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College of Teacher Education

and Human Sciences



Name: ________________________________________________ Date: ______________

Course and Major: ___________________________

I. Multiple Choice: Choose the most appropriate answer and shade the box with right letter.


1. There are certain traits common to average Filipinos which had been retained by them despite
Spanish or Americans colonization. Which of the following is not good character trait of the Filipino?
a. Hospitality c. Loyalty

b. Fatalism d. Close family ties

2. During pre-colonial period, the socio-political unit was the barangay, from the Malay term
balangay, meaning a boat. During colonial period, several forms of government were established in
the Philippines. Which among the following was not a form of government during colonial period?
a. Puppet c. Military
b. Democratic Republic d. Centralized colonial government

3. Which of the following is not a positive result of American colonization of the Philippines?
a. Colonial mentality c. Progress in education
b. Political Consciousness d. Individual freedom

4. Which of the following issues is not associated with the former President Gloria Arroyo’s
b. Fertilizer Scam d. Legal Holiday

5. The ancient Filipinos believed in the immortality of the soul and in life after death, their rituals
were based on belief in hierarchy of duty, the highest-ranking duty was called?
a. Bathalang Maykapal c. Bathala
b. Allah d. Batwala

6. The American promise of granting independence to the Filipinos after a transition period was
contained in the following legislation except
a. Jones Law c. Philippine Bill 1902
b. Hare-Hawes Cutting Law d. Tydings McDuffie Law

7. In the “Death March”, prisoners were forced to march from Bataan to this place.
a. Sta Maria, Bulacan c. Lipa, Batangas
b. Imus, Cavite d. San Fernando, Pampanga

8. The term used to refer to the Martial Law Regime is ____________.

a. New Country c. New Philippines

b. New Government d. New Society

9. The oldest University in the Philippines founded by Dominicans in 1611 is ______________.

a. Ateneo de Manila c. San Ignacio

b. San Juan de Letran d. Santo Tomas

10. “Man of Masses”. He promised to give the common justice.

a. Manuel Roxas c. Ramon Magsaysay

b. Elpidio Quirino d. Carlos Garcia
11. A charge imposed for purposed of regulation.

a. Tax c. Assessment
b. Penalty d. License
12. The power of taxation is primarily and exclusively excised by

a. President c. Supreme Court

b. Congress d. All of the Above

13. Economics is said to be the “queen of the Social Sciences.” Which of the following is the original
meaning of Economics?

a. Political economy c. Social Economics

b. Household Management d. Distribution of wealth

14. Economics deals with the utilization of resources. How do you describe these resources?

a. Abundant c. Human
b. Natural d. Scarce

15. Which of the following sciences does economics relate with if it tries to understand previous
economic policies?

a. Political Science c. History

b. Economic Study d. Economics
16. Which of the following are not beneficiaries of the CARP?

a. agricultural lessees and share tenants

b. seasonal farm workers
c. non-regular farm workers

17. Demand is the desire or need of human being to consume a good or avail of a service while
________ is the alternative quantities offered for sale of different prices.

a. Elasticity c. equilibrium
b. supply

18.The Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Law of 1988 is also known as _________.

a. Republic Act No. 6662 c. Republic Act No. 6657

b. Republic Act No. 6673 d. Republic Act No. 6654

19. These cooperatives provide vital service to the general public such as transportation, health and
housing service.

a. consumer cooperative c. credit cooperatives

b. service cooperatives
20. Fiscal deficit often occurs when _________.

a. Government spends less than it has collected in taxes

b. Government spends more than it has collected in taxes
c. Government spends equal what it has collected in taxes


21. It is everything which socially learned and shared by members of the society.

a. Nature c. Culture
b. Material Culture d. Folkway

22. Some people believe that individuals with fewer opportunities to achieve success goals will have
greater motivation to violate norms and higher rates of deviance. This belief is best expressed by:

a. Conflict theory c. Differential association theory

b. Sub-culture theory d. Anomie theory
23. it is a social system in which most relationships are personal or traditional. It is found in most
Philippine communities especially in the rural areas.

a. Gesseischaft c. Gemeinschaft
b. Primary group d. Caste system

24. A sociologist would be most interested in studying _________.

a. Artifacts of the past civilizations

b. Group behavior
c. Psychological problems
d. Economic situations

25. Development of self and adaptation of individual society.

a. Structural functionalism c. Symbolic interactionism

b. Conflict theory d. Disruptive functionalism

26. A cluster of behavior patterns related to the general culture of a society and yet distinguished
from it.
a. Sub-culture c. Norms
b. Culture shock d. Mores
27. The complex whole which includes knowledge, beliefs, arts, morals, laws customs and other
capabilities and habits acquired by man as member of the society.

a. Norm c. Culture
b. Folkways d. Mores

28. In most instances of participants observation, the researchers:

a. Hide their true identity

b. Do not hide their true identity
c. Pay their informants for information
d. Acts as therapists to the subject

29. Sociological and anthropological misused because it ____________.

a. Is hard to understand
b. Is often used selectively by groups or individuals to support certain motives
c. Is often ambiguous
d. Has few applicants

30. The most important symbols are __________.

a. Actions c. Actions
b. Words d. Behaviors


31. A branch of Philosophy that studies the morality of human actions.

a. Epistemology c. Ethics
b. Metaphysics d. Cosmology

32. What fallacy is committed when one uses threat in his argument.

a. Ad Hominem c. Ad Baculum
b. Ad Mesericordiam d. Ad Populum

33. Please, I should pass this LET exam sir, my mother is sick have mercy on us. What fallacy is

a. Ad Authoretatem c. Ad Mesericordiam
b. Hasty Generalization d. Ad Populum
34.A fallacious argument is ___________________.

a. Disturbing c. False
b. Valid d. Necessary

35. Ann is taller than Jill, and Kelly is shorter than Ann. Which of the following statements would be
most accurate?

a. Kelly is taller than Jill c. Kelly is tall as Jill

b. Kelly is shorter than Jill d. It’s impossible to tell

36.If Kentwood is closer to Marshall than Bershire, and Marshall is closer to Kentwood than Beshire,
then Beshire is closer to:

a. Kentwood c. It is impossible to know

b. Marshall

37. The ethical theory that holds that pleasure is the sole good and that live pleasantly without
suffering from any of the undesirable effects of such living is the sole purpose of live

a. Utilitarianism c. Platonism
b. Hedonism d. Cynicism

38. This philosophy is a way of viewing and thinking about life in the world so that priority is given to
individualism and subjectivity. It believes that human beings are the creator of their own essences

a. Existentialism c. Realism
b. Idealism d. Reconstructionism

39. If the statement “all teachers are role models”, which of the following statements is false?

a. Some non-role models are not teachers

b. No teacher is not a non-role model
c. Some role models are teachers
d. All teachers are not non-role models

40. What is the first word in 1987 Constitution?

a. I c. We

b. Filipinos d. Sovereign

Afraid Not. Trust Yourself.

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