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Padilla, Patrick Lanz R.



Reflection Paper

Akira Kurosawa's Dreams

Dreams is a vivid cautionary allegory about the fate of mankind and the planet. The two-
hour feature involves eight separate dream sequences from director Kurosawa. One
dream from his childhood, another from adolescence and the remaining six is from his
adult life. The first dream is about “Sunshine Through the Rain” that has a Japanese boy
threatened by his mother not to leave the family house. Next is “The Peach Orchard“ in
this dream there’s some ecological emerges. Third “The Blizzard“ this dream symbolizes
the path of life filled by pains. Fourth dream “The Tunnel”, it talks about the sense of guilt
felt by those who survived and the awareness of death. The soldier who follow the
commander do not know and do not believe that they are dead. Fifth “Crows” that draws
a parallel between Vincent Van Gogh's view of painting and Kurosawa's view of cinematic
art. Both artist often use nature not just aa a background but as a protagonist. The Sixth
and Seventh dream is interrelated “Mount Fuji in Red” and “The Weeping Demon” nuclear
meltdown threatens the devastation of Japan and a portrait of a post-nuclear world
populated by human mutations. And last dream “The Village of the Watermills” it also
has ecological message and sunny portrait of a village whose population is living
peacefully and in harmony with nature.

The film entitled Akira Kurosawa's Dreams was a kind of eye and mind opener film to all
the viewers and requires to have a deep thoughts to be able to align ourselves on the
hidden messages of the film and that thing or idea made the film convincing and
interesting. I'll treat this film as life's treasure in a way that it always reminding us to care
for the things we have in the present.

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