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"Flames of Eternity" Chapter Two By EmmaLee

Bertagnole and S.C. Lang

The Grand Hall of Castle Randor was breathtaking. It spread

out before Lansing and I high and vaulted. Massive iron chandeliers
dangled from the ceiling and colorful tapestries covered the walls; a
formidable throne at its far end. The throne was made out of highly-
polished marble and carved with runes and ruts that had sparkling gems
in them. The bottom step was formed like dragon’s claws; which made
sense, since the dragon was Randor’s symbol. Perched on the throne,
wearing a splendid golden crown, brilliant green tunic and eyes has
hard as diamonds, was Overlord Ammen.
I heard Lansing’s quick intake of breath at the sight that laid
before us. “Any words of advice for me, my lord?”
“Do not avert your eyes from his,” I answered as quietly as I
could. “We’ve already established eye-contact. To break it now would
be taken as a sign of weakness on our part.”
“Oh, fret not, my lord. I have no intentions of taking my eyes
off him.”
“Good man.”
We took careful steps towards the ruler of all Ravencrest, me out
front as etiquette demanded and Lansing a respectful pace behind.
Ammen studied us all the while with a disinterested look and twitching
ringed fingers. I knew his bored expression was merely a mask. He was
very keen to see how far we’d go before halting and waiting for him to
call us forth the rest of the way. This was a very tricky bit of
statesmanship; to go too far was a gross sign of disrespect against
him and Randor, don’t go far enough, and it would be admitting that my
kingdom of Barrington was weak and therefore unworthy of the great
honors being bestowed upon me. After all, I was to be Ammen’s second-
in-command. Showing the proper balance of respect and strength was a
very fine line, but one I was fully expected to walk with perfect
When I passed the half-way point to the throne, Lansing bristled
and made a low warning sound in his throat. Making my War-General
uncomfortable was one of my favorite pastimes; and I had been doing so
since we were small children.
Lansing had been left for dead in a grove near Castle Barrington
as an infant. As the fates would have it, I was the one who found him
wrapped in a blue cloak lodged between the roots of a huge oak tree
screaming for all he was worth. I could’ve carried him, yet somehow
that thought never occurred to me, so I unceremoniously dragged the
newborn Lansing by his cloak to where my Pa was crouched low hunting
hares. It took me a good long while to reach my Pa, for I kept getting
distracted by chasing butterflies and grasshoppers, however, whenever
I started dragging him again, Lansing stopped blubbering and became
quiet. How Pa missed the racket is a mystery, but the look on his
face when he saw what I what I dragging behind me was one I’ll never
Lansing has been with me everyday since then. I love him like a
brother. However, keeping true to the duties of a big brother, I never
missed an opportunity to push him past his limits and boundaries.
Just as I was doing now by walking much closer to Overlord Ammen’s
throne than he was comfortable with. Had the situation not been so
important to my future, I would’ve had to fight back a grin. However,
if the situation wasn’t of such import, Lansing wouldn’t be shuffling
his feet behind me like an old maid trying to pull a stubborn ox.
Suddenly, I dropped to one knee before the throne. A moment later,
I heard Lansing do the same thing with an irritated growl that was
meant only for my ears. Once we were in our private chambers, I knew
I’d be hearing all about how I failed to give him our prearranged
signal letting him know when I planned on stopping.
I bowed my head and draped an arm across my knee like I was
about to be knighted and said, “Overlord Ammen, I am your humble and
loyal servant. I have come, as summoned by your official degree, to
stand before you and be humbled by your generosity and greatness. I
am honored beyond words to be accepted as a guest in your beautiful
“King Zyphran,” he said at long last. “Thank you for the respect
you’ve shown to me. You, and only you, may rise and come to me.”
I rose and stepped towards the highly polished marble throne in
measured paces. “My lord. As is custom when you are an invited guest
in someone’s home, I have brought you a gift.” I reach into the
sheath that I usually kept my sword and withdrew an ornamental blade
wrapped very carefully in the finest blue silk. I presented the sword
as an offering in both hands to Ravencrest’s ruler. His steel-gray
eyes study my gift but his weather-worn face remained expressionless.
