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English For Class 1


CSS Primary Standard


 Division of Syllabus into three terms
 Teacher‟s Guide
 Fully Solved Exercises
 Model Papers

English For Class 1

Table of Contents
Sr. No. Description Page No.

1. Division of Syllabus 3
2. Unit # 1 6
3. Unit # 2 8
4. Unit # 3 11
5. Unit # 4 14
6. Unit # 5 17
7. Book Translation 20
8. Model Paper # 1 22
9. Model Paper # 2 23
10. Model Paper # 3 24
11. Unit # 6 27
12. Unit # 7 31
13. Unit # 8 34
14. Unit # 9 36
15. Unit # 10 39
16. Unit # 11 42
17. Unit # 12 45
18. Book Translation 47
19. Model Paper # 1 50
20. Model Paper # 2 52
21. Model Paper # 3 53
22. Unit # 13 55
23. Unit # 14 57
24. Unit # 15 58
25. Book Translation 58
26. Model Paper # 1 60
27. Model Paper # 2 62
28. Model Paper # 3 64

English For Class 1

Division of Syllabus
1st Term
Week 1 Allah Is One
Week 2 Provinces of Pakistan
Week 3 Weekly Quiz And Revision
Week 4 Black Cat, Tan Cat
Week 5 Play
Week 6 Monthly Test And Revision
Week 7 A Good Child
Week 8 Revision Of Unit # 1,2,3
Week 9 Revision Of Unit # 4,5
Week 10 Complete Revision And Monthly Test
2nd Term
Week 1 Professions
Week 2 The Boy Who Cried Wolf
Week 3 Weekly Quiz And Revision
Week 4 When I Was One
Week 5 My Friend
Week 6 Monthly Test And Revision
Week 7 Greed Is Curse
Week 8 Merry Sunshine
Week 9 Weekly Quiz And Revision
Week 10 The Giant Panda
Week 11 Monthly Test And Revision
Week 12 Revision of Unit # 6,7,8 and 9

English For Class 1

Week 13 Revision of Unit # 10,11and 12

Week 14 Complete Revision And Monthly Test
3rd Term
Week 1 The Lion And The Mouse
Week 2 The Golden Keys
Week 3 Riddles
Week 4 Complete Revision of 3rd Term
Week 5 Complete Revision of 2nd Term
Week 6
Week 7 Complete Revision of 1st Term
Week 8

English For Class 1

Teaching Guides have been designed to support teachers so that they can use CSS
English textbooks effectively. The primary objective of these guides is to assist teachers in
planning their lessons in such a way which allows them to achieve their learning objectives in a
fun and interactive classroom environment. The guides contain individual teaching sessions
and offer a wide variety of approaches to learning and teaching.
This Teaching Guide Offers:
• Objectives and Learning Outcomes
These help both teachers and students to focus at imparting and acquiring the concepts
and skills being taught.
• Teaching Methodology
Lesson plans are explained in an easy manner. They aim at providing students with
ample opportunities to interact with the language meaningfully in order to achieve the
learning outcomes. Teacher demonstrations along with shared reading and shared
writing are a prominent feature of many suggested lesson plans. A wide variety of
whole class, group, pair and individual tasks are also set which involve reading, writing,
speaking and listening actively.
• Suggested Lesson Outlines
The suggested lesson outline breaks up the lesson into easy-to-follow stages, each with
its own estimated time slot.
• Extended Activities
Picture flashcards, vocabulary cards, stories, songs, role plays, puzzles and question and
answer sessions cater to a wide variety of learning styles. Children practice skills and
concepts in such way which makes learning fun and interactive.
• Additional Worksheets
Additional worksheets act as useful classroom tools to provide further practice and help
students to become active English-language learners.
A wide range of abilities, interests and motivation exist in the average classroom. It is
not realistic or practical, therefore, to stick rigidly to any lesson plan or activity outlined

English For Class 1

Week 1…Allah Is One (Unit # 1)

Learning Outcomes:
 To recite the poem with comprehension.
 To understand the oneness of Allah Almighty.
 To know about the theme of Surah Akhlas.
 To learn about phonics and articles.
 To learn about the use of capital letters, full stop and question mark.
 To learn about word study.
 To know about the message, conveyed by the poet.
 To understand the pieces of advice given in the poem.
 To increase their vocabulary.
 Answer questions related to the text.
Teaching Aids:
 English and Urdu Translation of Surah Akhlas.
 Pictures of some of the bounties of Allah Almighty.
 Chart of Urdu translation of English paragraph.
 Chart of difficult words with Urdu meanings.
 CSS Primary Standard English for Class 3, Pages # 14,5,6,7 and 8.
Teaching Methodology:
The teacher will display the Urdu and English translation of Surah Akhlas. After that
translation in both languages, the teacher will explain that Surah Akhlas is the 112th surah of
the Holy Quran. This surah takes its name from its subject. It has been called the essence of the
Holy Quran. Some scholars assign this surah to Madina period, and think that it was revealed
in answer to a question of some Jewish scholars concerning the nature of Allah Almighty.
The poet is describing that everything in this world is dependent or based upon
something. A baby boy or a girl is born from his/her mother. Everything in this world is born
from something. The nature of Allah Almighty (as described by Holy Quran in 112 th surah), no
one has given birth to Allah Almighty. Allah is one. There is no father, no mother, no sisters
and brothers of Allah. Allah is free from all these relations. Allah Almighty has no daughter
and son as well. Allah Almighty is one.
After that explanation of the poem, the teacher will ask the students to open their books
and then he will read the text of the page 4 in a loud and clear voice by maintaining the correct
pronunciation of the text.
 The teacher will ask the students to underline the difficult words of the text and write its
Urdu translation on a separate copy or even on the book.

English For Class 1
 The teacher will pause at places and ask simple questions to check understanding of the
students about the text of the book.
 Now the teacher will read all the text again and its idiomatic Urdu translation.
 A few students will revise the given text in correct pronunciation.
Reading Time:
 Ask students to read the given text.
Discussion and Activity Time:
Ask students to think about each of the following questions carefully.
o Where is Allah?
o Is Allah Almighty born to someone?
o Has Allah any son?
o Has Allah any brother?
o Has Allah any daughter?
o Has Allah any sister?
o Has Allah any father?
o Has Allah any mother?
Now ask them to discuss their answers with a partner. Next, they must share their
answers with the rest of the class.
Writing Time (Page # 5, 6, 7 and 8):
Ask the students to work independently to complete the Exercise.

Fully Solved Exercise

1. Answer the following questions:
1. Where is Allah?
Ans: Allah is everywhere.
2. Is Allah born to someone?
Ans: No, Allah Almighty is not born to someone.
3. Has Allah any son?
Ans: No, Allah Almighty has not any son.
4. Does Allah have any brother?
Ans: No, Allah Almighty has not any brother.
Insert the missing letters:
a. Library
b. Principal
c. English
d. Computer
e. Canteen

English For Class 1

Fill in the blanks with article “a” or “an”:

a. This is a cat.
b. That is an amazing idea.
c. Bring a calculator to the class.
d. She wants to eat an omelet.
e. Our library has a large collection of books.
Rewrite the following sentences with capital letters and full stops.
a. Pakistan is our country.
b. We are students.
c. Anoral is my sister.
d. Alishaba is my friend.
e. Shayan is in class one.
Jumbled up words.
a. My father is a teacher.
b. You like to eat apples.
c. Cat and dog are animals.
d. I study in class one.
e. I can run fast.

Week 2…Provinces of Pakistan (Unit # 2)

Learning Outcomes:
 To understand the meaning of patriotism.
 To know that Pakistan is their homeland.
 To learn to fulfill their duties toward the country.
 To identify Pakistan as a special gift of Allah Almighty.
 To know about the provinces and cities of Pakistan.
 To learn about Noun (Singular and Plural).
 To learn about prepositions.
 To understand the pieces of advices given in the story.
 To increase their vocabulary.
 Answer questions related to the text
Teaching Aids:
 Pictures of flag of Pakistan.
 Pictures of the map of Pakistan.
 Pictures of the people of four provinces of Pakistan in their regional dress.
 Map showing the geographical distribution of the four provinces of Pakistan.
 Pictures of the fruits, vegetables, natural scenes and landscapes of Pakistan.
English For Class 1
 Chart of Urdu translation of English paragraph.
 Chart of difficult words with Urdu meanings.
 CSS Primary Standard English for Class 1, Pages # 9, 10,11,12,13 and 14.
Teaching Methodology:
The teacher will ask the following questions as part of the brain storming activity. The
teacher will ask:
 What is the name of our country?
 Which is the capital city of Pakistan?
 Describe some resources of Pakistan.
 What is our national language?
 How many different regional languages are spoken in Pakistan?
After asking these questions and getting response from the students, the teacher will
explain to the students that our beloved homeland, Pakistan is a very special gift of Almighty
Allah. We have all the four seasons and a diverse weather in our country. We have summer,
autumn, winter and spring seasons in a years. Then we have a lot of land variety which help
our farmers to plants all types of fruits, flowers, plants, trees and crops round the year. As we
have a variety of crops, fruits and vegetables so we can eat anything of our choice. The greatest
blessing of Allah Almighty makes us proud on our beloved homeland. We are proud Pakistani.
Islamabad is the capital city of Pakistan. Our national language is Urdu but we speak
many other languages in four provinces of Pakistan. We have four provinces. These four
provinces are Baluchistan, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Punjab and Sindh.
 The capital city of Baluchistan is Quetta.
 Quetta is known as fruit basket of Pakistan.
 The capital city of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa is Peshawar.
 Peshawar is known as city of flowers.
 The capital city of Punjab is Lahore.
 Lahore is called the heart of Pakistan.
 The capital city of Sindh is Karachi.
 Karachi is the biggest city of Pakistan.
 Karachi is famous for its sea port.
After that explanation, the teacher will ask the students to open their books and then he will
read the text of the pages # 9 and 10 in a loud and clear voice by maintaining the correct
pronunciation of the text.
 The teacher will ask the students to underline the difficult words of the text and write its
Urdu translation on a separate copy or even on the book.
 The teacher will pause at places and ask simple questions to check understanding of the
students about the text of the book.
 Now the teacher will read the all text again and its idiomatic Urdu translation.

English For Class 1
 A few students will revise the given text in correct pronunciation.
Reading Time:
 Ask students to read the given text.
Discussion and Activity Time:
Ask students to think about each of the following questions carefully.
 Which is the capital city of Pakistan?
 What is the name of our beloved country?
 Which is the capital city of Punjab?
 Which is our national language?
 Which city is known as heart of Pakistan?
 Which is the capital city of Baluchistan?
 Which province is called the fruit basket of Pakistan?
 Which is the capital city of Sindh?
 Which is the largest city of Pakistan?
 Which city is also known as city of ports?
 Which is the capital city of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa?
 Which city is also known as city of flowers?
Now ask them to discuss their answers with a partner. Next, they must share their
answers with the rest of the class.
Writing Time (Page # 11, 12, 13 and 14):
Ask the students to work independently to complete the Exercise.
Fully Solved Exercise
Answer the given questions:
1. Name the provinces of Pakistan.
Ans: The four provinces of Pakistan are Baluchistan, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Punjab and
2. What are the blessings of Allah to Pakistan?
Ans: Pakistan is a very special gift of Almighty Allah. We have all the four seasons and a
diverse weather in our country. We have summer, autumn, winter and spring seasons in
a year. Then we have a lot of land variety which help our farmers to plant all types of
fruits, flowers, plants, trees and crops round the year. As we have a variety of crops,
fruits and vegetables so we can eat anything of our choice.
3. What is the national language of Pakistan?
Ans: Urdu is the national language of Pakistan.
4. Name the capital city of Pakistan?
Ans: Islamabad is the capital city of Pakistan.

