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The figure-eight knot or figure-of-eight

knot is a type of stopper knot. It is very

important in both sailing and rock climbing as a
method of stopping ropes from running out of
retaining devices.
The overhand knot is a stopper, especially
when used alone, and hence it is very secure,
to the point of jamming badly. It should be
used if the knot is intended to be permanent.
It is often used to prevent the end of a rope
from unraveling.

Square knot is bandages and packages to

joining two ropes together. A square knot
works best when pressed against something
The timber hitch is a knot used to attach
else and the ropes are of the same diameter.
a single length of rope to a cylindrical
It should not be used to hold a heavy load.
object. Secure while tension is
maintained, it is easily untied even after
heavy loading. The timber hitch is a very
old knot.

Bowline, knot forming a loop at the end

The Sheepshank Unreliable knot used to shorten a
of a rope, used for mooring boats,
length of rope. ... Form a Half Hitch in one standing
hoisting, hauling, and fastening one rope
end, drop it over the adjacent bight, and tighten it.
to another. It will not slip or jam, even
Form a Half Hitch in the other standing end, drop it
under strain, but can be easily loosened by
over its adjacent bight, and then tighten it too.
pushing with a finger.

Clove hitch is two successive half-

hitches around an object. It is most
effectively used as a crossing knot. It
can be used as a binding knot, but is
The taut-line hitch is an
not particularly secure in that role.
adjustable loop knot for use on
lines under tension. It is useful
when the length of a line will need
to be periodically adjusted in order
to maintain tension. It is made by
tying a rolling hitch around the
standing part after passing around
an anchor object.

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