He didn’t fool me in the least. The man’s great love for weaponry
was legendary throughout all Ravencrest. I knew he wouldn’t be able
to hold to custom if he was offered a high-quality blade, and the one
I had settled on as his gift was a real work of art. The pommel was
made of the finest leather Barrington had to offer, and was studded
with rubies and emeralds and other gems. The blade was crafted of
the strongest steel, and even though it cost me handsomely, I had
insisted that a thin strip of pure diamond be forged down the center
of the blade from tip to pommel. It was magnificent. A true testament
of Barrington’s superior craftsmanship, which we were known for
throughout all Ravencrest. Any sword made in Barrington would be
suitable as a gift, even for the Overlord himself, but this particular
weapon was a one-of-a-kind masterpiece.
He took the bait.
Finally, Ammen rose from his throne and stepped down to accept
his blade. He took it into his hands with the greatest care and met
my gaze with glowing eyes. “Custom degrees that I wait until after
the official banquet to open this marvelous gift. However, if you will
grant me the leniency of that barbaric custom, so that I may unwrap
this truly fine gift now, I will grant you one request. You may use
this request to ask for anything within my kingdom, and it shall be
granted to you, King Zyphran. Do you accept these terms?”
Playing him had been so much child’s play. I knew he would try to
bypass custom by offering to grant me a request, for that was his way.
The march from my castle in Barrington to Overlord Ammen’s was spent
on forming my request, and there was only one thing in this world I
wanted; Regyna, the mystical Sorceress of the Stones, keeper of the
Flames of Eternity. I had every word carefully planned out. I wanted
to leave no doubt in Ammen’s mind that my gift to him was of such high
caliber as to justify my outlandish request.
“I find that your generous offer is far too delicious to bypass,
my lord,” I said with my well-rehearsed smile spreading across my
lips. “I accept your terms with great pleasure.”
“Excellent, King Zyphran.” He turned his back on me and walked
slowly back onto his throne, as if he was afraid he would shrivel up
and blow away if he was off it for too long. Like a child with a new
toy, Ammen ripped the silk covering off the sword and stared in open-
mouthed wonderment at his new weapon. His look pleased me greatly. I
knew I could ask for Regyna’s head to be delivered to me on a silver
platter and it would be done within the hour.
I had every intention of fulfilling my planned request, however
I found myself utterly amazed at the words that tumbled out of my
mouth. “My lord, as we were being escorted through your marvelous
city, my attention was captured, quite completely I must admit, by a
thin dark-haired girl in a gray and white dress. I only saw her for
the briefest of moments, you understand, but I’ll remember her always.
“For my request, in exchange for forgoing custom, I’d like to
be granted full ownership of her, and be allowed to take her back to
Barrington with me when I leave your most gracious hospitality. If
such a request would be found as acceptable to you, my lord.”
Ammen never hesitated. He smiled an oily grin, tilted his head
and with a dismissive wave of his hand said, “Granted. I shall order
her found immediately. This . . . request of yours will be presented
to you during your dinner tonight when I grant you your land and
title.” His smile deepened, and I knew he couldn't believe my request
was so light in the wake of giving him such an exquisite gift. “Your
rooms have already been prepared. My servants will escort you and see
to your needs. You still have a few hours before the banquet tonight.
Rest well, King Zyphran. Something tells me this night is going to be

Curiosity had been the downfall of many and as I paced the cave,
I wondered if it would be mine. I had never cared for matters of the
city. I blended, made my way from vendor to vendor trying to spread
my wealth and help those in need prosper, but I had no need for the
politics of Overlord Ammen. I knew that he was not a leader who cared
for his people, but only his own gain. Many of the city’s residents
suffered under his greed, going hungry and living in poverty when
he would steal goods from them or failed to assist those in need.
However, as I thought over the day’s events I could not help the call
in my heart to attend tonight’s banquet.
