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Legacy Restored: Gabaldon Buildings of MCS undergoes Reconstruction

The Gabaldon Buildings are one of the very first buildings built in every public
elementary school and is still standing from the American period up until today in this present
time. Sadly, not all Gabaldon buildings are still standing proud today, some are dilapidated and
others are either abandoned or destroyed due to undurability because of old age. These
buildings have housed a lot of eager learners and are an important landmark and identity to a
Filipino classrooms and actions for its restoration is now on the run.

Manticao Central School is one of the oldest schools in the municipality. Established in
1925, the Gabaldon Building is one of the first buildings that were built when the school was
just starting to accept students. Up until now, it is still standing but unfortunately, it is not
durable due to the fading quality of the materials used in the building. The building is not just
some landmark being desire to just maintain the legacy of the grassroots of the school but
rather, it is of great necessity not only to the teachers but especially to the pupils of Manticao
Central School. Ever since the unstablity of the floors had begun, the Grade 6 pupils of MCS
have been suffering from transferring from classroom to classroom because sadly, there are no
other rooms available for them to have classes. Sometimes, they suffer the heat of the
scorching sun if they have classes on the open ground, or the dust from the cement on the
unfinished bandstand. The Gabaldon building is their only saving grace for them to have an
environment conducive for learning.

The Gabaldon building of the school is the very first landmark you’ll see when you enter
the school as if welcoming you to the place where a lot of children from the municipality have
gained their knowledge. For MCS, it is not just a simple landmark, but rather a necessity for
many pupils. Luckily, great thanks to the Gabaldon Restoration Project, the building is now
undergoing reconstruction. The teachers, personnel, and especially Grade 6 pupils of MCS are
now excited and thrilled to have their heritage building be brought back to life.

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