight and wisdom. T of planning h portant definition of F Following are the import = DEFINITION OF PLANNING | According to WH Newman a “Generally speaking, planning is deciding in advance what is to be done According to Hayness and Massie Planning is that function of manner in which he decides in advance what he will do, kisi] decision making process of a special kind, its essence is futurity.’ According to Harold . Koontz and O’Donnel defines as, | Planning is deciding in advance what to do, how to do, v hen to do and who is to dot Planning bridges a gap between from where we are to where we want to go” George R Terry defines as Planning is the selecting and re ‘lating of facts and the making and using of assumpldl regardir the future in the visualization and formul, ation of proposed activities belie Recessary to achieve desired results From planning is predeterminattt to achieved defined goal effectively a! above definition, we may come of objectives and intellectual on time. into conclusion that course of action to be taker Generally, planning involves the following elements; | 1. Establishment of organizational objectives and policies | 2. Identification of alternative courses of action and programs | 3. Selecting the best course of i action and programme Nature or characteristics of planning; 1. Primacy of lanning : Pla Bop pase a tanning Bate: Atstiandiforem pc; activity of manage! Itis equally indispensable like soon "Ke Organizing, stefan directing, controlling y le like other managerial 8 7 al Functions It is a process: It is one of management planning be and stops with making 3. Pervasiveness of the process d of m ss BINS With identifi nt. As one of the proce necessary arrange: Planning: Plannin, levels of managerial hier: whereas middle and low, and operational plannin, i being archy, Top level m, er level manage, agement are en. 6 Tespectively “S ereaged One of the man; ‘anagement per ‘agerial function exists ‘i forms the task of strate ie in executing administt™ always looks ahead and future events. For the purpose of planning into consideration the situations and events he organization . It is future oriented: P| lanning is alw. ays future oriented. It ions for tackling the action, managers takes j makes necessary provisi the future course of of present and p, ast both inside and outside t It is information based: A 5, | information a uuccessful planning solely relies on quality of available future and past d future situations and pl bout preser ee er ee It will assists the managers in evaluating anc lan accordingly for the future. | 6. Planning is rational: The task of plannir ng is undertaken purely based on reasons rather than emotions. It has b: le n rig! ly remarked that planning is a purposeful and conscious managerial function which is supported by essential information, ok understanding and knowle Be. Decisions relating to planning are made by considering vareness of their conse Formal and informal nature: Formal planning is done through investigation and 0d analysis of several factors and will be a step by step process for achieving a designated SEA Cte formal planning is performed by managers and is communicated to his personnel through word of mouth being considered as flexible. Informal planning planning is regarded as trial and error process. a 8. It is flexible: The process of planning is adopted in the organization for coping the ela changes taking place in the environmentKoontz and O Donnell views “Effective requires continuous checking of events and forecasts and the redrawing of ina plans to maintain a course towards a desired goal ya 9. Directed towards efficiency: The sole objective of planning is to increase the efficiency of the enterprise at minimum cost. It implies planning is directed towards efficiency 10. It involves decision making: Planning is purely a decision making process because it involves choosing a right alternative out of several alternative courses of action. 