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The Quantitative Determination of Rutin in Different Glycerinic Plant Extracts

by Solid-Phase Extraction and Thin-Layer Chromatography with

Article  in  JPC - Journal of Planar Chromatography - Modern TLC · January 1999


11 118

4 authors, including:

Cobzac Simona Codruta Neli-Kinga Olah

Babeş-Bolyai University

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The Quantitative of Rutinin Different
GlycerinicPlantExtractsby Solid-PhaseExtraction
and Thin-LayerChromatography with Densitometry
Simona Cobzac, Gabriela Cimpan, Neli Olah, and Simion Gocan*

Key Words:

Plant extracts, glycerinic
Ribes nigrum
Sorbus domestica
Tilia tomentosa

Summary Thin-layer chromatography and densitometry are wide-

The quantitative determination of rutin from Ribesnigrum, Sorbus spreadmethodsfor the quantitativedeterminationof alka-
domestica, and Tilia tomentosaglycerinic plant extracts has been loids [6-8], glycosides[9], flavones110-12],and other com-
performed by TlC-densitometry. Solid-phase extraction (SPE) pounds from plant extracts 173,141.Alcoholic extracts or
was used to separatethe glycerinefrom the plant extracts studied. alcoholic extracts containing glycerine are also used for
The SPE recoveryof rutin was 100.4Vqi.e. loss of the substanceof therapeutic purposes.Glycerinic plant extracts cannot be
interest was negligible. Silica gel 60Frroplates were scannedat l = analyzed directly by thin-layer chromatography because
260 nm (U[ fluorescencequenching), and at I -- 440 nm (visible glycerine hinders the separation.Glycerine should, there-
region) after spraying with 2-aminoethyldiphenylborinate.Similar fore, be removedfrom the plant extractsamplebefore TLC
results obtained from the use of these two methods of detection.
This paper reportsthe quantitativeanalysisof rutin in three
glycerinic plant extracts - from Ribes nigntm,,Tilia tomen-
1 Introduction tosa, and Sorbusdomestica.It is known from the literature
that theseplants contain rutin [16]. Glycerinewas separat-
Although plant extractsare widely usedin homeopathicmed-
ed from the samplesby solid-phaseextraction (SPE). The
icine, for the treatment of different diseases,the control of
retained compoundswere eluted from the cartridge with
these drugs is often performed by qualitative analysis,
methanol, and the solution obtained was analyzed by
becausethe composition of a plant extract is very complex
and not always completely known. The quality control of
commercialplant extractsfollows the proceduredescribedin
the Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia[1], involving the so-called
'fingerprint'method which is, in fact, separationby thin-layer 2 Experimental
chromatography.A photographof the obtained separationis
The Ribes nigrum, Tilia tomentosa, and Sorbus domestica
usuallyattachedto the analysiscertificate,and the separated
plant extracts were obtained from Plantextrakt (Radaia,
spots should have the same pattern as described in the
Cluj, Romania) as solutionsin ethanol containing50Voglyc-
Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia[1]. The colors of the spots
erine. For analysisof the samplesby TLC glycerinewas sep-
and their position relative to standardsubstancesare impor-
arated from the extractsby solid-phaseextraction.
tant characteristicsof plant extracts[2]. Quantitative analysis
is seldom applied in this field and only spectrophotometryis
includedin the pharmacopoeias [3-5]. 2.1 Solid-PhaseExtraction
Glycerinic plant extract (1 mL) was diluted to 70 mL with
1% (vlv) methanol in water. SPE was performed on
Supelclean Envi-18 cartridges (Supelco, Bellefonte, PA,
S. Cobzac,G. Cimpan, N. Olah, and S. Gocan, 'Babeg-Bolyai'University,
Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Analytical Chemistry
USA). The cartridges were conditioned by passage of
Department, 11 Arany JanosStreet, 3400 Cluj-Napoca,Romania. methanol (5 mL) and IVo (u/u) methanol in water (5 mL).

