Intuitive Thinking: To Be An Intuitive

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Intuitive Thinking

Intuitive thinking is a feeling (a sense)

that doesn’t use rational processes
such as facts and data.

“Intuitive thinking combines the power

of your heart, mind and gut to form
natural healing system to create
Positive thinking”

Intuitive Thoughts

Intuitive thought is thinking that reflects

preschoolers' use of primitive reasoning
and their avid acquisition of knowledge
about the world. This is goes back to
Piaget theory. Intuitive thought accures
in the preoperational period. During the
intuitive thought children want to know
why. Intuitive thought starts at the age 4
and goes to about 7.

To be an Intuitive
An intuitive person is someone who senses things

about people and their surroundings and their

experiences that are not so evident to more “normal” people.

When their intuition is really strong we may call them psychic.

They may see things we don’t see. They may hear things the

rest of us don’t hear. At the very least they’ll feel or sense

those things. What they sense tells them more about whatever their attention is on.

Dream Empaths

Dream empaths regularly have vivid dreams that they remember, an experience that frequently starts in
childhood. If you're a dream empath you are attracted to the dream world and look forward to sleeping
each night. Dreams are such a powerful form of intuition because they bypass the ego and the linear mind
to offer clear intuitive information. They bring guidance about healing, spirituality and overcoming
difficult emotions (sometimes through the healing power of nightmares), telling you how to help yourself
and others.
Telepathic Empaths

Telepathic empaths can intuitively read what is happening with others in present time, even if a person's
thoughts and feelings are unexpressed. They receive images, impressions, flashes and knowings about
loved ones, co-workers, clients, even strangers.

Earth Empaths

Earth empaths are attuned to the earth and the changes in her body. Sensually and energetically, they can
feel the power of a thunderstorm, the loveliness of the moon and the warmth of the sun. If you are this
type of empath, what happens to the earth is intimately connected to your body. The beauty and health of
the earth nourishes and sustains you. The ocean and tides affect everyone, but especially you. You are
sensitive to changes in the weather and daylight. Earth empaths may be more prone to seasonal affective
disorder, becoming depressed in the winter, when the days are shorter and darker.

Precognitive Empaths

Precognitive empaths have premonitions about the future, either while they're awake or in their dreams.
They may receive these premonitions spontaneously or when they intentionally tune in—a skill that can
be developed with practice. You may receive premonitions about someone's health, relationships, career
or other issues. For instance, you might know if a friend will become ill, pass away, get married or be
accepted into college long before others do.

Emotional intuitive thinking. This has to do with your ability to immediately pick up on other
people’s personality traits or emotional states. You can see who they are, or how they are, without
them having to say anything.
Mental intuitive thinking. This is about finding an immediate answer to a problem, without
analyzing it. It’s very common in people with jobs that require quick decisions, like firefighters or
bomb technicians.
Psychic intuitive thinking. This means having the ability to choose the best path to overcome a
personal difficulty, without putting much mental effort into it. It also means being able to pick up on
social and work-related dynamics.
Spiritual intuitive thinking. This has to do with states of “enlightenment” or “revelations”. They’re
more of an experience than a fact. Buddhists talk about this kind of intuition more than anyone else,
which has given it a mystical quality.

