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Test - 1

Ethics Mock
Test Series
IAS - 2016

By - Manoj K. Jha
TEST - 01



Time Allowed: 3 hr. Max. Marks: 250

1. Answer the following questions:
(a) What do you mean by self-realization? How the self-realization can help in the

establishment of authentic self?
(b) What is the role of courage in practicing virtue consistently? Do we need courage to

be kind, true, merciful, generous or honest? Why?
What is a social sin? Is there any standard definition of it? How can we abstain from
social sins? And if we fail to abstain from so called social sins, what would be the

3. A philosopher said "when I was young I wanted to change the world" and now as I am
mature "I want to change myself". In the light of the above statement answer the following
(a) Why did philosopher say so?
(b) The world does not change much, our perceptions do change. Explain.

4. It is commonly accepted that: "don't promise when you are happy, don't answer when
you are angry, and don't decide when you are sad". What is the essence of this statement
for a working civil servant?
5. Answer the following questions:
(a) Spontaneity and self-restraint are the two complementary values needed at the
workplace. Explain the importance of both with example.
(b) What is the relation between the quality of a work and happiness while doing the
work? What are the main impediments in being happy and how to overcome them?
6. What is the difference between 'appeasement policy' and that of utilitarian principle of
"Maximum good for maximum people"? Explain with appropriate example.
7. Which is more important for moral integrity- the idea of 'live and let live' or 'self-
indulgence'? Why? What is the significance of both the ideas in the real life?
8. Can ethics solve the problem of poverty and hunger in India? Analyze.
9. What is goodness? Does it help in achieving our personal and professional goals in the
real world? What are the disadvantages of goodness? Should we be deterred by
disadvantages of goodness.
Ethics, Integrity and Aptitude [1]
10. What is a role model? How are role models made? Illustrate and analyse how do role
models influence virtues, morals and ethics in a society?
11. Given are three quotations of moral thinkers/philosophers. For each of these, bring out
what it means to you in the present context?
(a) It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society.
(b) Do not let selfish men or greedy interests skin your country of its beauty, its riches
or its romance.
12. You are officer in charge for transfer and posting of personnel of a particular department.
This position is very difficult mainly for two reasons- (i) people closer to the power
corridor try to influence you and (ii) women officers often send requests to postpone
transfer orders on the pretext of family responsibilities. Consider the following situations

and give your views with suitable explanations.
(a) A Cabinet Minister sends a D.O letter to you regarding posting of an official on a
supposedly 'lucrative assignment' for which you have already decided about the
name of a more competent officer with a good track record of honesty, integrity,
probity and timely delivery. What will you do?
(b) As per the rules in your department, every officer needs to be transferred from one

destination to other after three years. A woman officer comes to you with a request
that as the new destination allotted to her is far flung and remote, she would fail
to provide medical treatment to her ageing and sick in-laws who need constant
clinical help. But according to her innate qualities and high level of expertise, the
new destination would need only officer like her to deliver best results and meet
official targets. What will you do?

13. A police officer has been assigned to control petty crimes like snatching, stealing, pick-
pocketing and immodest behavior against passing- by women in a particular locality of
a city dotted by several shanty residential slums with lot of street urchins and extremely
poor and unemployed households. Despite his good and human intentions, he is not able
to control crime in the region. Some people complained to the boss of the police officer
that the concerned police officer is professionally undeserving as he is not able to create
terror among the perpetrators of the crime in the area. He should give third order
punishment to the slum dwellers so that they are deterred once for all from committing
crimes. There is no use of attributes like being sensitive, human and kind in police
service. The officer should be removed soon and replaced by another officer who uses
his powers to scare the criminals. The boss of the police officer, however, finds that the
concerned officer is very dedicated and does his duty with honesty and sensitivity.
Nevertheless he directs the concerned police officer to be tougher on the criminals so
that grievances of the people are addressed soon. The concerned police officer introspects
and he is very confused what to do. His lines of thought are given below. You have to
consider all the options he is thinking and give reasons, which is the better course of
action for him?
(a) Despite his best efforts and sensitive approach, people complained against him, so
he should henceforth act in vengeance against the criminals with very stiff actions
without bothering about human concerns.
[ 2 ] Ethics, Integrity and Aptitude
(b) He should continue to blend stiff but human actions, with a policy of engaging the
street urchins, poor people and women of the slums in the neighborhood in productive
activities, education and participatory security through the help of NGOs and civil
(c) He should be tough police officer and put an end to being swayed by human attitude
towards the criminals if he has to rise in his career.
14. There are various religious and cultural occasions in India when a large number of
people gather to form a big procession which marches from one area of the city for
celebrations and emersion of statues to other areas dominated by people of different
religions and sects. In such cases the possibility of riots and conflicts are very high.
Suppose you are the Police Superintendent in one such area where after Puja (worship),
a procession of a particular community is learnt to have planned to pass through some

streets before emersion of the statue in the river eventually. Answer the following

(a) As Superintendent of Police what will you do if you learn about marching of such
a procession to the areas dominated by other communities which have a record of
(b) Will you completely ban movement of a religious procession in case of apprehension

of a conflict? Give reasons.