11. Formation of premises: Formation of premises i.e. assumptions regarding the future * about political and economic environment are needed for planning | Planning is a continuous process. The process of planning is a continuous process: Planning. ni seas et irbm the birth of the organization till its liquidation. Koontz © Donnell performed right from the Or e] eee nrettly observed like a navigator constantly checking where the ship is going in the ng pees anager should should constantly watch the progress of his plans vast ocean, a manager sl surveillance over the conditions, both within and changes if needed to modify his plans. Manager must maintain regular : outside the organization, to determine the es Ei Significance of planning Planning has again gaine: = gH] business environment. In the absence of P to guess the uncertain events of future ause of uncertain and constantly changing : impossible but certainly difficult d importance bec: fanning, it may not be MANAGER ol 3 and its im a the advantages of planning Portance oD facts show The following organisa BS: lanning Inder the process of pl the a Direction: Under h ie ing Provides Direct vords. The obvious o, P aie Je and clear we cit as lea rare defined in simp! n and all their efforts are focused to, on and a Wards 4 a directi atts ganisati organi ; 501 role in the attainment of 4 ing has an important thea ces get all the employees § eg plannii end. In this way, pla : : ( ganisation a the organisati a company fixes a sales target under the proceso RS Gotmens, c purchase, personnel, finance, ete, wil ae Now all the departments, e.g. F ! the sales t objectives in view of the sa he attention of all the managers will get focused on the attainmaal in this way, the attention of a his will make the achievement of sales target a certainty, Thy ie sation gets disabled and the objectives ars bidg absence of objectives an organi under planning. ays done for futur (2) Planning Reduces Risks of Uncertainty: Planning is alw: is uncertain. With the help of planning possible changes in future are anticipae Various activities are planned in the best possible way. In this way, the risk of jp uncertainties can be minimised irvey can be undertaken to find ai number of new companies likely to enter the market. By keeping these facts inn and planning the future activities, the possible difficulties can be avoided For example, in order to fix a sales target a (3) Planning Reduces Overlapping and Wasteful Activitie: Under planning, fis activities are planned in order to achieve objectives Consequently, the proble when, where, what and why are almost decided. This puts an end to disor Suspicion. In such a situation coordination departments, Ttputs an end to overl, Ss established among different actif @PPing and wasteful activities Wastages moves tow, OF example, if it j Consequently lowest level. F p nf ards nil, efficiency increases and costs get! ta wil 8 decided that a particular amount @niinnin ‘@r month, the finance Manager will arrange for it in time. om than Fequirement in tog th punt of money can be more of less soll a oth these situations are undesirable. a . “ work will not be completed and seal : s cause 4 main unused and thus cau! the * : It is clear that planning selects any availa ar that p on their own, but they ha B able All these alternatives do not come to heme © discovered While making such an effort of aise i ine ‘lied intensively in order to determi 4 d Fut ed fut out 1 mi futuj ms: ral 2 al MANAGERIAL FUNCTIONS planning imparts a re: birth of innovative seq pnts,2 al Power of thinking in the managers. Tt leads to the “reative ideas. For example, a company wants to expand its business. This idea le is idea leads to the begi binreger He wil Getic re beginning of the planning activity in the mind of the v In this way, Should some other y Y Should ret arieties of the exi ‘ail sales be undertaken Should some branch be isting products be manufactured? along with the wholesales? = opened somewhere else for the existing or old product? Should some new product be launched? In this way, many new way, many new ideas will emerge one after the other. By doing so, he will become habituated to them. He will always be th out doing something ee inking about doing something new Thus, it is a happy situation for a company which is born through the medium of planning. (6) Planning Facilitates Decision Making: Decision making means the process of taking decisions. Under it, a variety of alternatives are discovered and the best alternative is chosen. The planning sets the target for decision making. It also lays down the criteria for evaluating courses of action. In this way, planning facilitates decision making, (6) Planning Establishes Standards for Controlling: By determining the objectives of the organisation through planning all the people working in