It had been years since I had wandered the castle halls, taken
on the form of a maid to gain access to the Overlords’s chambers to
seek information I had needed. I knew that I would never be welcome
to the banquet as sickly Selena; I would need a new persona, and new
look. If I was to be in attendance, I would also need an invitation.
Closing my eyes, I drew into my power and willed myself to my
home with in the city’s limits. It was a simple wooden home, well kept
and one of the nicer ones that lined the streets of Randor. Flowers
and small shrubs lined the edge of the home in assortments of sizes
and colors. I enjoyed nature’s beauty and took enjoyment and planting
and caring for that which I grew. Lilly and I spent many hours in the
small area behind my house where a garden grew the fresh fruits and
vegetables that we sold or gave to those in need.
I took the form as Selena once more as I appeared in my room
beside the bed, always careful that any neighbor who might be watching
would never see my true form while I was in the city limits. Moving
from the bedroom to the kitchen I found what I needed, a simple white
piece of parchment. I let the magic flow through my body as I seek
out what I needed. Finding the vision of an elderly man sitting in a
small room of the castle as he scrolled in old writing invitations to
all those invited to attend tonight’s events. I let the magic flow to
my fingers, a gentle glow emanating from them as I laid them upon the
paper. When my eyes opened, I held a perfectly scripted invitation in
my hands. Smiling to myself like a giddy teen, I had to laugh at the
excitement I felt at attending such a grand event. It was not often I
allowed myself to enjoy the finer things in life. Too much of it would
draw attention to myself and attention was never good for one with
secrets such as I had.
Next, I needed a gown. I closed my eyes once more and let
my hands slide down the simple peasant dress that I wore, I could
feel the chill of magic as my dress was transformed into a gown. A
brilliant lavender dress with layers of satin and lace fit perfectly
to my body. I glanced in the small looking glass that hung on the
wall and frowned at the image I saw. Selena’s frail from and pale
skin and hollow eyes looking back at me. Once more, I let the magic
flow around me and changed my appearance. I kept the dark brown hair
but added body, so it flowed in waves and curls down the center of
my back. Next, I changed my skin, darkening it to a deep olive tone,
setting off my new eye color of deep forest green.
A sudden rapping on the door startled me and I jumped as I
reprimand myself for not paying closer attention to my surroundings,
too caught up in my princess fantasy to have noticed those who
approached my home. Turning with swiftness, I open the door. Standing
before me are two elite guards in full uniform. My mind reeled with
wonder at what they could want.
“Excuse us milady. We are searching for a young girl named
Selena and were told that she resides here. Would she be in?” The
young guard tried to look around me as he spoke as the other guard
walked around the side of the house.
Keeping my composure, I smile. “I am afraid you have missed
my cousin, she left to watch the King’s arrival and has yet to return.
Might I give her a message?” I step back opening the door wider
allowing him to look past me to the empty room.
He frowns and glances to the other guard off to the side. “If
you would allow might we search the home? We are on orders from
Overlord Ammen to bring Miss Selena back to the castle with us.” He
starts forward before I can respond.
Having nothing to lose I step aside as he steps in. I follow
him to the center of the room and wait while he searches the three
small rooms of my home. His frown deepening as he realizes that his
search will come up empty.
Stopping before me, he smiles. “Thank you for allowing us
to search, should your cousin arrive could you please escort her to
the nearest guard that you find. This is of urgent matter to our
“It would be my pleasure to do so. Nevertheless, I fear
my cousin has a mind of her own and it may be days before she even
returns home or contacts me to let me know she is safe. You know how
the young ones are now days.” I smile as I wonder at what need they
would have of me at the castle.
Turning, he sees the invitation sitting on the table and
smiles. “I see you will be in attendance tonight. It will be a grand
event. I hope that you enjoy yourself. Thank you for your assistance
and we wish you well.”
Giving a slight nod, I watch as they leave, I hear the orders
for one guard to remain and keep an eye on the house for Selena’s
return. I let out a long sigh; tonight was taking on a more serious
turn than I had even thought. Not only do I need to find out more
about King Zyphran but now I needed to find out why Overlord Ammen was
seeking me as well.
