- transformer-design هات الأكسيل PDF

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KVA= 1000 connection= Delta-Star  

Vp(line)= 11000 KV Type: Core type, Distribution
Vs(line)= 430 V
frequency= 50 Hz Tappings: 2.5% - 5%
phases= 3 Temperature rise: <=40 deg
%impedance= < 5%


Taking value of k, for k= 0.45

distribution transformers as:

Voltage per turn : Et= 14.2302495 V

therefore flux in core is: fm= 0.06

.06410022 Wb

Taking the flux density as: Bm = 1.6 W b/m^2

Thus the iron area required is: Ai= 0.04006264 m^2

Take stacking factor (for cold k s= 0.97

rolled grain oriented steel)

Gross iron Area available is: Ag= 0.04130169 m^2


Per phase primary: Voltage: V(H.V)ph= 11000 KV

Current: I(H.V)ph= 30.3030303 A
Per phasesecondary: Voltage: V(L.V)ph= 248.260616 KV
Current: I(L.V)ph= 1342.67504 A

Taking a 6 step core : k 1= 0.92

 Actual Taken
Diameter of circumscribing circle: d= 0.23908072 m 240 mm

a= 0.22951749 m 230 mm
b= 0.21158643 m 212 mm
c= 0.18528756 m 186 mm
d= 0.15085993 m 151 mm
e= 0.11117253 m 112 mm
f= 0.05977018 m 60 mm

Modified values of iron area: Ai '= 0.04037132 m^2

flux density: Bm'= 1.58776636

 Take Window space Factor as: Kw= 0.3
Selecting Current Density: d= 2.75 A/mm^2
W indow area required by Output Equation: Aw= 0.11357226 m^2

Selecting Height to Width Ratio as: Hw/Ww= 2.5

Window Height: Hw= 0.53285144 m @ 530 mm

Window Width: Ww= 0.21314057 m @ 215 mm

Distance Between Limbs; D= 455 mm

Taking the Yoke also to be 6 stepped:

Height of yoke: Hy= 230 mm
Depth Of Yoke: Dpth= 230 mm

Overall Height: H= 990 mm

Overall Width W= 1150 mm


 Actual 5% tap Integral value Taken

Total Primary turns Required= T(H.V)= 773.001206 811.6513 819
Total Secondary turns Required= T(L.V)= 17.4459778 18

 Area of conductors: H.V: ah= 11.0192837 mm^2

L.V: al= 488.245471 mm^2


Taking Stranded Conductors: Strands= 15

 Area per Strand is: a= 32.5496981 mm^2

Selecting a Double Helical Winding , Taking the distribution of each L.V Conductor as:
5 Vertical and 3 horizontal,(Rectangular Conductor) Fr om the Conductor Size data sheet:

Dimensions of each Strand is h= 6 mm

w= 5.5 mm
the per strand area is 32.1mm^2,thus
modified value of curr ent density: d'= 2.78852553 A/mm^2

Taking 0.25mm insulation all over h'= 6.5 mm

Dimension of each strand is: w'= 6 mm

Therefore Conductor Size is: Hc= 32.5 mm

Wc= 18 mm

Thus the L.V Winding comprises of 2 Layers Helicaly Positioned and,

 9 conductors per layer for a total of 18 conductors, taking 2mm for duct between the 2 layers:

Taking space between conductors for cooling a sp= 20 mm

Total Winding Height:= H= 452.5 mm

Total Winding Width:= W= 38 mm

Taking 5mm clearance for bakelite former between lv and the core:

inner diameter of L.V Winding: din= 250 mm

outer diameter of L.V Winding: dout= 326 mm
Length of mean turn is Lmt(h.v)= 904.7808 mm


The H.V Winding design is done using the cross over winding using rectangular conductors.
 A total of 819 turns are accomodated using 13 coils and 7 coils per layer.
Each coil consists of 9 horizontal winding turns.Thus total turns=7*13*9=819.

