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Lecturer :
Prof. H. Hamdan Juhannis, M.A., Ph.D

Lecturer Assistant :
Asriaman, S.Pd,

Compilled by
Sitti Juheria


The Best Exersices Compilation

COVER .............................................................................................................................................. 1
ACTIVITY 1 ..................................................................................................................................... 3
17 oktober 2018 .............................................................................................................................. 3
ACTIVITY 2 ..................................................................................................................................... 4
24 oktober 2018 .............................................................................................................................. 4
ACTIVITY 3 ..................................................................................................................................... 5
31 oktober 2018 .............................................................................................................................. 5
ACTIVITY 4 ..................................................................................................................................... 6
7 November 2018 ........................................................................................................................... 6
ACTIVITY 5 ..................................................................................................................................... 7
14 November 2018 ......................................................................................................................... 7
ACTIVITY 6 ..................................................................................................................................... 8
28 November 2018 ......................................................................................................................... 8
ACTIVITY 7 ..................................................................................................................................... 9
9 December 2018 ............................................................................................................................ 9
CONCLUSION ............................................................................................................................... 10
The first meeting ........................................................................................................................... 10
The second meeting ...................................................................................................................... 11
Chapter 1................................................................................................................................... 11
Chapter 2................................................................................................................................... 12
The third meeting.......................................................................................................................... 12
Chapter 3................................................................................................................................... 12
Chapter 4................................................................................................................................... 13
The fourth meeting ....................................................................................................................... 13
Chapter 5................................................................................................................................... 13
The fifth meeting .......................................................................................................................... 14
Conclusion 7 ............................................................................................................................. 14
Conclusion 8 ............................................................................................................................. 14
The sixth meeting ......................................................................................................................... 15
Conclusion 9 ............................................................................................................................. 15

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Conclusion 10 ........................................................................................................................... 15
The seventh meeting ..................................................................................................................... 15
Conclusion 11 ........................................................................................................................... 15
VOCABULAY ................................................................................................................................ 15

17 oktober 2018
In earlier this morning I woke up at 5:00 am I cleaned the bed, I continued to take ablution
and Morning Prayer after I finished praying I cleaned my book, then breakfast after breakfast

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I took a shower getting ready to go to campus at 8:00 a.m. I was sent by my uncle to campus,
arrived at the campus I approached my friend and invited to talk about the lessons to be
learned suddenly the lecturer came and the lecturer was also just entering the lecturer in
speaking. we introduce ourselves one by one because we have not known each other after
that the lecturer discussed the lecture and the assignments that will be given from those
delivered in speaking courses finally ended and continued with the shopia for vocabulary
lessons, suddenly my chief told me that she was not present because he had an obstacle that
ended the course today, my friend invited me to the mosque to pray, we went to the mosque,
after we went to the cafeteria for lunch after lunch we hurried to go home when I arrived at
my house changing clothes and sleep. After waking up I helped my aunt lift clothes to dry,
then I folded clothes and finished that I prayed and took a shower. then take a shower then I
watch TV with my aunt and I also play cellphone arrived adhan magrib and I went to accuse
to pray, finished praying I also read books or not I wrote a resume course grammar finished
writing grammar I took accusations and prayers finished my prayer was sleeping

24 oktober 2018
Earlier this morning I woke up at 5:00 am I cleaned the bed further I took ablution and prayed
at dawn after finishing my prayer I cleaned my book, I breakfasted after breakfast I showered