Looking up at the sky, I step back into the house. It was near
time to leave for the castle. My home, being one of the nicer ones in
town, was closer to the court than most others were. It would take me
a few minutes to reach the outer gates. I grabbed the invitation and
headed on my way ignoring the looks I received as I walked down the
street. I was a new face in town and I was on foot instead of using
a coach. It was a calculated risk not arriving with coach, one that
would draw unwanted attention to me but I lived close enough I hoped
it would be overlooked.
As I walked down the street, I took in the excitement around
me, musicians played as residents hoping to sneak a glance at the
festivities waited around the castle’s grounds. Children stood on
their parents shoulders watching the magnificent coaches decorated in
gold trim roll up to the gates seeking entrance.
I could not understand the need for such luxuries and waste.
I had lived centuries and had watched many suffer in need while others
wasted their money on lavish items such as these. I never understood
why they refused to help those less fortunate while flaunting their
wealth for others to see. I had learned long ago that an act of
charity was remembered much longer than the glint and glamour of gold.
Reaching the main gate, I stood in the long line of
dignitaries and rich who had just arrived seeking admittance. I forced
myself to wait and follow procedure, when I could have just willed
myself into the shadows of the grounds and bypassed waiting in the hot
afternoon sun.
Those around me watched me cautiously; I was not one they
knew, they whispered behind painted fans as they tried to place me and
my position. I laughed inwardly at their vain need to know and how
they would react if they knew me in either of my other forms. Sickly
Selena would be chastised and chased from the line while Regyna would
be welcomed as they attempted to lure her treasure from her.
“Invitation please.” The guard called to me as I stepped
I handed it to him and gave a small curtsy as he looked it
over and nodded. “Lady Isabella, please enjoy your evening.”
I smiled and stepped through the gate and onto the castle
ground making the short walk up to the castle steps. As I looked up at
the castle above me, I could not help but glance even higher to cliffs
over town and to the cave that held my cherished stones. As if they
knew I was looking towards them, I felt their power flow through me as
I made my way up the steps and into the castle.
Even though I had been inside the castle before I was still
in awe as I took in the high vaulted ceilings, the deep chiseled
sculptures and magnificent artwork that surrounded me. Gold glistened
from everywhere, reflecting on itself sending a shimmering of lights
dancing across the entry. I took it all in as I walked further in and
was greeted by more guards motioning me towards the large Banquet
This room was darker, done in mahogany and deep reds. Large
round etched columns lined the room. Tables lined the floor and people
took their seats, readying themselves for King Zyphran’s arrival.
Several groups of people milled around the sides of the room accepting
wine and light refreshments while they waited for dinner to be served.
I took the chance to wander and listen to conversations. Most were
still in surprise of Zyphran’s victory. Others talked of what his
reward would be. I listened bored as I searched for information I
desired, wandering from group to group with polite nods and smiles.
As I came across several servants standing to the side of
the hall I finally got what I desired as they talked of the gift that
King Zyphran had presented to the lord. I listened as they described
a wonderful jeweled sword, stopping and turning towards them as they
started to discuss Zyphran’s request in turn. The delivery of a young
girl he had seen on the streets as he entered the city. My heart froze
while at the same moment the room went silent then fell into loud
applause as King Zyphran and his War-General entered the room. I could
still feel the way their stare cut through me when we had been on the
street and I stepped closer to the servants, wanting to blend in with
the crowd and remain unseen. As we waited for the King to be seated
the servants continued to whisper, I moved closer still not wanting to
miss a word as they described the girl right down to her gray dress.
I held my composure as they went on to explain that King Zyphran had
requested ownership of her.
Ownership, the word went through me like a sword. I held my
breath as I listened to how the guards had been searching for her so
she could be presented to him this evening. Having heard enough I
turned to leave, to plan and prepare. In my rush, I stumbled, only to
be caught by strong arms that righted me on my feet.
Looking up into the eyes of the man who had caught me I felt
my breath leave me in a rush. He might have been cleaned up, shaved
and wearing formal clothing instead of his armor but there was no
doubt, I would remember those eyes anywhere. It was King Zyphran who
held my arm.

