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Every method a teacher uses has advantages, disadvantages, and requires some preliminary preparation. So what
else is new? Three broad categories of instructional methods are teacher talk, student talk, and student-teacher
interactive talk. Often times a particular method will naturally flow into another, all within the same lesson. Which
instructional method is "right" for a particular lesson depends on many things including the age and developmental
level of the students; what the students already know; what they need to know to succeed with the lesson; the
subject-matter content; the objective of the lesson; the available people, time, space and material resources; and
the physical setting. Another, more difficult problem is to select an instructional method that best fits one's
particular teaching style and the lesson-situation. There is no one "right" method for teaching a particular lesson,
but there are some criteria that pertain to each that can help a teacher make the best decision possible. The methods
are not listed in a preferred sequence, and obviously, not all are appropriate for all grades and subject matter
content areas.


Advantages Disadvantages Preparation

Very specific learning targets Can stifle teacher creativity Content must be organized in advance
Students are told reasons why content is important - Requires well-organized content preparation and Teacher should have information about student
helps to clarify lesson objective good oral communication skills prerequisites for the lesson
Relatively easy to measure student gains Steps must be followed in prescribed order
Is a widely accepted instructional method Not good for higher-order thinking skills
Good for teaching specific facts and basic skills.


Advantages Disadvantages Preparation

Helps foster mutual responsibility Some students don't work well this way Decide what skills or knowledge are to be learned
Supported by research as an effective technique Loners find it hard to share answers Requires some time to prepare students to learn how
Students learn to be patient, less critical and more Aggressive students try to take over to work in groups
compassionate Bright students tend to act superior


Advantages Disadvantages Preparation

Factual material is presented in a direct, logical Good oral skills are necessary Needs clear introduction and summary
manner Audience is passive Needs time and content limit to be effective
May provide experiences that inspire Learning is difficult to gauge Should include examples, anecdotes
Useful for large groups Communication is one-way
Not appropriate for children below grade 4


Advantages Disadvantages Preparation

Involves students, at least after the lecture Time may limit discussion period Teacher should be prepared to allow questions during
Students can question, clarify and challenge Quality is limited to quality of questions and lecture, as appropriate
Lecture can be interspersed with discussion discussion


Advantages Disadvantages Preparation

Allows experts to present different opinions Experts may not be good speakers Teacher coordinates focus of panel, introduces and
Can provoke better discussion than a one person Personalities may overshadow content summarizes
discussion Subject may not be in logical order Teacher briefs panel
Frequent change of speaker keeps attention from Not appropriate for elementary age students


Advantages Disadvantages Preparation

Listening exercise that allows creative thinking for Can be unfocused Teacher selects issue
new ideas Needs to be limited to 5 - 7 minutes Must have some ideas if group needs to be stimulated
Encourages full participation because all ideas are Students may have difficulty getting away from
equally recorded known reality
Draws on group's knowledge and experience If not managed well, criticism and negative
Spirit of cooperation is created evaluation may occur
One idea can spark off other ideas Value to students depends in part on their maturity


Advantages Disadvantages Preparation

Entertaining way of introducing content and raising Can raise too many issues to have a focused Need to obtain and set up equipment
issues discussion Effective only if teacher prepares for discussion after
Usually keeps group's attention Discussion may not have full participation the presentation
Looks professional Most effective when following discussion
Stimulates discussion


Advantages Disadvantages Preparation

Not practical with more than 20 students Requires careful planning by teacher to guide
Pools ideas and experiences from group
A few students can dominate discussion
Effective after a presentation, film or experience
Some students may not participate Requires question outline
that needs to be analyzed
Is time consuming
Allows everyone to participate in an active process
Can get off the track


Advantages Disadvantages Preparation

Allows for participation of everyone Needs careful thought as to purpose of group Need to prepare specific tasks or questions for group
Students often more comfortable in small groups Groups may get side tracked to answer
Groups can reach consensus


Advantages Disadvantages Preparation

Develops analytic and problem solving skills Students may not see relevance to own situation Case must be clearly defined
Allows for exploration of solutions for complex Insufficient information can lead to inappropriate Case study must be prepared
issues results
Allows student to apply new knowledge and skills Not appropriate for elementary level

Advantages Disadvantages Preparation

Introduces problem situation dramatically Some students may be too self-conscious Teacher has to define problem situation and roles
Provides opportunity for students to assume roles of Not appropriate for large groups clearly
others and thus appreciate another point of view Some students may feel threatened Teacher must give very clear instructions
Allows for exploration of solutions
Provides opportunity to practice skills


Advantages Disadvantages Preparation

Allows students to think for themselves without Can be used only for short period of time Teacher has to prepare handouts
being influenced by others
Individual thoughts can then be shared in large


Advantages Disadvantages Preparation

Provides opportunity to explore difficult and Students may not do exercise Teacher must prepare questions
complex issues


Advantages Disadvantages Preparation

Personalizes topic May not be a good speaker Contact speakers and coordinate
Breaks down audience's stereotypes Introduce speaker appropriately


Advantages Disadvantages Preparation

Opportunity to explore values and beliefs Students may not be honest Teacher must carefully prepare exercise
Allows students to discuss values in a safe Students may be too self-conscious Teacher must give clear instructions
environment Teacher must prepare discussion questions
Gives structure to discussion

Advantages Disadvantages Preparation

Helps people who learn well by modeling others Is of limited value for people who do not learn best Be able to do what you want to demonstrate well
Promotes self-confidence by observing others Carefully plan the demonstration
Provides opportunity for targeted questions and May not be appropriate for the different learning Give learners an opportunity to practice what has
answers rates of the participants been demonstrated
Allows attention to be focused on specific details of Is time consuming
a skill Can get off track

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