English For Class 1

Encircle the correct spellings:

hok hook hoak
brain barin brein
chair chare shair
begger beggar beggir
chsool school sckool
cuntin canteen kenteen
Pick out ten nouns from the lesson and write them in the given spaces:
Pakistan Islamabad Urdu Baluchistan Sindh
Punjab Lahore Quetta Karachi Peshawar
Fill in the boxes with singular/plural nouns:
Singular Plural Singular Plural
Pen Pens Pencil Pencils
Book Books Duster Dusters
Table Tables Room Rooms
School Schools Teacher Teachers
Canteen Canteens Student Students
Shop Shops Eraser Erasers
Ship Ships Sharpener Sharpeners
Fill in the blanks with correct prepositions given below:
to behind On In in front
a. My hat is on my head.
b. She sits in my room.
c. You are very kind to me.
d. The boy is standing in front of his house.
e. The bus is behind the car.

Week 3 Weekly Quiz and Revision

Week 4…Black Cat, Tan Cat (Unit # 3)

Learning Outcomes:
 To recite the poem with comprehension.
 To understand the importance of sharing.
English For Class 1
 To know about the habit of keeping animals.
 To learn about the short “a” sound.
 To learn about word study.
 To know about Verb and Gender study.
 To increase their vocabulary.
 Answer questions related to the text
Teaching Aids:
 Chart of Urdu translation of English paragraph.
 Chart of difficult words with Urdu meanings.
 CSS Primary Standard English for Class 1, Pages # 15, 16, 17 and 18.
Teaching Methodology:
 Ask your students to recite the alphabet. Afterward, have them say which of the letters
vowels are.
 As the class says the vowels, write them on the board. If necessary, remind the class that
the vowels are A, E, I, O and U.
 Tell your students that they will be focusing on the /ă/ sound.
 Ask your students for examples of the difference between the long and short A sounds.
Possible answers include: gate and pat.
 Tell your students that you are going to do a call and response. You will call: Who let
the A out? Have your students respond: /ă/ /ă/ /ă/ /ă/ /ă/.
 Ask the class to say words that begin with the letter A. For visual learners, draw pictures
of the words on the board, and label them. Some great examples
include: apple, alligator and axe.
 Prompt students to list CVC words that are also on the Short “A” Sound worksheet,
such as bat and hat (page # 16, first half of the page).
 Instead of telling students that they are right or wrong, create audio cues. For example,
if a student gets an answer right, play a clapping sound.
 Write “-ad” on the board. Ask students to sound it out one letter at a time. For
example, say the /ă/ sound, and then say the /d/ sound. Then, combine them.
 Ask your students for examples of words that end in “-ad”. Possible examples
include mad, pad, and lad.
 Model how adding and changing the consonants at the beginning of a word can
create other words. For example, explain that bad, mad and dad have different
 Have the students come up with more words independently, and ask them to
share their chosen words with the class.

English For Class 1
 Keep the focus on the /ă/ sound at all times.
 Repeat these steps with “-at”.
 Pass out copies of the Short A Sound worksheet to your students.
 Tell your students to circle the objects that have the /ă/ sound.
 On the back of the worksheet, ask your students to draw five objects that have
the /ă/ sound.
 Encourage your students to draw pictures that are different from the ones on the
 Have your students make /ă/ word flashcards with paper. Have them practice
with a neighbor.
 Allow students in partners or small groups to take turns identifying the /ă/ words
on the worksheet.
 Walk around the room, and make sure that students are doing the activities
correctly. For example, if students are incorrectly circling objects, ask them to
say the words quietly and retry.
After that explanation, the teacher will ask the students to open their books at page # 15
and then will read the text of the page loudly.
 The teacher will pause at places and ask simple questions to check comprehension.
 The teacher will ask the students to underline the difficult words of the text and write its
Urdu translation on a separate notebook or even on the book.
 Now the teacher will read all the text again and its idiomatic Urdu translation.
 The teacher will explain the each stanza of the poem.
 A few students will revise the given text in correct pronunciation.
Reading Time:
 Ask the students to read the given text.
 The teacher will look for the quality of reading and pronunciation skills of the students.
 The teacher will correct the mistakes of the students, while reading.
Writing Time (Page # 16,17and 18):
Ask the students to work independently to complete the Exercise.

Fully Solved Exercise

Complete these sentences with the correct verbs:
a. The peon rings the bell.
b. Ali eats an apple.
c. The cat catches a mouse.
d. The student reads a book.

English For Class 1
e. My mother cooks delicious food.
Rearrange these jumbled words into meaningful sentences:
a. Anarol is going to school.
b. My teacher is very nice.
c. I live in a house.
d. It is a sunny day.
e. I can read a story.
Masculine and Feminine
Masculine Feminine Masculine Feminine
brother sister father mother
husband wife boy girl
horse mare dog bitch
cock hen step brother step sister
king queen king queen
son daughter grandfather grandmother
Write the following fruits and vegetables in the given columns.
Fruits Vegetables
Grape Potato
Apple Cabbage
Orange Onion
Banana Garlic
Spinach Mango

Week 5…Play (Unit # 4)

Learning Outcomes:
 To develop and understand the definition of an action verb.
 To handle an action verb out of a sentence.
 To learn to write a simple poem using various action verbs.
 To learn to do the things in a practical way.
 To know about the message, conveyed by the writer.
 To increase their vocabulary.
 Answer questions related to the text
 To know and practice about rhyming words.

English For Class 1
 To know and practice about adjectives.
 To know and practice about punctuations.
 To identify homophones.
Teaching Aids:
 Pictures of different kids doing different activities like jumping, dancing, moving,
spinning, bouncing and flipping etc.
 Chart showing some general instructions about handling things in school and at home.
 Chart of Urdu translation of English paragraph.
 Chart of difficult words with Urdu meanings.
 CSS Primary Standard English for Class 1, Pages # 19,20,21,22 and 23.
Teaching Methodology:
Before you can teach action words, you have to teach what “action” means. This
shouldn‟t be too difficult for most students of class one. You can do it in some simple steps.
Step 1: Introduce the word “action” to them. You can tell them it means “doing.” You
could even set up an action area in your classroom. When the selected students go to that area,
they are expected to do something. Good things for them to do might be colouring, playing,
whispering to each other or siting down quietly. You decide which action they should take, and
tell them ahead of time.
Step 2: Introduce the action words in groups. At first, have all action words in the group
of words. Read them to your students. After they have heard a few sets of action words, tell
them you are going to try them.
Step 3: Have them draw a picture of someone doing an action word. It could be anything
they want, as long as it includes action. Then have them present their drawing to the class, one
at a time. They can tell what the action is, or have the others guessed what it is.
Step 4: Make a bulletin board of action words. The students can actually cut out pictures
from magazines of actions that they will put into words to place beside each picture on the
bulletin board.
After that explanation, the teacher will ask the students to open their books at page # 19 and
then will read the text of the page loudly.
 The teacher will pause at places and ask simple questions to check comprehension.
 The teacher will ask the students to underline the difficult words of the text and write its
Urdu translation on a separate notebook or even on the book.
 Now the teacher will read all the text again and its idiomatic Urdu translation.
 The teacher will explain the each stanza of the poem.
 A few students will revise the given text in correct pronunciation.
Reading Time:
 Ask the students to read the given text.
 The teacher will look for the quality of reading and pronunciation skills of the students.

English For Class 1
 The teacher will correct the mistakes of the student, while reading.
Writing Time (Page # 20, 21, 22 and 23):
Ask the students to work independently to complete the Exercise.
Fully Solved Exercise
Use pairs of rhyming words from the poem:
a. hop and stop
b. floor and door
c. outside and slide
d. flip and trip
Underline the noun and encircle the adjectives in the following sentences.
a. He is a lame man.
b. There are red roses in the garden.
c. Lion is a dangerous animal.
d. Shafey is a fat boy.
e. My family lives in a big house.
f. Mathematics is a difficult subject.
g. My friend is very active in sports.
h. My brother is a brave boy.
i. Rabbit is a cute animal.
j. I cannot lift a heavy box.
Rewrite the following sentences using capital letter, full stop or question mark
where necessary.
a. Can you swim in the river?
b. I like to drink banana milkshake.
c. What is your favourite subject?
d. He is excited about the cricket match.
e. How many oranges are in the basket?
f. Will you help me in my homework?
g. She has two brothers and a sister.
Compound Words
Join the words of column A with correct word from column B to make a
compound word in column C:
Column A Column B Column
basket hole basketball
light bow lighthouse

English For Class 1
key fish Keyboard
snow board snow house
rain ball Rainbow
star room Starfish
police house Policeman
class man Classroom

Week 6 Monthly Test and Revision

Week 7…A Good Child (Unit # 5)

Learning Outcomes:
 To learn about thinking in a creative way.
 To know the importance of following a routine.
 To know that early to bed and early to rise keep us healthy, wealthy and wise.
 To identify the importance of respecting elders and loving the youngers.
 To identify the importance of good habits in life.
 To learn about nouns and compound words.
 To learn about word study.
Teaching Aids:
 Chart of Urdu translation of English paragraph.
 Chart of difficult words with Urdu meanings.
 CSS Primary Standard English for Class 3, Pages # 24, 25,26,27,28 and 29.
Teaching Methodology:
The teacher can ask the following questions to know the prior knowledge of the
 Who gets up early in the morning?
 Who go to bed early at night?
 Which is the best way, early rising or a late rising?
 How many of you take a bath daily?
 Why do you take a bath daily?
 What is the importance of keeping oneself neat and clean?
 Which type of food we should eat?
 Should we respect our elders?
 How can we respect our elders?
 How can we help our brothers and sisters?

English For Class 1
 Should we tell a lie or not?
 How should we do our homework?
 Should we help the poor and needy?
 Should we beat or harm the animals?
Create a congenial and caring atmosphere which is necessary for learning and teaching.
Ask the students to listen attentively. The teacher will use direct and translation method for
teaching of this unit.
 The teacher will ask the students to underline the difficult words of the text and write its
Urdu translation on a separate notebook or even on the book.
 Now the teacher will read all the text again and its idiomatic Urdu translation.
 A few students will revise the given text in correct pronunciation.
Reading Time:
 Ask the students to read the given text.
Writing Time (Page 25,26,27,28 and 29):
Ask the students to work independently to complete the Exercise.
Fully Solved Exercise
1. Who gets up early in the morning?
Ans: Khalid gets up early in the morning.
2. What does a good child do early in the morning?
Ans: A good child takes bath daily and keeps himself neat and clean.
3. How does a good child help his siblings?
Ans: A good child helps his siblings in their homework and plays with them.
Write “T” for true and “F” for false statement:
a. Khalid never speaks the truth. F
b. He does not help the poor. F
c. A good child always obeys his parents. T
d. Khalid goes to bed late at night. F
e. He eats good and healthy food in time. T
Pick out common and proper nouns from the given sentences and write them in
spaces below:
a. Omer celebrates his birthday party at his house.
Common noun: birthday, party, house
Proper noun: Omer
b. Mano is my pet cat.
Common noun: pet, cat
Proper noun: Mano
c. Summaya and Fatima are best friends.

