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Velocity-Based Training in Football

Article  in  Strength and conditioning journal · December 2015

DOI: 10.1519/SSC.0000000000000177


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3 authors, including:

Bryan Mann Patrick A. Ivey

University of Miami University of Missouri


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Velocity-Based Training
in Football
J. Bryan Mann, PhD, CSCS,1,2 Patrick A. Ivey, PhD,2 and Stephen P. Sayers, PhD1
Departments of 1Physical Therapy and 2Athletic Performance, University of Missouri, Columbia, Missouri

ABSTRACT various performance factors specific to only autoregulatory training method

American football. for the coach and practitioner. For
example, other methods, such as assign-
TO DISCUSS THE POTENTIAL WHAT IS VELOCITY-BASED ing loads based on rating of perceived
gulatory progressive resistance exercise
BE USED TO TRAIN VARIOUS PER- Ever since Delorme (5,6,39) pioneered
(APRE), have both been shown to be
FORMANCE FACTORS SPECIFIC the use of the term 1RM and used it to
effective in regulating loads. However,
TO AMERICAN FOOTBALL. THE design the earliest strength training
both the RPE and APRE methods
ADVANTAGES OF VBT ARE ITS regimens, the 1RM has served as
require the user to wait until a training
ABILITY TO IDENTIFY PROPER the gold standard to design training
set has been performed before any ad-
TRAINING LOADS WHEN DAY-TO- loads to achieve specific performance
justments can be made. Alternatively,
objectives. However, VBT is a training
DAY FLUCTUATIONS IN MUSCLE VBT can provide important quantitative
method used by coaches and practi-
PERFORMANCE OCCUR, THE information about performance before
tioners to determine the optimal load-
ABILITY TO ENHANCE SPECIFICITY the first set. There is a near-perfect linear
ing for strength training using the
OF TRAINING, AND THE ABILITY TO relationship between mean velocity and
velocity at which an athlete can move
PROVIDE IMMEDIATE FEEDBACK %1RM (22). That is, if an athlete is mov-
a load independent of 1RM. There are
TO IMPROVE MOTIVATION AND ing the bar much faster than usual dur-
a number of compelling reasons why
PERFORMANCE. USING VBT HAS ing the warm-up period, adjustments
coaches should consider implementing
RESULTED IN TANGIBLE IM- can be made in the form of larger in-
VBT in their training programs over
PROVEMENTS IN COLLEGIATE creases in warm-up loads and subse-
more traditional approaches. First,
FOOTBALL PLAYERS’ POWER quent training loads. Thus, VBT
VBT has distinct advantages over other
PRODUCTION, WHICH IS A KEY provides an advantage that other autor-
autoregulatory methods of training and
egulatory methods of training cannot
TO IMPROVING ON-FIELD VBT approaches are becoming widely
provide until further into the training
PERFORMANCE. available. Second, VBT can identify
set. In addition, the increasing availabil-
proper training loads when fluctuations
ity of different technologies to measure
in muscle performance occur as a result
or decades, the traditional the mean velocity of the lifting bar dur-

F approach to improve muscle per-

formance measures (e.g., muscle
strength and power) has been to train
of life stressors. Third, VBT helps iden-
tify optimal velocities and specific
loads at which to train to enhance
specificity of training. Fourth, VBT pro-
ing strength training is making VBT
a user-friendly and practical alternative
to existing methods. Linear position
at various percentages of the one repeti- transducers (e.g., Tendo [Slovak Repub-
vides immediate feedback that can play
tion maximum (1RM) and modify lic] and GymAware [Australia]) and
a role in motivation and improved per-
volume and frequency of training. How- accelerometer-based technologies (e.g.,
formance. The following section will
ever, more recently, the notion of using Push Strength [Toronto, Canada] and
discuss these benefits in more detail.
training velocity to achieve specific per- Bar Sensei [Boulder, CO, USA]) have
formance goals has been gaining popu- IMPROVEMENT OVER EXISTING not only made VBT easier to apply
larity in strength and conditioning AUTOREGULATORY METHODS for the practitioner but also provided
training facilities and in the scientific lit- VBT is a form of autoregulation of quantifiable data for the researcher
erature (9,10,13,19,28,33–35). The pur- training, where day-to-day fluctuations
pose of this paper is to discuss the in performance can be accounted for by KEY WORDS:
potential benefits of velocity-based train- adjusting the training load (18,22). stress; velocity; resistance
ing (VBT) compared with traditional ap- Although VBT has garnered much training; football
proaches and how it can be used to train recent attention, it is certainly not the