the organisation and all the departments are informed about ‘when’, ‘what’ and ‘how’ to do things. Standards are laid down about their work, time and cost, etc. Under controlling, at the time of completing the work, the actual work done is compared with the standard work and deviations are found out and if the work has not been done as desired the person concerned are held responsible Types of Plan A plan is a specific action proposed to help the organization achieve its objectives Itisa document that outlines how goals are going to be met. The importance of developing plans is evident from the fact that there may be more than one means of reaching a particular goal: $9 with the help of logical plans, objectives of an organization could be achieved easily ent types of plan. Some of the import es of i fe ant types are given and discussed here are differe below. s action steps mapped out to reach strategie tion and position the organization in term broad issues such as changing conditions, Generally such. goals are of director and middle Strategic Plans‘Strategic plans are detailed r e entire organiza goals. These plans apply to the entire org Strategic ddress the of its environment. Strategic plans a : allocat international competition, ete: after consulting board gic goals exceeds 3 to 5 years. fed to support the implementation of the f strategic plans and cover allocation of resources, developed by top management t. The time horizon of strate are develop’ ant to the success ©! management Tactical Plans: Tactical plans strategic plans. These are import encompa zon usually encomp er consultin| intermediate time hori FF middle managers @! .d concrete than strat ¢ plans. egic thar r specific and co Myon Specific Plans arly Tn Directional Plans (Tingle Use Pian) (Standing Pia ee ng 1 to 3 years. Such lower-level managers. T g Ic | (@) Policy | plementation of tactical plans ai Operational Plans:Plans aimed at supporting the im achievement of operational goals. Such Plans clearly specify the dene in the short run, in order to achieve the oF developed by lower-level managers after consulting the midd Period of operational Plans is less than one year, such as few months, weeks or ef days. The success of strategic and tactical plans de operational goals Specific Plans:Those plans w, interpretation are called specific pl do not contain ambiguity Specific often do not exist therefore they are not Preferable, Directional Plans:Directional Plans refer to the fl Preferable in dyn use plan ig ti Particular Boal that, once chieved will oar eveloped to men ea , Most likely nique situation, things needed to >erational goals. These plans 4 le managers. The t#} pends upon the achievemett ; hich are clearly defined and easel na ats. Such plans require specific stated objectives Plans require clarity and a sense of predictability® exible plans that set out md ‘onment where na il ‘anges. Managers use the ig | Ives into specific goals ot lamic enviri nN specifically designed ae Not recur in the future. Su MANAGERIAL FUNCTIONS Features of single use plans: They are specific F in nature and are used only for a particul jor a particular purpose They are meant to tackle a particular sit articular situation They are meant t ant to solve a specif pecific purpose and it ceases t ceases to exists after a specific purpose is achieve Types of single use plans: (@) Programmes: A pros 7 nme may be de Peo he ions oe ae fined as single use comprehensive plan ce ee ss accomplish the objectives. It gives a step by ni eA A reach a pre-determined goal. It is : ee les, budgets, task assignment etc for the specific c purse of action hensive plan ays down the principal steps for accomplishing a mission * It guides the step -by-s | : - t te ‘oac the action plan * It is guided by the objectives an jectives and stra and covers many other types of plan . sa time-table for future acti « It involves an integrated and coordinated planning approach (c) Projects: A sing] Pp i »gramme is j ngle ogramme 5 known as a project. In other words a project is sing an which is a part of a general programme. It may be defined as any Cc e a part of s heme for investing resources, which can be analysed and cvaluated as an independent unit. It is actually a proposal of investment which can be , «Pa praised through cost-benefit analysis (4) Scheduling; It is a process of (e) Budget: It is a single Features: * Itisanon «The activity is definable in terms of specific objectives It isa time bound activities ork involved is complex and involvement of «Project approach is needed when the w huge costs establishing a time sequence for work to be done and is cesential part of action plan. It prescribes exact time for considered as an of each step. commencement and termination sed in quantitative terms. It is always expressed in ‘qs numerised plan. According to Koontz ment of expected results expressed in rials or other units yy be expressed in use plan expres numerical terms and hence it is also termed and © Donnell ” A budget @ ‘al terms. It may be Prep’ work and accomplis! a plan is a state ared in terms 0 hr specified results. It ma f time, money, mate numeric time, money required to perform p SupPOM 94 UO oedury ToyeaIQ seouanyfut S9ANDALG0 astidiayy a oid ‘AsudsaqU9 219 0 asodind 21 amystoS ¢ pi sore OF SOUS UoHeztIE8I0 yey Sedat ape’ VOIP ©) Surpz00¥, + ‘ fat voReZHTEBIO UE YT sy 2G * ,Soum jo spouiad Surkren © SUE sqvo8 Summed jo spnod edad 08 ay) se “SsuISNg Jo saumy aup saye ig PAX VOSA “UONeZTII0 Ye jg mquDsep 3422U09 Surpm yexuar 9 axe seansalqo, PUD Se Poutiay axe ayy ‘ananppe Peuyap aq feur saanoalqg ‘saanpalqg +z ut jo Aydosopnyd 81 [eySUTepuny 24 “aaisodind 10 pySunreou ear0 JO aouaisrx ayy :uoIssTyy +[ OIPUL OsTe pur sjuawageu SOUDISIXD 349 10] UOse UY} St _uorsstur 8q ued UoReznn jo Jepyam vorssrut e sey 31 ATU paynsn{ “SMOTIO} St axe uerd Burpueys jo syzsuoduso> ou, | quEUIESeUEUL jo gf ; 49] snorea ye Sursize suonenms saqadas {peut UI SO}J9 JO ATWA0sruN pue “nm aprsoid 0} paufisap axe sued Surpueig spowjaur sam ‘seidaiens ‘somparoid ‘sarsyod ‘saansolgo sapnpun sued Supugg wrege pue ureSe pasn are pue amyeu ur aannodar are sued Suppueyg « ssuryd Surpueys yo sonsuapereyD osye uawaSeueur aaqoay Ut BPpue UoHeUTpI0-o> Suraatyoe ur sdjay ayy, “juoweSeueUL Jo s[oaoq snowea ye Sutsere Mes eagnader Suyeaut ut syoya jo Aquos pue Ayun apraoid suvjd asoyy jawu ut eannadar are yorym suratqoid asoy} uo suoyoe pure suorspap [eLaseueur Sijapm3 apraoid 0} payeynursoy are surjd psepuejg ‘sureSe pue urese pasn oq oy PHM sued esouy ase sued Surpueys spom Joyo UJ ‘sayLAnIe SupLMdex SunuO}Iad 10 ; aue suejd Surpueigsuetg Surpueys ¢ Ppn8 Surpraoid ye paurre axe yey) sued Bu108 suxi9} jeouaumu ut suetd : RP ; 5 ad jo Auqeyuaa samsue 328png *Simalgo umop Sure] jo sueaut Aq Surmuefd jo Ang uogeztuesio aqua eredas paredaid are sjapng * Pitdaid st ya8pniq zojsvur v pue yun ype 10} Ajayesedas P Surnponut ut sdjay pue punog aun SE] * | Suruueyd ur ssauayuyjap as jumnsur Suruueyd y30q st 93P NE 99 pur que aoraap [oUOD pur y aSpnq e Jo sammeaT sya J8pnq syseUr pnpput 38pnq Jo eouaumnu a8pnq yse> a8pnq uonsnposd °8P ee ia P 8, mn a“ es Hig deo 4a8pnq sapes 4 oy-uew ‘S Pron, BUI “ys0} os pue syrun yonpoud “SM Wriaovavw ld Surpue3s Jo syzovodur0g MANAGERIAL FUNCTIONS Essentials of sound objectives: * Objectives must be pre-determined * Objectives must provides cle ‘ar direction for managerial efforts * Objectives must be measurable * Objectives must have social sanction * Objective must be plural i.e. multiple in nature * Objectives must be result centered Policies Definitions and meaning of policy:It has defined by different management experts in their own v iews which are stated below “Policy is a verbal, written or implied overall guide settir up boundaries that supply the general limits and directions in which managerial tion will take place” By GR. Terry Policies are general statements or understandings which guide or channel thinking in king of subordinates” By Koontz and O Donnell decision ma Policy is a means of encouraging discretion and intiative but within limits” By Koontz and Weihrch From the above definitions it is clear that policies are general guidelines to actions and they provide framework within which decision makers are expected to operate: Policies acting as principles provide rules of action for achieving organisations’s specific objectives. Features of policies: «They contribute to achievement of organizational objectives of decision * Policies are formulated through several steps during the process making * Policy can be interpreted from the behavior top management Policies provide guidelines to members of the organization for choosing a * Policies provide g' particular course of action . rea or y lecision makers are expected to » area or boundary within decision