It was time for me to enter the great Banquet Chamber.

The clamour that was coming from the huge wooden doors suggested
that a few hundred people were already inside and enjoying the feat.
Duck, I believe, was being served. I, of course, detested eating
fowl of any kind, the skin always seem slimy and disgusting to me. I
strongly preferred veal or beef, or even in dire circumstances, fish.
I was dressed in my best finery, gleaming gold crown with
sparkling diamond trim, and the Gem of Barrington as its center
piece. My red tunic with a large phoenix in black owning the chest,
a black satin cape with wolf-fur trim draped across my shoulders.
Black pants with a thin red stripe running down the outside of each
leg were tucked smartly into a pair of freshly-polished leather boots,
the buckles shining and laced tightly. My trusted sword back in its
Beside me was Lansing, also dressed for the occasion in a blood-
red tunic, black pants without the stripe and boots that were just
beginning to show the signs of age. His hair and been scrubbed clean,
as had his face and hands, and I couldn’t keep the smile off my face.
The storm raging in his ocean-blue eyes told me all I needed to know
about how my War-General thought about being clean.
Lansing held up a finger to me in mock warning. “Not one word, my
lord. I swear, I feel like an ugly pig stuffed into fancy clothes.”
My smile widened. “Look like one as well.” His angry eyes
darkened even more. “We’re going to be here all night, Lansing. You
might as well try to relax and enjoy yourself. Who knows, you might
even find a bride in there.”
“You truly do hate me, don’t you, my lord?”
“Hate is such a strong word. I’m far more comfortable with
detest. Are you ready for this?”
“I hope you trip over your cape and land face-first in your fig
pudding, my lord.”
I steadied myself with a deep breath. Then, with Lansing at my
side, we stepped into the tumult of the banquet. Instantly, every
head in the chamber turned towards us, and the music came to a sudden
halt. An awkward few moments of silence covered us until a crescendo
of applause erupted and the good people of Randor banged their fists
and tankards on the tables and cheered for me and my fidgeting War-
Servants stopped in mid-service to gape at us, and the same
children who had carried the banners of Randor hours before when we
arrived into the city, now pointed greasy fingers at us and giggled.
At the far end of the chamber, at a raised table, Overlord Ammen
stood and joined in the applause. Even from as far away as we were, I
could tell his new sword was resting in his sheath. The man really
was a glutton.
“Of course,” Lansing said under his breath. “He would have to be
all the way over there wouldn’t he? I feel like a jester on display.”
I offered a small smile and nodded my head a few times in
acknowledgement of the greeting directed at us. “I think that was the
whole point. Just grin and wave, Lansing. And do try not to break into
a dead run for our table. That would not be received well.”
“I make no such promise, my lord.”
A smartly-dressed servant rushed up to us with wide eyes and
blushing cheeks. He had to be all of fourteen and scared out of his
wits, not that blame could to placed on him, Lansing and I made an
opposing sight. “My lords,” he said with a bow so low I was surprised
he didn’t fall over. “Please allow me to escort you to your table.
Overlord Ammen awaits you.”
“Thank you, son.”
The servant turned around and practically dashed at a full
gallop, zig-zagging haphazardly around tables and groups of tightly
clustered people.
“What were you saying about not running, my lord. I fret that
may be the only way I can keep up with the frightened little pup.”
“Do behave, Lansing.”
Custom decreed that I make the walk to our table alone, for no
man should walk in front of a king, and it would be considered in the
poorest of taste to have a lesser arrive at the table after the guest
of honor, even if it was just by a step or two. So, with a resigned
sigh and a non-amused look, Lansing gave chase to the servant. I had
to wait until the servant returned for me before I was allowed to
move. This gave me time to wonder what brainless twit came up with
such an asinine custom; I, a crowned king, a man who on this very
night was to be named the second-in-command of all Ravencrest, was at
the mercy of a teenage servant.
Fortunately, the lad returned in what seemed an amazingly
short amount of time. “My lord,” he said without the courtesy to be
winded. “If you’d do me the extreme honor of following me, please.”