52 VOLUME 37 | NUMBER 6 | DECEMBER 2015 Copyright Ó National Strength and Conditioning Association
(3,9,10,12,15,17,27,28,34,38,40) offering 1 university responded to physical As an example, if an athlete with
new insights into the effect of different stress during the course of an entire a 1RM of 300 kg were to move 60%
training methods. spring semester. The spring semester of their 1RM at 0.8 m/s, they would be
consisted of 3 distinct training periods: moving 180 kg at 0.8 m/s. If, after sev-
FLUCTUATIONS IN MUSCLE  Weight room training under the eral months of training and adaptation,
PERFORMANCE BECAUSE OF LIFE supervision of a strength and condi- the external load that they could move
tioning coach. at 0.8 m/s was now 198 kg, the stability
VBT can also help identify proper  Weight room training under the between mean velocity and 1RM
training loads when fluctuations in per- supervision of strength and condi- (the velocity-load profile) would very
formance occur as a result of life stres- tioning coach plus winter condition- closely identify the athlete’s new 1RM
sors. Stress is a condition with specific at 330 kg because the relationship
ing conducted independently by the
outcomes from nonspecific inputs. between a mean velocity of 0.8 m/s
football coaches.
When stress is encountered, the adrenal  Weight room training plus spring and 1RM is 60% of their 1RM (10).
cortex responds by producing glucocor-
practice, followed by subsequent A critical component of VBT is that
ticoids, the adrenal glands secrete epi-
additional weight room training. training at a mean velocity rather than
nephrine, and the pancreas decreases
Over the course of the semester, ath- at a %1RM will allow the athlete to use
insulin production (36). These events
letes saw initial improvements in the appropriate load for a given day.
occur in a similar manner whether one
strength, power, speed, and the stress Because the onset of individual stressors
is experiencing life stress or the physical
hormone profile during the first train- (e.g., sports stress, life stress, and social
stress encountered through resistance
ing period that occurred only in the stress) will result in day-to-day fluctua-
training, conditioning, or sport skill
weight room. However, as additional tions in the ability to move external re-
acquisition (20). Life stressors that an
physical conditioning stress was added sistances (8), the athlete and coach must
athlete encounters not only affect onset
(during the second training period), rethink the notion of the 1RM as being
of injury but also affect training for sport
there was a significant regression in a consistent nonvarying value. Jova-
(1,29). Petrie (30) showed that increases
performance, with muscle strength, novic and Flanagan (17) showed that
in life stress increased the incidence of
injury 3-fold in some athletes. This is put power, and hormonal responses falling the 1RM estimated using the velocity-
into better context when one takes into below baseline (24). Moreover, these load profile from Gonzalez-Badillo and
account the imbalance of “life” hours measures did not return to baseline Sanchez-Medina (10) ranged from
versus “training” hours for a collegiate until the end of the semester. The re- 618% compared with a previously es-
athlete. For example, football players searchers (24) hypothesized that this tablished 1RM. Thus, the athlete who is
typically may train 2–3 h/wk during was because of improper loading, prescribed a load of 70% of 1RM for
the in-season period and up to 8 h/wk which was the result of combining training may in actuality be lifting in
during the off-season period, as the conditioning and strength training a range of 52%–88% of 1RM. However,
mandated by the National Collegiate phases, resulting in an excessive total if the athlete was using VBT to account
Athletics Association (NCAA) (26). Fur- training load. In effect, this may have for the daily variability in 1RM, he or
thermore, football players may practice resulted in the occurrence of nonfunc- she would be training at the appropriate
up to 20 h/wk during the in-season tional overreaching (24), where too load for that training session. By using
period (inclusive of weight training many stressors imposed upon the ath- velocity, the strength and conditioning
and sports practice). To better under- lete did not allow sufficient recovery, coach is no longer relying on what may
stand how athletes adapt to and recover which led to the onset of overtraining/ be an erroneous 1RM value from the
from stress, strength and conditioning overreaching in some athletes. previous training cycle but is instead
coaches should be aware that football using a 1RM that is appropriate based
Whether from accumulation of life
players experience life stressors through- on the physiological condition of the
stressors or physical stressors results
out the 168 hours in a week, not only the athlete on a particular day. These find-
in a decrement in performance, VBT
8–20 hours of training and practicing. ings are congruent with the recommen-
is an option for the strength and con-
Also, researchers have recently shown dation by Mann (19) on determining
ditioning coach to select the proper
that during times of high academic stress the proper training loads in athletes.
loads in an attempt to prevent non-
and low physical stress (i.e., in-season functional overreaching. Izquierdo
examination weeks), division 1 collegiate et al. (13) demonstrated that mean SPECIFICITY OF TRAINING
football players sustained the same num- velocity is a very stable metric and that Another benefit of VBT is that training
ber of injuries as times of high physical there is a high positive correlation at optimal velocities and specific loads
stress and low academic stress (i.e., train- between the mean velocity of the bar- can maximize training specificity, the
ing camp) (20). bell and %1RM. Although the 1RM utilization of the appropriate energy
Recently, Moore and Fry (24) exam- may fluctuate over time, the %1RM systems, and training demands to
ined how a football team at a Division and mean velocity remain quite stable. increase the likelihood of a positive

