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“Love doesn’t mean happiness,

“Love doesn’t mean happiness,

It also need your patience and sacrifices.”
It also need your patience and sacrifices.”

The Last The Last

How will you deal with something you know you can’t deal to?
A story made for the subject ‘Creative Writing’ with full willingness. This serves as a
Will you fight for it or just accept the fate that cannot be change by test if we learned all the topic we have discussed by making a story. This will also serve
as one of the requirements in order to pass and proceed to the second semester.
“Here we are again. A week preparation for the most awaited “Fine! So fine ha ha!” she replied. She was embarrass
day of the weirdo.” Sun uttered to herself “why does lord Afganist to herself for she found it awkward.
celebrate this?” she added.
“You know what? I like you,” Moon uttered in a serious
“Girl? Are you serious? This is the only event where we can be tone. Sun’s heart beats faster after she heard what he said
with our friends! Duh?” Sun almost lost her breath when Mercury “you’re different from the other girls I have met here every
answered her question. Eclipse. You presence is the only thing I wanted and always
looking forward every time this event is getting near.” he
“But sis! I don’t have friend except you. So what’s my point
continued his words. Sun’s heart felted because of his
attending it?” she complained.
confession. No matter how attracted Sun to Moon, Sun still
“Then make friends!” Mercury answered. denied her feelings. She then bring Moon down even though it

“Sorry, but you’re not my type. My standards did not fit

After a week, the event called Eclipse has come. Sun have nothing to on you. We don’t deserve each other. You don’t deserve me.”
do but attend too, for all those who did not will be punished by lord she answered in a monotone, feeling sorry of what he said
Afganist. Sun was sitting on one of the private tables at the middle of because even how much she wanted to be with him, it’s still
the Galaxy. dangerous. She walked out the event living Moon speechless
“Where’s Mercury now? I’m so bored!” she complained. behind, and go home straight. She burst out into tears after
she got home.

“Hey dude! Look who’s there!” Earth uttered to Moon pointing

to Sun “Isn’t she your Eclipse Darling? I mean your dream girl.” He The event that moment ended. Moon still can’t forget what
added teasing Moon. happened. But even though Sun did it, his feelings towards
the girl did not change. 3 days after the event, lord Afganist
“Shut up dude! She might hear us!” He exclaimed whispering called a meeting. He arranged everyone according to their
to Earth. characteristics.
“Go! Talk to her!” Moon cheered him up. He immediately make “… simply means that You, Sun and Moon, will be
the move. opposite to each other. Sun will give light during day time, and
Moon on the Night time. But unlike Sun, Moon will just appear
“Why is it a beautiful lady staying here alone?” he asked
in a short period of time.” lord Afganist stated that makes the
confidently “care to have a conversation?” he added. Sun was star-
two sigh. Days and nights past and the scenario is still the
struck by Moon’s presence. She said that she don’t like attending this
event, but Moon is the only reason why she did.
“Hey Sun!” earth uttered “you know what? Your cool.”
“Uh-umm. Ok.” she answered in a monotone as if she’s not
He added.
interested but the truth is she like it so much.
“So? How are we now?” he asked. 1
“oh? Really? Thank you. So do you.” She answered with a After that, Sun uttered her farewell words to Moon. “I think,
smile “umm, do you spare sometime with you best friend?” she asked this will be the end. Even though it hurts, I’m… looking
without hesitating. forward to… seeing you again the next Eclipse. But I… think
this will be the last Eclipse we’ll interact with… each other.”
“Of course. Always! I mean every night. And I felt empty
She said sobbing.
sometimes because of her absence.” He answered with a frown. Time
has pass and they had to say good bye to each other, but before they “Even though it hurts, we have nothing to do but
go he confessed to Sun. “I like you.” He spoke confidently “the first accept it. We can still see each other right?” he asked.
time I saw you, I was captured by your hotness. And it’s not normal
“Of course, but not the same… as we were now.” She
answered. Since then, they did love each other secretly.
“I’m sorry Earth, but I love Moon. Yes it’s forbidden, but I
A month later Moon was busy looking deep to earth, and there
don’t care.” She answered.
he found a girl crying in front of man.
“But you can’t make it together!” Sun just ignored it, for she
“…But, Jane, I Love You, I'll do everything for you, just accept my love. You are
knows that Moon owned her heart.
my everyth..."
“Stop Josiah please! Yes, I Love You too, I love you more than what you think!
Days, weeks, months, and years have pass and it’s time to see Moon But it's wrong! This is a mistake! George and I are living together, and I don't want to
again. The eclipse is coming near, and the two were both excited. disappoint him, I mean I don't want to commit a mistake that would make us our
And this time Sun prepared herself, her words, and her confidence to relationship miserable. Innocent people will get affected if we’ll still continue this
confess to Moon, and explain to him why they’re not allowed to be relationship!" the girl named Jane lost her sense of balance after she said that, she
with each other. kneeled down, looking down to her hands which is place on her knees. The boy named
Josiah then rushed to catch her.
“Hey! How do I look now?” she asked with a very wide smile
that touches Moon’s heart. “Don't worry, I won't do anything that can make our relationship suffer even if
it hurts I'll deal with it, just accept me in your life, give me space to your heart." He's
“You look the same. You’re still beautiful. But you’re hotter trying his best not to rumble the words he said, but he failed, he also cried not aware of
now.” He smiled back and answered. it.
Jane look up to Josiah then wiped her tears with her left hand and her right hand
“I have something to tell you, I hope you’ll listen.” She
cupped Josiah's cheeks,
uttered. “I like you, before you confessed your feelings to me, I
already felt this feeling since the first time I saw you. But there is one “Please don't cry, I don't want to see you crying because of me. But
thing that would affect people down there if we make this thing up. remember! Sometimes we need to sacrifice our own good for the sake of someone’s
That’s why I did not confess my feelings back then. I mean I was happiness.” their gaze met, and their faces are getting closer and it ended up with a
about to, but Mercury signaled me from the distance not too.” She deep and passionate kiss "I think this is the end. I'm... sorry" she then ran away living
answered not knowing she’s crying. Moon’s about to comfort her Josiah speechless.
when suddenly, lord Afganist spoke something, a sign that the event
ended. From then, Moon realized that everything happened for a
purpose. He realized that love doesn’t mean happiness, it also
3 need your patience and sacrifices. 4
Chris John Culago
Pearl Joy Pacino
As earth- (minor character) He is Moon’s
As Jane Gabriel- (minor character) she loved two person
best friend but he betrayed him because he was
at the same time. She tried to be loyal, but her loyalty
fallen to Sun, and just to be accepted by her, he
was conceived by George.
cursed Sun and Moon’s feelings to each other.

Reymark Pareja

As Josiah Yilmaz- (minor character) a very faithful man to

Jane. He’s willing to do everything just to be loved by

Angel Lovino

As Mercury- (minor character) Sun’s best friend. She

knows everything about her best friend, except Sun’s
feelings towards Moon.

Jaril Valenzuela Kiah Jane Sarmen

Alline Key Aguilar
Book Publisher Author/Writer
As Moon- (Antagonist) he is Sun’s admirer. He confessed
his feelings to Sun but Sun refused to accept it because of
a very important reason.

Shanny Cobita

As Sun- (protagonist) she really knows everything, but

even though she knows everything about her feelings
to Moon, she did not deal with it for she knows that
everyone will be affected.

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