leee Journalof PlanarChromatography
QuantitativeTLC of Rutin in Plant Extracts

The sampleswere passedthrough the cartridge at 10 mL

min*r, enablingretention of the componentson the adsor-
bent. The cartridge was then washed with l% (vlv)
methanol in water (5 mL), to remove nonselectively
retainedcompounds,and the cartridgewas dried in a gentle
air stream.The retained compoundswere eluted from the
cartridge with methanol acidified to pH 3.5 with HCI
(5 mL). The solventwas evaporatedfrom the eluate at 40"C
and the residue was dissolvedin methanol (1 mL). This
samplewasusedfor TLC separationand quantitativedeter-
mination of rutin bv densitometrv.

2.2 Determinationof SPE Recovery

Rutin was obtained from Fluka (Sigma-Aldrich Chemie Figure 1

GmbH, Steinheim,Germany).The SPE recoverywas deter- The structure of rutin.

mined by useof a standardsolutionof rutin (5.1mg rutin in

10 mL ethanol).This solution (1 mL) was mixed with glyc-
erine (1 mL) and the mixture was diluted to 70 mLwith lVo
(r.,/u)methanol in water. This solution was applied to the
SupelcleanEnvi-18 cartridge [previouslyconditioned with
methanol(5 mL) and77o(u/u)methanolin water (5 mL)] at
10 mL min-r. After compound retention the cartridge was
washedwith 1% (vlv) methanol in water (5 mL) and the
retained rutin was then eluted from the cartridge with
methanolacidifiedto pH 3.5 with HCI (5 mL).The solvent
was evaporatedfrom the eluate at 40'C and the residuewas
dissolvedin methanol (1 mL). This sample was used to o . tl,iL:)

determinethe recovervof rutin bv SPE.

-Cj . +!,,,.

2.3 Thin-LayerChromatography
TLC was performed on 10 cm X 10 cm silica gel 60F,ro II
plates (Merck, Darmstadt, Germany). The samples _._l
^ -F i-i r-r I1

processedby SPE were applied as spots,5 pL spot-r.1.5cm I

from the bottom edge of the plate, by use of a Desaga -, -t,-,,',
' ' 1i
AS-30 automated applicator.The mobile phase was ethyl {

acetate-formicacid-water,80 : 10 : 10 (vlv\, and the devel-
opment distancewas 8 cm. The plates were developedin
normal chamberspreviouslyequilibratedfor 30 min. After
developmentthe plates were dried in a gentle air stream
and then scannedin UV light at ), : 260 nm, by meansof a
reflectancemode. The plates were also scannedin visible
light at ), = 440 nm after sprayingwith a methanolic solu-
tion of 2-aminoethyldiphenylborinate (1%, vlv).

3 Resultsand Discussion
The structure of rutin is shown in Figure 1. The densito-
grams obtained from the extracts of the Ribes nigrum,
Sorbusdomestica,and Tilia tomentosasamples(prepared by
SPE before TLC), are shownin Figures2 and 3. The densi- 'r. !_r'-r j-r. ,_,,_' _au. i-rLJ , 15. i'r:r

tograms obtained from the plant extracts are overlapped Figure 2

with those obtained from a standard solution of rutin to The densitograms obtained by fluorescence quenching (,t = 260 nm) from the
enableidentificationof rutin by Ro value. extracts of (a) Ribes nigrum, (b) Sorbus domestica, and (c) Tilia tomentosa.

Journalof PlanarChromatography VOL. 12.JANUARY/FEBRUARY

1999 27
QuantitativeTLC of Rutin in Plant Extracts

Figure 4

The linear calibration plot for rutin, l = 260 nm (eq. (1).

Figure 3

The densitograms obtained at l = 44O nm, after spraying with 2-amino-

ethyfdiphenylborinate, from the extracts of (a) Ribes nigrum, (b) Sorbus domes-
tica, and (cl Tilia tornentosa.

