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Feeling gratitude and expressing it is like wrapping a gift and giving it. This research
becomes a reality because of the heart whelming support and help of many individuals. The
researchers would like to grab the opportunity to sincerely thank them all.

First we would like to thank our Lord God for giving us wisdom, diligence and good health
in order to finish our research. To our family who serve us our inspiration and they are the one
who supports us all throughout our research by being our energizers. To our research subject
adviser Teacher Sheila Pingul Ong who teach us how to make a correct research. We would also
like to express our great gratitude to our research advisor Teacher Ivy Magbanua for imparting
her knowledge in this study and for her guidance throughout in completion of our study.

Last but not the least my thanks and appreciation to the people who willingly help us and
cooperates in the data that we need for our studies.

Online gaming comes from today’s latest technology. People can easily access the

online world because of modern gadgets like personal computers, laptops, and smartphones. This

study helps the Grade 12 students, their parents and also the teachers of ICS to be aware of the

relationship of online games on student’s academic performance. The general objective of this

study is to identify the relationship of different online games on the academic performances of

the Grade 12 students of ICS. Specifically, the study aims to know how often the grade 12

students of ICS play online games and to determine the relationship of online games to the

students’ academic performances in terms of their grades. This study determined the relationship

of online game on Grade 12 students’ academic performance by computing their grades and the

frequency of playing the different kinds of OL games.

In the research it was found out that 38 out of 42 students play OL games and only 4

students don’t. It was found that the student who plays OL games with higher frequency also

have higher grades as well as to those student that doesn’t play OL games.

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