Week4 Assignment PDF

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1. Which circuit is shown if figure?

a. Non-Inverting Amplifier
b. Inverting Amplifier
c. An Oscillator
d. A Schmitt Trigger

Solution: d)

Shown circuit is Positive Feedback and in positive feedback, Op-amp operates in its saturation region.
The circuit switches between negative and positive output voltage levels. It is a Schmitt trigger.

2. In the circuit given below, the OP-AMP is ideal. The input Vx is a sinusoid. To ensure
Vx = Vy, the value of CN in is _________

a. 100 pF
b. 200 pF
c. 300 pF
d. Data Insufficient

Solution: (a)
Explanation: Applying KCL at Non-Inverting Amplifier,
𝑉𝑦 − 0 𝑉𝑦 − Vout
1𝑘 10𝑘
𝑉𝑦 Vout
∴ Vy = −
10 10
∴ Vout = 11 ∗ 𝑉𝑦

Applying KCL at Inverting Amplifier,

Vy − Vx 𝑉𝑦 𝑉𝑦 − 𝑉𝑜𝑢𝑡
+ + =0
1𝑘 1 1
sC s𝐶𝑁
𝑉𝑦 − 𝑉𝑥 + 𝑠𝐶𝑉𝑦 + s𝐶𝑁 𝑉𝑦 − sCN 𝑉out = 0

𝑠𝐶𝑉𝑦 + 𝑆𝐶𝑁 (Vy − 11 𝑉𝑦 ) = 0

𝑠𝐶𝑉𝑦 = 10𝑠𝐶𝑁 𝑉𝑦
𝐶 1nF
𝐶𝑁 = 10 = 10
= 100 𝑝𝐹

3. Let the input of the comparator is connected to a sinusoidal signal of 8 V (peak to peak)
without any DC component. Compute the duty cycle of the output.
Note: Consider an ideal comparator

a. 1/2
b. 1/3
c. 1/6
d. 1/12

Solution: b) 1/3

Given input Vi = 4 sin ωt

Since -ve input terminal is connected to V = 2 V, therefore output Vo = Vcc when Vi ≥ V

 4 sin ωt = 2
π 5π
 ωt = 6
, 6
5π π
TON − 4π 1
 Duty Cycle = T
= 6

= 12π

4. Consider the circuit shown in the figure below. If the input voltage Vi connected to the input
of -Ve terminal is a symmetrical sawtooth wave. Compute the average output value.
Note: Consider the input average value as zero, with a positive slope and peak to peak value
of 20 V and output peak to peak as 30 V

a. 5V
b. 10 V
c. –5V
d. 7.5 V

Solution: d) 7.5 V
The circuit has a positive feedback. So, output will be saturated to either + Vsat or – Vsat.
Given that peak to peak output as 30 V. i.e Vsat = 15 V
Now, input waveform can be drawn as

Start with Vi = - 10 V. Vo will be saturated at +Vsat or + 15 V

V+ = 1/3 *15 = + 5 V
Now, when Vi crosses +5 V during its positive slope, Vo will saturate to – Vsat or – 15 V
Now, V+ = - 5 V
Again, when Vi crosses – 5 V during its negative step, Vo will again saturate at + 15 V
So output waveform is

Therefore, the average value of Vo = 15 *(3/4) – 15*(1/4) = 7.5 V

5. Consider the circuit shown in figure below. Select appropriate transfer characteristics of the
circuit if the open loop gain of an op-amp is 50,000 and Vz1 = Vz2 = 9 V.
Assume the voltage drop across the forward biased Zener to be 0.7 V
Vz1 Vz2





Solution: d)

Given AOL = 50,000, so the Zener break down for an input voltage Vi = 9.7/A OL = ± 0.194 mV and
input drives the output to ± Vsat. This causes VZ1 or VZ2 to break down, giving output voltage Vo =
± (VZ + VD) = ± 9.7 V

6. Consider the circuit shown in figure below. If input Vi = 1 VPP (peak-to-peak) sine wave, Vref =
0.5 V and saturation voltage = ± 15 V, compute the threshold voltages VUT and VLT.


a. VUT = 5.33 V and VLT = 4.67 V
b. VUT = 5.33 V and VLT = - 4.67 V
c. VUT = 4.67 V and VLT = - 4.67 V
d. VUT = 5.33 V and VLT = - 5.33 V

Solution: b) VUT = 5.33 V and VLT = - 4.67 V

Given Vref = 0.5 V, Vi = 1 VPP. The circuit shown has a positive feedback and hence it is a Schmitt