The efficiency of recovery of rutin by SPE was very good,

100.4Vo.The experimentswere performedon rutin standard
solution,and the reported value is the mean of resultsfrom
three experiments.
The calibrationcurye for rutin includes 12 area valuescor-
responding to concentrationswithin the range 0.135-
2.55p,gspofr.Eachspotwasappliedin duplicateand scanned
three times; mean areaswere used to constructthe calibra- Figure 5
tion curve. Figure 4 showsthe linear calibration curvesfor The linear calibration plot for rutin, .tr= 440 nm (eq. (2)).
rutin, obtainedby densitometryat z\ : 260 nm. Eq. (1) is the
calibrationcurye from Figure 4.
dard error, and r is the correlation coefficient for 957o
A :2618.r(*t+21.0) + 18104.3(-r935.trr (1)
sa o: 640. 5, s ar
: 44 2 .1 ,s: 1 .2 2 0 ,r: 0 .9 9 7
Figure 5 showsthe calibration curve for rutin at i : 440 nm
where ,4 is the scanned area, c is the concentrationof after spraying the plate with methanolic 2-aminoethyl-
rutin (g spot-'), so,,and sal are the standarderrors of the diphenylborinate(IVo,vlv). Eq. (2) is the linear calibration
intercepta0 and the slopear, respectively,s is the fit stan- curve (the symbolshave the samesignificanceas for eq. (1):

lsss Journalof PlanarChromatography
QuantitativeTLC of Rutin in Plant Extracts

A = 1188.6(629s1.6)
+ 291s7.6(62037.6)c (2) References

suo= 7324.8,sa1
: 974.5,s= 2524,r: 0.995
l1] Homoopathisches
Arzneibuch,Frankfurt,Vol. l, 1978;Vol. II,
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t : 260 nm (fluorescencequenching),and at .,\ = 440 nm
after sprayingthe plate with 2-aminoethyldiphenylborinate, [2] H. Wagne4S. Bladt, and M. Zgainski,Drogen Analyse. Dr"inn-
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Springer,Berlin, 1983.
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formed at .,\: 260 nm. This can be explainedby the higher ApothekerVerlag,Stuttgart,1991.
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Formulas 18, United States PharmacopoeialConvention,
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Thble 1.
t-5] Romanian Pharmacopoeia,Edilia X, Editura Medicala,
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2l (lee3)45s.
), : 260 nm ), : 440 nm
l7l O. Paruuis,VB. Stric'ht,R. Vanhaelen-Fastre,
andM. Vanhaelen,
Tilia tomentosa 0.043-f 0.003 0.040-r 0.004 J. PlanarChromatogr.7 (1994)80.
Sorbusdomestica 0.045+ 0.003 0.050-1_0.004
Ribes nigrum 0.067-f 0.002 0.070| 0.003 [8] E. Soc'zewifiskl
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tures, as plant extracts,can be performed rapidly and with
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extract containsglycerine,this should be removed by SPE. PlantaMedica58 (1992)544.
Samplepreparationby SPE leadsto negligiblelossesof the
substanceof interest, becauseof the good recovery.The U2)A. Pieroni,D. Heimler,and Y Huung, J. Planar Chromatogr. 11
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Acknowledgments 114lG. MaQsik, J. Kowalslq,, H. Strzelec'ka,and E. Soc'zewifiski,

J. PlanarChromatogr.T(1994)129.
The authors are grateful to ProfessorNel Velthorst(Free
University,Amsterdam, The Netherlands)for donation of
[ 1 s ]S. Gocan and.S.Cctbzac,Revistade Chimie 47 (1996) 54.
the Shimadzu CS-9000 scanner, and to the Plantextrakt
Company (Radaia,Cluj, Romania) for kindly providing the lt 6l M ax Wi c'ht/, Teedrogen, Wissenschaftl iche Verlagsgese
glycerinicplant extracts. mbH, Stuttgart,Germany,1989.

Ms received:November12, 1998
Acceptedby SN: November24,1998

Journalof PlanarChromatography V O L .1 2 .J A N U A R Y / F E B R U A1R9Y9 9 29

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