(c) In case a conflict takes place during the marching of a procession and a riot like
situation arises, state the steps you would take to keep the situation under control.
15. There is generally a difference between two groups of civil servants- one group always
think in terms of public interest and tries to devise programmes and policies that best

serve the public interest while there is another group, which in the name of public
interest devises programmes and policies which run political campaigns of the government
in power. The Home Minister has called a special meeting of the civil servants to listen
to their problems in serving public interest and find ways for improvement.
Suppose you are in the first group, whose sole concern is public interest and you are
attending the meeting. Answer the following questions based on the above case:
(a) Would you make a point that, it is an intolerable abuse of power to serve the
political campaign of the rulingparty in the name of serving public or national
interest? Why?
(b) Do you agree that civil servants should follow the commands of the ruling class,
which has a compulsion to fulfill commitments expressed in their manifesto based
on which they have won electoral mandates?
(c) How a civil servant can maintain political neutrality, which is one of the most
important attribute of a good officer? Discuss with respect to the above case where
one group of civil servants is fitted against you and they have their own opinion and
reason for such stand.
(d) If your Home Minister is willing to be with the other side, then how willyou present
your case to the Home Minister?
Ethics, Integrity and Aptitude [3]
16. You are an education minister of a state. Recently, lot of reports on how women teachers
of secondary school dresses up came and emphasized that many teachers wear ungracious
and party type of attires against Indian cultural ethos while they are in school. People
from one cultural group meet you and wants you to clear your mind about that to the
public. There is an opinion in air that such things put indelible mark on the impressionable
minds of the adolescent students about 'image of teachers' in general and 'women' in
particular. Public expects something from you in the given situation. Answer the following
questions related to it:
(a) As a minister, when public is expecting something from you, what would you do to
safeguard the Indian cultural ethos regarding teachers and women on dress matters?
(b) You are a minister in official capacity and a public representative, but you must also
have your personal opinion than the public expectations. Do you think that dress is
a matter of personal choice and there should be no official dictate regarding it?

(c) Also can you say that what matter is quality of education and not the type of dress
teachers wear?
(d) There must be views from both the sides, one may go with you and other will
criticize you.
Give arguments for and against the dress code for teachers in schools.
17. There is a dispensary in a rural area. It is the sole medical center in the region and

provides health care facilities to people. But the dispensary is not following the biomedical
rules and disposes a large quantity of waste in its backyard, which is affecting the
health of the nearby people and is also affecting the animals.
You are health inspector of the region and got the complaint related to it. This hospital
is governed by family members of the district collector under which you work. Even
public do not care much about this problem, as this is the sole hospital in that vicinity

and they trust hospital as treatment and hospitality is good. Media and NGO's staff gets
treatment at low charges and sometimes free also. You have already warned hospital
about their responsibility but they don't take you very seriously.
(a) Identify three crucial problems that are obstacle to practical solution. Also discuss
why these are 'crucial problem'.
(b) Find different steps for solution to this problem and argue their capacity to achieve
desired results.
(c) Suggest the best course of action, that can help addressing the problem in this case.
18. There is a village living in fear consistently due to regular case of clash between the two
castes. In a recent incident two young children from a particular caste were burnt alive
and their parents suffered injuries after their home was allegedly set a fire in the deep
winter night.
A special police posting had been made in the village about a year ago after similar
attacks. However this initiative by the administration failed to serve the purpose.
You are a Police Chief of the district that has witnessed this grave incident. After this
incident one group jam the busy highway with the dead bodies of children, and traffic
[ 4 ] Ethics, Integrity and Aptitude
movement is out of gear as highway is busy and suddenly protest started turning into
a mob.
You have asked the local police station to handle the situation but you came to know that
local police is divided as one group belongs to the same caste who is protesting. You fear
that mob may turn violent.
Being Police Chief of the district what steps will you take to control the situation?
Discuss merits and demerits of the various options you have. Which is the best option
and why?
19. You are posted as an IAS officer in a backward district where rural women are often
ostracized, and every time when something bad happens to any villager either at individual
or household level, the blame is often fixed on some women who are generally a most

primitive kind of believer or devotee to some deity. You get one such information, where
the villagers are planning to try a woman and punish her for the death of newly married
couple in a road accident. Such kinds of happenings are described as "witch hunting."
Previous experiences show that when women have been left on the rationality of the
villagers and their kangaroo courts, they are often killed for withcraft.
One day you have received information about witch hunting and possible attack on the
woman said to be a witch, what steps would you take to stop violence and inhuman
behavior against her? State the steps you would take in a sequence.


Ethics, Integrity and Aptitude [5]

The answers are written in form of “Thinking Line” rather than complete answer to place the
aspirant in right thinking direction so that he/she may be able to grasp the requirement of the
question and how to approach the answer in objective and articulated manner. Content,
Context & Structure of the answer will be discussed in the class

Ethics Mock Test Series 2016

Answer Hints: Test No.1



1. (a) What do you mean by self-realization? How the self-realization can help in the
establishment of authentic self?