Strength and Conditioning Journal | 53

VBT in Football

adaptation. The specific adaptations to have shown that lower-body move- a player coming out of the stance at
imposed demands principle (25) gov- ments, such as the back squat, tend to the line of scrimmage. Work done by
erns training in general. The strength have a 100% 1RM moving at a velocity Jacobson et al. (14) and Mann and
and conditioning coach must know of approximately 0.3 m/s. Conversely, Jacobson (21) found that football play-
exactly what training outcomes are upper-body movements, which have ers typically explode out of their stance
desired and design the training pro- a shorter range of motion, tend to have at a mean velocity of 1.09 m/s, which is
gram to elicit those outcomes/adapta- a 100% 1RM moving at a velocity of in the speed-strength zone. The term
tions (25). For instance, if an athlete approximately 0.15 m/s. This is most speed-strength was again coined by
desires to improve his 40-yard dash likely because of the difference in ampli- Roman (32) and later supported by
time, the strength and conditioning tude or range of motion that the athlete Jandacka and Beremlijski (15) and
coach would not focus on exercises must go through to complete the move- Jidovtseff et al. (16), who called it
to improve endurance but would target ment (13). Because most athletes have “average velocity-load.” To maximize
exercises that produce maximal power longer legs than arms, a higher velocity speed-strength, a mean velocity of
for time periods of less than 10 seconds is required to complete the range of 1.0–1.5 m/s is required during the exer-
to bring about the desired outcome. motion for the lower-body exercises cise; however, where the required
Specificity of training is of particular compared with upper-body exercises. velocity falls within that range is
importance in the training of the foot- By using these average velocities instead dependent upon the amplitude of
ball athlete. Although football-specific of the 1RM, the coach knows the ath- motion. Squats and bench press exer-
factors can be trained with most exer- lete is moving the appropriate load on cises with smaller amplitudes of
cises, the success of this training will a given day to maximize absolute motion fall into a range more typically
depend on the load and mean velocity strength. found between 1.0 and 1.3 m/s,
of movement. At any submaximal per- Strength-speed can be described as whereas a lift, such as a hang clean with
centage of 1RM, an athlete can con- moving a moderately heavy load at a greater amplitude of motion, has
sciously move the barbell at either a moderate velocity and was first a mean velocity of 1.45 m/s.
a faster or a slower velocity. Although described by Roman in Training of the Starting-strength is the ability to over-
2 athletes may be assigned a similar Weightlifter (32). The advantage of having come inertia rapidly and is developed
exercise (e.g., squat or bench press) with strength-speed to the football player is by using extremely light loads moved
regard to sets, repetitions, and %1RM, exemplified in positions played at the line at extremely high velocities (2). For
the manner in which they move the of scrimmage. Linemen, for example, are the football player, starting-strength is
barbell will result in very different out- attempting to accelerate against an exter- important to a position player such as
comes. If athlete A moves the bar slowly nal load of their opponent and the op- a receiver who needs to be able to rap-
and easily at a given intensity, the adap- ponent’s inertia and must do so rapidly idly overcome inertia on their first
tation may resemble muscle hypertro- to move the mass of their opponent step to achieve high-velocity move-
phy and increases in muscle strength. out of the way. The mean velocity of ments off the line (2). Researchers have
If athlete B moves the bar as fast as 0.75–1.0 m/s presented by Roman (32) shown that the mean velocity to
possible at the same relative intensity, and later corroborated by Jandacka and improve starting-strength ranges from
improvements in muscle strength and Beremlijski (15) and Jidovtseff et al. (16) 1.3 to 1.8 m/s and higher depending
power will be much greater; however, represents the optimal velocity at which on the amplitude of motion (2). For
the adaptations of hypertrophy are not to maximize this trait. Although different smaller amplitude exercises, such as
well known (28). Thus, controlling the terms, such as “load-velocity” (15,16,32), a squat or bench press, a mean velocity
velocity of load allows the coach to “dynamic strength,” and “dynamic of 1.3 m/s would be used, whereas lifts
develop the desired training outcome. effort” (37), have been used to describe with much greater amplitude of motion
In the following paragraphs, we will strength-speed (15,16,32), Roman’s pio- (e.g., a minimal-loaded squat jump) may
describe how specificity of training neering nomenclature is what is typically require a mean velocity of 1.8 m/s.
using velocity can maximize the factors used to describe this trait. It should also Through observation, experience, and
most applicable to football: absolute be clarified that nomenclature used by existing research, the authors believe
strength, strength-speed, speed-strength, Siff (37) (i.e., dynamic effort method) is that many coaches employ loads that
and starting-strength. simply a method to develop the trait of are either too heavy or bar velocities
Absolute strength is easily monitored strength-speed. that are too slow to maximize training
using mean velocity because mean Speed-strength can be described as effects. When the velocity of athletes
velocity and %1RM are directly related moving a lighter load at high velocity performing hang cleans was measured
(16). Using mean velocity, the coach and is a means to improve explosive by attaching the tether of a linear posi-
knows that the athlete is moving the strength (37). The advantage of having tion transducer to the bar, the authors
appropriate load for absolute strength speed-strength to the football player is found the mean velocity of the bar was
training on a given day. Researchers exemplified in the explosiveness of between 0.6 and 0.8 m/s, far below the