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getting ready to go to campus at 8:00 am I prepare to campus arrived on campus and not yet
sitting too I was invited down with my friend to accompany him to buy bread already bought
bread we went upstairs arrived at the top I sat while playing hand phone suddenly sir Maman
entered and we started learning the speaker subject here we were told answering one word
starts from me, i also don't know what so i stand next to my friend also don't know if he also
stand a long time later we know i with my friend also answer and finally we sit start is lesson
that is will learn the story fight against advanced destiny and chapter 1-2 we will prepare
questions for them and starting from me again I ask which is when professor Hamdan to
Makassar and my friend answered the lesson will end which will be continued by the
vocabulary namely mam shofia here we are mid semester and the rules of the bench from
the mother and begin to walk midway and I will finish working too and I am out of room I
go home because I feel unwell at home I changed clothes rushed to take accusations and
prayers finished praying I had lunch finished eating I watched television while playing
mobile until 04.00 pm adzar prayer time I took the accusation continued prayers finished
prayer I cleaned the house after cleaning the house I folded clothes finished everything I
after bathing I watched TV stories with my aunt arrived at sunset we went to prayer, after
prayer there was a task for tomorrow which is my resume working while watching or not
playing mobile at 10:30 pm I took accusations and prayed after my prayers sleep too.

31 oktober 2018
Earlier this morning I woke up at 5:00 am I cleaned the bed further I took ablution and prayed
at dawn after I finished praying I cleaned my book, I breakfasted after breakfast I showered

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getting ready to go to campus at 8:30 am I prepared the campus here I was late up to the top
of my brother, there are already lessons, I started here, it's too late, but for me to enter, in my
class I was asked questions, namely vocabulary, airport vocabulary, said meaning nouns
from the airport after this start lesson chapter 3-4 my friend told me in we prepare the
question I get it from home who is the answer my response is responded to by the material
presenting above after the learning ends, the shofia mother's vocabulary is spread, the mam
shofia gave instruction our prepare 5 sentences which will be corrected, my mother is also
checked by the mother at our grades went home, arrived at my house changing clothes and
prayers s I finished all my nap woke up I adzar pray if there is no work I watch if I feel bored
I also take a shower after this I watch tv stories with my aunt arrived the evening sunset we
go to prayer, after prayer there is a task for tomorrow, my resume is working while watching
or not playing mobile at 10:30 pm I take accusations and pray after prayer I go to sleep.

7 November 2018
Earlier this morning I woke up at 5:00 am I cleaned the bed further I took ablution and prayed
at dawn after finishing my prayer I cleaned my book, I breakfasted after breakfast I showered

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ready to go to campus at 8:00 am I prepared the campus to arrive at my campus late sir
maman entered early well so again arrived in our class told to call my vocabulary to give
one vocabulary namely take bath class he said nouns means getting up is finished my friends
went up telling chapter 5-6 my friend told me but here there are no questions made I am so
well, I noticed that my friend told me the lesson ended with mam Shofia vocabulary here,
we worked on the sentence that was loved by him, we worked on the sentence and asked one
by one, what was meant by the sentence mentioned by him we said and answered to make
one sentence after the lesson ended I went home with pies at the house of the house again
traveled so I waited on the long fence to use my aunt to come and open the entrance at the
house I changed the clothes, the prayer and the meal was over, I watched while playing my
cellphone while there was no work, keep the kiosk running at the clock 03.00 pm I have
adzar prayers and I take water and accusations are finished. I eat finished eating. I cleaned
the outside yard while watching the neighbors next door repairing the sunset house. We
entered the house. I rushed to take a shower and finished showering. I prayed, finished my
prayers. watching TV as long as there is no resume that at work I continued watching TV
while playing mobile not forgetting I also like to see the stories of my friends if I have been
sleepy I have taken accusations and prayed after that I have slept.

14 November 2018
Earlier this morning I woke up at 5:00 am I cleaned the bed further I took ablution
and morning prayer after I finished praying I cleaned my book, I breakfasted after breakfast
I showered getting ready to go to campus at 8:30 am I prepared the campus Early this