English For Class 1
Common noun: friends
Proper noun: Summaya, Fatima
d. Multan is a hot city.
Common noun: city
Proper noun: Multan
e. Akram is a smart boy.
Common noun: boy
Proper noun: Akram
f. Badshahi Masjid is a historical place.
Common noun: place
Proper noun: Badshahi Masjid
g. We eat sweets on Eid-ul-Fitr.
Common noun: sweets
Proper noun: Eid-ul-Fitr
Compound Words
Join the words of column A with correct word from column B to make a
compound word in column C:
Column A Column B Column
post mother post office
tube table tube light
play man playground
team paper teammate
dining mate dining table
gentle light gentleman
news office newspaper
grand ground grandmother
Write these following words according to the first alphabetical order:
aero plane canteen driver elephant
flag grammar ice cream jungle
kettle lion monkey nurse
Peshawar pineapple restaurant sharpener

‫‪English‬‬ ‫‪For Class 1‬‬

‫‪Book Translation‬‬
‫سبق ‪ :1‬ہللا ایک ہے‬
‫اط کو کغی ًے پیذا ًہیں کیب۔‬
‫ہللا ایک ہے۔‬
‫اط کب ثبپ ًہیں۔ اط کی هبں ًہیں۔‬
‫اط کی ثہي ًہیں۔ اط کب ثھبئی ًہیں۔‬
‫وٍ عت کچھ اکیال ہے۔‬
‫اط کی ثیٹی ًہیں۔ اط کب ثیٹب ًہیں۔‬
‫ہللا ایک ہے۔‬
‫سبق ‪ :2‬پاکستان کے صوبے‬
‫تعبلی ًے پبکغتبى کو ثہت‬
‫ٰ‬ ‫پبکغتبى هیشا وطي ہے۔ اعالم آثبد پبکغتبى کب داسالذکوهت ہے۔ ہللا‬
‫عے وعبئل عے ًواصا ہے۔ پبکغتبى کی لوهی صثبى اسدو ہے لیکي هلک هیں ثہت عی دوعشی صثبًیں‬
‫ثھی ثولی جبتی ہیں۔‬
‫پبکغتبى کے چبس صوثے ثلوچغتبى‪ ،‬خیجش پختوًخواٍ‪ ،‬پٌجبة اوس عٌذھ ہیں۔ ثلوچغتبى کب‬
‫داسالذکوهت کوئٹہ اوس خیجش پختوًخواٍ کب داسالذکوهت پؾبوس ہے۔ الہوس پٌجبة کب داسالذکوهت اوس‬
‫کشاچی عٌذھ کب داسالذکوهت ہے۔‬
‫کشاچی هلک کب عت عے ثڑا ؽہش ہے۔ یہ اپٌی ثٌذسگبٍ کی وجہ عے هؾہوس ہے۔‬
‫سبق ‪ :3‬کالی بلی‪ ،‬کتھی بلی‬
‫کبلی ثلی کو دیکھیں‬
‫وٍ اپٌی چٹبئی پش ہے‬
‫وٍ خوػ‪ ،‬هوٹی اوس پش هغشت ہے۔‬
‫کتھی ثلی پبط آتی ہے۔ اط کی دم اٹھی ہوئی ہے۔‬
‫اوس اة کبلی ثلی پبگل ہوگئی ہے۔‬
‫وٍ عوجھتی ہے کہ کتھی ثلی‬
‫اط کی چٹبئی دبصل کشًب چبہتی ہے‬
‫کبلی ثلی کجھی ثھی چٹبئی هیں اعے دصہ داس ًہیں ثٌبئے گی۔‬
‫ثہت افغوط کی ثبت ہے‬
‫کتھی ثلی ثشا هذغوط کشتی ہے‬
‫اى کے پبط دو (چٹبئیبں) ہوًی چبہیئں تھیں۔‬
‫سبق ‪ :4‬کھیلنا‬
‫هیں اچھلتب ہوں‪ ،‬هیں ہلتب ہوں۔‬
‫هیں ًبچتب ہوں‪ ،‬هیں کودتب ہوں۔‬
‫هیں دشکت کشًب پغٌذ کشتب ہوں۔‬
‫هیں ُسک ًہیں عکتب۔‬
‫هیں ثھبگتب ہوں اوس لڑھکتب ہوں۔‬
‫فشػ پش‬
‫هیں دائشے هیں گھوهتب ہوں‬
‫‪English‬‬ ‫‪For Class 1‬‬
‫دسواصے عے ثبہش‬
‫هیں ثبہش دوڑتب ہوں‬
‫هیں چھالًگیں لگبتب ہوں‪ ،‬هیں سعی پش اچھلتب ہوں‬
‫هیں پھالًگتب ہوں‪ ،‬هیں پھغلتب ہوں‬
‫هیں جھوال جھولتب ہوں‪ ،‬هیں لالثبصیبں لگبتب ہوں‬
‫لیکي هیں اثھی تک هذتبط ہوں‬
‫هیں ٹھوکش ًہیں کھبتب‬
‫سبق ‪ :5‬ایک اچھا بچہ‬
‫خبلذ ای ک اچھب ثچہ ہے اوس وٍ صجخ عویشے اٹھتب ہے۔ وٍ سوصاًہ ًہبتب ہے۔ وٍ خود کو صبف‬
‫عتھشا سکھتب ہے۔‬
‫خبلذ تبصٍ‪/‬صذت هٌذ خوساک کھبتب ہے۔ وٍ اپٌے والذیي اوس اعبتزٍ کی عضت کشتب ہے۔ وٍ ثڑوں‬
‫کی ثبت غوس عے عٌتب ہے۔ وٍ اپٌے چھوٹے ثہي ثھبئیوں کی گھش کے کبهوں هیں هذد کشتب ہے اوس اى‬
‫کے عبتھ کھیلتب ہے۔‬
‫وٍ ہویؾہ عچ ثولتب ہے۔ وٍ اپٌے گھش کب کبم ولت پش کشتب ہے۔ وٍ غشیجوں اوس هذتبجوں کی هذد‬
‫کشتب ہے۔ وٍ کجھی جبًوسوں اوس پودوں کو ًمصبى ًہیں پہٌچبتب۔ وٍ جلذی عوجبتب ہے اوس سات کی‬
‫پُشعکوى ًیٌذ عے لطف اًذوص ہوتب ہے۔‬

‫‪Model Paper # 1‬‬

‫‪Section A‬‬
‫‪Time Allowed: 45 Minutes‬‬ ‫‪Total Marks: 30‬‬
‫‪Fill in the blanks with articles “a” or “an”:‬‬ ‫)‪(10 Marks‬‬
‫‪a.‬‬ ‫‪This is ……….cat.‬‬
‫‪b.‬‬ ‫‪That is ………. amazing idea.‬‬
‫‪c.‬‬ ‫‪Bring ………. calculator to the class.‬‬
‫‪d.‬‬ ‫‪She wants to eat ………. omelet.‬‬
‫‪e.‬‬ ‫‪Our library has ………. large collection of books.‬‬
‫‪Rearrange these jumbled words into meaningful sentences.‬‬ ‫)‪(10 Marks‬‬
‫‪a.‬‬ ‫‪going Anarol to school is‬‬
‫‪b.‬‬ ‫‪teacher nice very is My‬‬
‫‪c.‬‬ ‫‪live a house I in‬‬
‫‪d.‬‬ ‫‪sunny it a day is‬‬
‫‪e.‬‬ ‫‪read I can story a‬‬
‫)‪Underlie the noun and encircle the adjectives in the following sentences: (10 Marks‬‬
‫‪a.‬‬ ‫‪He is a lame man.‬‬
English For Class 1
b. There are red roses in the garden.
c. Lion is a dangerous animal.
d. Shafey is a fat boy.
e. My family lives in a big house.
Section B
Time Allowed: 75 Minutes Total Marks: 45
Q 1: Read the story and answer the questions given below: 12 Marks
Allah is everywhere. Allah Almighty is not born to someone. Allah Almighty has not
any son. Allah Almighty has not any brother.
1. Where is Allah? 3 Marks
2. Is Allah born to someone? 3 Marks
3. Does Allah any son? 3 Marks
4. Does Allah have any brother? 3 Marks
Q 3: Do as directed.
A: Make sentences. 15 Marks
Words Sentences
B: Make the Plural of these Singular Nouns: 8 Marks
Singular Plural Singular Plural
Pen Canteen
Book Shop
Table Ship
Pencil Duster
C: Arrange the following words into second alphabetical order. 4 Marks
water forest animal People

Q 4: Write five sentences about yourself in your notebook. 10 Marks

Model Paper # 2
Section A
Time Allowed: 45 Minutes Total Marks: 30

English For Class 1
Write “T” for true and “F” for false statement: (10 Marks)
a. Khalid never speaks the truth. ……….
b. He does not help the poor. ……….
c. A good child always obeys his parents. ……….
d. Khalid goes to bed late at night. ……….
e. He eats good and healthy food in time. ……….
Pick out common and proper nouns from the given sentences and write them in spaces
below: (20 Marks)
a. Omer celebrates his birthday party at his house.
Common noun: ………………………….
Proper noun: ………………………….
b. Mano is my pet cat.
Common noun: ………………………….
Proper noun: ………………………….
c. Summaya and Fatima are best friends.
Common noun: ………………………….
Proper noun: ………………………….
d. Multan is a hot city.
Common noun: ………………………….
Proper noun: ………………………….
e. Akram is a smart boy.
Common noun: ………………………….
Proper noun: ………………………….
Section B
Time Allowed: 75 Minutes Total Marks: 45
Q 1: Read the story and answer the questions given below: 12 Marks
The four provinces of Pakistan are Baluchistan, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Punjab and
Sindh. Pakistan is a very special gift of Almighty Allah. We have all the four seasons and a
diverse weather in our country. We have summer, autumn, winter and spring seasons in a year.
Then we have a lot of land variety which help our farmers to plant all types of fruits, flowers,
plants, trees and crops round the year. As we have a variety of crops, fruits and vegetables so
we can eat anything of our choice. Urdu is the national language of Pakistan. Islamabad is the
capital city of Pakistan.
1. Name the capital city of Pakistan? 3 Mark
2. What is the national language of Pakistan? 3 Marks
3. Name the provinces of Pakistan. 3 Marks
4. What are the blessings of Allah to Pakistan? 3 Marks
Q 3: Do as directed.

English For Class 1
A: Make Sentences. 15 Marks
Words Sentences
B: Write the feminine of the given gender: 8 Marks
Masculine Feminine Masculine Feminine
Brother Son
Husband Boy
Cock Dog
King Father
Q 4: Write five sentences about your favourite animal in your notebook.(10 Marks)

Model Paper # 3
Section A
Time Allowed: 45 Minutes Total Marks: 30
Complete these sentences with the correct verbs as given in the box: (10 Marks)
cooks catches Eats rings reads
f. The peon …………… the bell.
g. Ali …………… an apple.
h. The cat …………… a mouse.
i. The student …………… a book.
j. My mother …………… delicious food.
Underline the nouns and encircle the adjectives in the following sentences.
(10 Marks)
1. Mathematics is a difficult subject.
2. My friend is very active in sports.
3. My brother is a brave boy.
4. Rabbit is a cute animal.
5. I cannot lift a heavy box.
Encircle the correct spellings: (10 Marks)
1. hok hook hoak
2. brain barin brein
3. chair chare shair
4. begger beggar beggir
English For Class 1
5. chsool school sckool
Section B
Time Allowed: 75 Minutes Total Marks: 45
Q 1: Read the story and answer the questions given below: 6 Marks
Khalid gets up early in the morning. A good child takes bath daily and keeps himself neat and
clean. A good child helps his siblings in their homework and plays with them. We should be
respectful to our elders.
1. Who gets up early in the morning? 3 Mark
2. What does a good child do early in the morning? 3 Marks
3. How does a good child help his siblings? 3 Marks
4. Should we be respectful to our elders? 3 Marks
Q 3: Do as directed.
A: Make Sentences. 15 Marks
Words Sentences
B: Join the words of column A with correct word from column B to make a
compound word in column C: 8 Marks
Column A Column B Column
post mother
tube table
play man
team paper
dining mate
gentle light
news office
grand ground
Q 4: Write five sentences about Pakistan in your notebook. 10 Marks

English For Class 1

Second Term
Week 1…Professions (Unit # 6)

Learning Outcomes:
 To understand the meaning of the word “Professions”.
 To know about the different professions around us.
 To learn about the duty of each profession and how each profession is contributing in
the progress and development of the country.
 To know about the dream professions of the students.
 To learn about Articles, Prepositions and Pronouns.
 To learn about Singular and Plural Noun.
 To understand the pieces of advices given in the story.
 To increase their vocabulary.
 Answer questions related to the text
Teaching Aids:
 Pictures of different professions around us.
 Pictures of the people belonging to different professions with their uniform or with their
 Map showing the major professions of the four provinces of Pakistan.
 Chart of Urdu translation of English paragraph.
 Chart of difficult words with Urdu meanings.
 CSS Primary Standard English for Class 1.
Teaching Methodology:
 The teacher will ask the following questions as part of the brain storming activity. The
teacher will ask:
 Ask students about the professions of their elders.
 Ask about the profession of their choice.
 Ask about the difference of business and job.
 Ask about the names of different tools used by different skilled persons.
 Who is a librarian?
 Who is a Nurse?
 Who is a Teacher?
 Who is a Police Officer?
 Who is a Barber?
 Who is a Tailor?