recommended 1.4 m/s velocity for this producing greater improvements in matters. In exercises, such as the bench
lift (19). In subsequent semesters of power (36). press, the lifter will actually spend only
training, athletes were required to meet 34% of the time in acceleration and
the additional stipulation that the move- VELOCITY-BASED TRAINING IN 66% of the time in deceleration (2).
ment be completed at or above the PRACTICE When considering the range of average
required velocity. Once this minimum Since 2004, the authors have been ex- velocities for a particular training task
velocity for the hang clean was perimenting with VBT to find the most (e.g., 0.75–1.0 m/s), either an ascend-
achieved, a strong relationship between effective and efficient method of imple- ing or a descending order is applied
the lift and vertical jump was observed. mentation. It is currently being used in depending on the goal(s) of that train-
the determination of loads for in-season ing period. For example, if the primary
dynamic effort and also for Olympic- goal of the training cycle is improve-
IMPROVING RESULTS BECAUSE style weightlifting. VBT is implemented ment in strength, then the order would
OF IMMEDIATE FEEDBACK only after initial training levels to be from fastest velocity (lightest load)
Another important benefit to VBT is improve technique and absolute strength to slowest velocity (heaviest load). If
the immediate feedback that is pro- have been reached by the individual ath- the primary goal of the training cycle
vided to the athlete. It is the authors’ lete. After these initial levels have been is improvement in power, then the
experience that athlete’s motivation is met and a high level of trust has been order would be from slowest to fastest
enhanced when presented with a num- established between the athlete and velocity. A typical 3-week cycle for an
ber that quantifies performance. Imme- coach, VBT will be introduced. Trust athlete wanting to improve strength or
diately after the repetition, the athlete between coach and athlete is paramount power during this cycle of training is
knows whether the repetition met because a high level of autonomy is outlined in the Table.
objective criteria for improved perfor- required of the athlete in the selection
mance. With this knowledge, the ath- Regardless of the cycle, the athlete is
of loads necessary to maximize their per- given an initial “starting weight” from
lete will also often attempt to increase formance. Trust helps ensure that ath-
the velocity of each subsequent repeti- where he or she will begin the session.
letes will consistently give their best The load will then be adjusted accord-
tion to best their previous performance. effort, which is essential to maximizing
Immediate knowledge of results also ingly to ensure that the athlete is able
the beneficial effect of this type of train- to maintain the given velocity. For
enables athletes to compete against ing. Allowing the athletes the autonomy
each other, attempting to outperform dynamic effort, the initial loads are usu-
to self-select loads, with some guidelines, ally in the 40%–50% range. Although
each other by velocity or weight. has been shown to be an effective way to
When the athlete has a benchmark the athlete is often able to use signifi-
increase strength and performance (24). cantly heavier loads on the initial set
with which to compare himself to his
own past performance and that of his For the dynamic effort method, which (e.g., up to 65–75% of 1RM), it is critical,
teammates, the authors have found is developing strength-speed (37), given the possible presence of life stres-
that this provides compelling motiva- mean velocity is determined and used sors, that the athlete is able to provide
tion for maximal improvement during because it is considered to be the most a load that will maximize the athlete’s
every training session. stable metric (10). The mean velocity is confidence. After the initial starting
more stable for non-Olympic lifts weight, adjustments will be made for
Our observations are supported by because the entirety of the movement each and every set. If the velocity of
Randell et al. (31), who studied 2 groups
of athletes participating in jump squats,
one of which received velocity feedback Table
at each session while the other received Two examples of 3-week waves using velocity for in-season training
no feedback at all. The velocity feed-
back group significantly improved their Week Sets/repetitions Velocity, m/s
jumping and sprinting ability over the Cycle for power
nonfeedback group. The authors con-
cluded that the improvements seen in Week 1 633 0.75
the feedback group were a result of Week 2 633 0.85
a higher total power accumulation over
the course of each set and workout, Week 3 633 0.95
suggesting that velocity feedback from Cycle for strength
the previous repetition caused the sub-
Week 1 633 0.95
jects to try to beat their previous repe-
titions in terms of speed or power. Week 2 633 0.85
By consistently achieving higher
Week 3 633 0.75
power values, the body will adapt by