Thinking line:

• The meaning of self-realization can be explained by understanding the concept of "self". Self
denotes the individual character that distinguishes oneself from others. Every individual is
unique and encompasses different attributes but that attributes have to be utilized properly
to attain a purpose in life.

• Thus for utilizing these attributes self-realization is must. Self-Realization is maturing of the
ego or personality to accept its own evanescence and thus allow space for the true self to

reveal itself. It is analysis of one's weaknesses and strengths. It states that the highest good
for man occur in realizing himself that he has certain inborn abilities constituting his real
or ideal self.

• The self-realization helps in analyzing the pros and cons of one's working properly hence
lead to establishment of authentic self.

1. (b) What is the role of courage in practicing virtue consistently? Do we need courage to

be kind, true, merciful, generous or honest? Why?

Thinking line:

• Courage is the state or quality of mind or spirit that enables a person to face difficulty,
danger, pain or vicissitudes with self-possession without fear.

• Courage is the most important of the virtues, because without it, no other virtue can be
practiced consistently.

• In real life human being always remain in dilemma of maintaining code of ethics in
professional as well as personal life. Moving on ethical path is often risky or difficult beyond
reasonable requirements of following one's duty thus are based on personal commitment.

• This personal commitment comes with courage. For example: To practice honesty a person
must be willing to say things that are sometimes difficult to say.

• Hence courage helps an individual in moving out of one's comfortable zone and held strongly
against the virtues required for living an ethical life. It leads to many rewards, like success,
it gives strength to act more decisively and consistently.

Ethics, Integrity and Aptitude [1]

• Consistency, in a person, is "the state of always being the same in thought, behavior, etc.;
keeping to the same principles, "firmness of character". Person gets compatible with changes
of opinion and learning due to it and take form decisions in life.
2. What is a social sin? Is there any standard definition of it? How can we abstain from social
sins? And if we fail to abstain from so called social sins, what would be the consequences?
Thinking line:
• The social sin applies to every action against justice in interpersonal relationship, committed
either by the individual against the community or by the community against the individual.
There is no effective and standard definition of social sin till date which explicitly interprets
the wider meaning of the term, however, as per its nature it can be defined as "those actions
which are the results of thousands or even millions of different selfish choices by as many
different people and thus is collective, an aspect of our society which doesn't resemble the
kingdom of God".

• A social sin usually involves other people. However in today's changing scenario of the
world have changed the dimensions of social sins which include:
Bioethical violations such as birth control
2. Morally dubious experiments such as stem cell research
3. Drug abuse
4. Polluting the environment

5. Contributing to widening divide between rich and poor

6. Excessive wealth
7. Creating poverty
• For abstaining from the social sin, awareness about the sin and its consequences on oneself

and society is must. This will help an individual in choosing the right path in life.
• The consequences of social sin can be felt at both the individual level as well as the societal
level. For example: corruption is one of the biggest social sins in the present era. Money that
is meant to benefit the people is diverted to the pockets of corrupt government officials and
their conspirators. It can lead to death and damage of property when corrupt government
officials allow corporations to destroy the environment that causes flooding, air pollution,
and climate change.
• Similarly use of biotechnology for cloning or stem cell research have ethical implications as
it contradicts the duty to prevent or alleviate suffering, and the duty to respect the value of
human life.
• Hence people should abstain from involving in social sins.
3. A philosopher said "when I was young I wanted to change the world" and now as I am
mature "I want to change myself". In the light of the above statement answer the following
(a) Why did philosopher say so?

[2] Ethics, Integrity and Aptitude

Thinking line:
• Individual forms the basic element of the society hence to bring changes in the society,
changes at the individual level is more important. Hence the author states that due to
immaturity and outer world individual states to change the world but in the life cycle
process that changes in the society starts at the individual level. Positive changes at individual
level bring positivity to the external world too.
(b) The world does not change much, our perceptions do change. Explain.
Thinking line:
• The world is moving at its own speed, but the perception of ours with respect to it changes
time to time. It is not static because human perception changes according to many factors
and one of these factors is the person's mood.
4. It is commonly accepted that: "don't promise when you are happy, don't answer when you
are angry, and don't decide when you are sad". What is the essence of this statement for

a working civil servant?
Thinking line: OR
• Human beings are always experiencing some type of emotion or feeling within. Their emotional
state varies along the day in function of what happens and of the stimuli that they perceive.
Due to this emotional drive individual get swayed by varied emotions and not able to think
straight and rational.

• Decisions taken under such situation may not be right and the person may have to regret
it later.
• Similarly when an individual is happy he get swayed by the emotions and take decisions
over enthusiastically which he can able to fulfil.
• These golden rules should be followed by the civil servant. He is the visible face of the
government need to act as the bridge between government and citizens.