mal Policies restricts the area © y Seas el: the organization * Policies are framed by all managers at al levels in the OxEs a standing plan which describes a customary method ofa iia specific administrative directive prescribing the sequential peneartyiy tt ice " ty is to be initiated, carried forward and completed, magepeb EWS 2 ae pat y provide the framework for performing routine tasks in se FS aude arab so as to ensure little duplication of effort and a rational, quicl confusion. Procedures: A “procedure” jp 0} S2MSAI FO UOHLOTT ay puy op ee |, seanpa{qo pue s[eo$ wo, 3 ie Bs 1-80) °F JO uoneumayap ayy st £ 1 2Iseq ae Mo] e wo 794 UE Sodxa yusWaeur, O19 pareys are ytym mar WWII Aq apeur aq 0} aze uonezmuesx0 ax jo saseysind Auy (q) A10}91 ayp apisut Supjours jo uoyiqnyorg (8) :sajdurexg Ayeuad sjoenye uoqeyora sit pue prt pue ayruyap S64 uoyengis usar e ut auop aq 0} OU St Jey pu auOP aq O} st ey pay Pe ereu Aq eer uorsIap Jo arnjeu auy UT are sayy “UoHDe pue eal oe do, ®aRpanp aanduosaid v se pauyap St a[N4, Wa} ay], ‘ens jo Sunway syaom ypva 10f pemorfoy aq 0} aouanbas & ysqesse AOyL om aar3 ve Su_noaxa 10j aouanbas our ystqers? ACYL & x nbas aut Ystf x! 3 ve SuNNdEXe 10M 10 ysv} UAA! rE anbas aup saquasard Koy, * 5 peu eRU #9q 0} st uonoe aaynadas e ypTyM ur seu f j ; uonpe 0} apm’ v se pe AoUL :sammpaoord yo sarmyead ure ho On Sutunoyiad yo Aem paystqes? aoe MHL Sse) paywjas Jo sa}ia8 & S| AMPA A eP uaeq sey saarens wa) ayy szoradwios aug jo saroqod 1d jo pury jerads v st ABaens 13y 0) Auaus ax Suyjadusos ‘exouad AS wa} 9) Supfeads ATjerar] ‘sarong - 9 9 hii Pal Beng hey iff MANAGERIAL FUNCTIONS organizational resources efficiently specially designed device for de Part and economically, In other words strategie ling with busine words strategies are used as Ss contingencies Characteristics of strategies; The chief characteristics of strategies are as follow, They are formulated by top le vel managemi entrusted to lower level eae and the task of execution of strategies i 1 management me They are used as guidelines for handling specific problems right combin: required achieving the They determine the ‘ation of human resources and physical resources ‘oals of the organization They are formulated taking in environment. External e to account external environment and internal environment comprises opportunities and challenges whereas internal environment consists of organisation’s resources and capabilities Strategies have to be adjusted to the changed circums ances because they depend on both external and internal environment whicH are not static Strategies are action oriented and more specific than strategies = ORGANIZATION Definition and meaning of organization: The term o1 a ‘ion can be defined in two senses namely Organisation as a Process: In this first sense, organisation is treated as a dynamic process and a managerial activity which is essential for planning the utilization of company’s resources, plant an equipment materials, money and people to accomplish he various objectives. Experts like Koontz and O Donnell, Louis A Allen, Oliver Sheldon etc have defined in this sense Koontz and O’ Donnell : “Organisation involves grouping of ‘omplish goals and plans , the assignment of these and the provision for authority delegation and * According to activities necessary to acc activities to appropriate department co-ordination “Organisation is the process of identifying and ing is A. Allen, j : pr aaa be performed, defining and delegating responsibility oe srouping the work to be clegating re oh ee a 1 sstablishing relationship for the purpose of enabling people to worl authority, and esta Bf A c lishing objectives. -ffectively together in accomp! pe ges rneldon : “Organization is the process of combining the work According 10.00 Stems fh the facilities necessary for its ave to perform witl or E ae provide the best channels for the efficient ion of the enterprise efforts. which individuals or grou that the duties so pet tion, : eee nd co-ordinateapplicati systematic, positive @ astidiayua ayy 4q paun UH, -yoneZAuPBIO 2H pur LoHezregig AP °8%AG0 a150q Wp 0} paread a, W ed ay) jas pmnoys OU JO Jed Araag quaunred, 4 Pinoys ajoym e e aouangut ATdaa) Peustiqease San alag “uone: eet ened ay Aq paouanyur Pe aang cone “e810 241 30 soanoalgo ag sudiaqu Ue IOy SuMjas ga, . YoRemuno; 810 Jo 73140 “saanoof 3 asnedaq jequassa gs00108 UOHPSTUPRIC) “SAN D9/G9 