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Sticking to Your Activity Plan

You’re currently reaching the weekly activity goal to gain significant health benefits! You are
reducing your chance of type II diabetes by 40%, heart disease by 35%, joint and back pain by
25%. Staying physically active will provide you with more energy, help you sleep better, and
enjoy a better quality of life!
It can be tough to maintain this activity level, even the best-laid plans can be sidetracked.
Planning ahead can help you stick with your activity plan. Below are some reasons why people
might fall out of their activity routines and ways to overcome them. Research shows that
actually drawing a line between the situation and your preferred solution can have a lot more
impact, so please grab a pen and take a few minutes to complete this section.

Situation: If I… Solution: Then I will…

Plan my activity ahead of time so I know what works best with my schedule
Feel too busy/tired for
activity Split up my activity into 10 minute segments throughout the day (This is just as
effective as continuous activity!)

Don’t feel well enough Talk to the doctor about changes to my health
for activity Remind myself that some activity is better than none
Find out whether I can stay in a hotel that has a gym
Will be traveling
Find out if meetings, attractions or restaurants are within walking distance
Contact my doctor or physiotherapist about my injury
Get an injury
Find activities I can do that won’t make the injury worse while it is healing

Am not enjoying my Ask a friend if they’d like to join me

activities anymore Try new fun or social activities like dancing, rock climbing, or a running group

Do you have a different Add your own solutions here:

obstacle from those __________________________________________
written above?

e - Maintaining Toolkit (Version: 2, Date: 26 June 2019)

Resources to Keep You Going

The Importance of Intensity in Physical Activity
How do you figure out the intensity of your current exercise routine? Are you doing enough? What does the
research say? This short video will help answer these questions and help you find the level of activity that will
have the greatest impact on your health.

Keep Going!
It takes work to develop a healthy, active lifestyle, as well as effort to maintain it so you can keep getting the
physical and mental health benefits. This short article gives some tips on how to stay motivated, how to plan
ahead for set-backs, and how to recognize your weaknesses. As the title says, Keep Going!

How to get out of a workout rut

If you find yourself counting the minutes until you are done exercising or feeling like you are stuck in the
same boring routine, you’ll like this article as it provides some ideas to bring back motivation and enjoyment
to your physical activity. You won’t find many articles which tell you to take a break from the gym!

Online Exercise Videos

To maintain an active lifestyle, it’s important to find activities you enjoy and continue to challenge you. It’s
easy to get bored of same old routines. Trying new activities can be a great way to challenge your body,
increase your fitness, and keep motivated. This site will provide some fresh ideas – including exercises you
can do right at home, running programs, and 10-minute workouts.

e - Maintaining Toolkit (Version: 2, Date: 26 June 2019)

Resources in Your Community

Community recreational centres in Toronto offering a range of free activities

From swimming and water aerobics to fencing, squash, hip-hop, and more! A recreational centre is a great
place to try a new activity and have a lot of fun while you’re doing it. See what catches your eye!

Free running groups for all running abilities, including a running group for beginners
Whether you want to be challenged by others in a group environment or want to take up running as a new
activity, the Running Room has locations throughout Toronto and offers running groups multiple times per

Free online yoga classes offered at different levels, choose a class that best suits you
Fit in your daily physical activity whenever works best for you with free 1-hour yoga classes offered in a variety
of types and levels of intensity.

For Older Adults

There are free, customized physical activities for older adults throughout the city of Toronto. Some of the
activities offered are group exercise classes run out of the SPRINT Senior Care Centre, Harmony Hall Centres,
and Etobicoke Services for Seniors. For more information on these activities and to find more activities, please
visit the Toronto Central Health Line website.
Or call 416-506-9888, and a Toronto Central Community Care Access Centre staff will provide you with
physical activity choices that best fit your needs.

e - Maintaining Toolkit (Version: 2, Date: 26 June 2019)

e - Maintaining Toolkit (Version: 2, Date: 26 June 2019)

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