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morning I woke up at 5:00 a.m. I cleaned the bed further I took ablution and prayed at dawn
after I finished praying I cleaned my book, I breakfasted after breakfast I showered getting
ready to go to campus at 08.00 am I prepared the campus to arrive on campus I was late sir
Maman entered earlier, when it arrived in our class, it was told to call my vocabulary to give
one vocabulary, that is, run class, said adjective, it means running finished, my friends go
up, tell chapters 7-8, here I am asked the question, what is professor ham and when I study
ending up with mam Shofia vocabulary here we worked on the sentence she was given by
us we were hardened do the sentence and ask one-on-one which is what is meant by the
sentence referred to by him we call and answer make one sentence after the lesson ends I go
home when I arrive at my house in the house I change clothes the prayer and eat everything
is finished I watched while playing mobile while there was no work. I kept the kiosk running
right at 3:00 p.m. I had Adzar prayers and I took the water and the prayer was over. I ate,
finished I cleaned the outside yard while watching the neighbor next door fixing the house.
even though we entered my house, I rushed to take a shower and finished taking a shower, I
prayed, finished praying, I watched TV while there was no resume, which I worked on,
continued watching TV while playing mobile, I also forgot to see my friends' stories if I was
sleepy take accusations and pray after that I go to sleep.

28 November 2018
Earlier this morning I woke up at 5:00 am I cleaned the bed further I took ablution
and prayed at dawn after I finished cleaning my book, I breakfasted after breakfast I took a
shower getting ready to go to campus at 7:00 am I prepared the campus here early When I

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arrived at the head office no friend arrived at all, so I went in and sat alone while playing my
friend's cellphone. I came one by one when I arrived at 08.00. The speaker's lecture started,
but you were a little slow, he came learning begins with vocabulary and chapters 9-10 my
vocabulary is a bread class said meaning nouns from bread chapter will be told by my friend
here I will prepare questions from chapter 10 which lessons can be taken by chapter 10 and
my friend answers me accept it after this Sir maman will see the slide in Watampone bone
told about the experience of Professor Hamdan after this we were told to prepare assignments
from meetings 1 to 6 after this the lesson ended and in further vocabulary, the vocabulary
that would be below by mam Sophia told of various kinds of vocabulary that she would ask
us to be asked one person one sentence of learning finished I went down to bring with my
friend and us to the mosque and prayers finished our prayers to the canteen and eat after this
I went home to the house I watched finished watching me abaca book that I borrowed in my
friend finished reading my book praying to eat bath finished everything I continued reading
the book while watching here I was a bit slow to sleep because I continued reading the book
I paused for a moment I prayed I finished reading the book again not in the sense I slept at
3:00 am sleeping a little I was proud again at 4:00 am and slept again

9 December 2018
Earlier this morning I woke up at 6:00 am I cleaned the bed after finishing cleaning
my room cleaning my book, I had breakfast after breakfast I took a shower getting ready to
go to campus at 07:30 am I prepared the campus to arrive on campus I was late because of
traffic jams on the road That's why I was late until I arrived at my campus. I was told to write

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in front of us after we wrote that we were asked to do 30 seconds after I was immediately
checked by my friends after being checked further with the chapter that was going up today
after that we were asked to prepare questions and after the chapter was read and it was my
turn to describe the question and I gave a question after that the training ended and it will be
continued with mam shopia vocabulary after shopia's mother entered us told to memorize
the vocabulary given by he finished his lesson and finally I went downstairs and
accompanied my friend to m mosque to pray my friend finished praying and he invited me
to the canteen for lunch after we had lunch I went to the house when I got home I slept
'because here I am also not feeling well' I am proud to sleep then eat while watching tv after
I had eaten, I helped my aunt fold my clothes after folding. I went to take a shower after
taking a shower. I continued reading the grammar book because tomorrow there was mid,
so I read and did the tens given by the lecturer. I went to bed and went to bed

The first meeting
 introduction
 Giving assignments that will be given during learning will begin next week
 Explain what tasks will be given
 Divided group
 Doing task every week

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The second meeting

Chapter 1
 Hamdan become an exemplary child in his family
 Hamdan mother don’t a school because their families are poor
 Hamdan grandfather are a famous speaker in his village

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Chapter 2
 Visiting the grave is a sunnah the most important is how grow a godly children. Who
always pray of the safety of their parents the next day?
 Do not look at the place of residence or house from large or small but comfort in
limitations by living and home alone
 Psychological sympathize and mastering in our lives
 Vie the life that scientific people often term ’’word view’’
 On the human side of live. To not show symptoms certainly de not


