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Name : priyono

NPM : 18.0601.0044

D3 Keperawatan

My first inject someone

I usually wake up at 5 o’clock every morning, after wake up I always pray subuh
first before I start of my life. I always make a bed and have a breakfast ,Then I
take my towel with me to the bathroom to tke a shower. After done take a bath I
put my uniform, after that I go to hospital but before that I always pray for my
I arrive at hospital I always greeting to my senior in the hospital. After that I
accompany shift, then I take instrument of vital sign and inspect patient one by
one after that I noted in the book vital sign, now I will verbeden all of room
patient with my senior to 9:30AM, after that I prepared mmedicine to inject the
patient. This my first time injecting a patient direcly, I fell so nervous and scared
but I still have to do it. Finally accompanied by a senior, I ventured to inject and
finally succeeded.
After lunc it’s time to pray dzuhur, after that continue activity to 14:30PM, then I
accompany shift, after that I go to boarding house and after arrive I take a shower
then I pray ashar, after that I watch youtube, Then around 6:00 pm I pray maghrib
after that I eat diner. After that around 7:00 pm I pray isya and after that I doing
task ASKEP until done, then I sleep.

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