voltage per coil is: V/coil= 846.153846 V

the area of each conductor is 10.9mm^2

thus, modified value of current density: d'= 2.78009452 A/mm^2

Dimensions for each conductor h= 3.8 mm

w= 3 mm

including the 0.25mm insulation all over: h'= 4.3 mm

w'= 3.5 mm

Thus, Coil Height hc= 30.1 mm

coil width ; wc= 31.5 mm

using inter coil spacing of 5.5mm and inter layer(horizontal)spacing of 1mm

Winding Height= H= 457.3 mm

W= 39.5 mm

Taking the clearance between H.V and L.V as: a= 12 mm

inner diameter of H.V Winding: din= 350 mm

outer diameter of H.V Winding: dout= 429 mm

Length of mean turn is Lmt(h.v)= 1223.6532 mm



Resistivity of copper is= r= 0.021 W-mm^2/m

Resistance of: H.V: r(H.V)= 1.8026211 W

Resistance of: L.V: r(L.V)= 0.00070048 W

Equivalent Resistance refered to H.V: Req= 3.17782364 W

p.u value of resitance= Rp.u= 0.00875434


 Average mean turn is: Lmt(avg) 1064.217 mm

 Average Height of Winding: Lc= 454.9 mm

Ratio of Lmt/Lc is Ratio= 2.33945263

value of reactance is: X= 20.8789598 W

p.u value of reactance: Xp.u= 0.0575178

Net impedance is: Z= 20.9028936 W

p.u value of impedance is: Z(p.u)= 0.05758373


at 0.8 pf full load regulation is: Reg(p.u)= 0.04151415

at upf full load the regulation is: Reg(p.u)= 0.00875434



From the loss graph of the crgo grade 56 loss curves,

Loss per unit volume is Loss/vol= 1.42 W/kg

now total fluxpath length is: L= 4120 mm

volume of the iron parts: volume= 0.16632984 m^3

Taking density of grade 56 crgo is: s= 7650 kg/m^3

Total mass of the iron parts is: M= 1272.42324 kgs

thus total iron loss is: Pi= 1806.841 W

Total copper Losses is= Pc= 8754.3351 W

thus %full load at max efficiency is x= 0.45430591

and efficiency at 0.8pf is: h= 0.98697054

upf is: h= 0.9895492


Total iron losses= Pi= 1806.841 W

Thus the loss component of no load current is: Il= 0.05475276

now the mmf/meter for iron is: Ati/m= 110 AT

Total mmf required is Ati= 453.2 AT

taking atotal of 0.05mm air gap per joint

Total airgap length is: La/g= 0.3 mm

mmf required for the air gap is: Ata/g= 381.063927 AT

Total mmf Required is AT0= 834.263927 AT

the magnetizing current per phase is: Im= 0.25438239

thus the no load current is: I0= 0.26020812 0.858687 % of full load current.


Taking the basic clearances of: b= 50 mm

l= 80 mm
h= 300 mm

Width of the tank is= W= 1439 mm 1450 mm

L= 589 mm 600 mm
H= 1290 mm 1300 mm

thus total volume of tank is: V= 1.131 m^3

for calculation of copper volume:

volume of lv winding: V(lv)= 0.01555771 m^3
volume of hv winding: V(hv)= 0.02210328 m^3

Thus total copper volume is V= 0.11298295 m^3

total iron volume is V= 0.16632984 m^3

thus volume of oil in transformer V(oil)= 1.34667402 m^3

(including radiators is:)

Volume of conservator is taken . V(cons)= 0.1346674 m^3

as 10% of oil in tank and radiators
thus taking length to diameter ratio as: R= 2.5
D= 0.40933341 m
L= 1.02333352 m


Value of thermal coefficient at 75 deg c is C= 12.5 W/(m^2-degC)

Temperature rise limits specified: q= 40 degC

Total Watts dissipating from surface W/m^2= 500 W/m^2

for the requisite temperature rise is:

Surface Area of Tank is: St= 5.33 m^2

Total Watts that are dissipated

from the tank walls naturaly is= Diss= 2665 W

Thus the total watts required to be Rdwats= 7896.1761 W

dissipated by radiators is

Taking height of radiators as: Hrad= 1200 mm

thus the watts per section for this height
and temperature is: W/sectn= 167

thus no of section required is sections= 47.2824916

now the values of spacing constants are: c= 0.955

b= 0.93
d= 1

Modified value of no of sections required sections= 53.2370564 56

Thus we select 56 elliptical Radiator sections in total of 6 Radiators,with 7 sections per radiator.

