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My weekly journal (self-evaluation)

 Day/Date : Wednesday, September 4, 2019

 Topic : First meeting, introduction
 What did you learn from the topic? : I learn more about
my friends in class, I can get know better about them, im
very glad that we have an very first introduction after 3 days
we’ve been study here. and I can find out more about my
friends that I have never heard before in the same class with
 What is the most interesting part while learning that
topic? : The interesting part is when one by one of my
friend telling us about his/her origins and I realize that in
my class we have a really much of different culture, I thougt
it was only 2-3 culture. in fact there was tolakinese,
butonese, bugisnese, munanese, from kaledupa, etc.
 Describe any difficulties which may appear during the
class going on? : I think the difficulties that may appear
during the class is, if I cant focus on what lecturer said Im
afraid that I might not understand, and I hear some of my
friends asking each other about what the lecturer said, and
second I think we still have a really bunch of difficulty for
the pronunciation.
 vocabularies :
1. diverse : beragam 6. grunt : mendengus
2. pronunciation : pengucapan 7. grief : kesedihan
3. hut : pondok 8. wit : akal
4. tended : menjaga 9. maiden : gadis
5. feast : pesta 10. shed : gudang

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