 Be the best. There’s no guarantee you’ll be an intuitive savant, but this strategy is backed up by empirical
evidence. Pay attention to your first impulses when faced with a tough call.
 Use analysis to support your intuition. Imagine which actions your impulse suggests taking; then
anticipate what could conceivably go wrong.
 Put more energy into understanding the situation than into deliberating over what to do.
 Don’t confuse desire with intuition. Intensely wanting something to happen is not a reason to ignore
commonsense intuition.
 Override your intuition when it misleads you. Intuition is fallible. Your mind excels at holding onto
inaccurate beliefs and faulty biases. Try forming an alternate story to get unstuck from a stubborn mindset.
 Think ahead. Intuition helps us create expectations, connect the dots, flag inconsistencies and warn us of
potential problems. A “pre-mortem” discussion helps teams run through a strategy to see how it will play
out. In short, learn to foresee problems.
 Uncertainty adds excitement to decision-making. Intuition helps manage this emotion.
 Use the right decision-making strategy. There’s a time to rely on intuition and a time to analyze all of
the factors that go into a decision. If the issues are complicated and no one has good intuitions about the
situation, analysis makes more sense.
 Consult the experts. If you’re in unfamiliar territory, learn to trust the intuitions of experts with
experience. Experts will see cues you won’t notice and will introduce options you may never envision.
 Stay alert for intuition barriers. Red flags should go up when everyone is expected to follow specific
systems and procedures, regardless of the situation at hand. Understand when to question the data, and
find out how parameters are acquired. You should clarify each step of your organization’s standard
operating procedures to understand their purpose. Computers (or computer-like people) are no substitute
for human experience or astute pattern recognition.

Intuitive people rely heavily on their instincts,

traits of intuitive people: which are conveyed by that deep soft voice
within that many people tend to ignore.
1. Obedient to their inner However, intuitive people do not ignore this
voice but rather tend to listen to it, nurturing it
voices and developing a deep relationship and
simply ignore, mostly because their minds are
2. Attentive to their always alert and focused. This goes a long way in
boosting their intuition, as they are able to sense
feelings events earlier in time as compared to other
Intuition is called gut feeling for nothing – it people.
expresses itself through that distinct feeling in
your gut that you just cannot seem to ignore. 7. Appreciative of rest
Intuitive people do not ignore this gut feeling;
some tend to act upon it, averting great dangers As mentioned, an intuitive person tends to
just out of a “hunch.” appreciate some alone and quiet time – away
from friends, family, and work. To this end, they
Normally, a gut feeling will be complemented know when to work and when to take a rest and
with other signs such as sweaty palms, increased try their best to manage both worlds.
heartbeat rate, or wobbly legs.

8. Optimistic
3. Appreciative of some
Intuitive people do not ignore negative feelings,
quiet time but they do not get attached to them either. They
will observe these feelings, listening to them and
An intuitive person does not get bored by letting go of them with time so that they do not
solitude – intuitive people are in fact considered recur often.
introverts, as they tend to draw energy from
within and not from friends and society. Solitude This clears their minds, allowing them to think
and quiet makes it easier to connect with their better and connect with their inner-selves at a
inner voices on a deeper level, and a highly deeper level.
intuitive person will tend to look forward to
some alone time.

4. Self-awareness
9. Express creativity
In a bid to take the right path as guided by that
all-knowing inner voice, intuitive people tend to It is not the logical sense in art that captivates
be very observant of their thoughts, words, and people’s interest for years, but rather the illogical
even appearance, among other things. This, in aspects that most people cannot seem to explain.
turn, makes them very self-aware, leading them This comes as a result of the artistes listening to
to practice acts of mindfulness such as their inner voices, regardless of how illogical
meditation and yoga. their work may seem.

This way, they are able to clear their minds of The same applies for intuitive people – they tend
crowding thoughts and focus more on their to express their creativity, as it is what allows
inner-self. them to reach out to the people.

5. Empathizing 10. Attentive to the

An intuitive person is able to relate with other universe’s subtle messages
people’s feelings and experiences and offer them
the relevant support they need. Sometimes it may feel like the universe is talking
to you through different angles – a sentence in a
Mostly, an intuitive person will seem appealing book, a number, a phrase in a song, and virtually
and friendly to strangers, allowing them to open everything that seems peculiar. An intuitive
up and express their feelings and situations as person takes these massages in and gives them a
they feel they can trust that person. In other lot of though, trying to figure out what the
cases, highly intuitive people will easily notice universe is trying to say.
other people’s feelings and emotions just by
close observation, thanks to their skills in
bonding with their inner selves and the natural
aspects of humankind.

6. Observant of
An intuitive person will notice small and minute
things that most people consider unimportant or

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