Thus Radiator section dimensions are: h= 1200 mm

w= 300 mm
l= 25 mm

Horizontal distance between each Section is: 50 mm

vertical surface area of each radiator is: A= 0.00736588 m^2

Volume of each radiator= V= 0.00883905 m^3
Net Volume of all Radiators Vnet= 0.4949868 m^3

KVA= 25000 KVA connection= Star-Delta

Vp(line)= 33 KV type= power transformer  
Vs(line)= 6.9 KV temp= 75
frequency= 50 Hz tappings= 10.00%
phase= 3
transportation height=3.5m
load loss= 20 KW
no load loss= 110 KW
load loss capitalization= 1 lakh/KW
load loss capitalization= 5 lakh
Bmax= 1.7 tesla
current density= 3 A/mm2
width of conductor= 17<x<6 thickness of conductor= 4<x<1.5
ratio= 2>y>7 stacking factor= 0.9
specific loss= 1.2 KW/Kg
copper rate= 425 Rs./Kg
iron rate= 180 Rs./Kg


HV side voltage: Vhv= 19.05255888 KV

LV side voltage: Vlv= 6.9 KV

Current in HV & LV 

Current in HV: Iph(hv)= 437.3865676

current in LV: Iph(lv)= 1207.729469

Core area 

assuming diameter: D= 440 mm

core area: A= 136847.776 mm2

No. of turns in HV & LV 

HV no. of turns: N(hv)= 133.6009207 134

LV no.of turns N(lv)= 368.9042622 369

min.HV turns(90%): N(hv min)= 332.1 333

max. HV turns(110%) N(hv max) 405.9 406

H e ig h t o f c o r e s t r u c t u r e  

assuming height of core structure 2500 mm.

H= 2500 mm
height of core window: H(window) 1620 mm
height of winding: H(wdg)= 1470 mm

Design of HV winding 

using Disc winding.

assuming No. of turns/disc= 3
HV no.of turns: T(hv)= 369
No. of discs: Discs= 123 123
actual No. of discs: 128

width of HV conductor: w(hv)= 8.184375

assuming current density: 2.5
area of conductor: a(hv)= 174.954627
assuming thickness: 3.47

No. of parallel paths: paths= 6.160421642 6

Design of LV conductor 

area of conductor: a(lv)= 483.0917874

width of LV conuctor: w(lv)= 7.670149254
assuming thickness: 2.5

No. of parallel paths: paths= 25.19334482 26

Design of Tapping winding 

winding turns: T(tap)= 73

assuming no. of turns per discs: 3
No. of discs: Discs= 24.33333333 25
actual no. of discs: Discs= 28
ht of tapping winding: ht(tap)= 964.6875

C a lc u l a t i o n o f % Z  

width of air gap btwn core & LV: Tg= 15 mm

width of air gap btwn LV & HV: Tg1= 15 mm
width of air gap btwn HV & tap: Tg2= 10 mm

width of LV winding: T1= 78

Inner Dia for LV: ID(lv)= 470

mean dia of LV: D1= 587

width of HV winding: T2= 71.46

Inner Dia of HV: ID(hv)= 656

mean dia of HV: D2= 763.19

width of Tapping wdg T3= 23.82

Inner Dia of Tapping: ID(tap): 818.92

mean dia of Tapping: D3= 854.65

ID for air gap btwn HV-LV: 626

mean diameter Dg1= 661.73

ID for air gap btwn HV-Tap: 798.92

mean diameter: Dg2= 813.92

summation ATD: ATD= 45516.09745 mm2

Rogowski Factor: Kr= 0.964388269

Heq= 1524.282332 mm
152.4282332 cm

 Ampere turns: AT= 161395.6434

Volts/turns: V/T= 52.17758139

% impedance: %Z= 11.45326084 %

Width of core 

width of transformer: W(core)= 2536.76

Volume of core 

volume of 3 limbs: vlm(limb)= 738977990.3

volume of 2 yokes: vlm(yoke)= 736777185.3

total volume of core: total= 1475755176

Core loss 

Weight of core: wt= 11289.52709

No load loss: core loss= 18.06324335 KW

Copper loss 

mean dia of LV: d(lv)= 548 mm

mean dia of HV: d(hv)= 727.46 mm
mean dia of Tap: d(tap)= 842.74 mm

mean length turn LV: Lmt(lv)= 1721.592774

mean length turn HV: Lmt(hv)= 2285.382992
mean length turn Tap: Lmt(tap)= 2647.545793

area of conductor LV: a(lv)= 483.0917874 mm2

area of conductor HV: a(hv)= 174.954627 mm2

length of LV: l(lv)= 230693.4317 mm2

length of HV: l(hv)= 843306.324 mm2
length of Tap: l(tap)= 74131.2822 mm2

resistance LV: Rlv= 0.009550708

resistance HV: Rhv= 0.09640286
resistance Tap: Rtap= 0.008474344

Copper loss in LV: loss(lv)= 41.79228836 KW

Copper loss in HV(normal tap)= 56.94720892 KW

Total loss 

total loss: 116.8027406

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