• Hence he cannot be swayed by the emotions. He should be emotionally intelligent to handle

the decisions in more rational and objective manner.
5. (a) Spontaneity and self-restraint are the two complementary values needed at the workplace.
Explain the importance of both with example.
Thinking line:
• Spontaneity means acting in accordance with a natural feeling, impulse or tendency without
any constant, effort or premeditation. Whereas self-restraint is control on one's action i.e.
working in a planned way rather than in haphazard manner.
• The above stated two are complementary values. But both are important for the maintenance
of healthy and transparent work culture.
• Spontaneity generally has a negative connotation, as it is treated as a sign of flightiness
rather than a valuable asset. But spontaneity helps in analyzing the situation better with free
mind and a fresh mind is an innovative one. Free working can lead to collaborative,
unscheduled brainstorming sessions free of stresses. This can bring positivity both in the
work as well as in work culture.
Ethics, Integrity and Aptitude [3]
• Similarly self-restraint is an important trait must for self improvement and for achieving
success. It is must to maintain discipline and keeps in check self-destructive, addictive,
obsessive and compulsive behavior.
• It strengthens self-esteem, confidence, inner strength, self-mastery and willpower as person
is able to handle the obstacles in an intelligent manner with a sense of emotional quotient.
5. (b) What is the relation between the quality of a work and happiness while doing the
work? What are the main impediments in being happy and how to overcome them?
Thinking line:
• Human beings does not work just for food gathering, buy materialistic things and so on,
work defines the personality of the individual, boost the confidence and self-esteem. This all
depends only when work is taken as vocation rather than a burden. This in turn require
healthy work culture where individuals are respected, given opportunities to advance with
decent pay, and meaningful work assignments that utilize abilities.

• This creates happiness at work which in turn increases the quality of life of an employees
& subordinates, they become more motivated to invest time and effort, and overcome obstacles
when pursuing their career goals, in part because they believe they have more control over
attaining their career goals.
• The impediments of being happy at workplace are negative thinking either related to work
or to the colleagues or inefficiency, Greed, Self-doubt etc., Further more happiness is resulted
into boost up the courage and ability to work effectively. This negates the sense of achievement
which can come by accomplishing the task with happiness.

6. What is the difference between 'appeasement policy' and that of utilitarian principle of
"Maximum good for maximum people"? Explain with appropriate example.
Thinking line:
• Appeasement policy denotes granting of policy favours to the particular person, region or

• Whereas utilitarian principle states to have goal of the procurement of the greatest happiness
for the greatest number of persons.
• The principle objective of both the policy is working for the development of the people,
region or nation but both are differ in the intention.
• The intention of appeasement policy is self-gain either at political level or administrative
• Whereas in the utilitarian principle an action is morally right if its consequences lead to
happiness (absence of pain), and wrong if it ends in unhappiness (pain). The principle is
based on public interest rather than self-gain.
7. Which is more important for moral integrity- the idea of 'live and let live' or 'self- indulgence'?
Why? What is the significance of both the ideas in the real life?
Thinking line:
• Integrity as a whole is a concept of consistency of actions, values, methods, measures,
principles, expectations, and outcomes whereas moral integrity is when an individual belief
in their own moral ethics and have the conviction to stick by them even during times of
[4] Ethics, Integrity and Aptitude
adversity and misfortune. Absolute integrity is a God like situation which is hard to obtain
in present world.
• But the idea of live and let live expresses the ideal of allowing each other to live their lives
as each sees fit whereas the idea of Self-indulgence includes a form of lack of self-control or
undisciplined living which leads to misery and destruction. The intention of the individual
defines the essence of Self indulgence, hence it cannot be bad all the time.
• Hence for establishment of moral integrity the idea of 'live and let live' is more important
because a person whose only principle is just to 'Seek pleasure' cannot maintain integrity
because when there is conflict-between pleasure and principle-integrity could be lost easily.
• But the principle of live and let live should be cautiously practiced which includes leading
an ethical life with disciplined freedom rather than complete freedom from all norms, laws
and conscience.
• This principle is important for self development as it provides symbolizes individual freedom
enabling people to develop their inner natures and capacities but an individual should

refrain from any action or habit that impairs life and produces weakness and disease.
8. Can ethics solve the problem of poverty and hunger in India? Analyze.
Thinking line:
• Poverty and hunger have been a universal and increasing menace to humankind. There are
many inter-related issues that cause hunger and poverty that are related to socio-economic
and other factors. A large proportion of people have very limited access to income, resources,
education, health care and nutrition.

• The problem of hunger arises, more often than not, not from the non-availability of food; but
from the inaccessibility of the available food
• There is no doubt, such failures are not because of scarcity of resource, but because of lack
of moral responsibility. Target of these initiatives are not reaching the beneficiaries.
• Corruption is a very serious social and societal evil as it generates economic distortions in

the public sector by diverting public investment into capital projects where bribes and kickbacks
are more plentiful. Corruption reduces the quality of government services and infrastructure,
and increases budgetary pressures on government.
• Being moral and ethical can help us to offer a dignified treatment to the poor and the
hungry. Ethics teaches to provide them their human rights by following one's ethical duty
towards them.
9. What is goodness? Does it help in achieving our personal and professional goals in the real
world? What are the disadvantages of goodness? Should we be deterred by disadvantages
of goodness.
Thinking line:
• Goodness means the quality of being good. Goodness is virtue and holiness in action. It
displays integrity, honesty and compassion to others and allows us to do the right thing.
• Goodness takes our virtue and excellence and models it to others in the action of love. It is
doing the right thing even when it does not feel like we should.
• Such goodness can be expressed in many ways as needed by beneficiaries - intentional acts
of kindness, helping and volunteering, empathic listening, compassion as affective empathy
Ethics, Integrity and Aptitude [5]
in response to suffering, creativity, forgiveness, loyalty, mentoring, respect, and justice in
access to the decent minimum of the those things without which a life is unsustainable.
• It is the character that makes people liked and even lovable by others. It build relationships
of trust and self respect.
• But in the modern times there are few disadvantages of being good. Being good is not bad
per se but the way society approaches nice people, is bad. Also the definition of goodness
and success has been changed.

