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/agree /lol

/amaze /lost
/angry /love
/applaud /massage
/attacktarget /moan
/bark /mock
/bashful /moo
/beckon /moon
/beg /mourn
/bite /no
/bleed /nod
/blink /nosepick
/blush /oom
/boggle /chathelp List chat commands q Strafe left /openfire
/bored /ghelp List guild commands e Strafe Right /panic
/bounce /logout Log out of game w Forward /pat
/bow /peer
/burp /exit Quit game s Back
/bye /f Follow player a Turn left /plead
/cackle /inv Invite player to party d Turn right /point
/calm /poke
/ignore Ignore player x Sit / Stand
/charge /ponder
/cheer /unignore Un-ignore player [space] Jump /pounce
/chicken /played Display time played NumLock Auto-run /praise
/chuckle /pvp Enable player vs player /pray
/clap /purr
/cold /random Generate random number
/comfort /r Reply to last message /question
/commend /s Message people nearby tab Cycle through enemies /raise
/confused ctrl - tab Cycle through allies /rasp
/sit Sit
/congratulate /ready
/stand Stand f Target same as friend
/cough /rear
/cringe /who List online players v Show nameplates /roar
/cry /cast Cast spell t Attack target /rofl
/cuddle shift - t Pet attack target /salute
/curious /scared
/curtsey /scratch
/dance /sexy
/doh /ghelp List guild commands /shoo
/drink /ginfo Information about guild c Character panel /shrug
/drool /shy
/g Message all members p Spell book
/duck /sigh
/eat /o Message all officers i Abilities /silly
/excited /ginvite Invite member to guild n Talents /slap
/eye shift - i Pet book /sleep
/gremove Remove player from guild
/fart /smell
/gpromote Promote player shift - p Pets panel
/fear /smile
/flee /gdemote Demote player k Skills panel /smirk
/flex /gmotd Set message of the day l Quest log /snarl
/flirt /snicker
/gquit Leave guild o Social Panel
/flop /sniff
/followme /groster Show guild roster b Backpack /snub
/frown /gleader Set guild leader shift - b All bags /soothe
/gasp /sorry
/gdisband Disband guild
/gaze /spit
/giggle /stare
/glad /strong
/glare /assist Assist target /surprised
/gloat /chathelp List all chat commands /duel Challenge target to duel /surrender
/golfclap /chatlist List chat channels /yield Yield in duel /tap
/grin /taunt
/groan /chatwho List channel members
/grovel /join Join channel /thanks
/growl /w Send private message /thirsty
/guffaw /friend Add to friends list /threaten
/# Send message to channel #
/happy /tickle
/healme /p Send message to party /remfriend Remove from friends list /tired
/helpme /pass Change channel password /inspect Inspect target /train
/hi /afk Toggle "away" flag /target Change target /veto
/hug /victory
/dnd Toggle "do not disturb" /trade Trade with target
/hungry /violin
/incoming /ann Toggle announcements /volunteer
/insult /moderate Toggle channel moderation /wait
/introduce /wave
/mute Silence player
/jk /time Show game and server time /welcome
/kiss /unmute Un-silence player /whine
/bug Submit bug report
/kneel /kick Boot player from channel /whistle
/knuckles /suggest Submit suggestion /wink
/ban Ban player from channel
/liedown /work
/listen /unban Unban player from channel
Available free from /yawn

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