English For Class 1
 Who is a Banker?
 Who is an Engineer?
 Who is a Doctor?
 Who is a Mechanic?
 Who is a Postman?
 Who is a Driver?
 Who is a Janitor?
 Who is a Fisherman?
 Who is a Painter?
 Who is a Carpenter?
 Who is a Scientist?
 Who is a Farmer?
 Who is a Judge?
 Who is a Pilot?
 Who is a Plumber?
 Do the sample readings of the unit at pages # 30 and 31.
 Describe and explain about the text read.
 For better understanding, divide the class into groups and perform a role play of these
 Ask them to develop their outlook according to these professions and if possible give
them the tools used by these professions too.
 As a part of role play, the performers will wear the related uniform, hold the tools and
will introduce their selves and will describe their role and duties.
 The teacher can also add a little poem related to professions as a part of brain storming

Teacher, Teacher, What you do?

I teach reading and writing too.

Doctor, Doctor, What you do?

I help when you are sick with a cold or the flu.

Firefighter, Firefighter, What you do?

I help fight fires that might hurt you.

Officer, Officer, What you do?

I help you stay safe in all that you do

English For Class 1

After these activities, the teacher will describe that all the professions we see around are
great helper for our society, city and the country. They do good and beneficial things for us.
All of these people deserve a great honour and respect.
After that explanation, the teacher will ask the students to open their books and then he will
read the text of the pages # 30 and 31 again in a loud and clear voice by maintaining the correct
pronunciation of the text.
 The teacher will ask the students to underline the difficult words of the text and write its
Urdu translation on a separate copy or even on the book.
 The teacher will pause at places and ask simple questions to check understanding of the
students about the text of the book.
 Now the teacher will read the all text again and its idiomatic Urdu translation.
 A few students will revise the given text in correct pronunciation.
Reading Time:
 Ask students to read the given text.
Discussion and Activity Time:
Ask students to think about each of the following questions carefully.
 Who is a Postman?
 What is the duty of a Postman?
 Describe the uniform worn by a postman.
 How a postman delivers the mail?
 Who is a mechanic?
 What is the uniform of a mechanic?
 What is the duty of a mechanic?
 Who is called “the doctor of the car”?
 Who is a Nurse?
 What is the duty of a Nurse?
 What is the uniform of a Nurse?
 What is the job nature of a Nurse?
 Who is a teacher?
 What is the duty of a teacher?
 Who is considered as the “father of the nation”?
Now ask them to discuss their answers with a partner. Next, they must share their
answers with the rest of the class.
Writing Time:
Ask the students to work independently to complete the Exercise.
Fully Solved Exercise
English For Class 1

Answer the given questions:

1. What is the duty of a Postman?
Ans: A postman delivers letters, money orders, invitations and parcels.
2. What is the job of a mechanic?
Ans: A mechanic repairs all kind of vehicles.
3. Who assists a doctor?
Ans: A nurse assists a doctor.
4. Who teaches us moral values?
Ans: A teacher teaches us moral values.
Fill in the blanks with article “a” or “an”:
a. He is an expert in playing football.
b. I saw a rat running in my house.
c. An aero plane flies high in the sky.
d. Dolphin is a mammal.
e. Sameer is a teacher in our school.
Encircle the word with correct spellings:
a. Pictare Picture Pecture
b. Cuosin Cousin Coucin
c. Brihtaay Birthdey Birthday
d. Brige Bredge Bridge
e. Grapes Grapas Grepes
f. Holeday Holiday Holday
g. Cuontry Country Countey
Fill in the blanks with a correct preposition given below:
a. My little brother likes to hide in his toy box.
b. The ball rolled on the table.
c. Our new puppy likes to run beside me.
d. You have to wash your hands before you eat.
e. We went under the bridge in our new car.
f. The temperature yesterday was below zero.
g. I ran down the hill and rolled over the grass.
Fill in the blanks with correct pronouns:
a. Ali is in the ground and he is playing football with his friends.
b. Zainab is crying because she wants to eat candy.

English For Class 1
c. Ali and Muhammad are friends because they are studying in the same class.
d. My house is in Lahore and I live with my family.
e. The cat is a beautiful animal. It drinks milk.
f. Anoral and I are reading books. We enjoy reading stories.
Give the Plural of the Following Singular Nouns:
Singular Plural Singular Plural Singular Plural
Bottle Bottles Cup Cups Pencil Pencils
Desk Desks Sticker Stickers Window Windows

Week 2…The Boy who cried Wolf (Unit # 7)

Learning Outcomes:
 To understand the meaning of the words like “Truth, Honesty, Liar”.
 To know about the value of telling truth or the value of trust, people have on you.
 To learn about the duty of each respectable and reasonable member of a society.
 To know about the result of mischiefs or telling a lie in the life.
 To learn about Masculine and Feminine Nouns.
 To learn about Punctuation, Singular and Plural Nouns.
 To understand the pieces of advices given in the story.
 To increase their vocabulary.
 Answer questions related to the text
Teaching Aids:
 Chart of Urdu translation of English paragraph.
 Chart of difficult words with Urdu meanings.
 CSS Primary Standard English for Class 1.
Teaching Methodology:
 The teacher will ask the following questions as part of the brain storming activity. The
teacher will ask:
 What is the importance of telling truth and be honest in life?
 If people have a trust on you, how it is good for you and for the people around you?
 How would you feel, if people considers you as a liar person?
 Can you tell a story from the life of Holy Prophet which depicts the truthfulness?
 Can you tell a story from the life of pious people which depicts the truthfulness?
 What is the title of Our Holy Prophet (‫?)ﷺ‬
 What do we mean by the word “Sadiq”?
 Should we all the time tell the truth?

English For Class 1
 After asking these questions from the students and getting their responses, do the
sample readings of the unit at pages # 37 and 38.
 Describe and explain about the text read.
 For better understanding, divide the class into groups and discuss the good and bad
points in the story.
 The teacher can also add a little poem related to “Truthfulness” as a part of brain
storming activity. The teacher can ask the class to read this poem together.
Truthfulness is telling what really happened,

honesty is telling the truth.

When I feel honest, I feel clear inside.

When I am honest, I can learn and help others

learn to be giving

After these activities, the teacher will describe the good things as being honest and a
truthful person. In the same way the teacher will describe the harmful effects of telling a lie.
After that explanation, the teacher will ask the students to open their books and then he will
read the text of the pages # 37 and 38 again in a loud and clear voice by maintaining the correct
pronunciation of the text.
 The teacher will ask the students to underline the difficult words of the text and write its
Urdu translation on a separate copy or even on the book.
 The teacher will pause at places and ask simple questions to check understanding of the
students about the text of the book.
 Now the teacher will read the all text again and its idiomatic Urdu translation.
 A few students will revise the given text in correct pronunciation.
Reading Time:
 Ask students to read the given text.
Discussion and Activity Time:
Ask students to think about each of the following questions carefully.
 What the boy said to himself?
 Why people came to his help?
 How many times he did the same mischief?
 What happened after three times of joke?
 What was the response of the people at the fourth call?
 What is the moral of this story?

English For Class 1
Now ask them to discuss their answers with a partner. Next, they must share their
answers with the rest of the class.
Writing Time:
Ask the students to work independently to complete the Exercise.
Fully Solved Exercise
Choose the correct word for each sentence:
a. The boy was looking after sheep. (sheep, geese, goats)
b. The boy was on a hill. (farm, hill, lorry)
c. The boy was bored. (happy, sad, bored)
d. The boy cried wolf. (sheep, wolf, danger)
e. The people did not go. (eat, go, drink)
f. The wolf killed the sheep. (boy, sheep, people)
Underline the Verb in the following:
a. My aunt likes oranges.
b. She is eating bananas now.
c. She will go to the market.
d. Arsheena plays with her younger brother.
e. My mother puts the money in her purse.
f. The potatoes fell out on the road.
Jumbled Up Sentences
Write these sentences correctly:
a. Ali likes dogs and Sarah likes cats.
b. The elephant is sleeping.
c. Zainab is playing with Rameen
d. Shaheer is smaller than Mattahar.
e. I am reading a book.
Write the Feminine of these Masculine Nouns:
Masculine Feminine Masculine Feminine Masculine Feminine
Peacock Peahen Horse Mare Prince Princess
Nephew Niece Stepbrother Stepsister Uncle Aunt
Dog Bitch
Insert commas in the following sentences:
a. I saw tigers, lions, monkeys and elephants at the circus.
b. We bought milk, butter, tea and sugar.
c. Karachi, Peshawar, Quetta and Lahore are the capital cities.
d. They sold classical, modern and folk records.
Write the plurals of underline words:
English For Class 1
a. She ate the biscuits on the trays.
b. The girls ran through the valleys.
c. She left the keys in her pockets.
d. He bought the ties and the jumpers.

Week 3 Weekly Quiz And Revision

Week 4…When I was One (Unit # 8)

Learning Outcomes:
 To understand the gradual changes after every year of life.
 To know about the value growth and maturity in life.
 To learn about the determination made at every birthday.
 To know about the changes in life activities, as we grow up.
 To learn about Articles (“a” or “an”).
 To learn about Compound Words.
 To identify and learn the uses of Verb and Adjective in a sentence.
 To understand the pieces of advices given in the poem.
 To increase their vocabulary.
 Answer questions related to the text
Teaching Aids:
 Picture of kids celebrating their birthday.
 Chart of Urdu translation of English paragraph.
 Chart of difficult words with Urdu meanings.
 CSS Primary Standard English for Class 1.
Teaching Methodology:
 Divide the class into groups and perform this poem.
 Make a competition among these groups and praise the winner.
 Describe the life changes with every coming year.
 Ask the kids to narrate the story of their birthday.
 Play a birthday song in the class if possible.
 After these activities, do the sample readings of the unit at pages # 43.
 Describe and explain about the text read.
 The teacher will ask the students to underline the difficult words of the text and write its
Urdu translation on a separate copy or even on the book.
 The teacher will pause at places and ask simple questions to check understanding of the
students about the text of the book.
 Now the teacher will read the all text again and its idiomatic Urdu translation.
 A few students will revise the given text in correct pronunciation.
English For Class 1

Reading Time:
 Ask students to read the given text.
Discussion and Activity Time:
Ask students to think about each of the following question carefully.
 What do you think about yourself at the age of six?
Now ask them to discuss their answers with a partner. Next, they must share their
answers with the rest of the class.
Writing Time:
Ask the students to work independently to complete the Exercise.
Fully Solved Exercise
Underline the Adjectives:
a. The big dog saw the brown cat.
b. The pretty butterfly landed on the red rose.
c. The grey squirrel cracked a hard nut.
d. The little lamb played in the green field.
e. The rich man bought a new car.
Write “a” or “an”:
a. We saw an unusual crocodile near the river.
b. I watched an enormous reptile that killed an elephant in the jungle.
c. She saw a group of giant ants attacking a nest of cockroaches.
d. A huge alligator with a long tail, leaped into a deep water hole.
e. An eight-tone dinosaur had a small brain.
Circle the Compound words in the given sentences:
a. My raincoat is blue in colour.
b. I have a big lunchbox.
c. This is an inkpot.
d. I like to play football.
e. Teapot is full of tea.
Fill in the blanks using the verbs in the box:
Walks, rides, gives, climbs, asks
a. The man walks to the market.
b. Tariq gives his brother a pencil.
c. Wasim rides the cycle up the hill.
d. The cat climbs the tree.
e. The old woman asks for help.
Arrange the given words in alphabetical order:
English For Class 1
Actors Cakes Delicious Flowers Lips
mouth noisy pretty stars trees

Week 5…My Friend (Unit # 9)