21seq ure] ato Poquosaid °S\ Suturene ur jo} & 1499 saquosaid 4 ett saud “Tein 30 S14 age Area 2an29140 jo afdoung a : f PUN aq, « ‘SMOTIOJ Sv are uone My poppe quosaid ( 'd 2yQue vonestue810 J0 sapdiourad aro spyeue2i0 40 sardiund uy p, font) MOBEZTIEZIC Jo sardiouny fupea| 21 1S8uoUre uoN; Zuedio 30 soidiouud ureu ayy Hf Uo srajizM ray 810 Jo Aroayy, sty Ut “ot0a4 JO requmu 0} ary yolqns ay i nO Auur ‘appears ZS61)_woneztue: Ke oe ay 7 Palqns ayy uo sroyjne se Ayumueun ow st azayy NOILVSINVDYO 40 SU1dIONTad » ee pmo) © SuruTeNe 10; suosiod er neiado-09 jo uraysks e st Hoe r0ur > OM} JO sanANDe a, jadoad ayy Sunpqeus jo palqo >1UD AYN Jo spvo8 axp A WIM drysuoye; ye Ur AT@ANDayga ysoUr yz0Mm Tex Surystqeaso yen paussouod st 4] 9) AUOYINe pue Ay swweunsedap ayeridordd lassuodsaz sayeSajap pue souyop ap paursojiad aq 04 s: Tape jo Suid 8 pue Surdgnuapr ypim pausesU0D st 9] sdnoi3 2 OyUT sawoD amjonys 10 JO Siseq B SP PazaPISUOD st OM Jo UOISIAIq Poxugouroy oy 0} ut P2Plarp st 40m ayp uaym £qU0 oud} Pepemuei0 ayy asnesoq uonezne3 9201d uauta’ reur st 3u ueBIQ 10 UOHeSIeBIQ, « {SMOTIOJ se axe YSTYM UMoUy 2q Ue UOREZTESIO Beemer ayy syrodxo yuouraBeueur juaraysp Aq pooveidxe smata daoge ayy wory suosiad axow 10 oma Jo samtanoe BENEEOO womsks ev st ucnusne2io, ‘preureq | 231s) on anne yao) 348n03q, 0} Spaanpaye 4 Aun yom soy asodmd pauyap Apsvap> ssa] 40 a10Uu aUT0s O} 4 a n> sii0j39 Tenprarpur sray} yey) os uaWOM pur UAT Oo} be aa : z 0: 0} Suy a PWM fq suauraSuesre 01 srayar uoHesTUeSIO,, “HD HOOMON 0} Suypa haxe Pay hy eye ayy Joy UOHeDOSse 0 UAUTUTENR ayp 105 asodind uoururoo e JO “3 zrue810,, ‘Karey pue Aeuooy 0} Surpzo7y ezruesiO,, ‘AaTe sso in “Karey pue Lauooyn “pares Bay StU uoneznesi0 pauyap ancy TON a eee Pap, 8! SHOdx -saayoalqo ureys99 aseajar 0} Pa ; un, B21 30 w20 oxy st SuoHPyar yo ammyon.ys aI s Jo . ‘ (0 amnjon.ys aup 0} $19Ja1 UORLSTURBIO asues ovas a dnysuopefey Jo HOMaUET © SE wones!uesiQ *T Wrasvnyn zation ene ople mm MANAGERIAL FUNCTIONS + Principle of Specialization 7 Precise division of work facilitate: wo S ‘Pecialization. According to this principle division of ased on their ability, capability, tasks, knowledge alization 1 ization and specialization will lead to efficiency, work between the employees must be b, and interest. This will ensure sp peciz quality and elimination of w astage etc The Scalar Principle The principle is sometimes known as the ‘ch Reeve cer tie ar a ain command’. This principle implies there from the toy Hy fom the top to the bottom of the organization. Tt wing aboutthe super pee co aclicy wiatier Besa ‘8 aboutthe superior to whom he is accountable and to eyond his own authority must be referred for decision. thority facilitates the superior in kn The Principle of Authority Authority is the element o! organization structure. It is the tool by which a manag. e ironment for individual pe nator eee create an ¢ formance. A manager alone cannot perform al isk: assigned to him. 1 ts, the man: cae ation gee of Authority me jer to meet the tar ger should delegate authority. Delegation division of authority and powers downwards to the subordinate. Delegation is about entrusting someone else to do parts of your job. Delegation of authority can be defined as subdivision and sub-allocation of powers to the subordinates in order to achieve effective esults. There must be clear lines of authority running from the top to the bottom of the organisation. © The Principle of Unity of Command One subordinate should be kept in the supervision of one boss only. This principle avoids the possibility of conflicts in instructions and develops the feeling of personnel responsibility for the work. In other words a subordination has to receive instruction or and dual subordination results in delay, confusion, disorder and only from one superis indiscipline of subordinates. © The Principle Span of Control span of supervision’ or ‘levels ‘of organisation’, etc. The term sj rs to number of subordinates a : and control effectively. The span of control should be ber of subordinates that can be effectively It is also known as ‘span of management pan of management refe! superior can direct guide minimum because there is a limit to the num! supervised by a superior © The Principle of Definition ‘ arly defined. The duties, responsibilities, ion should be cle: , individual working on a particular authorities and organizational relationship of