Solving the circuit, we get

R1 R2
V+ = ( ) Vo + ( )V
R1 + R 2 R 1 + R 2 ref
R1 R2 5 10
VUT = ( ) Vsat + ( ) Vref = ∗ 15 + ∗ 0.5 = 5 + 0.33 = 5.33 V
R1 + R 2 R1 + R 2 15 15
R1 R2 5 10
VLT = − ( ) Vsat + ( ) Vref = − ∗ 15 + ∗ 0.5 = −5 + 0.33 = − 4.67 V
R1 + R 2 R1 + R 2 15 15
7. Consider an inverting Schmitt trigger with hysteresis width VHW = 1 V and the upper threshold
level VUTH = 0.5 V that converts a 2 kHz sine wave of amplitude 5 VPP into a square wave.
Calculate the time duration of the negative and positive portion of the output waveform.
a. 0.25 ms, 0.25 ms
b. 0.5 ms, 0.5 ms
c. 266 µs, 234 µs
d. None of the mentioned

Solution: a) 0.25 ms, 0.25 ms

Given VUTH = 0.5 V and hysteresis width VHW = VUTH – VLTH = 1 V => VLTH = 0.5 – 1 = - 0.5 V
T = 1/2000 = 0.0005 = 0.5 ms
T/2 = 0.25 ms
The time at which the output changes its phase is calculated as
0.5 = Vm sin ωt
ωt = sin−1(0.5⁄Vm) = sin−1 0.2 = 0.201
t= = 16 μs
2 ∗ π ∗ 2000
Therefore, the negative pulse duration is
(T/2 + 16 µs) - 16 µs = (0.25 ms + 16 µs) -16 µs = (266 µs) -16 µs = 0.25 ms
And the positive pulse duration is also 0.25 ms

8. In continuation to the previous question, if VHW = 0.2 V and the upper threshold level VUTH = 0
V with input signal of 1 kHz sine wave of amplitude 4 VPP, compute the time duration of both
positive and negative output waveform
a. 0.5 ms, 0.5 ms
b. 0.516 ms, 0.484 ms
c. 0.484 ms, 0.516 ms
d. None of the mentioned

Solution: c) 0.484 ms, 0.516 ms

Given VUTH = 0 V and hysteresis width VHW = VUTH – VLTH = 0.2 V => VLTH = 0 – 0.2 = - 0.2 V
T = 1/1000 = 1 ms
T/2 = 0.5 ms
The time at which the output changes its phase is calculated as
− 0.2 = Vm sin ωt
ωt = sin ⁄Vm) = sin−1 − 0.1 = − 0.1
t= = 16 μs
2 ∗ π ∗ 1000
Therefore, the negative pulse duration is
T1 = (T/2 + 16 µs) = (0.5 ms + 16 µs) = 516 µs = 0.516 ms
And the positive pulse duration is
T2 = (T/2 - 16 µs) = (0.5 ms - 16 µs) = 0.484 ms

9. Consider a non-inverting Schmitt trigger configuration. If an input of 1 Vp is applied then what

will be the output waveform when the upper and lower threshold voltages are 0.25 V?
a. Square Waveform
b. Pulse Waveform
c. Sawtooth Waveform
d. Cannot be determined

Solution: a) Square Waveform

10. Consider the waveform shown in the figure below. The input signal is on the top and the
output waveform is at the bottom. Select the correct circuit which can generate the output
waveform for the given input




Solution: a)

The output looks like a window detector. The output will be high when the input is between VHT
and VLT. To realise the circuit let’s consider different cases

Case 1: Consider Vin = 1, VHT = 4, VLT = 2 then the output of CMP1 = 0 and CMP2 = 0. Hence the
gate OUTPUT = 0

Case 2: Consider Vin = 3, VHT = 4, VLT = 2 then the output of CMP1 = 0 and CMP2 = 1. Hence the
gate OUTPUT = 1

Case 3: Consider Vin = 5, VHT = 4, VLT = 2 then the output of CMP1 = 1 and CMP2 = 1. Hence the
gate OUTPUT = 0

So, by realising the circuit the output is high only when the Vin is between VHT and VLT.

11. Consider a Schmitt trigger circuit. Let the threshold voltages of the circuit is higher than the
noise voltages. What is the behaviour of the circuit.
a. Amplified output signal
b. Reduce the transition effect
c. Eliminate the false output transition
d. All the mentioned

Solution: c) Eliminate the false output transition

In Schmitt trigger, if the threshold voltage VUT and VLT are made larger than the input noise voltage.
The positive feedback will eliminate the false output transition

12. Select the correct option

a. Use of positive feedback could overcome the drawback of zero crossing detectors
b. Increasing input voltage could overcome the drawback of zero crossing detectors
c. Connect a compensating network to overcome the drawback of zero crossing
d. None of the mentioned
Solution: a) Use of Positive Feedback

The drawback of zero crossing detectors can be in cured with the use of regenerative or positive
feedback that causes the output to change faster and eliminate any false output transition due to
noise signals at the input

13. Consider the circuit shown in the figure. If Vz = 6 V and the forward bias of Zener is 0.7 V,
Compute the output waveform. Let at first the input is positive peak and the saturation
voltages are ± 15 V.




Solution: b)
During the positive half cycle, the output voltage would be at -VD = -0.7v because the
Zener will be forward biased. However, during negative half cycle of V O would be at
+VZ =+6v. Thus, the Zener diode in the feedback path limits VO to swing between +6v
to -0.7v.

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