Strength and Conditioning Journal | 55

VBT in Football

the preceding set was faster than the for some. Although prices have drop-
Dr. Bryan Mann
range of velocities required for the par- ped in recent years, the cost may
is the Assistant
ticular trait (i.e., absolute strength, approach $400 for accelerometer-
Director of
strength-speed, etc.), then the load will based units, whereas linear position
Strength and
need to be increased. If the velocity of transducers may exceed $1,800. Sec-
Conditioning and
the preceding set was below the range ond, VBT requires the coach to relin-
an Assistant
of velocities required, then the load will quish some control in the weight room.
Professor in the
be decreased. As previously described, VBT requires
Department of Physical Therapy at the
As opposed to the traditional lifts an element of trust between coach and
University of Missouri.
described earlier (e.g., squats, bench athlete. The coach must trust that the
press), which use mean velocity, athlete can make proper decisions
Olympic-style lifts use peak velocity to regarding load selection and that the Dr. Pat Ivey is
determine load. Because Olympic-style athlete is giving their maximal effort the associate ath-
lifts are ballistic exercises, the entirety of on each set of exercises. Although this letic director for
the movement is not as critical for eval- may be difficult for some coaches, athletic perfor-
uation of the lift. Harbili and Alptekin increased autonomy for the athlete mance at the
(11) found that the peak velocity occurs may actually increase effort and results University of
at the top of the second pull of the clean (22). Third, tracking of the data may Missouri.
or snatch when the movement is done prove complex and/or time consuming.
properly. Thus, peak velocity helps Some units will collect the data for the
define the critical moment of the move- user after some up-front data entry, sav-
ment and thus is a clearer determinant ing this information onto a web-based
server. Other units, however, do not Dr. Stephen P.
of the success of the lift. The actual
have this feature, and the coach must Sayers is an
velocity of Olympic-style weightlifting
manually record any data that they associate professor
movements will be predetermined with
would like to keep or analyze. in the department
a range. If an athlete’s peak velocity is
of physical ther-
too low, load will need to be reduced. If PRACTICAL APPLICATION AND apy at the Uni-
peak velocity is too high, then load will SUMMARY versity of
need to be increased. For the coach and practitioner, VBT Missouri.
The implementation of VBT allows the offers a novel and unique way to max-
staff to monitor and use the appropri- imize performance in the athlete. By
ate loads for the athlete for any given training within the range of the various
day. This is especially effective in sea- velocity profiles, the practitioner can
son, where different athletes are receiv- ensure that they are getting the best
ing varying amounts of playing and from their athlete on each training
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