The third meeting

Chapter 3
 The main job mother professor Hamdan is a weavers and others Work that help at
home puang mandje and looking for wages harvest time harvest season
 Professor Hamdan often helps his mother in working to find harvest wages

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 Professor Hamdan family and are always grateful for the sustenance provided

Chapter 4
 Even though he is live in small hut, the taste of happiness also craving for his family.
Actually they are poor and have not materials, but he and his siblings are try normal
life. He remembered his childhood, and he could not forgot about it. At time Pang
Mandje was bought new tractor car. It was car for farming. It head of tractor of was
little thin and it machine at there. Car only for tractor driver.
 Every afternoon Pang Mandje’s kin driving a car for flatten farmland, Professor
Hamdan always followed him after school. Not only him but there. A car only for
tractor driver
 On day a tractor was worked suddenly professor Hamdan was felt at side part of
machine knife. Half has is body and feet into the part of knife tractor. And do you
know? When peoples were pulled him, his genitals was opened and split the Owner
of farmland carried him to Puang Mandje’s house, but Puang Mandje suggested to
carried him at Puang Mujarab’s house and Puang Mujarabs house just beside his
house. When they arrived in Puang Marabs Professor Hamdan, and his mother when
to at Mantri Nganro’s he was confused and give up
 So they went to Tenriawaru Hospital at Watampone city. In their doctor was sewed
his pain, after the doctor was checked his ureter and alhamdulilah there was no
problem. All of them said” if your genitals came off you have not life” and the others
laughed and said” why you use tractor? If you want, better you use kitchen’s knife to
make it lots.
 Professor Hamdan ever met with people who was save him at time when he greeting
the owner of farmland was forgot his name. But the owner laughed and remembered

The fourth meeting

Chapter 5
 Professor Hamdan is literate and has so formal education but she is a worker
 His Mother told him to go to school in madrasah because of the importance of
religious knowledge

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 One characteristic of the existence of religious schools is the superiority of learning

 Civilization about the behavior of advance societies with the principle of merit and
equality a principle of equality of opportunity without differences in background and
equality without degrading one another because of the background of his life

Conclusion 6

 The conclusion are those who have never looked at the surrounding conditions for
the sake of studying where prof
 Hamdan only aspires to study in the madrasa. He never complains when is allowance
has never been fulfilled like his friend.
 Friends who the thinks are smarter than him and always want to try to be better or
smarter than his friends. He never complained when he was in law due to being late
for school.
 He continued until finally becoming a smart student with a personality that was small

The fifth meeting

Conclusion 7
 Intelligence is the ability to discovers hidden talents abilities, intelligence is the
ability to the right thing at the right time
 When you succeed never forget the services of the person who has taught you helped
you and supported you
 English in an international language, and those who are able to speak English will
hold the world of science
 No bussines betrayed the result
 The more often we repeated, the more we stayed remembered.
 Manage your learning activities well

Conclusion 8
 Prof Hamdan with his perseverance and enthusiasm even though the economic
conditions were inaquate but with the determination that was finally high Hamdan
attended in IAIN Allaudin. Because never listen to the fate that people say because
GOD is smart. Whoever truly means he will get it

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The sixth meeting

Conclusion 9
 Prof. Hamdan stopped working as a construction worker and focused on his studies
 In the second semester Prof Hamdan began to be known as a compilation of
outstanding students reaching GPA 3.80
 Even though being in the English language department prof Hamdan still wants to
be special and sway Arabic
 Because of his enthusiasm for learning. Prof Hamdan and his two friends came to the
modern boarding school in Gontor despite the limited costs
 They survive in the modern boarding school for one month, .and can go home with
the help of expenses from the father of the shop owner and family

Conclusion 10
 Never Afraid of having dream just because of you are afraid of falling down from
your dream just because of dreaming we can make our dream conture
 And because of dream we want to struggle and study to struggle but it must be
accompanied by prayer and let ALLAH arrange our life

