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Dear TRiO Alum:

I would like to invite you to become a part of the South Carolina TRiO Alumni Association (SCTAA). SCTAA
is an association for persons who have previously participated in one of the TRiO programs in South Carolina.
We are here to provide a network of social and professional support for fellow members to further enlighten
public awareness of the needs of disadvantaged students and to provide a mechanism for former TRiO
participants to voice support and advocacy for legislation, which provides equal access and opportunity for low-
income, first-generation college, and physically challenged students.

The benefits to being a member include:

- Access to state alumni news
- Networking opportunities with other alumni
- A SCTAA directory with a listing of personnel names
- An opportunity to serve and give back to the TRiO community
- Advocacy for enrolled and future TRiO students
- And much, much more!!

To become a member, complete the SCTAA Membership Intake Form. Send in your annual dues of $10 along
with your form. SCTAA annual dues are waived the first year for recent high school, and college graduates. We
have a lot of events planned in the future, and we would love for you to become a part of the TRiO family once

Best regards,
Dorlisa Damon
Dorlisa Damon, President

SCTAA Officers

President Vice President Immediate Past President

Dorlisa Damon Catherine Warrren Joleesa Johnson

Treasurer Secretary Past President

Tamika Eugene-Brown Marquita Gaines Tara Holoman

Media Relations Chair Technology Coordinator

Antjuan Seawright Jim Oree
Membership Intake Form
Provided information will be used only to compile a membership database for use by the South Carolina
TRiO Alumni Association (SCTAA) and for event planning purposes. SCTAA annual dues are $10.00. The
fiscal year runs from September 1 thru August 31. Please make check or money order payable to the
South Carolina TRiO Alumni Association or SCTAA.

You are a: TRiO Alumna(us) Friend of TRiO

If you are a TRiO Alumna(us), of which TRiO program are you an alumna(us)?

Dates of Participation: From To _

Month/Year Month/Year
College/Location of Program:
(Name of College) (City and State)

Section I—Biographical Information

Name: (Last Name)

(First Name) (MI) (Maiden Name)

Address: (Street,
include apt. #) (City) (Zip Code)

Home Telephone: ( ) Alternate Telephone: ( )_

Email Address: Date of Birth:

Gender: □ Male □ Female

Martial Status: □ Single □ Married No. of Children:
Race: □ Black □ White □ Asian □ Native American □ Latino □ Multiracial □ Other

Section II—Educational Information

Are you currently a student?□ Yes □ No

If yes, please provide name of college, location and program of study.

List colleges in which you have received a degree or certificate.

Name of College (Location) (Degree Earned/Program of Study)

Name of College (Location) (Degree Earned/Program of Study)

Name of College (Location) (Degree Earned/Program of Study)

Section III—Employment Information

Are you employed? □ Yes □ No

If employed, current place of employment:

Location: Title:
(City and State)

Section IV—Participation Level Information

Are you interested in serving on a committee of the SCTAA? □ Yes □ No

Are you interested in helping SCTAA plan special events? □ Yes □ No

Are you interested in sharing your graduate school and/or work experience with current and/or potential
TRiO participants? □ Yes □ No

Are you interested in being on the SCTAA mail and e-mail lists? □ Yes □ No

Are you interested in advocating for TRiO at the state, or national level? □ Yes □ No

Section V—Tracking Information

Please give the names, addresses and phone numbers of two people who will always know how to reach

Name Relationship Address Phone Number

Please return intake form along with check or money order to:

South Carolina TRiO Alumni Association (SCTAA)

Tamika Eugene-Brown
921 Ribaut Rd./P.O. Box 1288
Beaufort, SC 29940

For More Information, Contact:

Dorlisa Damon, President, SCTAA For Office Use Only
1 (803) 777-3817 (office number) Date Received:
1 (803) 777-6395 (fax number)
Payment: C MO



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