ar ell defined f Direction existence of organizati The contents of every positi position should be w * The Principle of the Unity 0 on is the attainment of certain The basic rationale for the very on sanjoaer Aroayy St amg ‘OnestUeS Io, JO Atoayy ANDa, rem ee yogewaunredap x0 Surdnox ae suonumy a oe Pore oste sr yr amyanuys , aegAUeP! YM watqord 5 03 uo, PAP soy [eH uassa Paraprsuoy 6S quawaseueUt jo suonouny py Atessaoau st sa ee PHN ey, suowne pms jokey Arua El D “sp nest MB Pamara yy Tuedio Surparype Joy PiImiq 4 ue saidound ‘uopy 2 amp a SIH Up 405 par auraau0D Apureu 5 P Turew sem dnosg S149] aanezado ye a ae 7 4 juoueseueUr HUES ‘swans a nop 3 MAJ pur jaaay di fa fs sk 0m 1 doy ayy ye { Ty Ai -1 TUT yoneutpso-09 pur Cee Sraneeue sey ae nat 9 ae _ 09 * 9 ua f Reino ee eftnoq ue © 218 30 Auam yD ae satn oxy fener et em SUPE ipsa ssuteq uewmy pue eogetiel ites ‘ou i I Pu® SUNPeu se uonesiieio pansy sane ee DMOTA SIBHLIM TeDISse] IM [RoISSepD ay ‘At09y4, uopyestuess0 jeotsseI5 -1 ‘NOLLVSINVDYO 40 SHRIOGHL = j9 PUR 480d Jo u 50} Supp u ururus wpia astadzayua atp Jo saanoolqo 9 wou a x apun ayy a[qeua pmoyspayemuios ud siyy :Aouaiuya doung, ee oe ee ss ye jo ajdouug, S210 aeur presino pur ‘Bioua “uonedde “oumipago Bulxonpe 18 papa am BpisquauiaarSe 103 oadsoz, se aumjdistp parapisuoo joAeg ‘ostadsaquo omy in aumpdiostp iad uequreur 0} yuaWeSeuEUT a4) qasanpe 0} pue Apuar: mpnys URE: 10 ayy jodsax ayy st 31 ‘aqdioutad sty 0} Surpsoo3y auydisiq jo adpung ayy + paaoons 0} pumog st 11 SanIAHDe azey[aM Jo aquiNU i SuoTe saioyjod soqey pumos sey uopestue8i0 ayy J] JUoUTA[a ueUMY Jo SuNpuEY yuo ue Jo amnyfey 10 ssa0Ins arp IeIp sayeoxput ajdioutsd sy, fiw spuadap Aya8ze] astads quawieyg ueuny jo ajdpuag ayy + eoueuy se [fom se peormpey dowd snp ‘santaype SumuSisse Rat s103>25 jo sadAy qe uo aouryeq Sunynd 04 sTTe P4udnor8 anyoayya 10g ‘aouryeq 10} pee St ze amponys uojestuedio Aree UT aoueeg jo adpung UL * yy zapun saanour euosied auour axe soapralgo astdiaiue doad ayy “wonestuesio eo uonestueaio OL jo adpuna ul * Py 4 4 pue agentes oy Bugnqynuo> al 1 caanzalgo Pu yo Aoeurasdns J %e1d pmoys suo pue yuesytus! Bysiapim o) apeur oq pious 4! MM Songnd apim uaat3 eq Plo afqo wonezuesiO é ee joy axp Jo voHray 709 24 PUES ee even -agnpaups aug 10d $2 157 PI ued ou PuE 2AOSN Nn pea agoalgo Noy 00> JO sayeynproey ay ‘atdoed 30 cai os 2857000 ‘soley “s2an0alat nds —_ << . h #912 pur sayragoe jeuoHoUNy OME MAWnaovNvW } MANAGERIAL FUNCTIONS. mao around four key pillars ‘ure and span of control. fain specialisation with a theory rests on the mplest compe int parts, the is part of the job. efficient. Various activities of components so that these may be repeating their work under he workers to improve their by this exercise. Gi) tional Process: mmand, delegation of authority, led scalar process because it ding to the degree of authority and tionship in the organisation. The into specialised parts or Structure us tasks, activities and people the classical theory is position. Each It is the framev in the organisation. The basic structur: fic task and authority is delegated for its accomplishment. tasks will be accomplished will determine the The classical writers emphasised line and staff assigned a spec hick iciency with ness of the organi Ss organis: (iv) Span of Control: ans the number of subordinates a manager can control, Classical different levels which can be effectively supervised by a proper control if the number of subordinates he other hand if the number is less then his The span of control me: thinkers specified numbers at annot exercise superior. A manager increases beyond a certain capacity and know ledge cannot gure, on # be fully utilised Appraisal of Classical Theory: vy suffers from some , trated only on line ticular structure is mo) restraints. Some ofits drawbacks are given as follows: and staff structures. They did not try to wre effective than others. The classical theor 1. Classical thinkers concen! find out the reasons if a pa 24 apouooar B2M}3q JOHFUOD W goamout 0} a7e4ad0 s1039e5 ye>13c [OypAsd -or9 HOM Je sBuroq ueumy, duo e st uoneanowy (p) Aue -ssas0ud x nos 0 SULA} Ut pajorpard HOM Je s101905 aq ued eyaq si 71 MOWAe Iq sty pur juapuad Pur si Sutaq ueuMpY (¢) jue Aq pamoye ore tog -uoHestur: FeO Ypea Daye 810 jeu Feunioy ayy unprm ysrxa suonesnrei0 Teunopuy (z) ued Supperayin snossumu jo ps Oduto9 ways4s pes est yes au98 ur uonestueBI0 ay, (1) MOJ[OJ se waar are Aoay) [eo1sse[>-00u yo suopisodord yeu SUE 1 10 kquapuadapur ysod asayy 3nq waa se aye} arm P [0M Jo u yp Jo yx9}U0D ay UT gmpe ajdoed fq p moweypq WeumYy pue psreyid ayy, “szyUN | | pmoweyaq ayy, Ue ISIATP “Zia Azoayy peoIssep > atp st A10ayp smu ut pamoTfoy ypeardde od PUNO} SmatA Aioayp sty A 0} sno8opeue 2q dnos8 jo ssapoid 05 3y poujeu TeoTUT]D Jo su pe ‘suzza) [eoruysa} pu passn20y sarpnys y Jo asneo [var pMeH ayy, ‘synsaz gua #2] “sajquzea Teo1oporsA 4 paraaoo: sa}21D0 B10 Jo si onou ‘qsod moys you prp saqqe! esnredx uepaur pure peo1ZojorsAyd uo [oissep ay 1 passn20j 1091, OFIESTULAIO [COISSEID-ON Z | “ue st uonesre 8x0 uiapout y “PS194~ sg a E sks pasop & g) Shesue83q -onstpeamm st waisAs pase! 1 uonestue: Surusojd uonestuesi0 : 1 50. Aypxeyduo> Bisse ay i ynyeu UeUT 4 om sneer YEwMHT ey AOUL gf), Buns yrou se sBureq ueUny ee pero wall J P°A0%1 jou pip sioqunp qer!sseid “708M 1 syseydure Ae 104 Pap Azoauh SELL ; cassanord Supfew-uoisPeP Us :SINGWASILYGACY MANAGERIAL FUNCTIONS Ea carries information for the functior lings of the people at work ea (8) Communication is necessan iS Necessary as i organisation and the fe : 3, Improvements over Classical Theory: Neo-classical theory offe: modifications and impro aspects such as. jents over classical theory in some (i) Flat tructure, Gi) Decentra Gi) @ ssical theory suggested flat ‘ication because of Is of management structure the wide from hierarch Decentralisa is close to flat structure e at the lower level. It (ii) Informal Organisation: mal and informal The or ns of top management for the n necessary to plug 1 and psychological needs ng resistance to change ication process. Both formal and cal Organisation Theory: Appraisal of Neo-classi of classical or ne the short sation theory. It introduced jsation and human behaviour approach in the study of t free from various shortcomings. Scott eory suffers from incompetency, a short- ng many facts of human behaviour studied by This theory tries to overc¢ the concept of informal organ organisational functioning. However, it observes that, “like classical theor sighted perspective and lack of integration amo it” is also 1 neo-classical ry is as follows: cory is based are a solution accept ism of this theo ons on which this the bility of finding phe smain criti sometimes not true. A thinking that 1, The assumpti able to all is not true. There are there is always a possi Is V YOHESHIERIO Jo addy fr9,; # 310 Jo B 3 = 8 apLAoad ou sao} R euoneztte8I0 30 Supueyssapum 'P #4Nq SutuonoUuny peuieSeueur a Br! "HEA © swUasoid yDeordde suraisfs y8nou; uang tyoeorddy fousSupu0g aimjonys a e sh \ 5 fur 2H 10 1ORUO> PUE UOBeDypRipe MON NP son ap pu USK a HPANP 305 surajsés-qns Teue8eueyy (a) ny Pur ‘e8ueyp peuoy 10 IM pauaouos surajsis-qns aande ‘s9]ox feuonuny xt idoad 8u PY (a1) soueuaqureyy (1m) Up Op ‘suORe|Y [euORMINSU pue 41 103 suz3ysAs-qns jo Tesod: ‘Wautsundord yo woysks-qns aanzoddng (1) P S108 2e4p >110m xp war pautrosuos wass-qns jeoruypoy Stue8io Jo suiaysés-qns anys paynuapr aay Ou ruone nyey pue zey 08 pur ‘sindur feuonestue3z0 ‘sindur 5 npuoD aq Aeur wraysés-qi M ued waysds e se uOHP: udde sry, iyoeorddy suroysdg PR ipeoidde suraysis :s0 09") os uo eu yewp asturaid ue vjep ypueasar | apowi Jo san 05 “NM Jo 0961 Aqrea ur p Se woneunoyur aayduose 78 Puno: ayy uo pasion) M Se] 3] -pasayns 1094) Bits 3 - p Goa uoyest wo py > u399q ui 0oN uoneoyrpour e AT q wont syews » sisissep ~ fo, MOREMS [Te ur ajqeortdde you are 5} acc conto cess eso oyqexms aq veD 27742 rd ‘A'Suonesnre310 ayp [Te 10F 3142 dse ety aq you sey Pad aranut 8 SAA ‘Azoauy ayy ut pesst-2stP U “dnoig snowea SuouTe $5212 ait ME saperey> ur jemnjonas oe wun sdnows Moy “MN resoyNvN MANAGERIAL FUNCTIONS may not be orga! made ns of te eff nctions. ently. For ganization n or getting the business, organ es. Althi netimes, s structures as v Organizational Structure Types 1 structures that can be observed in the modern ati types of orga Fo business organizations. ing are th ople management. Bureaucratic Structures it comes to Pp tructures maintal ,aucratic $ n strict hierarchies whe | Bureaucratic s\ There are three types of bure: tructures: Pre-bureaucratic structures , P zations lacks the standards. Usually ie ia of structures can be This type of organi amzonng [euopoung Aqensa, amjonas ayy Al ©) Pue paztenuas st a ff Mom, Wraovnvw

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