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Cantos, Micca Ricka Raphaella T.

BS REM 2-1


An Ilocano Epic

I. Author’s Background

PEDRO BUKANEG (1592- c. 1630)

 He is attributed as the author of the famous epic poem “Biag ni Lam-ang” (The Life of Lam-ang).
 He had embarked so much inspiration and notability in the history of Philippine literature as a blind
man who disregarded his disability by using the knowledge and talent given by Him through writing
various literary works.
 Pedro Bukaneg is also known as the “Father of Ilokano Literature” for he is the first person to relive
the heritage of his hometown by being the city’s first poet, linguist, musician, orator, and lexicographer
(a person compiling and editing dictionaries).

II. Summary

Biag ni Lam-ang is an epic poem that narrates the life of a man who is full of courage and is fearless
to encounter any hardships for his family and loved ones.

In the town of Nalbuan (presently known as La Union), there were Namongan and Don Juan, a
couple filled with adoration, had just been unified in a sacred matrimony. Days passed by when the wife
conceived a child, which was the fruit of their love. Namongan knew that she was carrying an extraordinary
child for the Almighty from above gave it to them. Because of her pregnancy, Namongan ate various kinds
of fruits, fishes, and seafood dishes. On her seventh month of pregnancy, the wife thought of preparing
necessary things for her confinement. Namongan asked her husband to cut mature bamboo from the grove
to be used for making balitang (a reclining bed). Don Juan did what his wife had told him to do. When he
successfully returned home, Namongan asked her husband to bring her other things needed for the
confinement—firewoods (molave and gasatan), a jar and stove to keep her warm, water for her bathe, and
a one-man pot where their child’s kadkad-dua (umbilical cord) will be placed. After having prepared
everything his wife needs, Don Juan trekked his way to the Cordillera Mountains, the home of the Igorots.
There he gone with a purpose of fighting with the tribe of tattooed Igorots; however, he failed to come back
until the moment of Namongan’s childbirth.
All midwives available, the old Marco, a diver, Alisot, and the rich man Pasho, tried to conduct the
delivery but unfortunately failed. They asked the old woman’s help and succeeded in doing the procedure.
When the child was born, he was already able to speak, thus telling his mother to name himself Lam-ang
once baptized and asked to make Gibuan his godfather. Nine months after birth, Lam-ang longed for his
father, made a decision to discover what had happened to his father, and searched for him in the place where
his father had gone through. Although he received a discouragement from his mother, he bravely proceeded
with his plan. Bringing with him some magical stones: the sagang, the tangraban, the law-lawigan, and the
musang, a centipede amulet, and several weapons, Lam-ang hiked the blackest mountains where he saw
tribes of checkered Igorots. Upon reaching the mountain in Maculili and Dagman, he decided to sleep but
had been abruptly woken up when he dreamt of a voice telling him that he should not wait any longer for
the Igorots were already feasting around Don Juan’s head. Alarmed by the said dream, he continued his
search and saw the exact scenario happening. He asked the celebrating tribe what his father had done to
them to deserve such kind of punishment. Never been able to answer his question angered Lam-ang. The
furious Lam-ang called out their leader Bumakas and told the other to call for all of his people and have a
fight against him. As Bumakas called out for everyone, unquantifiable Igorots shown up and the battle had
begun. The checkered Igorots thrown their spears to Lam-ang, which he was swiftly catching in bundles.
As the number of Igorots’ weapons lessen, Lam-ang strucked his special weapon onto the ground and
summoned the wind that killed tons of Igorots and resulted to having only one man from the tribe to remain
alive. He showed no mercy for the only surviving man and morbidly killed him as a sign of his deep
vengeance. After an intense yet successful encounter, he returned home and told the maidens to aid him in
his bathe and brought with them rice straws, coconut shell, and embarks to make a fire. He asked them to
prepare those things for he was planning to challenge his strength by battling against a crocodile that is
known to be the biggest in his region that inhabits in the Amburayang River. Upon reaching the river, he
bathe as planned whereas the dirt coming from his body surprisingly killed some sea creatures. After doing
so, he fought with the crocodile. As Lam-ang possessed tremendous strength and power, he slaughtered the
crocodile with just one thrust and proudly carried it on his shoulders. He then asked the maidens to pull out
its teeth and use them as amulets for travelling.