I nodded at him with a patient smile. “Lead the way, son.”
Having the advantage of watching the speed of which this human
jackrabbit moved, I was prepared to quicken my pace and save my
dignity. Something my War-General was unsuccessful in achieving.
Even knowing what was coming, keeping pace with him was no easy
task. I barely managed to avoid a collision with the first two tables
he led me past, however I my luck ran afoul when I tried to maneuver
past a small grouping of people. A very pretty dark-haired girl, with
deep green eyes and a voluptuous body, suddenly broke away from the
group fell directly into me. Acting on pure instinct, I grabbed her by
her upper arms and held her until she found her legs once again.
She looked up and began saying something when her eyes went wild
and all the color was chased away from her olive-colored skin. “You’re
okay, miss. However, I suggest next time leading with your eyes
instead of your shoulders. You’ll have a much easier go of it.” I
Those wild green eyes just stared at mine like she had seen a
ghost. She was trembling and looked even more frightened than the
servant who was escorting me to my table. I tried offering her a
reassuring smile to let her know I took no insult at having her throw
herself into my arms. I’m sure it wasn’t everyday she saw a king,
let alone got close enough to one to touch or to speak to. Had I not
had such a massive, adoring audience I would’ve been a lot more stern
with the lass, but truth be told there was no damage done. In fact,
she made me look even more regal to the citizens of Randor by not
simply stepping aside and letting her fall flat, as many a king I know
would’ve done.
Finally, she found her ability to walk, if not speak, for she
tore out of my arms and out of the chamber as if the devil himself was
giving her chase. Everyone became very still, and all eyes were upon
me. I smiled brightly, shrugged my shoulders and offered, “The story
of my life, my good people. Now you know the true reason why I’ve
never found a wife.”
The Banquet Chamber exploded in laughter, and I breathed a sigh
of relief at having saved my dignity. Thankfully, the rest of the
trip to my table was completed without incident.
After everyone was seated, and the rest of the chamber had
returned to their meals and conversations, I leaned very close to
Overlord Ammen and asked, “Do you know who that young lass was that
ran into me, my lord?”
Ammen shook his head. “I have a huge kingdom, I’m afraid. I do
not know the names of everyone who dwells within it. However, finding
out her name should prove no trouble. Shall I add her to your already
impressive collection of gifts, King Zyphran? If so, then please
allow me to inquire if you plan on leaving any of Randor’s women
behind when you take your leave of my city?”
I was not pleased with the rebuke, but could hardly afford to
show my displeasure. “Was just s simple inquest, my lord. She seemed
very frightened, and yet, there was something . . . familiar about
A few minutes later, Lansing nudged me with his elbow. “There’s
no way you could’ve missed her this time, my lord.”
“What do you mean, Lansing? Miss who?”
“That beautiful golden-haired girl who was standing by the
cart today as we came into Randor. The one who was standing close to
whoever you were looking at, remember?”
I looked at my long-time friend and War-General like he had come
down with a severe case of madness. “My memory works just fine, I
assure you. It’s you I’m beginning to worry about, Lansing. That’s
the second time today that you’ve mistaken a dark-haired lass for a
beautiful blonde. Perhaps you’ve been struck one too many times in
that thick melon you call a head.”
“Jest with me if you must, my lord,” Lansing said, his mouth
turning as hard as his stare. “But in truth, you fool me not. I think
you were right before when you said I might find my bride in here
tonight; for I believe I have done just that. You just mark my words,
my lord. One day I will wed that golden-haired beauty from this
afternoon who almost ran you down. I swear it on my life.”
All I could do was stare at Lansing. I knew well his tone of
voice; he was as serious as I have ever seen him in my entire life. It
was now my belief that Randor was one strange city.

I could not have moved faster if I had wings. Running from the
Great Banquet Hall as fast as my feet would carry me. My skin still
burned from where his hands had gently grasped my arms. The intense
stare of his eyes still fresh in my mind. I had never experienced such
emotion or physical response to anyone in the centuries that I had
lived. I took it as warning, a strong feeling to stay away, but yet at
the same time my curiosity pulled me too him.