• The general feeling in society is that if someone is too nice, that's a sign of weakness. Further
being good to others make the person forgets to be nice to oneself. A lot of 'too nice' people
get trapped in a toxic friendship. This is not the sign of weakness , it is just that emotion
and sympathy is llosing its value in present life.

• But 'stop being too nice' advice doesn't work because person is nice by choice for self
satisfaction and contentment rather than show off. Hence opening the mind and analyzing

the intention of other is more important than changing oneself.
10. What is a role model? How are role models made? Illustrate and analyse how do role
models influence virtues, morals and ethics in a society?
Thinking line:

• A role model is a person whose behavior, example, or success is or can be emulated by

others, especially by younger people. True role models are those who possess the qualities
that we would like to have and those who have affected us in a way that makes us want

to be better people.
• People who show passion for their work and have the capacity to infect others with their
passion, are other-focused as opposed to self-focused, have capability to handle adverse
situations and live virtuous life become role models for others.
• Hence Role models are those who shows vision and strong relationship built on trust.

• Role models are important because they help guide people in the right direction as they
make life decisions, they provide inspiration and support when needed, and they provide
examples of how to live a fulfilling, happy life. When observing the behavior, decisions or
actions of a role model, individuals learn how to display positive personality characteristics
and moral traits.
• Role models can be your parents, friends or any great personality. Generally people see role
models in famous personalities. But more important is how an individual incorporate the
qualities in one's life by imitating the role models.
11. Given are three quotations of moral thinkers/philosophers. For each of these, bring out what
it means to you in the present context?
(a) It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society.
Thinking line:
• The quote states that health (quality of individual) is accessed by how well they integrate
and get along with society. The adjustment capability of the individual is acknowledged but
if the society itself is sick, then getting along well and integrating with them does not make
individual good.
[6] Ethics, Integrity and Aptitude
• For example in few villages of Punjab, Haryana and Rajasthan female infanticide are very
much prevalent. If people have got adapted to it then it cannot said to be ethical.
(b) Do not let selfish men or greedy interests skin your country of its beauty, its riches or
its romance.
Thinking line:
• Greediness is defined as having or showing a strong or excessive desire to acquire money or
possess things, especially wishing to possess more than what one needs or deserves. Greediness
makes the person highly selfish which has its own consequences and causes. Selfishness
makes the person over-emphasized for personal gain by any means.
• However, greediness has both positive as well as negative consequences. Being greedy for the
benefit of larger masses can be termed as positive one (as the act of Buddha and Gandhi for
the liberation of masses), whereas, the same for individual and personal benefit or gain can
be termed as negative (as the act of Karna in Mahabharata).

• The fast changing world and the concept of modernization bring in every individual the
desire to gain more for easy and prosperous life. However, the reality is entirely different
which never require material possession rather the balanced possession for peaceful,
prosperous and happy life.
• The modern world is facing the Increasing pace of terrorism, insurgency and armed rebellion
due to some or other reasons having vested interests of some greedy or selfish people as for
them the material possession is of highly important. Disturbing communal harmony & hate
speech, tax evasion, huge deposition of black money by our own countrymen under the

influence of some or other are all examples of peeling off the beauty of the country of its
richness and romance and making it vulnerable.
• Being selfish for personal gain by putting the interest of the country at the stake is not at
all tolerable and acceptable. Nation is of prime importance for identity of the individual, its
protection and survival. Ruining its resources and facilities rather than cherishing, admiring
and taking positive benefits out of it is not in the interest of nation.

12. You are officer in charge for transfer and posting of personnel of a particular department.
This position is very difficult mainly for two reasons- (i) people closer to the power corridor
try to influence you and (ii) women officers often send requests to postpone transfer orders
on the pretext of family responsibilities. Consider the following situations and give your
views with suitable explanations.
(a) A Cabinet Minister sends a D.O letter to you regarding posting of an official on a
supposedly 'lucrative assignment' for which you have already decided about the name
of a more competent officer with a good track record of honesty, integrity, probity and
timely delivery. What will you do?
Thinking line:
• Administrative job is for the welfare of the people. Hence the competent person should be
placed in the post.
• Generally D.O letters should be honoured within the range of laws, rules and regulation as
well as suitability for the job.