Learning Outcomes:
 To understand the importance of friendship in life.
 To describe the qualities of a good friend.
 To be able to describe the qualities of a good person.
 To learn about the good, healthy and balanced life style.
 To learn about Common and Proper Noun.
 To identify and learn the uses of Adjective in a sentence.
 To get the better insight of Singular and Plural Nouns.
 To know about words and opposite.
 To understand the pieces of advices given in the story.
 To increase their vocabulary.
 Answer questions related to the text
Teaching Aids:
 Picture of friends from Internet or from a magazine.
 Chart of Urdu translation of English paragraph.
 Chart of difficult words with Urdu meanings.
 CSS Primary Standard English for Class 1.
Teaching Methodology:
 The will ask the students to introduce themselves in the classroom. They will describe
about their names, their age, the name of their best friend, the age of their friend, good
and bad (if any) habits of their friend.
 The teacher will ask the random students to tell about their daily routine from wake up
in the morning to bed at night. (The teacher will appreciate the good life style and will
try to correct the weak life style).
 After these activities, do the sample readings of the unit at pages # 47 and 48.
 Describe and explain about the text read.
 The teacher will ask the students to underline the difficult words of the text and write its
Urdu translation on a separate copy or even on the book.
 The teacher will pause at places and ask simple questions to check understanding of the
students about the text of the book.
 Now the teacher will read the all text again and its idiomatic Urdu translation.
 A few students will revise the given text in correct pronunciation.
Reading Time:
English For Class 1
 Ask students to read the given text.
Discussion and Activity Time:
Ask students to think about each of the following question carefully.
 Who is a friend?
 Who is your best friend?
 What is the name of your best friend?
 What is the age of your best friend?
 How healthy or weak, your friend is?
 What is the profession of the father and mother of your friend?
 When do you get up early in the morning?
 Do you offer Fajar prayer?
 Do you go to school on time?
 What is the daily routine of your friend?
 Is your friend helpful to you or other people?
 Do you like your friend?
Now ask them to discuss their answers with a partner. Next, they must share their
answers with the rest of the class.
Writing Time:
Ask the students to work independently to complete the Exercise.
Fully Solved Exercise
Write “T” for True and “F” for False statement:
a. Farhan reads in class two. F
b. Farhan is a healthy boy. T
c. His mother is a teacher. T
d. Farhan gets up late in the morning. F
e. He helps the intelligent students. F
Make Sentences of:
Words Sentences
Read I read in class one.
Healthy Ali is a healthy boy.
Belongs Umer belongs to a noble family.
Kind Saima is very kind to everyone.
Proud I am a proud Pakistani.
English For Class 1

Fill in the blanks with appropriate adjectives:

Heavy, long, sharp, green, old
a. I am an old elephant.
b. I eat green bananas.
c. I have a long trunk.
d. I have two sharp tusks.
e. I can carry heavy things.
Write “C” for Common Noun and “P” for Proper Noun:
a. Karachi is a big city. P
b. Anoral likes to eat fruit. P
c. She is a teacher. C
d. Shaheer, Sameer and Alishaba are wearing red shirts. P
e. Quaid-e-Azam is our leader. P
Choose a suitable preposition from the box to complete each sentence:
Of, on, from, with, under
a. Tara received a lovely present from her aunt.
b. Ahmed dropped his coat on a chair.
c. The pirate gold was buried under the ground.
d. Leena turned off the light of her bed.
e. The car raced with the motorbike at great speed.
Write Plural of the Following Singular Nouns:
Singular Plural Singular Plural Singular Plural
Fox Foxes Match Matches Wish Wishes
Dish Dishes Six Sixes
Write the correct opposite adjective from Column C in Column B:
Words Opposite Words Opposite Words Opposite
fat thin happy Sad soft hard
long short wet dry
Creative Writing:
Make your own sentences about the picture:
I am a clock. My duty is to tell the right time. I am helpful for everyone. I make you punctual. I
have three arms. I love to see all of you happy and on time.

Week 6 Monthly Test And Revision

English For Class 1

Week 7…Greed is Curse (Unit # 10)

Learning Outcomes:
 To understand the importance of moral stories in life.
 To understand the pieces of advices given in the story.
 To be able to describe the qualities of a good person.
 To learn about the good, healthy and balanced life style.
 To identify and learn the uses of Adjective in a sentence.
 To get the better insight of Singular and Plural Nouns.
 To know about words and opposite.
 To increase their vocabulary.
 Answer questions related to the text
Teaching Aids:
 Pictures of different moral stories.
 Chart of Urdu translation of English paragraph.
 Chart of difficult words with Urdu meanings.
 CSS Primary Standard English for Class 1.
Teaching Methodology:
 Write in bold letters „FABLES‟ on the board. Ask your class whether they know what a
fable is.
 Explain that a fable is a story that teaches us a lesson and has animals as characters. Ask
the class again:
 Whether they have ever heard a fable before?
 Have their parents or grandparents ever told them a fable?
 Have they ever read a fable in a book?
 Remind them of famous fables they might have come across, e.g. the fable of the hare
and the tortoise.
 Ask a volunteer to retell the fable of the hare and the tortoise. Now, ask a volunteer to
describe the main characters in this story. Next, ask the class what they have learned
from the fable.
 After this state that the story teaches us that we must never waste time.
 Ask students if they remember any other fables and discuss the lesson learned from
Reading Time:
 Tell your students it is reading time.
 Assign a student the role of “Old Man” and another student the role of “Old Woman”.

English For Class 1
 After your chosen students role play the dialogue between old man and old woman, read
the fable, of „Greed is Curse‟, pausing in between to allow the role-play of old man and
old woman to proceed and then continue the fable.
 Ask the students what they think of the main characters of the fable.
 Allow them to describe the characters briefly.
 Next, ask simple questions to check their comprehension.
 Finish off by discussing the lesson learned from the fable.
 Is the lesson applicable in real life? How?
 After this activity ask the students to open their book at page # 53 and 54 and do the
silent reading.
 Describe and explain about the text read.
 The teacher will ask the students to underline the difficult words of the text and write its
Urdu translation on a separate copy or even on the book.
 The teacher will pause at places and ask simple questions to check understanding of the
students about the text of the book.
 Now the teacher will read the all text again and its idiomatic Urdu translation.
 A few students will revise the given text in correct pronunciation.
Discussion and Activity Time:
Ask students to think about each of the following question carefully.
 What was the specialty of goose?
 Why they decided to cut down the goose?
 What they found inside the goose?
 What is the moral of this story?
Now ask them to discuss their answers with a partner. Next, they must share their
answers with the rest of the class.
Writing Time:
Ask the students to work independently to complete the Exercise.
Fully Solved Exercise
Why was the goose special?
Ans: The goose was special because every day it laid a golden egg.
Who had a goose?
Ans: Once an old man and old woman had a goose.
Why did the man and the woman kill the goose?
Ans: The old man and the old woman thought that “If our goose lays golden eggs,
she must be made of gold. Let us cut her open and get out the gold, then we

English For Class 1
will have more money”, so they killed the goose and cut her open.
What did the old man and the old woman do with the eggs?
Ans: The old man and the old woman sold the eggs for a lot of money.
What did they get in the end?
Ans: In the end they had nothing.
Make Sentences of:
Words Sentences
Everyday Every day, I get up early in the morning.
Golden Honesty is a golden thought.
Sold I sold my bicycle.
Inside There are students inside school.
Money I need money for a birthday gift.
Odd One Out?
a. Pen, pencil, chair, eraser, ruler chair
b. Potato, turnip, strawberry, cabbages, spinach strawberry
c. Apple, peach, pea, pear, plum pea
d. Cow, zebra, eagle, bull, camel eagle
e. Sparrow, parrot, fox, crow, dove fox
Insert commas in the following sentences:
a. My bedroom is warm, cozy and comfortable.
b. The robber snatched the money, jewelry, watch and the car.
c. He washed the jeans, shirt, handkerchief and his socks.
d. She planted Roses, Tulips, Jasmine and Lotus in her garden.
Write the Plurals of the underlined words:
a. The rays of light came through the windows.
b. Snow covered the roofs.
c. The boats sailed away from the rivers.
d. The horses and jockeys cleared the grounds.
e. The girls read the books on the train yesterday.
f. Shops sold apples and pears.
Underline the adjective:
a. The tiny mouse ate the fresh cake.
b. The huge bear lived in the dark forest.
c. The clever fox ate a fat cake.

English For Class 1
d. The black horse drank the river water.
e. The small ant went into the tiny hole.
Write the opposite adjective in Column B:
Column A Column B Column A Column B Column A Column B
Heavy Light Far Near Big Small
Weak Strong Noisy Silent Fast Slow
Make up your own sentences about the Picture:
a. Hi friends! My name is Umer.
b. I am student of class one.
c. My father is an engineer.
d. My mother is a doctor.
e. I have an elder sister.
f. My father owns a red car.
g. I and my family like to go for a ride every Sunday.

Week 8…Merry Sunshine (Unit # 11)

Learning Outcomes:
 To understand the importance of Sun in every walk of life.
 To identify the Sun as the biggest source of light.
 To be able to describe the activities the life that are solely and truly based on Sun.
 To understand the pieces of advices given in the poem.
 To identify and learn the uses of prepositions in a sentence.
 To get the better insight of Singular and Plural Nouns.
 To know about words and opposite.
 To know more about Compound Words and Odd one out.
 To increase their vocabulary.
 Answer questions related to the text
Teaching Aids:
 Chart of Urdu translation of English paragraph.
 Chart of difficult words with Urdu meanings.
 CSS Primary Standard English for Class 1.
Teaching Methodology:
 Write in bold letters „FABLES‟ on the board. Ask your class whether they know what a
fable is.
 Explain that a fable is a story that teaches us a lesson and has animals as characters. Ask
the class again:
 Whether they have ever heard a fable before?
English For Class 1
 Have their parents or grandparents ever told them a fable?
 Have they ever read a fable in a book?
 Remind them of famous fables they might have come across, e.g. the fable of the hare
and the tortoise.
 Ask a volunteer to retell the fable of the hare and the tortoise. Now, ask a volunteer to
describe the main characters in this story. Next, ask the class what they have learned
from the fable.
 After this state that the story teaches us that we must never waste time.
 Ask students if they remember any other fables and discuss the lesson learned from
Reading Time:
 Tell your students it is reading time.
 Divide the class into groups and perform this poem.
 Make a competition among these groups and praise the winner.
 After these activities, do the sample readings of the unit at pages # 59.
 Describe and explain about the text read.
 The teacher will ask the students to underline the difficult words of the text and write its
Urdu translation on a separate copy or even on the book.
 The teacher will pause at places and ask simple questions to check understanding of the
students about the text of the book.
 Now the teacher will read the all text again and its idiomatic Urdu translation.
 A few students will revise the given text in correct pronunciation.
Writing Time:
Ask the students to work independently to complete the Exercise.
Fully Solved Exercise
What is the poem about?
Ans: This poem is about Sun and Sunshine.
Who was playing last night?
Ans: The poet of this poem was playing last night.
Who never sleeps?
Ans: The Sun never sleeps.
Make Sentences of:
Words Sentences
Stars The stars are shining.

English For Class 1

Moon We saw the full moon yesterday.

Sleep The baby is sleeping.
Playing Mother is playing with her kids.
Choose a suitable preposition from the box to complete each sentence:
From, into, on, among, at
a. Jamal ran on the race track twice.
b. The robber threw the stone at the shop window.
c. The car crashed into the traffic lights post.
d. The lottery money was divided among two winners.
e. The magician pulled a rabbit from his hat.
Write Plural of the Following Singular Nouns:
Singular Plural Singular Plural Singular Plural
Brush Brushes Dress Dresses Box Boxes
Catch Catches Glass Glasses
Encircle the word with correct spellings:
a. Tigar Tiger Tigir
b. Sheep Shiep Sheip
c. Dunkey Donkey Dinkey
d. Loin Loen Lion
e. Girraffe Giraffe Giruffe
ODD One Out:
a. Book, pen, chocolate, pencil Chocolate
b. Boy, girl, man, elephant Elephant
c. Table, chair, desk, house House
d. Cricket, plate, cup, spoon Cricket
e. Banana, potato, orange, mango Potato
Make two words from each of the following word:
cannot can not
Breakfast break fast
Washroom wash room
Bedroom bed room
Cupboard cup board
Postman post man
Football foot ball
outside out side

English For Class 1

Creative Writing
a. Make up your own sentence about the picture:
b. I am a football.
c. I am played between two teams.
d. I am round in shape.
e. I am the part of the most famous sports of the world.

