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Chang, Yen-Rong B-5

12-6 December 16, 2016

Power, Politics, Authority and the War Against Illegal Drugs in the Philippines

In a state in Southeast Asia, the man who was worshipped by the masses rose into power
in order to rule the country with his iron fists. Through the power that he gained and authority that
he possesses, he revolutionized the path of the politics of the country. He also declared war
against the agonizing drug addiction of the youngsters in his country. This man is no other than
Rodrigo Duterte of the Philippines.

In order to root out the problem of illegal drugs in a country, a man with influence and
power is necessary. With the influence that President Duterte has, he has a seemingly endless
support from his citizens. But does that legalize his extrajudicial killings? After all, when a man
possesses as much influence and power as him, the law does not seem to matter that much
anymore. What he does will always be appealing to at least half of his supporters even if a
democratic leader has his own set of limits for his authority. With great power comes great
responsibility, and he chose to be responsible for the deaths of countless “suspects.” Whether or
not his efforts and ways to eradicate a major problem in the country is best is debatable, but
somehow, people are also seeing that he might be going down the path that Marcos has taken,
which is absolute power.

Aside from his war against illegal drugs, the politics of the country has also taken a toil
since the day he has been in office. From threatening the politicians of the country to badmouthing
the president of the United States or even cursing the entire United Nations, President Duterte
has absolutely no fear to say whatever that he feels like saying. As true as his words might be,
the way that he has seek to solve the problems is simply too out of the norm and hard to be
accepted by foreign views.

Philippines has chosen a new leader in hope of a completely different era and generation.
Now that the change has come, is this truly what the Filipinos have asked? The legacy of the
president that has declared war against illegal drugs remains a mystery. Truth will reveal and be
written on the history textbooks of the future generations. As of now, God is the only true hope of
the citizens.

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