The seventh meeting

Conclusion 11
 Defending achieved is more difficult than reaching it
 With enthusiasm for learning, many prof Hamdan friend come to the boarding house
to get guidance from him with diverse rewards
 Must improve language skills, from the bugis language to Indonesian and then to
 With all the limitations of professor Hamdan, finally when the graduation arrived he
also got the title of the best master with the title cumlaude
 For professor Hamdan a bachelor’s degree will be charged in terms of work

Animal Hewan Noun
Bead Roti Noun

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Captain Kaptain Noun

Car Mobil Noun
Care Peduli Noun
Case Kasus Noun
Card Kartu Noun
Cat Kucing Noun
Cause Sebab Noun
Cell Sell Noun
Cent Sent Noun
Clock Jam Noun
Color Warna Noun
Chair Kursi Noun
Company Perusahan Noun
Conditions Kondisi Noun
Coast Pantai Noun
Cold Awan Noun
Coat Mantel Noun
Circle Lingkaran Noun



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Amazing Menabjubkan Adjective

Ambitious Ambisios Adjective
Ancient Kuno Adjective
Annoyed Kesal Adjective
Bad Buruk Adjective
Bashful Malu Adjective
Beautiful Cantik Adjective
Beneficial Bermanfaat Adjective
Berserk Amuk Adjective
Aromatic Aromatik Adjective
Big Besar Adjective
Aware Sadar/Insaf Adjective
Average Rata-Rata Adjective
Automatic Otomatis Adjective
Attractive Menarik Adjective
Assorted Adjective
Aspiring Adjective
Agreeable Serasi Adjective
Alleged Terduga Adjective
Alluring Menrik Adjective



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Actually Sebenarnya Adverb

Again Lagi Adverb
Ahead Di depan Adverb
Almost Hampir Adverb
Already Sudah Adverb
Also Juga Adverb
Altogether Sama sekali Adverb
Always Selalu Adverb
Anyway Bagaimana pun Adverb
Automatically Secara otomatis Adverb
Basically Pada dasarnya Adverb
Below Di bawah Adverb
Briefly Secara singkat Adverb
Carefully Hati-hati Adverb
Certainly Pasti Adverb
Clearly Jelas Adverb
Closely Rapat Adverb
Completely Sama sekali Adverb
Constantly Selalu Adverb


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Accept Menerima Verb
Accuse Menuduh Verb
Achieve Mencapai Verb
Acquire Menuduh Verb
Adapt Mencapai Verb
Add Memperoleh Verb
Adjust Menyesuaikan Verb
Admire Mengagumi Verb
Admit Mengakui Verb
Adopt Mengambil Verb
Afford Mampu Verb
Agree Setuju Verb
Allow Mengizinkan Verb
Announce Mengumumkan Verb
Anticipate Mengantisipasi Verb
Apologize Minta maaf Verb
Appear Mancul Verb
Apply Menerapkan Verb
Appreciate Menghargai Verb
Approach Pengdekatan Verb


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People Orang-orang Nouns
History Sejarah Nouns
Way Cara Nouns
Art Seni Nouns
World Dunia Nouns
Information informasi Nouns
Map Peta Nouns
Two Dua Nouns
Family Keluarga Nouns
Government Pemerintah Nouns
Health Kesehatan Nouns
System Sistem Nouns
Computer komputer Nouns
Meat Danging Nouns
Year Tahun Nouns
Thanks Terima kasih Nouns
Music Musik Nouns
Person Orang Nouns
Reading Bacaan Nouns
Method Metode Nouns
Data Data Nouns
Food Makanan Nouns
Understanding Pengertian Nouns
Theory Teori Nouns


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Here Di sini Adverb
There Di sana Adverb
Above Di atas Adverb
Below Di bawah Adverb
Under Di bawah Adverb
Behind Di belakang Adverb
In Di Adverb
Away jauh Adverb
Far Jauh Adverb
Near Dekat Adverb
Nearby Dekat Adverb
Inside Di dalam Adverb
Outside Di luar Adverb
Somewhere Di suatu tempat Adverb
Anywhere Di manapun Adverb
Totally Benar-benar Adverb
Completely Sepenuhnya Adverb

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