When he was back home, he started readying himself to go for another journey, a journey for love.
He was eager to reach Innes Kannoyan—a wealthy lady from the town of Kalanutian, known for having
several suitors, and the daughter of the richest man in town. He then changed into his luxurious dress. When
Namongan knew her son’s idea, he abruptly dispirited Lam-ang. Lam-ang, being his optimistic self, stood
for his decision and went to Kalanutian along with his pets: a white rooster, a yellow-legged hen, and a
hairy dog. Along his trail to Innes Kannoyan, he met Sumarang—a competitor who insulted and told him
that he has no chance of winning the Innes’ heart. Having offended, Lam-ang challenged Sumarang in a
duel where he tossed him nine hills away using his spear. After the duel, he then came across a maiden
named Saridandan, who tried to seduce him but failed.

Upon reaching Kannoyan’s town, he was surprised by how the rumors were true that Innes had
many suitors. He thought of a strategy to catch Innes’ attention. Lam-ang walked into the middle of the
crowd where his pet rooster flapped its wings causing the outhouse to collapse. Having this done, everyone’s
attention turned to Lam-ang. Consequently, his dog growled which, rebuilt the outhouse again. Innes and
her parents were impressed by Lam-ang’s show that resulted him capturing the woman’s heart. Innes’
parents invited Lam-ang and discussed with him that they would only let the marriage happen when Lam-
ang would be able to give them a dowry. Without further ado, Lam-ang agreed to all of their conditions.

A Catholic wedding eventually happened in Kanlanutian while, the festive banquet, where both
Lam-ang’s and Innes’ town mates were invited, was held in Nalbuan. After the celebration, the incumbent
captain told Lam-ang to dive for a rarang; since it was the town’s tradition for a newly wedded man. He
agreed doing it and notified his wife that once the premonitions (when their staircase dance, kasuuran topple
down, and stove break into pieces) happen, it would be the exact moment when a monsterous fish called
berkakan would devour Lam-ang’s body.

The premonitions had happened exactly as what Lam-ang told his wife. An extremely worried Innes,
accompanied by Mario (diver) and the three magnificent pets, sailed to the river with a goal of finding and
collecting Lam-ang’s bones. As the diver successfully did his given task, the rooster told Innes to cover the
bones with cloth. The bones started moving with their own accord as the rooster crowed and the hen flapped
its wings. The dog howled twice and clawed its feet onto the bones, which made Lam-ang, resurrected from
the dead with an unharmed body. Innes tightly hugged her husband and said how she was sickly worried
for him. The diver was generously rewarded and the pets were thanked enough for giving Lam-ang another
chance to live. Lam-ang and Innes, along with their pets, lived a blissful eternity.

III. Philippine Values/Culture/Traditions Evident in the Literary Work

a. Bravery (Katapangan)

It is very evident in the whole story of Biag ni Lam-ang that the main character manifested one of
the most important Filipino values, bravery. Lam-ang is a strong definition of how every Filipinos should
be. He showed no fear in every battlefield he entered and presented the extremity of his will and power to
conquer any difficulties in his life. Moreover, amidst all the oppositions he received from the people around
him, he remained focus with his goals and victoriously achieving them.
b. GodlInness (Pagkamakadiyos)

Since Pedro Bukaneg, the author of this literary piece, was also recognized for his extensive
knowledge about theology, the Bible, and Spanish literature, it is not a surprising fact that Biag ni Lam-ang
reflected Filipino’s GodlInness and strong faith in God.

“My son Lam-ang, may God accompany you. Be careful about yourself for you know too well the
danger that lurk by the wayside.” This line was a part of the epic poem where Lam-ang is set to court Innes.
His mother was full of doubts about Lam-ang’s decision to pursue the maiden. Since her son seemed to be
unstoppable, Namongan just put her faith to God about what would possibly happen to his son’s choice.

c. Courtship

Courtship is one of the traditions in the PhilippInnes that was shown in this epic. Lam-ang’s
dedication to pursue Innes was displayed through the way he was not discouraged by others, his ability to
not be seduced by others, and the extent of what he has done to prove Innes and her family that he is worth
the person’s love and trust.