Ethics, Integrity and Aptitude [7]

• But in no case an inefficient and corrupt person should be offered a position for which better
options are available because doing so would not be in the interest of the nation or for the
larger benefit of the people.
• Saying no with humility is an art and also a matter of uprightness.
(b) As per the rules in your department, every officer needs to be transferred from one
destination to other after three years. A woman officer comes to you with a request
that as the new destination allotted to her is far flung and remote, she would fail to
provide medical treatment to her ageing and sick in-laws who need constant clinical
help. But according to her innate qualities and high level of expertise, the new destination
would need only officer like her to deliver best results and meet official targets. What
will you do?
Thinking line:
• The woman is first an 'officer' for the HR department and later a 'home maker'. She should
be transferred to the assignment for which she is most suited. But one of the basic principles

of modern HR management is also to take care of the human and personal concerns of the
officers while doing transfer and posting.

The human and personal concerns, however, have a secondary consideration as long as it
is in conflict with professional requirements.
• But the officers who have such concerns as education of children or clinical treatment of
parents must be offered retention of quarters or allowance for travel when required or any
other incentive or support, but work cannot be allowed to suffer because of personal reasons.

13. A police officer has been assigned to control petty crimes like snatching, stealing, pick-
pocketing and immodest behavior against passing- by women in a particular locality of a
city dotted by several shanty residential slums with lot of street urchins and extremely
poor and unemployed households. Despite his good and human intentions, he is not able to
control crime in the region. Some people complained to the boss of the police officer that
the concerned police officer is professionally undeserving as he is not able to create terror
among the perpetrators of the crime in the area. He should give third order punishment to

the slum dwellers so that they are deterred once for all from committing crimes. There is
no use of attributes like being sensitive, human and kind in police service. The officer should
be removed soon and replaced by another officer who uses his powers to scare the criminals.
The boss of the police officer, however, finds that the concerned officer is very dedicated and
does his duty with honesty and sensitivity. Nevertheless he directs the concerned police
officer to be tougher on the criminals so that grievances of the people are addressed soon.
The concerned police officer introspects and he is very confused what to do. His lines of
thought are given below. You have to consider all the options he is thinking and give
reasons, which is the better course of action for him?
(a) Despite his best efforts and sensitive approach, people complained against him, so he
should henceforth act in vengeance against the criminals with very stiff actions without
bothering about human concerns.
Thinking line:
• In the above case people are angry due to continuous occurrence of petty crimes and crimes
against women. Hence they want quick justice and freedom from crime.
• Thus they are justified in asking for strict actions against the criminals (mainly in slum
dwellers), but the basic principles of humanity should be followed while taking actions.
[8] Ethics, Integrity and Aptitude
• All the slum dwellers cannot be portrayed as criminals.
• The functioning of the government is changing from being police state to welfare state thus
the rule of land should be followed even in taking actions against the criminals.
(b) He should continue to blend stiff but human actions, with a policy of engaging the
street urchins, poor people and women of the slums in the neighborhood in productive
activities, education and participatory security through the help of NGOs and civil
Thinking line:
• Poverty is often perpetuated as the reason of increment in crime in the society. Hence the
officer should initiate skill development and education facilities in the locality to channelize
their energy in the right direction.
• The proper blending of carrot and stick approach should be done. Criminals should be
placed behind the bars alongwith that government should initiate welfare activities with the

help of NGOs and civil societies.
• He should focus on local problem solving, developmental and welfare activities, crime
preventive education and developing good relations with the community.
• Beat Officers System (BOS) can be initiated, which can built good rapport with the community,
led to greater transparency and officers having a greater sense of accountability and
(c) He should be tough police officer and put an end to being swayed by human attitude
towards the criminals if he has to rise in his career.

Thinking line:
• Being a tough police officer does not specify putting an end to human emotions; it is being
honest and upright in all circumstances.
• The officer should work according to rules and regulations and take strict actions against the

• This should not be done with the sole purpose of career advancement but for the welfare
of the people.
• Crime rates can come down considerably because of a direct policing approach and the
community’s participation.
14. There are various religious and cultural occasions in India when a large number of people
gather to form a big procession which marches from one area of the city for celebrations
and emersion of statues to other areas dominated by people of different religions and sects.
In such cases the possibility of riots and conflicts are very high. Suppose you are the Police
Superintendent in one such area where after Puja (worship), a procession of a particular
community is learnt to have planned to pass through some streets before emersion of the
statue in the river eventually. Answer the following questions?
(a) As Superintendent of Police what will you do if you learn about marching of such a
procession to the areas dominated by other communities which have a record of mistrust?
Thinking line:
• But Maintenance of public order and the rule of law is a key function of the police. Hence
following steps can be taken:
Ethics, Integrity and Aptitude [9]
1. Maintaining communication with the leaders of both the communities to avoid the clashes.
2. Deployment of large force so that any adverse situation can be handled properly.
(b) Will you completely ban movement of a religious procession in case of apprehension of
a conflict? Give reasons.
Thinking line:
• Total ban of religion proceedings are not feasible as it may incite the violence and hurt the
sentiments of the people.
• Police should work in partnership with the society and maintain law and order.
• If there is any concrete information of the mis-happening or about the miscreants then the
religious procession can be diverted or extra police protection may be provided.
(c) In case a conflict takes place during the marching of a procession and a riot like
situation arises, state the steps you would take to keep the situation under control.