Forcing myself to stop running, I look up and find myself
standing in the large castle entryway. A few guards stared at me as
if I was crazy and maybe I was. Never before had I felt so unsure
and insecure in my stature. I squared my shoulders, offering them an
apologetic smile and slowly started walking out of the castle.
Making it almost to the large wooden doors, I stopped. I had come
here for information, not to run away at a simple stumble. I took a
deep breath and turned, forcing myself to walk back into the Banquet
I was relieved to find the room filled with conversation,
servants were bringing trays of food out as the meal was served.
Finding an empty chair in the back of the hall near the doors, I took
a seat. Others glanced up at me and then went back to eating not
showing any sign of recognizing me as the one who had almost ran down
the King on his way to his table.
I busied myself fixing my napkin on my lap while I glanced up
towards the head table at the King and his War-General. They both were
lost in conversation with each other, paying no attention to the many
who stared there way, the women in lust and men in jealousy. Overlord
Ammen sat beside them looking bored and angry and I was sure he was
thinking about how much this was going to cost him, and how much more
having to award the King with his reward would cut into his profits.
I thanked the servant as he set a plate before me and inhaled
deeply at the pleasant aroma of fresh duck. I had no appetite after
the night’s events but forced myself to swallow a few bites as not to
draw attention to myself once again.
I wished Lily were here with me, she would have enjoyed all
the fancy dress and food more than I was. She had dreams of someday
enjoying a lavish lifestyle where I had always been content to blend
Forcing my thoughts from Lilly, I continued to watch King
Zyphran and his War-General smile and laugh with each other as if
they were old friends. I wondered at how long they had been together
as I watched the ease in which they bantered with each other. With
my powers I had enhanced hearing, but even with it the conversation
echoing through the hall made it impossible to make out what they were
Taking a long sip of wine, I watched and waited while the rest
finished their meals and the plates were cleared and everyone turned
their attention towards Overlord Ammen and the presentation of King
Zyphran to the people.
A silence came over the room as Overlord Ammen stood. “Tonight we
welcome King Zyphran of Barrington and his army back from a victorious
battle over King Drakor of Carygrove.” The crowd erupted in applause
as Ammen nodded towards the King. “Furthermore, by his victory come
rewards of great value . . .”
The speech went on and on as I watched King Zyphran smile and nod
in agreement. He looked as uncomfortable in this setting as I felt and
I found myself wondering at his background. He was different from the
Overlord who fed off the power and honors that his position offered,
and while I had no doubt that the King also enjoyed the honor and
prestige that went with victory, it was more about the conquest and
defeating an enemy with the King than about profit and gains.
His War-General looked even more uncomfortable, as his fingers
pulled at his high collar, fidgeting in the formal dress of the
evening. He half-heartily listened to the speech, applauded and nodded
at the right moments yet his stare was focused on the many young women
of the crowd as if he was searching for someone.
I smiled thinking of Lilly and wondered if he or one of his army
might really find her to their liking. Not that I wished her bridled
with a army man, always living in fear of him not returning, but I
wanted her happy and to find love and if one of these men were able to
deliver that to her so be it.
King Zyphran stood, shaking Overlord Ammen’s hand as he accepted
the gifts and honors of his success. I watched taking in his muscular
body, his ocean blue eyes sweeping over the crowd accepting their
applause and welcome. He beamed with honor and pride, yet something
about his demeanor told me that his mind was elsewhere, his thoughts
on something other than his reward.
As the crowd settled and desserts were served, I watched a
Zyphran’s War-General excused himself from the table, I figured he
was off to check in with his guards and others in command. I decided
the night was a waste and that any chance of gaining information had
come and gone. Pushing my chair back, I stood, taking a final glance
towards the King before turning and heading towards the doors. As
the guard opened the door for me to leave the Banquet Hall, I smiled
a thank you and stepped through, only to for the second time in the
night run straight into a large male. Looking up ready to apologize I
was caught of guard by the man before me.
“You . . .” King Zyphran’s War-General cried out in surprise.
Copyright 2010 All Rights Reserved

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