Week 9 Weekly Quiz And Revision

Week 10…The Giant Panda (Unit # 12)

Learning Outcomes:
 To know about the endangered animal (The Giant Panda).
 To know about the habitat, eating and sleeping habits of Panda.
 To know about the efforts to save the panda from being nonexistent.
 To understand the pieces of advices given in the story.
 To learn about Punctuation and making sentences.
 To increase their vocabulary.
 Answer questions related to the text
Teaching Aids:
 Pictures of the Giant Panda.
 Chart of Urdu translation of English paragraph.
 Chart of difficult words with Urdu meanings.
 CSS Primary Standard English for Class 1.
Teaching Methodology:
 Ask the students to open their books at page # 65 and do the sample readings of the unit.
 Describe and explain about the text read.
 For better understanding, divide the class into groups and discuss the unit in questions
and answer style.
 Assign a point to the winning group.
 Add the more information about the giant pandas.
 Ask the students to underline the difficult words of the text and write its Urdu
translation on a separate copy or even on the book.
 The teacher will pause at places and ask simple questions to check understanding of the
students about the text of the book.
 Now the teacher will read the all text again and its idiomatic Urdu translation.
 A few students will revise the given text in correct pronunciation.
Reading Time:

English For Class 1
 Ask students to read the given text.
Discussion and Activity Time:
Ask students to think about each of the following questions carefully.
 What is a giant panda?
 Where is the habitat of giant panda?
 What is the outlook of the giant panda?
 Describe the colours of the giant panda.
 Describe the coat of the giant panda.
 What is the normal diet of giant panda?
 What is the normal eating and sleeping time of the giant panda?
 What is a cub?
 When a cub starts to live alone?
 Why this panda is an endangered animal these days?
Now ask them to discuss their answers with a partner. Next, they must share their
answers with the rest of the class.
Writing Time:
Ask the students to work independently to complete the Exercise.
Fully Solved Exercise
What does the panda look like?
Ans: A panda has a large body. It has small ears and a black patch around each
eye. Its coat is thick and water-proof.
How long does the panda spend eating?
Ans: It spends fourteen hours a day eating.
What is a baby panda called?
Ans: A baby panda is called a cub.
At what age, does a baby panda leave its mother?
Ans: It leaves its mother when it is one and a half years old to live alone.
Have you ever seen a panda in a zoo?
Ans: Yes, we have seen a panda in the zoo.
Make Sentences of:
Words Sentences
Large A bus is a large vehicle.
round A panda has a round face.

‫‪English‬‬ ‫‪For Class 1‬‬

‫‪Climber‬‬ ‫‪I saw a beautiful climber on the wall.‬‬

‫‪Strong‬‬ ‫‪Strong wind is blowing.‬‬
‫‪Huge‬‬ ‫‪I saw a huge storm.‬‬
‫‪Insert commas in the following sentences:‬‬
‫‪a.‬‬ ‫‪He has pencils, pens, books and water bottles.‬‬
‫‪b.‬‬ ‫‪We bought bread, egg, jam, butter and cake.‬‬
‫‪c.‬‬ ‫‪Punjab, Sindh, Baluchistan and Khyber Phakhtumkhawa are provinces of Pakistan.‬‬
‫‪d.‬‬ ‫‪I like blue, green, yellow and red colours.‬‬
‫‪e.‬‬ ‫‪I live with my father, mother, sister and brother.‬‬

‫‪Week 11‬‬ ‫‪Monthly Test And Revision‬‬

‫‪Week 12‬‬ ‫‪Revision of Unit # 6,7,8 and 9‬‬
‫‪Week 13‬‬ ‫‪Revision of Unit # 10,11and 12‬‬
‫‪Week 14‬‬ ‫‪Complete Revision And Monthly Test‬‬
‫‪Book Translation‬‬
‫پیشے ‪:‬‬ ‫سبق نمبر‪6 :‬‬
‫ڈاکیا ‪:‬‬
‫ایک ڈاکیب هعبؽشے کب هعضص سکي ہے۔ وٍ خطوط‪ ،‬هٌی آسڈسص ‪ ،‬دعوت ًبهے اوس پبسعل‬
‫تمغین کشتب ہے۔ وٍ ایک خبکی وسدی پہٌتب ہے۔ وٍ گھش گھش جبتب ہے اوس ڈاک تمغین کشتب ہے۔‬
‫مکینک ‪:‬‬
‫ایک هکیٌک ایغب فشد ہے جو آٹو وسکؾبپ هیں کبم کشتب ہے۔ وٍ ایک هوصوں وسدی پہٌتب ہے۔‬
‫وٍ ہش لغن کی گبڑیوں کی هشهت کشتب ہے۔ اعے توبم کبسوں کب ڈاکٹش ثھی کہب جبتب ہے۔ وٍ اپٌے کبم‬
‫هیں هبہش ہوتب ہے۔‬
‫نرس ‪:‬‬
‫ًشط وٍ ؽخصیت ہے جو ہغپتبلوں هیں هشیضوں کی دیکھ ثھبل کشتی ہے۔ وٍ صبف عتھشی‬
‫وسدی پہٌتی ہے۔ وٍ ڈاکٹش کی هذد کشتی ہے۔ وٍ ہغپتبل کی ایک رهہ داس ؽخصیت ہے اوس وٍ اپٌے‬
‫فشض عے لطف اًذوص ہوتی ہے۔‬
‫استانی ‪:‬‬
‫ایک اعتبًی لوم کی هعوبس ہوتی ہے۔ وٍ سودبًی والذٍ ہوتی ہے۔ طلجب اپٌے اعبتزٍ کب ادتشام‬
‫اوس فشهبًجشداسی کشتے ہیں۔ وٍ اپٌے اعبتزٍ کو هثبلی ًووًہ عوجھتے ہیں۔‬
‫لڑکا جو بھیڑیا بھیڑیا چالتا تھا ‪:‬‬ ‫سبق نمبر‪7 :‬‬
‫‪English‬‬ ‫‪For Class 1‬‬

‫ایک دفعہ کب رکش ہے کہ ایک لڑکب تھب جو پہبڑ پش اپٌی ثھیڑ ثکشیوں کی دیکھ ثھبل کشتب تھب۔‬
‫ایک دى اط ًے خود عے کہب۔ ‘‘هیں کتٌب یکغبًیت صدٍ ہوں۔ تفشیخ کے لیے هجھے ثھیڑیب ثھیڑیب‬
‫پکبسًب چبہئے۔ ’’‬
‫لوگ هیشی هذد کے لیے آئیں گیں۔ پظ وٍ چالًے لگب۔ ثھیڑیب ۔۔ثھیڑیب۔۔ثہت عے لوگ اط کی‬
‫هذد کے لیے آئے۔ ہبہبہب۔۔اط ًے لہمہ لگبیب۔ ‘‘یہ صشف هزاق تھب۔ ’’‬
‫اط ًے تیي هشتجہ ایغب کیب ۔ ہش هشتجہ لوگ آئے تو اط ًے اًھیں کہب کہ یہ صشف هزاق تھب۔‬
‫وہبں کوئی ثھیڑیب ًہ تھب۔ لیکي ایک دى والعی ثھیڑیب آگیب۔ هذد‪ ،‬هذد ۔ ثھیڑیب آگیب ہے۔‬
‫لیکي لوگوں ًے کہب‪ ‘‘ ،‬ہن جبًتے ہیں کہ وہبں ثھیڑیب ًہیں ہے۔ یہ لڑکب صشف هزاق کش سہب ہے۔ وہبں‬
‫کوئی خطشٍ ًہیں ہے۔ اط هشتجہ ہن ًہیں جبئیں گیں۔ پظ لوگ ًہ گئے اوس ثھیڑیے ًے توبم ثھیڑیوں‬
‫کو ہالک کش دیب۔‬
‫جب میں ایک سال کا تھا ‪:‬‬ ‫سبق نمبر‪8 :‬‬
‫جت هیں ایک عبل کب تھب‬
‫هیں ًے اثھی آغبص ہی کیب تھب‬
‫جت هیں دو عبل کب تھب‬
‫هیں تمشیجب ً ًیب تھب‬
‫جت هیں تیي عبل کب تھب‬
‫هیں ثوؾکل عے هیں تھب‬
‫جت هیں چبس عبل کب تھب‬
‫هیں صیبدٍ ثہتش ًہ تھب‬
‫جت هیں پبًچ عبل کب تھب‬
‫هیں ًے صًذگی هیں لذم سکھب ہی تھب‬
‫لیکي اة هیں چھ عبل کب ہوں‬
‫هیں ثہت عیبًب ہو گیب ہوں‬
‫پظ هیشا خیبل ہے کہ اة هیں چھ عبل کب سہوں‬
‫ہویؾہ ہویؾہ کے لیے‬
‫میرا دوست ‪:‬‬ ‫سبق نمبر‪9 :‬‬
‫هیشا ایک دوعت ہے۔ اط کبًبم فشدبى ہے ۔ وٍ هیشا ہن جوبعت اوس ہوغبیہ ہے۔ ہن دوًوں‬
‫جوبعت اول هیں پڑھتے ہیں۔ ہن اکٹھے عکول جبتے ہیں۔ ہن ایک ہی ثیٌچ پش ثیٹھتے ہیں۔ فشدبى لوجب‬
‫اوس صذت هٌذ ہے۔ وٍ ایک اچھے خبًذاى عے تعلك سکھتب ہے۔ اط کے والذ ایک ڈاکٹش ہیں اوس اط‬
‫کی والذٍ ایک اعتبًی ہیں۔ وٍ ایک رہیي طبلت علن ہے اوس ہویؾہ جوبعت هیں اول آتب ہے۔ هیشا‬
‫دوعت صجخ عویشے اٹھتب ہے۔ وٍ عبدٍ لجبط پہٌتب ہے ۔ وٍ ولت پش عکول جبتب ہے۔ وٍ ایک هذٌتی‬
‫لڑکب ہے۔ وٍ ایک هہشثبى دوعت ہے۔ وٍ پڑھبئی هیں کوضوس طلجب کی هذد کشتب ہے۔ وٍ ایک ایوبى داس‬

‫‪English‬‬ ‫‪For Class 1‬‬

‫لڑکب ہے۔ وٍ ہویؾہ عچ ثولتب ہے۔ وٍ ہویؾہ خوػ ثبػ اوس ؽبئغتہ سہتب ہے۔ هجھے اپٌے دوعت پش‬
‫فخش ہے۔ هیں اعے ثہت پغٌذ کشتب ہوں۔‬
‫خوشگوار دھوپ ‪:‬‬ ‫سبق نمبر‪11 :‬‬
‫صجخ ثخیش خوؽگواس دھوپ‪ ،‬تن اتٌی جلذی کیغے ثیذاس ہو جبتی ہو۔ تن ًے ًٌھے عتبسوں کو‬
‫خوفضدٍ کش کے ثھگب دیب ہےاوس چبًذ کی چبًذًی ختن کش دی ہے۔‬
‫هیں کل سات توھیں عوًے کے لیے جبتے ہوئے دیکھب‬
‫اپٌب کھیل ختن کشًے عے پہلے‬
‫تن وہبں تک ساعتہ کیغے پب لیتی ہو‪،‬‬
‫اوس تن کہبں لیبم کشتی ہو‬
‫پیبسے ثچے هیں کجھی ًہی عو عکتی‬
‫هیں صشف یہ دیکھٌے کے لیے چکش لگبتی ہوں‬
‫کہ هؾشق کے ًٌھے ثچے‬
‫جو ثیذاس ہوتے ہیں اوس هجھے دیکتھے ہیں‬
‫هیں توبم پشًذوں اوس ؽہذ کی هکھیوں کو ثیذاس کشتی ہوں‬
‫اوس اپٌے ساعتے هیں آًے والے پھولوں کو‬
‫اوس اة اط ثچے کو دیکھتے واپظ آئی ہوں‬
‫جو کھیلٌے کے لیے دیش تک سکے سہتے ہیں۔‬
‫بہت بڑا پانڈا ‪:‬‬ ‫سبق نمبر‪12 :‬‬
‫چیي هیں ایک ثہت ثڑا پبًڈا سہتب ہے۔ اط کب جغن ثڑا اوس گول ہے۔ اط کے کبى چھوٹے ہیں‬
‫اوس ہش آًکھ کے گشد عیبٍ دلمہ دھجب ہے۔ اط کی کھبل هوٹی ہے اوس پبًی کو گضسًے ًہیں دیتی۔ پبًڈا‬
‫اوپش چڑھٌے هیں ثہت اچھب ہے۔ اط کے تیض سًگ اط کی چھپٌے هیں هذد کشتے ہیں۔ پبًڈے کے‬
‫د اًت ثڑے ہیں۔ ثبًظ جو کہ ثہت عخت ہوتب ہے کو کھبًے کے لیے اط کے ججڑے ثہت عخت ہوتے‬
‫ہیں۔ یہ ثبًغوں کی ثہت ثڑی همذاس کھبتب ہے۔ یہ ایک دى هیں چودٍ گھٌٹے کھبًے هیں گضاستب ہے۔‬
‫ثبلی ولت یہ عوًے هیں گضاستب ہے۔ اط کی عوًے کی کوئی خبؿ جگہ ًہیں ہے۔‬
‫پبًڈے کب ثچہ چھوٹب ہے۔ جت یہ ڈیڑھ عبل کب ہوتب ہے تو تٌہب صًذگی گضاسًے کے لیے اپٌی‬
‫هبں کو چھوڑ دیتب ہے۔ اة پبًڈا ثہت ًبیبة ہے۔ چیي هیں اى کب تذفظ کیب جبتب ہے کیوًکہ یہ چٌذ ثبلی‬
‫سٍ گئے ہیں۔‬