d. Festivity

It is very common in the PhilippInnes to have grand and enormous celebrations. Filipinos, by nature,
are known to be the happiest people on Earth. Festivity is also one the traditions included in our culture that
was featured in this literature. It was strongly shown during Lam-ang and Innes’ wedding ceremony; where
both parties invited all of their town mates to their wedding celebration.

e. Usage of Amulets (Anting-anting)

Most of our ancestors used amulets or anting-anting to keep themselves away from any danger. In
Biag ni Lam-ang, the protagonist himself is fond of using amulets and several stones to fight against possible

f. Patient (Matiyaga)

Filipinos are known to be patient in different ways. As for this epic, it is manifested by Innes
Kannoyan for she had waited a long time in finding a man that truly deserves her love.
IV. Theme

“Biag ni Lam-ang” presents a central idea that heroism is within oneself. When Lam-ang intended
to find his father, his mother questioned his ability. Lam-ang, however, trusted and stood by his decision,
disregarded the negativity, and eventually won the battle without any hesitations in facing tons of Igorots
alone. This exhibits that great braveness is born from within; but, it will take conviction to oneself to be
able to show it.

V. Analysis

Biag ni Lam-ang narrates the life of an extraordinary man who has been born with exemplary skills
and incomparable braveness. The epic poem showed how the protagonist, Lam-ang, won his battles through
courage, love, and determination.

The time of this epic took place during the Pre-Hispanic era; however, the plot suggested some
Spanish influences such as the Christianism. There are two main reasons: (1) Biag ni Lam-ang was believed
to be written during the Spanish colonialism; and (2) the epic’s author was well-known for being
knowledgeable about theology, religion, and Spanish literature. Pedro Bukaneg was also said to be a
Christian missionary. Furthermore, Biag ni Lam-ang was set in the northern part of the PhilippInnes,
specifically the Ilocos Region. It is evident through Lam-ang for he possessed a remarkable Ilocano value—
being used to hardships. He never said “no” to any battle he had faced; instead, he believed in himself and
drove himself to his best for his family, loved ones, and community.

This epic is a symbolism for every human being. Biag ni Lam-ang is more than just the life of Lam-
ang, rather, it is the life of everyone else. Lam-ang is the representation of ourselves and the whole story is
our journey. Lam-ang’s magical pets embodies a person’s need for support. As these pets helped Lam-ang
in his courtship with Innes and resurrected him when he was devoured by the berkakang, they proved that
nobody should be alone in facing their problems in life. Namongan, Lam-ang’s mother, can signify both a
positive and a negative side. Namongan represents a parent that is overly worried and caring for his/her
children. On the contrary, Namongan was seen discouraging Lam-ang to set his feet on battlegrounds. She
even questioned her son during the time Lam-ang wanted to fight against the Igorots and the moment he
desired to pursue Innes. These events lead to a deduction that Namongan could also symbolize negativity,
discouragement, and doubt in own ability and capability. Lam-ang’s determination to find his father and his
willpower to offer every riches he had to marry Innes Kannoyan are reflections of a person’s inclination to
sacrifice everything for the sake of love.
Aside from those mentioned, the author seemed to tell the readers a deeper realization that being
different is such an excellent gift from Him. It was indicated in the epic that Lam-ang had the speaking
ability from birth and had miraculously grow into a man just months after his birth. These did not became
any hindrance; instead, they became the reasons behind Lam-ang’s invincibility. The author is no exception
for this matter. He was born blind, but this disability did not stopped him in doing what he wanted. Pedro
Bukaneg used his blindness to let the readers see the greatness he was blessed with; hence entitled him as
the “Father of Ilocano Literature”.

Biag ni Lam-ang is truly an impressive literary piece; for it does not only exhibited what and how
bravery plays an important role in facing every conflict in a person’s life, but also gave consciousness about
how significant family, love, friends, and faith in God in every challenge one will encounter.


No. References

Dj Workz (2017, November 26). Biag ni Lam-ang. Retrieved from


Living in the PhilippInnes (n.d.). The Ilocos region and the Ilocanos. Retrieved from
culture/culture-and-traditions/1286-ilokanos-customs-and-traditions (n.d.). Pedro Bukaneg. Retrieved from


Pulanco, K. (2017, January 13). Biag ni Lam-ang Pedro Bukaneg full story English.
4 Retrieved from

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