Thinking line: OR
• The steps which can be taken are:
1. Arresting the miscreants as a preventive step.
2. Deployment of forces (women also) to provide protection to the vulnerable.
3. Use of mild force at the first instance and if required extra force can be deployed.

4. To avoid any mis-happening curfew may be placed.

15. There is generally a difference between two groups of civil servants- one group always
think in terms of public interest and tries to devise programmes and policies that best serve
the public interest while there is another group, which in the name of public interest devises
programmes and policies which run political campaigns of the government in power. The
Home Minister has called a special meeting of the civil servants to listen to their problems

in serving public interest and find ways for improvement.

Suppose you are in the first group, whose sole concern is public interest and you are
attending the meeting. Answer the following questions based on the above case:
(a) Would you make a point that, it is an intolerable abuse of power to serve the political
campaign of the rulingparty in the name of serving public or national interest? Why?
Thinking line:
• Yes, I would try to make this point.
• The civil servants are public servants and not political agents. All the powers and privileges
bestowed on them are not rewards for any hierarchical or feudal position ascribed to them
but it is because of their duty to serve the public interest.
• There may be possibility of synchronization between public interest and political campaign
of the ruling dispensation, but doing it overtly is not only ugly, but also sets a bad precedent
among other civil servants who also try to side with the political campaigns of political
parties which suites them.
• It compromises political neutrality of the civil servants as well.
[10] Ethics, Integrity and Aptitude
(b) Do you agree that civil servants should follow the commands of the ruling class, which
has a compulsion to fulfill commitments expressed in their manifesto based on which
they have won electoral mandates?
Thinking line:
• Ideally they should follow the orders and commands of their political bosses. Any
disagreement between the political and ruling class would hamper the public interest.
• They should go hand in hand to meet the aspirations of the people and fulfill their duties
and commitments toward them.
• Ruling dispensation has a moral obligation to fulfill their commitments and promises to
public. They rely for this on the civil servants. So there must be a bond of trust between
• However problems arises when the ruling elite in the government starts taking the civil

servants for granted and start misusing them to cajole their own people and serve their own
political interest rather than the public interest.

In such a case the civil servant should give precedent and priority to the public interest and
be guided by the blue book and the charter of their duties rather than political dictates.
(c) How a civil servant can maintain political neutrality, which is one of the most important
attribute of a good officer? Discuss with respect to the above case where one group of
civil servants is fitted against you and they have their own opinion and reason for such

Thinking line:
• A civil servant should follow his charter of duties, blue book, constitutional obligation and
conscience and try to implement the policies of the government of the day to maintain the
political neutrality.
• However, compliance of the duty demands more than merely compliance of law.

• Governments and political parties come and go but the civil servants remain in their position
for a long time. Seeking political umbrella for using power and privileges for maximizing
own interest should be avoided at any cost.
• Public interest should always come first and good causes should be pursued with courage
and conviction. The stand taken by the civil servants must be backed by sound principles
and rationale rather than personal gain or fear from the political class.
(d) If your Home Minister is willing to be with the other side, then how willyou present
your case to the Home Minister?
Thinking line:
• As suggested above the points should be highlighted in all humility but firmness.
• Polite and humble but firm and resolute attitude should be the approach.
• Making a point with grace, respect and concern for the minister, government and public
always helps. Working for the long them interest is always better than to serve the short
term political interest which may be called public interest.
Ethics, Integrity and Aptitude [11]
16. You are an education minister of a state. Recently, lot of reports on how women teachers
of secondary school dresses up came and emphasized that many teachers wear ungracious
and party type of attires against Indian cultural ethos while they are in school. People from
one cultural group meet you and wants you to clear your mind about that to the public.
There is an opinion in air that such things put indelible mark on the impressionable minds
of the adolescent students about 'image of teachers' in general and 'women' in particular.
Public expects something from you in the given situation. Answer the following questions
related to it:
(a) As a minister, when public is expecting something from you, what would you do to
safeguard the Indian cultural ethos regarding teachers and women on dress matters?
Thinking line:
• Dress code is a matter of discipline as well as cultural ethos and identity. The Minister
should suggest the stakeholders to seek a consensus with regard to these.
• He should not, however, interfere either with the choice of institutions or individuals.

• It is about a process to sensitize people regarding Indian cultural ethos as well as sanctity
of schools as a public place.
(b) You are a minister in official capacity and a public representative, but you must also
have your personal opinion than the public expectations. Do you think that dress is a
matter of personal choice and there should be no official dictate regarding it?
Thinking line:

• As a personal opinion, dress is a matter of personal choice.

• Rather than prohibition to people to choose their dresses, it is better to promote self-discipline
with the help of education and awareness.
(c) Also can you say that what matter is quality of education and not the type of dress
teachers wear?