‫‪Model Paper # 1‬‬

‫‪Section A‬‬
‫‪Time Allowed: 45 Minutes‬‬ ‫‪Total Marks: 30‬‬
‫‪Fill in the blanks with article “a” or “an”:‬‬ ‫)‪(10 Marks‬‬
English For Class 1
f. He is ………. expert in playing football.
g. I saw ………. rat running in my house.
h. ………. aero plane flies high in the sky.
i. Dolphin is ………. mammal.
j. Sameer is ………. teacher in our school.
Underline the Verb in the following: (10 Marks)
f. My aunt ………. oranges.
g. She is ………. bananas now.
h. She will ………. to the market.
i. My mother ………. the money in her purse.
j. The potatoes ………. out on the road.
Underline the Adjectives: (10 Marks)
f. The big dog saw the brown cat.
g. The pretty butterfly landed on the red rose.
h. The grey squirrel cracked a hard nut.
i. The little lamb played in the green field.
j. The rich man bought a new car.
Section B
Time Allowed: 75 Minutes Total Marks: 45
Q 1: Read the story and answer the questions given below: 9 Marks
Once an old man and an old woman had a goose. It was a very special goose. Every day
it laid a golden egg. The old man and the old woman sold the eggs for a lot of money.
However, the more money they had, the more they wanted.
5. Why was the goose special? 3 Marks
6. Who had a goose? 3 Marks
7. What did the old man and the old woman do with the eggs? 3 Marks
Q 3: Do as directed.
A: Make sentences. 12 Marks
Words Sentences
B: Make the Plural of these Singular Nouns: 9 Marks

English For Class 1
Singular Plural Singular Plural
Bottle Brush
Desk Catch
Fox Dish
C: Write the Feminine of these Masculine Nouns: 9 Marks
Masculine Feminine Masculine Feminine
Peacock Prince
Nephew Uncle
Dog Horse
Q 4: Write five sentences about “My Friend” in your notebook. 6 Marks

Model Paper # 2
Section A
Time Allowed: 45 Minutes Total Marks: 30
Encircle the word with correct spellings: (10 Marks)
k. Pictare Picture Pecture
l. Cuosin Cousin Coucin
m. Brihtaay Birthdey Birthday
n. Brige Bredge Bridge
o. Grapes Grapas Grepes
p. Holeday Holiday Holday
q. Cuontry Country Countey.
Fill in the blanks with correct pronouns: (10 Marks)
k. Ali is in the ground and ………. is playing football with his friends.
l. Zainab is crying because ………. wants to eat candy.
m. Ali and Muhammad are friends because ………. are studying in the same class.
n. My house is in Lahore and ………. live with my family.
o. The cat is a beautiful animal. ………. drinks milk.
Choose the correct word for each sentence: (10 Marks)
g. The boy was looking after ……….. (sheep, geese, goats)
h. The boy was on a ……….. (farm, hill, lorry)
i. The boy was ……….. (happy, sad, bored)
j. The boy cried ……….. (sheep, wolf, danger)
k. The people did not ……….. (eat, go, drink)

English For Class 1

Section B
Time Allowed: 75 Minutes Total Marks: 45
Q 1: Read the story and answer the questions given below: 9 Marks
A panda spends fourteen hours a day eating. The panda cub is tiny. It leaves its mother
when it is one and half years old to live alone.
1. How does the panda spend eating? 3 Marks
2. What is the baby panda called? 3 Marks
3. At what age does a baby panda leave its mother? 3 Marks
Q 3: Do as directed.
A: Make sentences. 12 Marks
Words Sentences
B: Make the Plural of these Singular Nouns: 9 Marks
Singular Plural Singular Plural
Cup Match
Sticker Six
Pencil Wish
C: Write the correct opposite adjective: 9 Marks
Words Opposite Words Opposite
fat Far
long Noisy
happy Fast
Q 4: Write five sentences about “Football” in your notebook. 6 Marks

Model Paper # 3
Section A
Time Allowed: 45 Minutes Total Marks: 30
Write “a” or “an”: (10 Marks)
f. We saw ………. unusual crocodile near the river.
g. I watched ………. enormous reptile that killed ………. elephant in the jungle.
h. She saw ………. group of giant ants attacking ………. nest of cockroaches.
English For Class 1
i. A huge alligator with ………. long tail, leaped into ………. deep water hole.
j. ………. eight-tone dinosaur had ………. small brain.
Circle the Compound words in the given sentences: (10 Marks)
f. My raincoat is blue in colour.
g. I have a big lunchbox.
h. This is an inkpot.
i. I like to play football.
j. Teapot is full of tea.
Fill in the blanks using the verbs in the box: (10 Marks)
Walks, rides, gives, climbs, asks
f. The man ………. to the market.
g. Tariq ………. his brother a pencil.
h. Wasim ………. the cycle up the hill.
i. The cat ………. the tree.
j. The old woman ………. for help.
Section B
Time Allowed: 75 Minutes Total Marks: 45
Q 1: Read the story and answer the questions given below: 9 Marks
A panda spends fourteen hours a day eating. The panda cub is tiny. It leaves its mother
when it is one and half years old to live alone.
4. How does the panda spend eating? 3 Marks
5. What is the baby panda called? 3 Marks
6. At what age does a baby panda leave its mother? 3 Marks
Q 3: Do as directed.

A: Make sentences. 12 Marks

Words Sentences
B: Make the Plural of these Singular Nouns: 9 Marks
Singular Plural Singular Plural
Cup Match

English For Class 1
Sticker Six
Pencil Wish
C: Write the Feminine of these Masculine Nouns: 9 Marks
Masculine Feminine Masculine Feminine
Peacock Prince
Nephew Uncle
Dog Horse
Q 4: Write five sentences about “My Family” in your notebook. 6 Marks

English For Class 1

Third Term
Week 1…The Lion and the Mouse (Unit # 13)

Learning Outcomes:
 To understand the importance of moral stories in life.
 To understand the pieces of advices given in the story.
 To be able to describe the qualities of a good person.
 To learn about the good, healthy and balanced life style.
 To increase their vocabulary.
 Answer questions related to the text
Teaching Aids:
 Pictures of different moral stories.
 Chart of Urdu translation of English paragraph.
 Chart of difficult words with Urdu meanings.
 CSS Primary Standard English for Class 1.
Teaching Methodology:
 Write in bold letters „FABLES‟ on the board. Ask your class whether they know what a
fable is.
 Explain that a fable is a story that teaches us a lesson and has animals as characters. Ask
the class again:
 Whether they have ever heard a fable before?
 Have their parents or grandparents ever told them a fable?
 Have they ever read a fable in a book?
 Remind them of famous fables they might have come across, e.g. the fable of the hare
and the tortoise.
 Ask a volunteer to retell the fable of the hare and the tortoise. Now, ask a volunteer to
describe the main characters in this story. Next, ask the class what they have learned
from the fable.
 After this state that the story teaches us that we must never waste time.
 Ask students if they remember any other fables and discuss the lesson learned from
Reading Time:
 Tell your students it is reading time.
 Assign a student the role of “Mouse” and another student the role of “Lion”.

English For Class 1
 After your chosen students role play the dialogue between mouse and lion, read the
fable, of „The Lion and the Mouse‟, pausing in between to allow the role-play of mouse
and lion to proceed and then continue the fable.
 Ask the students what they think of the main characters of the fable.
 Allow them to describe the characters briefly.
 Next, ask simple questions to check their comprehension.
 Finish off by discussing the lesson learned from the fable.
 Is the lesson applicable in real life? How?
 After this activity ask the students to open their book at page # 68 and 69 and do the
silent reading.
 Describe and explain about the text read.
 The teacher will ask the students to underline the difficult words of the text and write its
Urdu translation on a separate copy or even on the book.
 The teacher will pause at places and ask simple questions to check understanding of the
students about the text of the book.
 Now the teacher will read the all text again and its idiomatic Urdu translation.
 A few students will revise the given text in correct pronunciation.
Discussion and Activity Time:
Ask students to think about each of the following question carefully.
 What was the lion doing when the mouse ran over him?
 Why was the lion angry at the mouse?
 How did the mouse know the lion was in trouble?
 Why did the lion let the mouse go?
 What lesson did you get from the story?
Now ask them to discuss their answers with a partner. Next, they must share their
answers with the rest of the class.
Writing Time:
Ask the students to work independently to complete the Exercise.
Fully Solved Exercise
Write “T” for True and “F” for False for the following statements.
a. The mouse ran over the lion‟s head. F
b. The lion was happy. F
c. He ate the little mouse. F
d. When the lion was trapped, the fox helped him. F
e. Animals live in a jungle. T

English For Class 1

Answer the following questions:

What was the lion doing when the mouse ran over him?
Ans: The lion was sleeping when the mouse ran over him.
Why was the lion angry at the mouse?
Ans: The lion was angry, because the mouse disturbed his sleep.
How did the mouse know the lion was in trouble?
Ans: The roar of the rage of lion let the mouse to know that the lion was in trouble.
Why did the lion let the mouse go?
Ans: The idea that this tiny creature could ever help hi amused the lion so much that he let
the mouse go.
What lesson did you get from the story?
Ans: The moral of this story is “Do good and have good”.
Make Sentences of:
Words Sentences
Mighty Elephant is a mighty animal.
Beast Ox is a beast of burden.
Amuse I am amusing myself in playing games.
Struggle Struggle is the key to success.
Trap The lion was trapped in the hunter‟s net.

Week 2…The Golden Keys (Unit # 14)

Learning Outcomes:
 To exchange routine greetings and social courtesies.
 To follow instructions.
 To make simple greeting cards.
 Write and role-play simple dialogue and conversation.
 Give and follow simple instructions.
 To learn about the good, healthy and balanced life style.
 To increase their vocabulary.
 Answer questions related to the text
Teaching Aids:
 Pictures of different moral stories.
 Chart of Urdu translation of English paragraph.
 Chart of difficult words with Urdu meanings.