Thinking line:
• Education is a whole package of knowledge, skill and good social values and ethics. So all
these matter.
(d) There must be views from both the sides, one may go with you and other will criticize

Give arguments for and against the dress code for teachers in schools.
Thinking line:
• Arguments for dress code are based on protection of culture and instilling ethical and moral
values, especially regarding how to dress in public or places which have special sanctity.
• The other side of argument comes for the idea of freedom and liberty as well as privacy of
the individuals.
17. There is a dispensary in a rural area. It is the sole medical center in the region and provides
health care facilities to people. But the dispensary is not following the biomedical rules and
disposes a large quantity of waste in its backyard, which is affecting the health of the
nearby people and is also affecting the animals.
[12] Ethics, Integrity and Aptitude
You are health inspector of the region and got the complaint related to it. This hospital is
governed by family members of the district collector under which you work. Even public do
not care much about this problem, as this is the sole hospital in that vicinity and they trust
hospital as treatment and hospitality is good. Media and NGO's staff gets treatment at
low charges and sometimes free also. You have already warned hospital about their
responsibility but they don't take you very seriously.
(a) Identify three crucial problems that are obstacle to practical solution. Also discuss
why these are 'crucial problem'.
Thinking line:
• Such problems arise because of 'indifference' of the hospital administration, failure of the
relevant agencies to fulfill their duties such as cleaning and waste management department
and law enforcement agencies and also whistleblowers and lastly lack of 'awareness among
the people about the ill effects of such a poor management of clinical wastes.
• It needs to be rectified at all levels. It is crucial because it has ill effects on the health of

residents in the surrounding and also because it indicates failures of all agencies in
(b) Find different steps for solution to this problem and argue their capacity to achieve
desired results.
Thinking line:
• As suggested above all the concerned agencies should be made socially and legally responsible
and accountable for failure of their duties.

• In the course of action, there may be need for hard actions but things should start from
sensitization to all the agencies involved.
(c) Suggest the best course of action, that can help addressing the problem in this case.
Thinking line:

• The action should comprise of a set of actions based on corporate ethics, citizenry awareness,
compliance of law and active fulfillment of the duties by all the agencies including the
media. No agency or public should be just being happy with paltry benefits that hospital
brings to them. Public health is a serious issue.
18. There is a village living in fear consistently due to regular case of clash between the two
castes. In a recent incident two young children from a particular caste were burnt alive and
their parents suffered injuries after their home was allegedly set a fire in the deep winter
A special police posting had been made in the village about a year ago after similar attacks.
However this initiative by the administration failed to serve the purpose.
You are a Police Chief of the district that has witnessed this grave incident. After this
incident one group jam the busy highway with the dead bodies of children, and traffic
movement is out of gear as highway is busy and suddenly protest started turning into a
You have asked the local police station to handle the situation but you came to know that
local police is divided as one group belongs to the same caste who is protesting. You fear
that mob may turn violent.
Ethics, Integrity and Aptitude [13]
Being Police Chief of the district what steps will you take to control the situation?
Discuss merits and demerits of the various options you have. Which is the best option and
Thinking line:
• The steps which can be taken are:
1. Without targeting any particular community, negotiation with the victims' family should be
done to console them and to handle the situation without provoking it to the new high.
2. Steps need to be taken to handle the traffic chaos as it may impact the movement of daily
commuters and distribution of essential commodities.
3. After handling the traffic chaos the leaders of both the communities should be persuaded
to stop the incitement of violence.
4. As the police force is divided on the caste basis thus fulfillment of one's duty should be

emphasized but this cannot be done by carrot or stick, proper motivation is required.
5. For the maintenance of peace in the long term the police should be instructed to keep
constant vigil on those with criminal background. Suspicious activities would be inquired
6. Steps should be taken to set up more women constables to control the increasing atrocities
on women and children.

19. You are posted as an IAS officer in a backward district where rural women are often
ostracized, and every time when something bad happens to any villager either at individual
or household level, the blame is often fixed on some women who are generally a most
primitive kind of believer or devotee to some deity. You get one such information, where the
villagers are planning to try a woman and punish her for the death of newly married couple
in a road accident. Such kinds of happenings are described as "witch hunting." Previous
experiences show that when women have been left on the rationality of the villagers and

their kangaroo courts, they are often killed for withcraft.

One day you have received information about witch hunting and possible attack on the
woman said to be a witch, what steps would you take to stop violence and inhuman
behavior against her? State the steps you would take in a sequence.
Thinking line:
• Witch hunting-related crime has many angles. More than the killing, the victims are subjected
to abject humiliation, social ostracisation and torture. Incidents like severe beating, parading
naked, feeding of excreta or chained to posts are common.
• As the above stated situation is more related to the sentiments of the people hence simply
placing the laws may not work, the officer has to work in emotional intelligent manner with
strong force of persuasion.
• The foremost action would be to get the firsthand knowledge about the reasons behind the
labeling of witch to the particular women, in the meanwhile provide the police protection
to her.
• After gaining knowledge about the reasons talk with the gram panchayat head and persuade
him to handle the situation according to the constitution rather than kangaroo courts.
[14] Ethics, Integrity and Aptitude
• In the meanwhile call the women constable also so that in case of protest situation can be
handled properly.
• Arrest the suspected persons under the preventive detention and provide police protection
to the women till the case get solved.
• But in the long term initiate an awareness drive against the witch hunting, laws related to
it. Increase education drive also.


Ethics, Integrity and Aptitude [15]

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