English For Class 1
 CSS Primary Standard English for Class 1.
Teaching Methodology:
 Divide the class into groups and perform this poem.
 Make a competition among these groups and praise the winner.
 Do the sample readings of the unit at pages # 72 and 73.
 Describe and explain about the text read.
 The teacher will ask the students to underline the difficult words of the text and write its
Urdu translation on a separate copy or even on the book.
 The teacher will pause at places and ask simple questions to check understanding of the
students about the text of the book.
 Now the teacher will read the all text again and its idiomatic Urdu translation.
 A few students will revise the given text in correct pronunciation.
Reading Time:
 Ask students to read the given text.
Week 3…Riddles (Unit # 15)
1. Elephant 2. Tree 3. Table 4. Moon

Week 4 Complete Revision of 3rd Term

Week 5
Complete Revision of 2nd Term
Week 6
Week 7
Complete Revision of 1st Term
Week 8
Book Translation
: ‫شیر اور چوہا‬ 13 :‫سبق نمبر‬
‫ایک دى چوہب عوئے ہوئے ؽیش کے پٌجوں پش دوڑًے لگب ۔ غصے هیں عظین دسًذٍ جبگ گیب‬
ٍ‫۔ وٍ چھوٹے جبًوس کو کچلٌے ہی واال تھب جت چوہب چال اٹھب ۔ توبم جبًوسوں کے عظین ثبدؽب‬
‫هہشثبًی کش کے هجھے چھوڑ دو ۔ هیں صش ف ایک چھوٹب عب لموہ ثٌوں گب۔ اوس هجھے یمیي ہے کہ‬
‫آپ کو رائمہ پغٌذ ًہیں آئے گب۔ اط کے عالوٍ کغی دى هیں آپ کے کبم ثھی آ عکتب ہوں۔ آپ کجھی‬
‫ًہیں ثتب عکتے ۔‬

‫‪English‬‬ ‫‪For Class 1‬‬

‫اط تصوسًے کہ یہ چھوٹی هخلوق کجھی اط کے کبم آعکتی ہے ؽیش کو اتٌب خوػ کیب کہ‬
‫اط ًے اپٌے ًٌھے لیذی کو سہب کش دیب ۔ اط کے کچھ عشصہ ثعذ جٌگل هیں خوساک کے لیے‬
‫گھ وهتے ہوئے ؽیش ایک ؽکبسی کے جبل هیں پھٌظ گیب ۔ اط ًے جتٌی کوؽؼ کی وٍ اتٌب ہی صیبدٍ‬
‫الجھتب گیب ۔ اط کی غصے ثھشی دھبڑ عے عبسا جٌگل گوًج اٹھب۔ یہ آواص عي کش چوہب جبل کی‬
‫طشف ثھبگباوس اى سعیوں کو کبٹٌب ؽشوع کش دیب جي هیں ؽیش لیذ تھب۔ تھوڑی ہی دیش هیں اط ًے‬
‫اپٌے ًٌھے داًتوں عے آخشی سعی کو کبٹب اوس عظین دسًذے کو آصاد کش دیب۔‬
‫اقوال زریں ‪/‬سنہری چابیاں ‪:‬‬ ‫سبق نمبر‪14 :‬‬
‫هیشے پبط عٌہشی چبثیوں کب ایک گچھب ہے‬
‫جظ عے ہش دى کو خوؽگواس چوک هلے گی‬
‫‘‘صجخ ثخیش’’ وٍ عٌہشی چبثی ہے‬
‫جظ عے هیشے دى کب آغبص ہوتب ہے‬
‫جت ؽبم ہوتی ہے‪ ،‬هیں ‘‘ ؽت ثخیش ’’ کہتب ہوں‬
‫اوس ہش خوؽگواس دى کب دسواصٍ ثٌذ کشتب ہوں‬
‫کھبًے کی هیض پش ‘‘ اگش آپ پغٌذ کشیں’’‬
‫هیں اپٌے چبثیوں کے گچھے عے ایک اتبس لیتب ہوں‬
‫جت دوعت هجھے کوئی ثھی چیض دیتے ہیں‬
‫توهیں ‘‘آپ کب ؽکشیہ ’’ کو چھوٹی چبثی اعتعوبل کشتب ہوں‬
‫‘‘هیں هعزست چبہتب ہوں’’‘‘آپ عے هعبفی ثھی هبًگتب ہوں’’‬
‫جت هیں غلطی عے کوئی ًمصبى پہٌچب ثیٹھوں‬
‫یب اگش هیں ًے ثے سدوی عے کوئی ًمصبى پہٌچبیب ہے تو‬
‫‘‘هجھے ثہت افغوط ہے’’ کہٌے پش هجھے هعبف کش دیب جبئے‬
‫ایک عٌہشی چھلے پش هیں یہ چبثیبں ثبًذھوں گب‬
‫یہی اط کب همصذ ہے ‘‘ کہ آپ سدن دل ثٌیں ’’‬
‫هیں اکثش ہش عٌہشی چبثی اعتعوبل کشوں گب‬
‫اوس پھش هیں ایک خوػ ثبػ ثچہ ثي جبؤں گب‬
‫پہیلیاں ‪:‬‬ ‫سبق نمبر‪15 :‬‬
‫یہ کیب ہے؟‬ ‫یہ کیب ہے ؟‬
‫یہ ہوبسی ثہت هذد کشتب ہے‬ ‫اط کی ایک عوًڈ ہے‬
‫یہ ہویں پھل دیتب ہے‬ ‫اط کی چبس ٹبًگیں ہیں‬
‫یہ ہوی عبیہ دیتب ہے‬ ‫یہ کیب ہے ؟‬
‫هیں گیٌذ کش طشح گول ہوں‬ ‫هیشی ٹبًگیں ہیں‬
‫اوس آعوبى هیں سہتب ہوں‬ ‫ایک دو تیي چبس‬
‫آپ هجھے سات کو دیکھیں گے‬ ‫لیکي هیں چل ًہیں عکتب‬
English For Class 1

‫اگش آپ اوپش دیکھیں گے‬ ‫فشػ پش‬

Model Paper # 1
Section A
Time Allowed: 45 Minutes Total Marks: 30
Fill in the blanks with article “a” or “an”: (7.5 Marks)
k. This is ………. cat.
l. That is ………. amazing idea.
m. Bring ………. calculator to the class.
n. She wants to eat ………. omelet.
o. Our library has ………. large collection of books.
Fill in the blanks with correct prepositions given below: (7.5 Marks)
to behind On In in front
k. My hat is ………. my head.
l. She sits ………. my room.
m. You are very kind ………. me.
n. The boy is standing ………. of his house.
o. The bus is ………. the car.
Underline the noun and encircle the adjectives in the following sentences.
k. He is a lame man. (7.5 Marks)
l. There are red roses in the garden.
m. Lion is a dangerous animal.
n. Shafey is a fat boy.
o. My family lives in a big house.
Rearrange these jumbled words into meaningful sentences. (7.5 Marks)
p. going Anarol to school is
q. teacher nice very is My
r. live a house I in
s. sunny it a day is
t. read I can story a
Section B
Time Allowed: 75 Minutes Total Marks: 45
Q 1: Read the story and answer the questions given below: 9 Marks
One day a mouse happened to run over the paws of a sleeping lion. Angrily the mighty
beast woke. He was about to crush the little animal when the mouse cried out “Please, mighty

English For Class 1
king of all animals, spare me. I would be only a tiny mouthful, and I am sure you would not
like the taste. Besides, I might be able to help you some day. You never can tell.”
The idea that this tiny creature could ever help him amused the lion so much that he let this
little prisoner go.
1. What was the lion doing when the mouse ran over him?
2. Why was the lion angry at the mouse?
3. Why did the lion let the mouse go?
Q 3: Do as directed.
A: Make sentences. 12 Marks
Words Sentences
B: Make the Plural of these Singular Nouns: 9 Marks
Singular Plural Singular Plural
Pen Student
Book Eraser
Table Sharpener
C: Write the Feminine of these Masculine Nouns: 9 Marks
Masculine Feminine Masculine Feminine
brother father
husband boy
horse dog
Q 4: Write five sentences about “My Best Friend” in your notebook. 6 Marks

Model Paper # 2
Section A
Time Allowed: 45 Minutes Total Marks: 30
Write “T” for true and “F” for false statement: (7.5 Marks)
p. Khalid never speaks the truth. ……….
q. He does not help the poor. ……….
r. A good child always obeys his parents. ……….
s. Khalid goes to bed late at night. ……….
English For Class 1
t. He eats good and healthy food in time. ……….
Pick out common and proper nouns from the given sentences and write them in
spaces below: (15 Marks)
a. Omer celebrates his birthday party at his house.
Common noun: ………………………….
Proper noun: ………………………….
b. Mano is my pet cat.
Common noun: ………………………….
Proper noun: ………………………….
c. Summaya and Fatima are best friends.
Common noun: ………………………….
Proper noun: ………………………….
d. Multan is a hot city.
Common noun: ………………………….
Proper noun: ………………………….
e. Akram is a smart boy.
Common noun: ………………………….
Proper noun: ………………………….
Underline the nouns and encircle the adjectives in the following sentences.
(7.5 Marks)
a. Mathematics is a difficult subject.
b. My friend is very active in sports.
c. My brother is a brave boy.
d. Rabbit is a cute animal.
e. I cannot lift a heavy box.
Section B
Time Allowed: 75 Minutes Total Marks: 45
Q 1: Read the story and answer the questions given below: (9 Marks)
The four provinces of Pakistan are Baluchistan, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Punjab and
Sindh. Pakistan is a very special gift of Almighty Allah. We have all the four seasons and a
diverse weather in our country. We have summer, autumn, winter and spring seasons in a year.
Then we have a lot of land variety which help our farmers to plant all types of fruits, flowers,
plants, trees and crops round the year. As we have a variety of crops, fruits and vegetables so
we can eat anything of our choice. Urdu is the national language of Pakistan. Islamabad is the
capital city of Pakistan.
5. Name the capital city of Pakistan? 3 Mark
6. Name the provinces of Pakistan. 3 Marks

English For Class 1
7. What are the blessings of Allah to Pakistan? 3 Marks
Q 3: Do as directed.
A: Make sentences. 12 Marks
Words Sentences
B: Make the Plural of these Singular Nouns: 9 Marks
Singular Plural Singular Plural
School Duster
Canteen Room
Shop Teacher
C: Write the Feminine of these Masculine Nouns: 9 Marks
Masculine Feminine Masculine Feminine
cock step brother
king king
son grandfather
Q 4: Write five sentences about “My Pakistan” in your notebook. 6 Marks

Model Paper # 3
Section A
Time Allowed: 45 Minutes Total Marks: 30
Rearrange these jumbled words into meaningful sentences. (7.5 Marks)
u. going Anarol to school is
v. teacher nice very is My
w. live a house I in
x. sunny it a day is
y. read I can story a
Pick out common and proper nouns from the given sentences and write them in
spaces below: (15 Marks)
a. Omer celebrates his birthday party at his house.

English For Class 1
Common noun: ………………………….
Proper noun: ………………………….
b. Mano is my pet cat.
Common noun: ………………………….
Proper noun: ………………………….
c. Summaya and Fatima are best friends.
Common noun: ………………………….
Proper noun: ………………………….
d. Multan is a hot city.
Common noun: ………………………….
Proper noun: ………………………….
e. Akram is a smart boy.
Common noun: ………………………….
Proper noun: ………………………….
Fill in the blanks with article “a” or “an”: (7.5 Marks)
f. This is ………. cat.
g. That is ………. amazing idea.
h. Bring ………. calculator to the class.
i. She wants to eat ………. omelet.
j. Our library has ………. large collection of books.

Section B
Time Allowed: 75 Minutes Total Marks: 45
Q 1: Read the story and answer the questions given below: 9 Marks
A panda spends fourteen hours a day eating. The panda cub is tiny. It leaves its mother
when it is one and half years old to live alone.
7. How does the panda spend eating? 3 Marks
8. What is the baby panda called? 3 Marks
9. At what age does a baby panda leave its mother? 3 Marks
Q 3: Do as directed.
A: Make sentences. 12 Marks
Words Sentences

English For Class 1
B: Make the Plural of these Singular Nouns: 9 Marks
Singular Plural Singular Plural
School Cup
Canteen Sticker
Shop Pencil
C: Write the Feminine of these Masculine Nouns: 9 Marks
Masculine Feminine Masculine Feminine
cock Prince
king Uncle
son Horse
Q 4: Write five sentences about “A Clock” in your notebook. 6 Marks


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